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No Soal :1



oKe Deloved children's stories, nature is a cruel, hard world that is painted not in
water colors but In blood. A study found that chemicals released by plants as they
are eaten can help push caterplilars to cannibalism. Many plants release the
chemical methyl jasmonate when stressed or damaged. Getting gnawed on by a
caterpillar is stresful, so when the caterpillars start biting, the chemical flare goes
up. Other nearby Plants sense the flare and start producing their own methyl
jasmonate, building a camouflage around their eavesand stems. Once all the food
sources taste terrible, caterpillars turn to the next available meal; each other. Plants
with the time to build up a strong defence can make their leaves so unappetizing
that caterpillars wil start eating each other to get their fill, leaving the plant alone.

Researchers now plan to also look into how insect viruses are transferred during
their more carnivorous period. If viruses that harm caterpillars are transferred more
easily by cannibalism, that could be a gain for the plants. Not only are their leaves
protected from pests, but now those predators are spreading disease amongst
themselves, reducing the herbivore population further.

Interestingly enough, cannibalism can serve some important functions among these
herbivores. Eating each other literally takes the competition out of the food chain,
and keeps the surviving population strong in a time when food might be scarce.
Therefore, we should not be to quick to judge these fuzzy tittle cannibalism. It's a
bug eat bug world out there.

The topic of this passage is....


caterpillars' consumption behavior


cannibalism and it's effect on caterpillars


the effect of methyl jasmonate on insects

plant's defence mechanismagainst herbivores


the cause and effect of cannibalism among caterpillars





The King Nalar

Topik merupakan subjek yang secara umum dibicarakan dalam suatu

bacaan. Topik dapat berupa kata atau frasa yang dirujuk kembali oleh segala
sesuatu dalam teks.

Paragraf pertama menjelaskan mengenai penyebab kanibalisme di antara ulat,

kemudian paragraf ke dua menjelaskan mengenai kemunginan virus yang tersebar
akibat kanibalisme. Kemudian paragraf terakhir membicarakan mengenai fungsi
kanibalisme dalam populasi ulat. Dari ketiga bahasan di atas, maka dapat kita
simpulkan bahwa topik bacaan di atas adalah (E) the cause and effect of
cannibalism among caterpillars.



No Soal :2



The word gambut (peat) is taken from the name of a village, Desa Gambut (now
Gambut sub-district), which is located about 10 km east of Banjarmasin, South
Kalimantan. It is at this place that for the first time, rice has been successfully
cultivated in peat soiled rice fields. In the soil taxonomy system, peat soils are
grouped into a separate soil order called histosis, which means that the land is
predominantly composed of organic soil materials in the form of the remains of
plant tissues. The nature and characteristics of peat soils can be determined based
on their physical and chemical properties.

Gambut has dark brown to blackish colors, Although its basic materials are gray,
brown, or reddish, after decomposition, the dark humic compounds will appear.
Furthermore, based on the weight of the contents, peat soil or gambut, which has
undergone further decomposition, has a content weight ranging from 0.2 to 0.3
g/cm3. Due to the low content weight, Deat has a large capacity as water storage,
about 2-4 times its dry weight. In fact, moss peat that has not been decomposed can
store up to 12 or 15 even 20 times more water than its own weight. In addition,
peat soil has a large absorption area, which is up to 4 times greater than
montmorillonite clay.

Next, peat soil has acidic reaction properties. Decomposition of organic matters
will produce organic acids that accumulate in the body of the soil hence increasing
the acidity of the peat soil. Generally, peat soil

shows real resistance to changes in pH when compared to mineral soils. As a

result, peat soil requires more limestone to increase the pH at the same level of the
value of mineral soil. Thus, peat soil requires a higher dose of fertilizers than
mineral soil. Furthermore, based on the nutrients contained in it, peat soil is a type
of nutrient-poor soil. High level of Nand organic matters in peat soils are also
accompanied by a high N nitrification process so that the activity of heterotrophic
organisms is not well stimulated and the organisms active in the nitrification
process can carry out their activities. Therefore, the levels of P (phosphorus) and K
(potassium) of peat soils are generally lower than that of the mineral soils. Also,
the plants cultivated on the peat soil are very responsive to the fertilization using P
and K.
(adapted from

What is the main idea of the passage?


Peat soil has good properties as fertilizers.


Peat soil is physically and chemicaly different


Peat soil has certain physical and chemical properties


Peat soil has chemical properties that are quite different from clay


Peat soil is brown because of its physical and chemical properties





The King Nalar

Main information =main idea = ide utama.

