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The creative entrepreneur.

Worksheet Competences 2 pages

Fill in worksheet page 1
Tick boxes worksheet page 2
Photograph page 1 and page 2 and upload the 2 pictures on the Weebly.
School Don Bosco International School
Names of group members
1 Jyotiraditya Dharap

2 Viraj Lochab

3 Dhruvi Chedda

4 Mikhail Lobo

5 Liam Fernandes & Sheldon D’Souza

Which of the competences of young creative entrepreneurs has the group acquired the most during the
past months?
The competences of the project ‘The creative entrepreneur’ (col.1) are divided into 6 categories.
Knowledge, Social skills, IT-skills, Communicative skills, 21century skills, and Reflecting skills.
1. Select the top 10 competences (out of at least 3 different categories) that have been most
important to you individually. Each group member ticks 10 boxes (col.3)
1= group member nr. 1; 2= group member nr. 2
2. Select the top 5 competences that the team has acquired the most? Discuss and tick the boxes

3. Explain why your team has achieved these 5 competences and why these competences are crucial
for young entrepreneurs. (50 - 100 words)

Jyotiraditya Dharap
1. Characteristics of the material to create the product. After research and lot of failed attempts at
sourcing, we finally laid hands on the material. r-PET Fabric is recycled polyester fabric. Its is water
resistant, tough and in its final stage can be used to create energy from waste. It is a fantastic product
for making, active wear, bags, tents etc.

2. Knowledge of Digital Media. Navigating Digital Media is not as easy as we had thought. Creating
posters, understanding how to make engaging content and providing value were some aspects we
figured out during the process.

3. Contacting Experts. Surprisingingly, this was pretty easy and fun. Experts love mentoring and guiding
and make understanding markets & processes so easy. Especially when Mr. Ambadkar told us that we have
to make the MVP ourselves and wouldn’t just havd over names and places and we had to literally spend
our weekends finding zips, lining, netting, fusing etc for the backpack.

4. Website Design. This was not so easy. We struggled with the YouTube uploads and Scribd docs at first.
But eventually have mastered the art!
5. 21st Centurey Skills. I think that the one thing that stands out is the skill of problem solving. A business
has so many aspects- Sourcing, Manufacturing, Quality Control, Marketing etc. Each aspect has multiple
sets of problems. You solve one and another one pops up. We’ve had to really put on ou thinking hats to
solve them!

Select competences.

Select the top 10 competences (out of at least 3 different categories) that have been most important to
you individually. Each group member ticks 10 boxes (col.3) ✔️
1= group member nr. 1; 2= group member nr. 2

Select the top 5 competences that the team has acquired the most? Discuss and tick the boxes (col.4)

Competences Project scenario. Which activities can be Individual 5 group

connected to the competences? 10 competences competences
Tick 10 boxes Tick 5
1 2 3 4 5
1. Economics Design a business plan
2. General Characteristiscs of the materials to create an ✔️
artifact, a product
3. Media literacy Knowledge about of inquiry methods & types
of digital media.
Social Skills
4. Social (at school) Working in a team of four students
5. Social (at school) Negotiating about roles and tasks of the team ✔️
6. Social (at school) Drawing up an action plan (tasks, who,
7. Social (at school) Monitoring the action plan / checking the
8. Communicative Contacting experts ✔️
9. Communicative asking feed back on the prototype-promotion ✔️
10. ICT Organizing your own communication strategy
11. ICT Website design (Weebly) ✔️
12. ICT Communication with peers (social media,
video conf)
13. ICT Ways to promote your own business (social ✔️
21st century skills
14. 21st century skills Brainstorming techniques
15. 21st century skills Ways of thinking: Creative, critical . Design ✔️

16. 21st century skills Taking the initiative to develop a product ✔️
17. 21st century skills Problem solving (ongoing during the ✔️
production and promotion process)
18. 21st century skills Technical design skills: program of demands,
a proto type and tests
19. 21st century skills Why is our product sustainable?
20. Reflecting Individual self-assessment of the competences ✔️
individually acquired
21. Reflecting Individual reflection on group work and
individually activities
22. Reflecting group Group self-assessment of the project (step 7)

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