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Schools Division Office of Navotas City

Navotas National Science High School


S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________

Gr. / Sec.: ____________________________ Parent’s Signature: ________________

PART I. DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write it on your answer sheet. USE

1. What type of plate boundary is associated with the San Andreas Fault?

A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary

B. Divergent boundary D. Subduction Zone

2. What type of boundary occurs when two continental plates collide?

A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Subduction zone

3. What type of boundary occurs when two oceanic plates collide?

A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. No boundary is formed

4. Which boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other?
A. Divergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Convergent boundary D. Subduction boundary

5. Which type of boundary is associated with the process of seafloor spreading?

A. Divergent C. Transform
B. Convergent D. All of the above

6. What type of geologic features are associated with a convergent boundary between two oceanic plates?
A. Volcanoes and trenches C. Transform faults
B. Folded mountains D. None of the above

7. What type of boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other horizontally?
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Subduction boundary

8. What type of boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other?
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Subduction boundary

9. Which type of boundary involves the movement of two plates sliding past each other horizontally?
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Plate boundary

10. What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other?
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Subduction zone

11. Which type of stress is associated with a transform fault boundary?

A. Compressive stress C. Tensile stress
B. Shearing stress D. No stress is associated

12. Which type of boundary is associated with the creation of a mid-ocean ridge?
A. Divergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Convergent boundary D. Subduction boundary

13. What geologic features are associated with a convergent boundary between two continental plates?
A. Volcanic Mountains C. Rift Valleys
B. Ocean Trenches D. Fold Mountains
14. Which type of tectonic plate boundary involves plates colliding and one plate subducting under the other, forming
volcanoes and deep ocean trenches?
A. Divergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Convergent boundary D. Mid-ocean ridge

15. What type of plate boundary involves the movement of two plates sliding past each other horizontally?
A. Divergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Convergent boundary D. Subduction zone

16. What geologic features are associated with a divergent boundary between two plates?
A. Mountain ranges C. Mid-ocean ridges
B. Subduction zones D. Volcanoes

17. Which type of plate boundary involves the formation of volcanoes and deep ocean trenches due to the subduction of one
plate under the other?
A. Divergent boundary
B. Transform boundary
C. Convergent boundary with continental plates
D. Convergent boundary with oceanic and continental plates

18. What type of stress is associated with a convergent boundary between two plates?
A. Tensional stress C. Compression stress
B. Shearing stress D. None of the above

19. What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other?
A. Convergent Boundary C. Transform Fault Boundary
B. Divergent Boundary D. Sliding Boundary

20. What type of boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other?
A. Convergent boundary C. Divergent boundary
B. Transform boundary D. Subduction zone

21. What type of plate boundary occurs when two plates move apart from each other?
A. Divergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Convergent boundary D. Subduction zone

22. What type of plate boundary involves the collision of a continental plate and an oceanic plate, resulting in the subduction
of the denser oceanic plate and the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges?
A. Continental-oceanic convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Hotspot

23. What type of geologic features are associated with a divergent boundary between two oceanic plates?
A. Trenches C. Ridges
B. Mountains D. Volcanoes

24. What type of boundary occurs when two plates slide past each other horizontally?
A. Convergent boundary C. Transform boundary
B. Divergent boundary D. Subduction boundary

Part II: Fill in the blanks.

Transform Transform Away Collide Tension

Convergent Boundary Divergent Margins Towards Divergent Shearing

25. "__________ are borders between two tectonic plates that are moving apart from each other.
26. Along divergent boundaries, tectonic plates are moving ________ from each other, creating new oceanic crust. This process
is also known as seafloor spreading.
27. __________ boundaries occur when two tectonic plates slide past each other in opposite directions. The San Andreas
Fault in California is an example of this type of boundary.
28. Along convergent boundaries, two tectonic plates __________ into each other.
29. When tectonic plates move __________ each other, a subduction zone may form as one plate should go under the other
due to the differences in density.
30. The type of stress associated with divergent plate boundaries is _________________.
31. __________ boundaries occur when two tectonic plates move away from each other. The process by which this occurs
is known as seafloor spreading and can lead to the formation of mid-ocean ridges. An example of this type of boundary is the East
African Rift Valley.
32. The process by which two tectonic plates move towards each other and collide is known as_____________.
33. A __________ boundary occurs when two tectonic plates move parallel to each other in opposite directions, without any
vertical movement. An example of this type of boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California.
34. The type of stress associated with transform boundaries is ___________.

Part III: Label the parts of the map (Major and minor lithospheric plates)


4 3

14 16
6 12
1 5

2 7

Title: Lithospheric Plates Rubric

Criteria 8 Pts 6 Pts 4 Pts 2 Pts

Labels some major and Labels major and

Correctly labels most
Correctly labels all minor lithospheric minor lithospheric
major and minor
Completeness and major and minor plates on the world plates on the world
lithospheric plates on the
Accuracy lithospheric plates on map, but with notable map with significant
world map, with minimal
the world map. errors or omissions (6- errors or omissions
errors (1-5).
10). (more than 10).

Criteria 8 Pts 6 Pts 4 Pts 2 Pts

Organization Somewhat
Well-organized Mostly organized Disorganized
labeling, with clear labeling, with labeling, making it
labeling, with
distinction and distinguishable and challenging to
appropriate correctly placed major distinguish between
placement of major and minor lithospheric major and minor
between major and
and minor plates on the world map, lithospheric plates or
minor lithospheric
lithospheric plates on with few minor locate them correctly
plates or occasional
the world map. inconsistencies. on the world map.
placement errors.

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