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ELSEVIER Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95

Controlling turbulence in the complex Ginzburg-Landau

D. Battogtokh, 1 A. Mikhailov
Fritz-Haber-lnstitut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin (Dahlem), Germany
Received 26 April 1995; revised 26 June 1995; accepted 10 July 1995
Communicated by Y, Kuramoto


We suggest that diffusion-induced turbulence in distributed dynamical systems near a supercritical Hopf
bifurcation can be controlled by means of global delayed feedback. Analytical and numerical investigations of this
method for a system described by the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation are performed. Suppression of phase
and amplitude turbulence is found inside a window of delay times under increasing the intensity of the control

I. Introduction known which is based on introduction of delayed

feedbacks and does not require computer pro-
Suppression of spatiotemporal chaos (turbu- cessing. In this paper we suggest a similar meth-
lence) in distributed dynamical systems is a od for controlling turbulence in distributed dy-
problem of much practical interest. When only a namical systems. We show that developed turbu-
few unstable spatial modes are present, this lence in the system described by the one-dimen-
problem can be solved by identifying the un- sional complex G i n z b u r g - L a n d a u equation can
stable directions and computing the corrective be suppressed by introduction of global delayed
perturbations [1]. The amount of needed compu- feedback. The synchronization is achieved by
tation, however, rapidly grows with the number adjusting only two parameters: the intensity of
of unstable modes and therefore such approach the control signal and the delay time.
becomes intractable for developed turbulence. The complex G i n z b u r g - L a n d a u equation
For dynamical systems with a few degrees of ( C G L E ) represents a normal form for distribut-
freedom, an alternative empirical method [2,3] is ed dynamical systems with local diffusion cou-
pling near the supercritical H o p f bifurcation
[4,5]. When the B e n j a m i n - F e i r condition is
satisfied, synchronous uniform oscillations in this
IOn leave from the Institute for Mathematics, Mongolian system are unstable and turbulence develops.
Academy of Sciences, Zhukov av. 51, Ulan Bator, Mongolia,
and Department of Physics, MoscowState University, 117234 'Phase turbulence' is characterized by small
Moscow, Russia. variations of real amplitudes and slow irregular

0167-2789/96/$15.00 ~) 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSD1 0167-2789(95)00232-4
D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95 85

drift of local oscillation phases [6]. 'Amplitude model of global coupling is oscillatory chemical
turbulence' displays rapid local variations of both reactions [17,18] represents the complex Ginz-
the real amplitude and the phase, which can be burg-Landau equation with an additional linear
attributed to the presence of defects [6,7]. The term that is proportional to the spatial average of
oscillation amplitude is greatly reduced in the the complex oscillation amplitude. Under certain
center of a defect and the oscillation phases on conditions, global coupling can suppress turbu-
the left and right sides of it are considerably lence, leading to standing waves and uniform
different; the defects are closely related to the oscillations [19].
family of exact solutions obtained by Bekki and Global coupling can be viewed as a form of
Nozaki [8]. Extensive statistical investigations of the feedback. Though in some experimental
such chaotic regimes have been performed in situations such global interaction is a natural
Refs. [9,10]; they show that these regimes are property of the system, it can also be artificially
characterized by the presence of only short-range implemented to control the behaviour of systems
spatial correlations and by a great number of of various origins. In practice, however, the
unstable modes. control methods based on artificial global cou-
Recently, the action of external periodic forces pling would meet serious difficulties. Indeed, the
on the system described by CGLE has been global feedback can be introduced in many
studied [11,12]. By applying a sufficiently strong different ways and, generally, it would be char-
force, the stabilization of uniform oscillations acterized by a large number of free parameters.
could be achieved. However, the efficiency of How to choose these parameters and which of
such external control is too sensitive to the them should be varied in order to produce
choice of the modulation frequency: large forces synchronization is far from clear. Alternatively,
are needed out of the complete resonance. one can try first to derive the complex Ginzburg-
It is known that the behaviour of large oscillat- Landau equation for a considered system near
ory populations can be modified by introduction the Hopf bifurcation and then use the computed
of global coupling between the oscillators. Such CGLE coefficients to fix the control parameters.
coupling is equivalent to application of a periodic But calculation of these coefficients is a cumber-
force which is collectively produced by all ele- some procedure. Moreover, analytical knowl-
ments in the population. Strong global coupling edge of full dynamical equations describing the
can synchronize oscillations in heterogeneous experimental system would then be required.
systems with a random distribution of oscillation In this paper we suggest to use the d e l a y e d
frequencies [6]. In uniform populations, global global feedback. We show that in this case there
coupling can lead to formation of clusters and are two simple parameters whose variation is
emergence of chaotic collective dynamics sufficient to impose the synchronization. They
[13,141. are the intensity of the control signal and the
In some experimental situations, a distributed delay time. By varying them, turbulence can be
oscillatory system may have both local and suppressed, irrelevant to the values of the CGLE
global couplings between its elements. In surface coefficients and the coupling parameters.
chemical reactions, the local coupling between In the next section we formulate the method
the surface elements is due to diffusion in the and perform preliminary analysis of the dynam-
surface plane while the global coupling is pro- ical equations. The stability investigation of
duced by interactions through the gas phase, uniform oscillations in the presence of the con-
where rapid mixing is realized [15]. The effect of trol signal is carried out in Section 3. The
global coupling in such oscillatory chemical reac- numerical simulations of the control problem are
tions have been considered in [16-21]. A simple the subject of Section 4. The paper ends with
86 D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95

