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HIGH NOTE 4 UNIT 2 NAME ………Patrycja Łotocka ……………………

I Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 At first, she thought it was only a minor / fundamental / complex problem, but later she realised it was quite complicated.
2 I’m going to stay at home today by the fire. The temperatures are soaring / sub-zero / scorching outside!
3 Doing nothing about global heating will result from / in / about disaster.
4 A fish’s body is covered in scales / fins / beaks which protect it.
5 Did you know that leopards are solitary / nocturnal / cuddly creatures? They prefer living alone.

II Complete the sentences with the correct words formed from the words in bold.
1 Factories produce __Industrial__________ (INDUSTRY) waste which must be managed professionally to control its effect on
the environment.
2 We should use more ___renewable_________ (RENEW) energy like water, wind and sun.
3 Climates around the world are warmer than at any time because of ____global ________ (GLOBE) heating.
4 Some whale species are ____dangered________ (DANGER) and need help not to become extinct. endangered

III Complete the definitions with the missing words. The first letters are given.
1 fuels such as gas and coal, which have been underground for a long time: f__ossil__________ f ____uels_____________
2 the destruction of natural places, such as forests, where animals and plants live: h___abitat_________
3 cars and other road transport produce these when their engines are running: v___ehicle_________ e_________missions___
4 a tall structure that can produce energy in windy conditions: w__ind_________________ t_____urbine_______
5 it’s part of the atmosphere and it helps protect the Earth from the sun: o__zone__________ l_______ayer___________
6 one of the most dangerous types of pollution because it can kill wildlife: t______oxic______ w________aste___________
IV Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given.

1 G_ale__________-f__orce_________ winds have caused a lot of damage to houses in the area.
2 There are over 45,000 species of c__rustaceans____________ in the world, such as crabs and lobsters.
3 In my job, I have to offer solutions to IT problems and then i_mplement_____________ them.
4 Wild animals which eat contaminated food can die from lead p__oisoning____________.
5 Sharks and dolphins are vertebrates and therefore have a b__ackbone____________.


V Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Continuous, Future Perfect or
Future Perfect Continuous.
1 Don’t worry! I _____________will have finished________ (finish) painting the kitchen by this evening.
2 By this time next year, Sandra ________will_has been __studing__________ (study)will have been studying veterinary
science for 5 years, but she’ll still have another year to go after that.
3 Humankind ____will have invented_________________ (invent) the necessary technology to live on Mars by the time we get
4 We ____have been living_________________ (live) will have been living in this hostel for a week by Friday, so we want to
rent a flat as soon as possible.
5 Do you think we __________will have been using___________ (use) non-biodegradable plastic in 20 years’ time?

VI Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Add extra words were necessary.
You must use no more than six words.

1 By the end of the decade, ____populaton will have raised__________ ______________ (population / rise) to eight billion.

2 The city council will _____have been dealing

_________ ______________ (deal / problem) of garbage disposal for two years in Januar

3 By 2040, temperatures _are bound to increase_____________ ______________ (bound / increase) by a few degrees around
the world.

4 Human beings are the greatest ____threat to survival______ __________________ (threat / survival) endangered

5 Advances _in robotics are likely to___________________________ (robotics / likely) eliminate a lot of administrative jobs in
the future.

VII Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it means the same as first. Use the word in bold.
Write between two and five words.

1 Raising money for AI research will probably be difficult, but not impossible.
It’s __bound to _________It is bound to be difficult_________________ to raise money for AI research, but not impossible.
2 I’m sure John will do well in the chess tournament.
John ______will certain to ________is certain to______________ do well in the chess tournament.
3 I don’t think you’ll have any problems finding a replacement laptop battery.
You __are unlikely to have__________________________ any problems finding a replacement laptop battery.
4 Ask Neil about data processing because he certainly knows a lot about it.
Ask Neil about data processing because he ___is certain to know__________________ a lot about it.
5 What chance is there that they will judge the competition entries before Friday?
How ___likely is to judge___________likely are they to judge______________ the competition entries before Friday?
VIII Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I wasn’t sure what to do in the summer holidays until I saw an interesting ad on the ‘University
News’ site advertising a temporary job at a five-star hotel in Dubai. It seemed to fit in perfectly my
tourism degree. The rest is history! My flight 0 leaves (leave) at 7 a.m. tomorrow. I’m really looking
forward to it, but I’m not ready yet. I 1 _am about to go__am going shopping___________ (go)
shopping with Mum at 2 o’clock this afternoon to make a few last-minute purchases. I still can’t
believe that in two weeks’ time, I 2 ___will be working___________ (work) with real tourists in
a luxury hotel! The manager wrote me a lovely welcome letter and sent me information about the
first week. I 3 _____________am going to get_ (get) to know the hotel, the city and the staff so
I can do my job properly. It sounds like a good plan! 4 ___I am thinking___________ (think) of
setting up a special Dubai blog too. So watch this space for the link and I 5 __will be
keeping______will keep______ (keep) you posted!

