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Example of writing simple report

From : Lolic Pandu

To : Principle of State Vocational High School of Kediri

Date : September 20, 2022

You recently asked me to submit a short report on “E-Classroom Apps Campaign” that IT team have been
conducting in the home learning program. You asked that I submit a report within three weeks of start of
the campaign.

The E-Classroom Apps Campaign has been held in 10 schools until now. Workshops, interactive sessions,
as well as pamphlets are an integral part of the campaign.

Students have demonstrated a keen interest in our campaign. More than a hundred students have come
to join the campaign and encourage other students to use this apps. Students enroll in workshops
conducted by Mr. Adam and others. They are asked to explore this apps deeply. They are also instructed
in proper disposal of increasing the interactive learning by using this apps.

The response to E-Classroom Apps Campaign has been positive. Students show a lot of interest in
perusing the campaign, even outside of their area.

I would like to recommend that the E-Classroom Apps Campaign continue for another two months. This
will make it possible to educate several schools in the city. It would also be helpful if students are taught
how to use this apps whenever and wherever they are.

We can make the E-Classroom Apps Campaign a running success in the city. Another more detailed
report will be represented to you in the event that the E-Classroom Apps campaign is extended.


Lolic Pandu

Campaign Leader
List of Vocabulary

Conduct :

Integral :

Demonstrate :

Keen :

Encourage :

Enroll :

Deeply :

Proper :

Disposal :

Whenever :

Wherever :

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