conclusions and discussion of the obtained re- S(t) = s ~_~ c i ~ i ( t - -r) . (3)
The spatial average ~ is given, for a one-
dimensional system, by an integral
2. Formulation of the control method
~,(t) = T ~w,(x, t) dx, (4)
Suppose that we have a dynamical system 0
described by a set of reaction-diffusion equations where L is the total length of the system, and c i
for the concentrations wi of various reacting give the weights of contributions by various
species (i = 1 . . . . . N), reacting species into the global control signal.
The parameter s specifies the intensity of the
I~ i = O i ( W l . . . . , WN"~ q) + O i V 2 w i , (1)
control signal. We expect that, by taking a
where Q~(w) are nonlinear functions, D~ are the sufficiently strong signal and varying only the
diffusion constants and q is some variable param- delay time ~-, suppression of turbulence can be
eter. We assume that, as shown from experi- achieved.
ments or preliminary theoretical studies, the Indeed, after performing the transformation to
system undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurca- complex oscillation amplitudes A ( x , t), retaining
tion leading to the diffusion-induced turbulent only the leading resonant terms [6] and choosing
regime at a certain threshold given by q =q0. appropriate units for the measurement of time
Below the threshold, the system has a stable and spatial coordinates, one would obtain for
stationary state with constant concentrations w~, this system in the presence of the weak control
while slightly above it small-amplitude variations signal the following dynamical equation:
w i = w ° + ~w~ of the concentrations around their
steady values are observed. Though the local A = (1 - i w ) A - (1 + i f l ) [ A [ 2 A
oscillations are fairly harmonical, the oscillation 02A
phases in different spatial areas fluctuate ran- + (1 + ie)--~-x2 + F ( t ) . (5)
domly in this case; a careful analysis of the
This is the complex Ginzburg-Lan-
experimental data may also reveal the presence
dau equation (CGLE) modified by an additional
of phase singularities related to the amplitude
defects. Thus, the system is in the turbulent
state. F(t) =/z eiX"fi~(t- r ) . (6)
Our conjecture is that, in order to control this
system and eventually suppress turbulence, it Here A is the spatial average of the complex
would often suffice to apply a weak uniform oscillation amplitude,
time-dependent signal S ( t ) , so that the dynamical L

equations of the controlled system become .A = - ~ A ( x , t) d x . (7)

w~ = Q~(w 1. . . . , WN'~ q) + D~V2wi
The average amplitude is taken in (3) at a
+ g~(wl,... , wu)S(t), (2)
delayed moment t - r. The coefficient/~ specifies
where g~ are coefficients that may also depend on the intensity of control and X0 determines the
concentrations w r The control signal is con- phase shift between fi~ and F. Further coefficients
structed as a combination of average concen- in Eq. (5) are /3, characterizing the intensity of
tration variations ~ff~ taken at a delayed time the nonlinear frequency shift, and e, specifying
moment, i.e., as the degree of cross-coupling between real and
D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95 87

imaginary components of oscillation amplitudes where the new control signal is

for the neighbouring oscillators. Note that this
f(t) =/x exp[i(x,, + o~-)] ~(t - r) (10)
equation holds near the Hopf bifurcation, while
the increment of growth of the uniform oscillat- and
ory mode (equal to unity after the performed L