Main idea biasanya ditemukan di paraqraf ke-1, bisa pada kalimat pertama atau
kalimat terakhinya.

Perhatikan kalimat terakhir paragraf 1: The nature and characteristics of peat soils
can be determined based on their physical and chemical properties. (Sifat dan ciri-
ciri tanah gambut bisa ditentukan berdasarkan sifat-sifat fisik dan kimiawinya.
Jadi, (C) Peat soil has certain physical and chemical properties (Tanah gambut
memiliki sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia tertentu) adalah jawaban yang tepat.



No Soal :3


SOAL SBMPTN 2018 kode 627

The impacts of electronic commerce in a developing country can be helpful rather

than detrimental. Electronic commerce has the potential to tie developing countries
into the rest of the world so they are no longer considered outsiders. For examples,
electronic commerce can enable more people to access products and services that
once were not available. Another benefit is that electronic commerce stores are
available 24 hours a day, days a week. As the infrastructure for electronic
commerce keeps growing, services that were not offered in the past become
available. Many of these benefits have not been proven yet, but the technology is
now available, and developing countries are looking forward to these benefits. The
high cost of technology may still be detrimental in many developing countries;
however, the constant innovation of software and hardware will hopefully reduce
these costs.

Consumer in developing countries can benefit from electronic commerce because

they can buy product that could only be found in major cosmopolitan cities.
Electronic commerce is closing the gap between the countries that have wide
availability of products and those with limited availability. The basic purpose of
electronic commerce is to provide goods and services to consumers who do not
live close to the physical location of the product or service and would otherwise
have a hard time acquiring these products and services Society and consumers
alike have only begun to enjoy the benefits of electronic commerce. Since new
developments are made on a continuous basis, it will eventually affect every
individual. Some of the benefits enjoyed by society and consumers for example,
are ease of transaction, comparability of products, quick delivery and the ability to
make any type of transaction at any given time of day.

Electronic commerce facilitates delivery of public and social services, such as

healthcare, education and distribution of government social services at a reduced
cost, improving the quality of care and living in these communities. For example,
healthcare services can reach patients in rural areas.
(Adapted from Lubbe, S. and JM.van Heerden. 2003. The Economic and Social Impacts of Electronic Commerce. London: Idea Group
Publishing, p.23)

What is the topic of the text?


Government policy on electronic commerce


Types of business suitable for electric commerce


The benefts of electronic commerce for developing countries


The gap between countries applying and not applying electronic commerce


Minimum requirements of software and hardware for electronic commerce





The King Nalar

Topik merupakan subjek yang secara umum dibicarakan dalam suatu bacaan.
Topik dapat berupa kata atau frasa yang dirujuk kembali oleh segala sesuatu dalam

Untuk menentukan topik mari kita identifikasi kalimat pertama tiap-tiap paragraf.

Paragraf 1: The impacts of electronic commerce in a developing country can be

helpful rather than detrimental.

paragraf 2: Consumer in developing countries can benefit from electronic


Paragraf 3: Electronic commerce facilitates .. at a reduced cost, improving the

quality of care and living in these Communities.

Ketiga kalimat tersebut menjelaskan mengenai keguntungan atau kelebihan

electronic commerce di neaara berkembang. Oleh karena itu, topik paragraf di atas
adalah opsi (C)The benefits of electronic commerce for developing countries



No Soal :4


It has been said that people can be judged by the company they keep. New research
from Michigan State University (MSU) shows that what is true for the living is
also true for the dead. The study, published in thecurrent issue of Nature Scientific
Reports, shows that postmortem microbiome--population of microorganisms that
move in after death- can provide crucial insights into the public health. Regardless
of many factors-sex, ethnicity, or even type of death-the microbiome is consistent
and distinct, depending on the number of days after death.

Based on the growing number of partnerships between MSU forensic

entomologists and medical examiners, the police and medical communities are
beginning to see the value this research can provide. A case in point is the
interdisciplinary research happening between MSU and the Wayne County
Medical Examiner's Office. The partnership initially began to better understand the
bugs and microbes present and what they can tell investigators about the recently
deceased. Just as the TV show says, the first 48 hours of an investigation are
critical. The organisms found on a body can help estimate the time of death.

