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Sample checklist for writing for Golf Divison

Asking for a topic

Tag the SGHs and GH, according to their login hours

● Anjana - 10:30 am to 07:00 pm (Off Day - Tuesday (Arjun))

● Bazif - 3.30 pm to 12.30 am (Off Day- Wednesday (Arjun))

Tag them again after 20 minutes time if one of the SGHs or GH missed your

After getting the topic

Find out the angle of the allotted topic, and reach out after the first ten minutes of
allotment with one or two suggested titles to make sure both are on the same page.

If you didn’t get the angle, reach out ASAP to the SGH, who allotted the topic to

Google the topic, and find out the background info about the topic we’re covering.
Google the entities, if there is more than one, and find the connection between
them to frame the article, accordingly.

Writing the article

Try to use Grammarly or any other platform so that you can avoid making
grammatical errors and find synonyms easily.

Don’t mention the entity with his first name or last name always. Try to be

Ex: John Daly - Wild Thing, American fan favorite golfer, 2-time major champion,
1991 PGA Championship winner, 5-time PGA Tour winner, Long John, Bad Boy of
golf, (PS: be aware of the context you’re using them.)

Be on point with the introduction. (Best practice- write the article first and then
add it later.)

Add the second subheading, if you’re adding one, related to the angle of the article.
Make it as the added information / extra read on the topic.

After writing the article

Add content
to WordPress, if you have written it on any other writing platform. (It is the best
practice to do it- since sometimes Wp crashes and the article gets lost)

Add title

Copy the title SGH or GH confirmed.

Paste it on Title Case Converter - - convert - - go down - - click ‘copy’ on the
edited version of the title.
Paste it in the space for the SEO title and FB title.
Check Golf under the categories. (Add other categories in case of cross-sport
PS: the only sub-category the company has added is the PGA Tour. LIV Golf and the
rest are not to be added, even if it's necessary.
Save - - add golf-news- (other categories in case of cross-sport) in the permalink
- - save (just in case)

Adding links

Outbound (only one) - According to x author of y site or similar words as anchor

text. Don’t add it to the ‘entity name said’ or some other vague words.

In case, the source is an Instagram Story, add the source Insta’s home page as the
outbound link.

If the source is a Youtube video or Instagram post - embed them. And if it’s a
Tweet, add the link in WP. In these cases, no need to add the outbound link.

Internal links - tags (1 for every 12o words - 3 maximum for a 400-word article
choose which entities to add as tags (if there are more than three) according to
their importance in the article.)

ES articles: anchor text should make sense, and should be long. Don’t add it on
single or two words.

Read More: and Watch This Story: try to add the ones that are related to the given
topic or entity.

Always add them in between two paragraphs. Never between an image and a
Adding Images

Don’t ever add unlicensed images.

Ask SGH or GH, if you can’t find relevant images in the Reuter, Getty, and Imago

Choose the article title appropriate image as FI. (if the topic is somewhat sad - use
a sad image of the entity - don’t use one in which he or she is smiling)




Not appropriate ones:


Appropriate ones

the Same with the images you add inside the article. Make it resonate with the tone
of the topic and the angle we are trying to convey.

Also if the entity name is masked in the title - don’t add the image of them as FI.
Add either a silhouette image of him/her or some similar images that don’t give
away the entity name.

Add images between two paragraphs. Never between a para and heading, or a para
and a Read More/Watch This Story


Post Tagging - Choose the right one. None/CurrentNews/Throwbacks, etc.

Meta Description - If the entity or main angle of the article is masked in the title,
don’t add it here. If we add them there, there is no need for the reader to click and
read the article.

FB Auto Post On - Add FB Title, social caption - same rule as Meta. Don’t have to
add # anymore: Ex: #TigerWoods’ Tiger Woods
Add image under the social FACEBOOK IMAGE section: since sometimes the
dimensions of them won’t go with FB and the image might get cropped. In that
case, you would need to add a different image that’s appropriate for the article.

FB Auto Post Off - After adding Meta, don’t click on anything else in the YOAST
SEO part. Keep it as “NO” under the social caption section.

- - - - - - - SAVE DRAFT.

Proof Reading

Read the article once or twice aloud. (You’ll find lots of mistakes then and there)
Imagine yourself as the reader and see if all the subheadings and content make
sense or not.
Make needed changes.

Check once again whether you have added:

● Right case for the title

● Added the right permalink
● Added not more than one outbound link
● Added the tags
● Added one or two ES article links
● Added appropriate Read More: and Watch This Story: links
● If the Right Categories are checked
● If all entities mentioned in the article are added in the Tags section.
● Selected the right POST TAGGING
● Meta Description is added and is appropriate
● For FB On ones- added catch social captions, added FB title with right case,
added the image with right dimensions
● Added the ALT TEXT for Images.
● If the caption of the image reflects the folder we have taken it from.
Especially for Imago images, check,
● Image Credit/Courtesy: IMAGO is there in the caption section, if not,
add them.
● Add Alt Text

- - - - - SAVE DRAFT
For ASAP Pieces

After finishing writing the article and proofreading, tag the editor at the time on
the group to let them know you have added it to the Sheet and it needs to be
published ASAP.

It is the writer’s responsibility to make sure the piece gets published on time since
GH and SGHs will be dealing with allotments, etc.

Also, add a green color filler in the Publishing Time cell of the Google Sheet, so that
the editor will get to see it as soon as she/he goes through the day’s data.

Please, make sure to remove the filler after the article gets published so that when
others do the same for their ASAP pieces, it won’t clutter.

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