rescaling) is much smaller than the (linear)

oscillation frequency co. Without the control
~ =-~ if ~l(x, t) dx . (11)
signal (F = 0), the uniform oscillations are un-
stable and the turbulence develops when the Note that now the phase shift X = Xo + w¢ be-
Benjamin-Feir condition 1 ÷ e/3 < 0 is satisfied. tween the spatial average of the complex oscilla-
It should be emphasized that, though the tion amplitude -~ and the control signal f has
general structure of Eq. (5) is clear, the actual received a correction proportional to the delay
computation of its coefficients for a concrete time z.
reaction-diffusion system is a tedious task which When delays are short ( ¢ ~ 1), the slowly
requires explicit knowledge of nonlinear func- varying average amplitude r~(t) does not sig-
tions Qi(w) and diffusion constants Di, as well as nificantly change within the delay time and the
of functions gi(w) and weights ci. When ex- delays in this term could be neglected. Then the
perimental systems are considered, such func- system is described by an equation with effective
tions and parameters are often known only to global coupling,
some extent and thus the parameters in (5) • a-~
cannot be theoretically determined. ~J = 7 - (1 + i/3)J~12"q + (1 + 18) Ox 2 + Id~ eiX~(t).
Fortunately, the detailed knowledge of co-
efficients in Eq. (5) is not essential for the
control problem. The results of our subsequent The principal effect of the delays consists here in
analysis show that, by varying only the overall providing an additional phase shift AX = ~o~- be-
intensity of the control signal and its delay, the tween the average slow oscillation amplitude and
synchronization of oscillations in the system can the signal, which can be easily manipulated by
be reached. changing the delay time• Eq. (12) was intro-
In our paper we do not directly derive Eq. (5) duced earlier as a model for global coupling in
from full reaction-diffusion equations of any surface chemical reactions [17]. Below we ana-
concrete problem. The complex Ginzburg-Lan- lyze how the phase shift variations influence the
dau equation (5) with the control terms (6) and properties of this system and find windows of
(7) is taken here as the initial model for the delay times where synchronization occurs.
subsequent analysis. The above comments were Though we consider mainly the system described
aimed to illustrate the general context in which by Eq. (12), numerical simulations of the full
this equation may arise• problem, given by Eqs. (5)-(7), are also dis-
It is convenient to introduce in (5) slowly cussed in Section 4.
varying complex amplitudes r/(x, t) as

rl(x, t) = A ( x , t) exp(iwt) . (8)

3. T h e stability o f u n i f o r m o s c i l l a t i o n s
After such a transformation, the considered
system is reduced to When turbulence is suppressed, uniform oscil-
lations should be stable in the presence of the
• O2rt feedback control signal at least in respect to
/~ = r l - (1 + i/3)Jrll2rl + (1 +~e) ax 2 + f ( t ) (9)
small perturbations. The uniform oscillations in
88 D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95

the distributed dynamical system (12) have the where k = 2 w n / L , n = 1, 2 . . . . . Substitution of

