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SOP 3: Article Types

This SOP goes through the five main article types that you will be writing.

#1 Review
Review articles usually talk about a specific product. The focus will be on various questions that
are asked regarding the product.

An example that is being used here is: Gemini Earn Review.

Here is the structure of the article:

1. Brief introduction
The introduction should include if you have used the product before to help add more credibility
to your article.

2. First H2 header is the summary of the entire review

The first H2 header should be named ‘xx review’, and then gives an answer target that
summarises your entire review.
3. Subsequent headers
The subsequent headers are brief answer targets to certain questions followed by further

4. Conclusion
The conclusion summarises all of the points that you have mentioned in the review article.

Requirements for review articles

Wherever possible, screenshots or personal pictures of the products should be added. This
helps to add credibility and shows that you’ve genuinely used the product.

It would be best to add your personal experiences with the product into the article, to make it
more genuine. The content should not be copied from another platform, but can be referenced

#2 VS
VS articles ​compares 2 things via different comparators. An example of a VS article is BABA vs
9988 (2 stocks on different exchanges).
1. Brief introduction
The introduction should include if you have used the product before to help add more credibility
to your article.

2. First H2 header is a snippet answer target

The first H2 header should be named The difference between x and y, and then gives a brief
answer target summary on the main differences between the 2 items.

3. Different comparators for each item

The next few H2 headers should be the names of the comparators that you’re using to compare
between the 2 items.

For example, points 2-6 are the comparators used in the BABA vs 9988 article.
After stating each comparator, further elaboration should be given to see how both items differ
for that particular comparator.
4. Verdict
The second last H2 header is the ‘Verdict’ header, which has a leading sentence before
attempting to get the table snippet for the VS search term (e.g. ‘BABA vs 9988’).
After the table, you can state which item is more suitable for a certain type of demographic. This
is how it was written for BABA vs 9988,
and this is how you can write it for another comparison

5. Conclusion
The conclusion will briefly summarise the main points that you went through.

#3 Informational
Informational articles will answer a specific question that is asked on Google. Some
informational articles may contain multiple questions on a specific topic, if the elaboration for
each article is too brief.
The example we will be using is ‘Can I Buy US Stocks With CPF?’

1. Introduction
The introduction will help to address the reader’s pain points, and see how your article can solve
that problem.

2. H2 headers
For each H2 header, it will be the question that is being asked on search engines. For example,
‘Can I buy US stocks with my CPF funds?’.

Directly below the H2 header should be the answer target for that question.

Further elaboration will be needed to evaluate the question or bring in more facts.

The subsequent H2 headers will be other questions being asked, and the same format applies.

If only one question is being answered in a particular article, the first H2 header will be the
question, followed by the answer target and elaboration.
Subsequent H2 headers can be other main points for that particular question. One such
example is ‘Can You Be Offside If You Don’t Touch The Ball?’.

3. Conclusion
A brief summary of the entire article.

#4 How-To
How-To articles are usually a step by step guide on a certain process to be carried out. These
articles have the most number of screenshots or pictures as they show each step in depth.

The example we will be using is ‘How To ‘Stake’ SHIB On’.

1. Introduction
The introduction should be introducing the pain point. E.g. ‘you want to do something, but you’re
not sure how to do so’, and then show how your article can solve that problem.

2. First H2 header targets the How-To snippet

The first H2 header will state the question to be answered, e.g. ‘How to …’.

After that, a filler sentence should be added e.g. ‘Here are _ steps to …’, followed by a
numbered list of all of the steps.
At the end of the first H2 header, add the filler sentence ‘here is each step explained in-depth’.

3. Subsequent H2 / H3 headers
If there are additional H2 headers that are questions additional to be addressed in the article,
the steps used should be in a H3 header.

This is seen in the stake SHIB on article.

However, there may be some articles that do not have additional questions to be asked. In this
case, each step should be a H2 header.

This information will be stated in the article brief.

When explaining each step, include as many screenshots or pictures as you possibly can.

4. Additional H2 headers (if included in article brief)

If there are additional H2 headers that are included, there will be pointers for what is to be
included in these headers.

5. Conclusion
The conclusion will briefly summarise all of your points above.

#5 Informational + How-To
This article combines elements from the informational and how-to article types. Usually, this is
due to some questions being asked about the topic of the how-to question. For example, for the
question ‘How To Withdraw From GrabPay’, there may be additional questions such as ‘Can I
withdraw from GrabPay?’.

The article being referenced is ‘Can I Withdraw Money From Singtel Dash?’.

Since this is a combination of an informational and how-to post, you can refer to the article types
above for more information.

The article structure will be shown in the article brief.

In conclusion, here are the 5 main article types that you will be writing:
1. Review
2. VS
3. Informational
4. How-To
5. Informational + How-To

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