IX Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.

‘Fridays for Future’ is a movement (MOVE) that began in August 2018 after a 15-year-old Swedish
student Greta Thunberg staged a protest to completely replace fossil fuels with renewable energy
sources. Since then, 1 __countless____________ (COUNT) students across the globe have taken
time off from school to urge politicians to tackle this 2 ___pressing___________ (PRESS) problem.
Young people find it 3 ____unacceptable__________ (ACCEPT) that political leaders do not do
enough to stop global warming and its dreadful consequences such as changing weather patterns or
water 4 ___________shortage___ (SHORT). They also point out that extensive human activity has
led to the 5 ______extinction________ (EXTINCT) of rare species. In several countries, pupils are
demanding changes in the law to lower the voting age and let young people take action.
X Read the text below. For questions 1–5, choose from texts A–D. You may choose each text more than

‘Respect Our World’ holidays

Our new research trip is ideal for those interested in finding out more about the Arabian oryx. This medium-
sized member of the antelope family, which became extinct in the wild in the 1970s, was saved in captivity.
Today over a thousand have been reintroduced into their natural habitat. Although most of them live in
protected areas, they are still under threat. You will spend your days with scientists, collecting data about
this fascinating animal considered by some to be the source of the unicorn legend. You don’t need
a scientific background as you will be given some training on your first day in areas such as how to drive
a jeep safely in the desert. You don’t need to be super-fit either, but you must be able to walk 10 km in
desert sand. So, leave the kids at home, learn how to do a new job and help the oryx! Two thirds of the
amount you paid for the trip will be invested into this conservation project.

B Did you know that in 2010 there were only around 3,200 wild tigers in the world? However, things are
looking up. This number has increased to almost 4,000 thanks largely to conservation projects and
the establishment of more reserves. If you would like to find out more about tigers and to see
a conservation project in action, then Kipling Camp, located on the edge of the Kanha Tiger Reserve
in India, is a great choice. You can go on tiger safari drives, enjoy walks in the countryside and have
picnics on beautiful river beaches! Guests can also find out about local culture by going on village
tours and are welcome to get involved in the organisation of community projects, such as health
camps, where doctors and nurses provide important health advice. The charming rustic cottages
where you will stay all have cooking facilities so you can make yourself snacks, although all meals
are provided, including a special menu for the under 10s.

Come to Borneo and have the trip of a lifetime! Although this island has some spectacular beaches, this
isn’t a beach holiday. You’ll spend your time learning about a highly intelligent endangered species that
shares 96.4% of our genes, the orangutan. You will have the chance to come face-to-face with these
fascinating, tree-living animals on guided tours in the Tanjung Puting National Park and the Lamandau
Wildlife Reserve of Borneo. You will travel deep into the heart of the rainforest to find feeding sites, where
you will see orangutans that used to live in captivity living in the wild, as we teach you about why they are
under threat. One important reason is that they often can’t find food in the forest and destroy crops, so
hunters kill them, which is easy as they are large and move through the trees slowly. In the evenings, you
will be able to relax with other travellers in the eco-lodge where you will stay in your own room, note what
you learned and talk about other animals you’ve seen along the way, such as smaller monkeys and lizards.
What better way to discover what the coast of British Columbia has to offer than sailing round its fjords and
estuaries with other older teens and young adults! You’ll be able to get up close to whales swimming in the
sea during a special visit to the whale research station and will also enjoy a forest walk where you will be
fascinated by watching baby bears playing, at a safe distance of course! Travellers will also visit local
communities. This rewarding experience provides a unique opportunity to find out about the native people’s
customs and traditions. You will sleep on the small, comfortable boat in a cosy cabin and will be able to
socialise with the other guests in a comfortable lounge. Finally, this eco-friendly cruise only employs people
from local communities, so most of the income from this holiday remains in the coastal economies you will

Which text …
1 explains why an animal is in danger? _C__
2 mentions some necessary physical
requirements for the trip? __B_a
3 describes a working holiday? __D_a
4 suggests the trip is suitable for children? _A b
5 mentions a land and a marine animal? _C__d

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