frequency (19) and (20) into the linearized evolution equa-
tions yields an equation for the increment Yk of
O = to0 - Ix(sin X - / 3 cos X) (13)
growth of the mode with the wave number k,
and the amplitude
(Yk + 2 + 3IX cos g + k2)(Yk + tx cos X + k2)
P0 = (1 + IX cos )()1/2 (14)
+ (ek 2 + IX sin X)[2/3(1 + IX cos X) + ek2
T o investigate their stability, evolution of small + IX sin X] = 0 . (21)
inhomogeneous perturbations must be consid-
ered. Its solutions are
The local phase ~b(x, t) and (real) amplitude (Yk)l,2 = --1 -- k 2 - 2IX cos X
p(x, t) of the oscillations, defined by
++-{ 1 - 2 e f l k 2 - eZk 4 + 2IX cos X
71(x, t) = p(x, t) e x p [ - i O t - &b(x, t)], (15)
- 2 e [ 3 i x k 2 sin X + Ixz cos(2x )
satisfy the dynamical equations
-2/3IX sin X - 2 e i x k z sin X
_/3IX2 sin(2x)} 1/2 (22)
= (1 - p2)p + _ _ _ P[O--x} + ep 0x 2
When the B e n j a m i n - F e i r condition 1 + e/3 < 0
+ ze-~xx -ff--xx + ixR cos(dp - ~ + X) , (16) is satisfied, the uniform oscillations are unstable
at IX = 0, i.e., when the control signal is absent 2.
20p aCb 02qb They become stable if, starting from a certain
/3p:- O + p OX - OX
- + - -
OX 2 critical control intensity IX =ixc, we have
R e ( y k ) < 0 for all wave numbers k. The last
e O2p + -- sin(~b - qt + X) •
p Ox 2 \ Ox / p unstable group of modes in the considered sys-
tem has I m ( y k ) = 0 and its wavenumbers are
close to a certain wave number k 0 (Figs. la and
H e r e , the global oscillation phase qt and (real) b). Because the spatial profiles of real amplitude
global amplitude R are defined by p and phase ~b are periodic in space but do not
L undergo temporal oscillations, these modes rep-
resent standing waves (see also [19]).
R ( t ) exp[-igt(t)] = ~- p(x, t) exp[-i4~(x, t) d x .
Besides of the standing waves, the system may
have oscillatory modes with nonvanishing Im(yk)
that correspond to periodic spatio-temporal
The uniform oscillations correspond to the modulation of the uniform oscillations. As fol-
steady state of equations (16)-(18) with p(x, t) = lows from (22), the increment of growth of these
R = 00 and &(x, t) -- gt = &0. To investigate the modes is
stability of this steady state, we add small per-
turbations gO(x, t) and gd~(x, t). The solution of Re(Yk) = --1 -- 2IX cos X - k2. (23)
the linearized equations (16)-(18) is then given Hence, they can be unstable only if the condition
by a sum of independent spatial modes. When cos x < 0 is satisfied. When such modes are
no-flux boundary conditions are put at x = 0 and
x = L, these modes are
2 In the opposite case, when the B e n j a m i n - F e i r instability is
gO(x, t) = 8p~ exp(ykt ) cos(kx), (19) absent, uniform oscillations can be destabilized by global
coupling for the phase shifts that give rise to a positive
~qb(x, t) = ~qbk e x p ( Y k t ) cos(kx), (20) feedback (see [18,21])
D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 9(1 (1996) 84-95 89

Re7 i . . . . . . . . . . i
10 ~


O0 05 1.0 1.5 2.0 25 ~0

Fig. 2. The stability diagram in the plane (/x, X) at/3 = - 1.4
and e = 2.0. Uniform oscillations are stable in respect to
small perturbations above the boundary shown by the solid
curve. The triangles indicate where the defects disappear in
numerical simulations.

the figure. These windows approximately corre-

spond to the intervals 3 of the phase shift 0 < X <
Re7 rr/2 and 3 r r / 2 < X < 5 - r r / 2 , where the negative
1 feedback is realized. In the middle of such
intervals, uniform oscillations are stabilized al-
ready by very weak control signals. The stabiliza-
tion threshold is however significantly increased
in the right side of the intervals.
The windows extend slightly beyond these two
intervals. An interesting behaviour is found near
the left and right ends of them. H e r e , if we keep
Fig. 1. The increment of growth Re y as function of the the phase shift fixed and begin to increase the
wavenumber k. The parameters are/3 = - 1.4, e = 2.0 and (a) intensity of the control signal, uniform oscilla-
tz = 0.3, X = 0, (b)/z = 0.5, X = 3~r/2, (c)/x = 3.2, X = 1.45~r.
tions first b e c o m e stable in respect to small
perturbations but later lose again their stability:
present, their increment of growth increases with Crossing of the lower boundary corresponds to
the intensity /z of the control signal. The most disappearance of standing waves (as in Fig. l b);
unstable modes have then the w a v e n u m b e r near periodic modulation with large wavelengths (as
k = 0 (see Fig. lc). in Fig. lc) develops when the higher boundary is
Thus, when determining the stability boundary crossed.
of uniform oscillations, possible growth of stand- The stability boundary of uniform oscillations
ing waves and d e v e l o p m e n t of periodic modula- in the plane (~, - / 3 ) at fixed X and e is shown in
tion with large wavelengths should both be Fig. 3. The critical intensity /~ vanishes at the
considered. point/3 = - 1 / e of the B e n j a m i n - F e i r instability
The stability diagram of uniform oscillations, and monotonously increases with -/3. On this
calculated using the exact analytical solution
(22), is shown in Fig. 2. The stability windows of
uniform oscillations lie above the two curves in Phase shifts differing by 2~r are physically identical.
90 D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95

would also be stable in respect to finite-size

perturbations. On the other hand, the state of
0.8 the system below the instability threshold of the
uniform oscillations is not necessarily turbulent.
Indeed, it may also represent a regular wave
pattern. Hence, further numerical simulations of
0.4 ...X"
the control problem are desired.
0.2 . .a"".K"

0 . 0 , , ,..-'" " . . . . . . . . .

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

4. The numerical simulations

Fig. 3. T h e stability boundary of uniform oscillations (bold Our main numerical simulations have been
line) and the boundary of the amplitude turbulence (dash performed for the one-dimensional system de-
line) at e = 2.0 and X = 0. T h e triangles indicate where the scribed by Eq. (12). The total length of the
defects disappear in numerical simulations.
system was L = 128. We used an explicit integra-
tion algorithm with a constant time step zXt =
boundary, growth of standing waves begins. The 0.01 and the grid size &x = 0.5. No-flux boundary
computed wavelength A=2"n/k 0 of growing conditions were applied at the ends x = 0 and
standing waves is shown as function of/3 for two x = L of the integration interval. To visualize
values of the parameter e in Fig. 4. The wave- evolution of the system, the real oscillations
length of standing waves diverges at the bound- amplitude p ( x , t) or the flux
ary of the B e n j a m i n - F e i r instability.
Thus, our general stability analysis reveals that 1 { Or/* • 0r/'~ ~ &b (24)
J = ~ ~,r/ -g-x - r/ ox / = P" ox
stabilization of uniform oscillations can be
achieved by taking sufficiently strong control have been displayed as functions of time in gray
signal and adjusting only the phase shift, i.e., the scale. The initial conditions were prepared by
delay time of the control signal. adding small random perturbations to the uni-
However, the stability in respect to small form state with p = 1 and ~b = const, and then
perturbations, which has been discussed above, allowing the system to evolve to its developed
does not yet guarantee that uniform oscillations turbulent state, while the control signal was
absent. In choosing the parameter values for our
simulations, we make use of the detailed phase
200 .... ', T . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , , , ~ . . . . .

diagram for C G L E constructed in Ref. [9].

Fig. 5 shows an example of the system's
evolution from the developed turbulent state as
intensity /~ of the control signal is gradually
,< 100
increased with time. The initial turbulent state is
characterized by the presence of multiple de-
fects. In the center of a defect the real oscillation
amplitude p is reduced, though it does not
o ......... 7.?. completely vanish (Fig. 5a). The flux j changes
0 I 2 5 4 5
-fl its direction on a defect (Fig. 5b). As /x is
increased, the number of defects decreases and
Fig. 4. The wavelength Z = 2~r/k o of standing waves at the
stability boundary of uniform oscillations as function of/3 for their distribution becomes more intermittent:
e = 0.8 (bold line) and e = 2.0 (dash line). groups of defects appear on a more regular
D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95 91

Fig. 5. Suppression of amplitude turbulence under increase of the control intensity. The real oscillation amplitude (a) and the flux
(b) are shown in gray scale, the vertical coordinate corresponds to the spatial dimension, time is running from the left to the right.
T h e p a r a m e t e r /z is increased as /x - ct with c = 1 . 4 × 1 0 ~ , o t h e r parameters are / 3 - 1.4, e = 2 . 0 a n d x = 0 ; the shown time
interval is 1200 < t < 240(I.

background. For the smaller values of ~, the The numerical experiments showed that this
background is in the state of phase turbulence. procedure yields approximately the same
When ~ is higher, it is filled with standing waves. boundaries while the threshold Pc is varied be-
Starting from a certain intensity of the control tween 0.5 and 0.8. The dashed line in Fig. 3
signal, the defects completely disappear. When p, shows the boundary of amplitude turbulence in
is further increased, the amplitude of standing the parameter plane ( ~ , / 3 ) , which was obtained
waves slowly decreases and they finally fade by applying this procedure.
away so that the system is found in the state with We see that the turbulence boundary lies
uniform oscillations. below the stability boundary of the uniform
Since the amplitude turbulence in the system is oscillations indicated by the solid curve in Fig. 3.
associated with the presence of defects, its It could also be noted that, in a certain interval
boundary in the parameter space can be de- o f / 3 near the B e n j a m i n - F e i r point /3 = - 1 / ~ =
termined by the condition that the defects dis- 0.5, the defects do not develop. In the absence
appear. Absence of the defects can be checked of the control feedback (p~ = 0) the system is
by taking a certain threshold p = Pc and verifying here in the state of phase turbulence. When the
that the real oscillation amplitude p never goes control is switched on and its intensity is gradual-
below it, within a sufficiently long simulation. ly increased, such phase turbulence transforms
92 D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95

Fig. 6. Time evolution of the phase turbulence under increasing control intensity. The square of the fluxj is shown in gray scale;
the parameter # is increased with speed c = 3 × 10 5 from zero (the left side) to/x = 0.03 (the right side), other parameters are
/3 = -0.8, e =2.0 and X =0.

into uniform oscillations through the regime of In the middle of the synchronization window,
standing waves. This is seen in Fig. 6 where the the boundary of the amplitude turbulence lies
square of the flux j is plotted in gray scale as close to the stability boundary of uniform oscilla-
function of time, as /x is slowly increased at a tions shown by the solid curve in Fig. 2. How-
constant rate. ever, near the right end of the window, where
Note that j2 vanishes where the phase has its this curve has a maximum, the amplitude turbu-
minima. The thin black curves, corresponding to lence develops only for much weaker control
j = 0 in this figure, show the trajectories of the signals. Our simulations show that here the
points with the minimal phase. These trajectories system has a wide range of existence of standing
are irregular in the state of phase turbulence, but waves.
arrange into a more regular pattern as the The gradual disappearance of turbulence has
intensity /z of the control signal is increased. At been observed in the simulations of e = 2 . 0
still higher values of /x, the curves become whose results are shown in Figs. 3, 5, 6. As the
h o r i z o n t a l - t h e phase minima do not change boundary of the amplitude turbulence is ap-
their positions with time. This is the regime of proached, the number of defects decreases.
standing waves. The amplitude of standing waves Moreover, no hysteresis is found here. When one
slowly decreases, and they disappear when the starts from the state with uniform oscillations at
stability boundary of uniform oscillations is a high intensity of the control signal and then
reached. slowly decreases the control parameter /z, the
Because the phase shift X is a parameter that defects first appear at the same boundary where
can be easily manipulated in an experiment, we they die out, as the control parameter is changed
have performed a detailed study of how the in the opposite direction.
boundary of amplitude turbulence is influenced Numerical studies of turbulence in the one-
by variation of the phase shift. The same pro- dimensional C G L E without global coupling
cedure as above was used to verify absence of [9,22] reveal that at smaller values of the param-
the defects. The values of the control signal eter e the behaviour of this system is different.
intensity /z, where the amplitude turbulence Then, the amplitude turbulence can be initiated
disappeared in our simulations, are marked by even on the other side of the B e n j a m i n - F e i r
triangles in Fig. 2. boundary, where the uniform oscillations are
D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95 93

0.40 er than the stability b o u n d a r y of u n i f o r m oscilla-

tions in respect to small p e r t u r b a t i o n s (the solid
0.30 ..-"
line in the same figure). But w h e n we start f r o m
the uniform oscillations at a high intensity of the
control signal and slowly decrease ~ with time,
0.20 .9
the defects first a p p e a r only below the stability
b o u n d a r y of u n i f o r m oscillations, i.e. w h e n the
0.10 ...-"o
..-" dash line in Fig. 7 is crossed,
..-~ .4 ~ ~- Fig. 8 displays the time evolution of the local
0.00 ..... " ' " : ~ flux j w h e n the f e e d b a c k intensity t* is increased
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
-5 at a constant speed. T h e essential difference
f r o m the b e h a v i o u r f o u n d at higher values of the
Fig. 7. Hysteresis in the transition to and from turbulence.
The dot line shows the boundary where the turbulence is p a r a m e t e r e is that new defects are p r o d u c e d
replaced by uniform oscillations as p. is increased at a here only by the defects already present in the
constant speed c= 1.7 x 10 4. The dash line shows the system, i.e. no s p o n t a n e o u s defect g e n e r a t i o n
boundary where the defects begin to spontaneously develop
occurs. U n i f o r m oscillations o c c u p y the back-
under the gradual decrease of the parameter #. The solid line
is the theoretical stability boundary of uniform oscillations. g r o u n d , outside of the defect bursts. W h e n the
Other parameters are ~ = 0.8 and X = 0. turbulence dies out, the system is f o u n d immedi-
ately in the state of uniform oscillations. T h e
stable in respect to small perturbations. In o r d e r destabilization of u n i f o r m oscillations, leading to
to investigate how such turbulent regime is a p p e a r a n c e of standing waves, is o b s e r v e d only
influenced by the global f e e d b a c k we have per- when the control signal is c h a n g e d in the o p p o -
f o r m e d a series of simulations at the p a r a m e t e r site direction, so that the control intensity is
value e = 0.8. decreased.
Fig. 7 shows that transition to turbulence is T h e a b o v e numerical study has b e e n per-
c h a r a c t e r i z e d n o w by a strong hysteresis. If we f o r m e d for a r e d u c e d version (12) of the original
start f r o m the d e v e l o p e d turbulent state a t / x = 0 f e e d b a c k control p r o b l e m ( 5 ) - ( 7 ) , w h e r e the
and slowly increase the f e e d b a c k intensity, the t r a n s f o r m a t i o n to the slowly varying c o m p l e x
a m p l i t u d e turbulence is maintained until the amplitudes ~q has been m a d e and the delays in
b o u n d a r y s h o w n by the dot line in Fig. 7 is the control signal (10) have been after that
r e a c h e d . G e n e r a l l y , this b o u n d a r y is m u c h high- neglected. This is justified while the delay r is

Fig. 8. Disappearance of turbulence under increasing control intensity. The parameter/* is increased with speed c = 1.7 x 10 ~,
the time interval from t = 2000 to t = 3000 is shown. Other parameters are/3 = - 1.8, e = 0.8 and )¢ = 0.
94 D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95

small. In this case the principal effect of the characteristic relaxation time for the amplitudes,
delay in the original equation (5) consists in the its results could still be qualitatively interpreted
introduction of an additional phase shift AX-- using the above analysis of the reduced problem.
o)r. Note that, if the oscillation frequency is high, The main effect of the gradual increase in the
a significant renormalization of the phase shift delay time apparently consists in the increase of
could be produced already by applying very the effective phase shift X = X0 + o)r. Indeed, the
short delays. observed sequence of transitions agrees with
If the oscillation frequency is not large, such crossing the stability diagram (Fig. 2) from the
a p p r o x i m a t e reduction is not valid and full initial value X = ~r at a constant intensity /x of
dynamical equations ( 5 ) - ( 7 ) with the delay the control signal in the direction to larger phase
should be investigated. To demonstrate that shifts.
suppression of turbulence can also be achieved in
this case by adjusting the delay time, we have
p e r f o r m e d simulations of the system with a 4. Discussion
m o d e r a t e frequency o ) = 5.
In the simulation shown in Fig. 9 the delay Both phase and amplitude turbulence in the
time r was slowly increased at a constant speed, considered system are entirely due to local
while the feedback intensity /z was kept con- diffusional coupling between individual oscillat-
stant. Initially, at r = 0, the system was in the ory elements. The principal role in the stabiliza-
state of developed turbulence characterized by tion of uniform oscillations in our method is
the presence of multiple defects. As the delay r played by introduction of additional global cou-
was gradually increased, the system entered the pling between the oscillators, which is realized
synchronization window. Abruptly, the defects by means of a global control feedback. U n d e r
died out and uniform oscillations were observed. certain conditions, when effective negative feed-
T h e y persisted in a wide interval of delay times, back is realized, this is equivalent to the pres-
yielding the synchronization window. At the end ence of additional attractive infinite-range inter-
of this window, standing waves slowly emerged. actions between the phases of individual oscil-
T h e y gave rise to the amplitude turbulence as lators. Such interactions can counterbalance the
the delay time was further increased. distabilizing diffusional coupling and bring about
T h o u g h the delays r is this numerical experi- the synchronization. The use of time delays
m e n t were of the same order of magnitude as the provides a way for varying the phase shift be-

Fig. 9. Evolution of the controlled system under gradual increase of the delay from r = 0 to r = 1.2 within the time interval from
t = 0 to t = 3000. The real oscillation amplitude IAI2 is shown in gray scale. The constant intensity/x = 0.3 of the control signal is
maintained during sweeping; the chosen system parameters are o) = 5.0, X0= ~r, e = 2.0, and/3 = - 1.4.
D. Battogtokh, A. Mikhailov / Physica D 90 (1996) 84-95 95

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The authors thank R. Imbihl, M. B/Jr and F.

Mertens for useful discussions. The financial

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