According to Eric Benbow, MSU forensic entomologist and microbial ecologist

and study co-author, the microbial stopwatch, as it has recentily been called, is a
telling timepiece that can assist us in determining when someone died. It is
comparable to a town with a changing population: a company starts up and an
entire new population moves in. ln death, that microbial population is different
after two days, and it completely turns over again a few days later. MSU's kits and
the collection protocol are now being regularly used in death investigations. One
noteworthy case involves a mother who stored her two dead children in a freezer.
The microbial data were the first used to understand how the postmortem
microbiome changes in unusual circumstances of death and concealment, in this
case when bodies were frozen. The ever-growing dataset is painting a picture of the
public health-of the living-including many populations that are underserved and
understudied by the medical community.

For the first time, Michigan State University is demonstrating that sampling the
postmortem microbiome may have public health surveillance importance like
monitoring the diversity and frequency of antibiotic resistant genes from the
general population. Additionally, the victim may have died of a drug overdose, but
the research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from
a heart disease.

According to the study's lead author Jennifer Pechal, during the first 48 hours the
samples that had been gathered from a predominantly industrial urban population
confirmed that microbial biodiversity is a predictor of the host's health conditions,
such as heart disease, when they were living. The researchers have demonstrated
that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living

What is the text mainly about?


investigating deaths


organism living in dead bodies


solving crimes using bugs and microbes


estimating the time of death of the deceased


invaluable insight gathered from microorganisms of the dead





The King Nalar

Topik merupakan subjek yang secara umum dibicarakan dalam suatu bacaan.
Topik dapat beruppa kata atau frasa yang dirujuk kembali oleh segala sesuatu
dalam teks.

Pada paragraf pertama teks menyatakan bahwa"postmortem microbiome can

provide crucial insights into the public heaith"
Paragraf kedua menyatakan dan ketiga menjelaskan bagaimana microbuium dapat
digunakan untuk memperkirakan waktu kematian.

Nemudian, paragraf keempat dan kelima menyatakan bahwa microbium Juga dapat
digunakan sebagai predikator kesehatan inangnya. Maka dari itu topik dari teks
tersebut adalah (E) invaluable insight gathered Oorganisms of the dead. (wawasan
tak ternilai yang dikumpulkan dari mikroorganisme orang mati.



No Soal :5



There have been a number of differences in the way geography is now to be

approached in the National Curriculum. It was decided that there would be a
renewed emphasis on spatial knowledge, as well as the human and physical
processes. This should cover some technical procedures such as using grid
references. There should also be a renewed commitment towards the concept of
fieldwork and the use of maps, as well as written communication.

Dealing with geography, the National Curriculum includes certain topics, but not
necessarily how they should be taught. For example, the focus at key stage 1 is
developing knowledge about the United Kingdom and the world. Students should
study certain fact such as the world's seven continents and their locations. They
should be able to name and identify the four countries and capital cities of the UK.
Trips to London may include extra-curricular education that can aid students'
understanding of the United Kingdom. They also should be able to identify
seasonal weather patterns, identify hot and cold areas of the world, and use world
maps and globes to identify the UK and other countries and oceans.

As they progress to key stage 2, students are expected to extend their knowledge to
include Europe, North, and South America as well as significant human and
physical features. They should be able to identify the position of latitude,
longitude, the Equator and other large features of the world such as the Tropics of
Cancer and Capricorn. Students at key stage 2 should study more physical
geography including the climate zones, biomes and features such as volcanoes and
earthquakes. Trips to destinations such as lceland could encourage further learning
about some of the world's physical geography. There is a huge emphasis on
geographical skills at this stage. Students should be able to use the eight points of a
compass, four and six-figure grid references and keys on Ordinance Survey maps
in order to develop their knowledge.

What is the topic of the passage?


The art of teaching geography.


The world's physical geography.


Topical approaches in teaching geography.


Different strategies in teaching geography.


The geographical topics in the national curriculum.





The King Nalar

Topik merupakan subjek yang secara umum dibicarakan dalam suatu bacaan.
Topik dapat berupa kata atau frasa yang dirujuk kembali oleh segala sesuatu dalam

Cari point penting pada paragraf!

Paragraf 1: Perbedaan cara pendekatan geografi dalam Kurikulum Nasional
sekarang yang lebih menekankan pada pengetahuan spasial, serta proses manusia
dan fisik.

Paragraf 2: Topik-topik tertentu yang harus dicakup dalam pendidikan geografi

pada tahap petama.

Paragraf 3: Topik diharapkan dapat dikuasai siswa dalam pendidikan geografi pada
tahap kedua.

Dari pernyataan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa topik paragraf tersebut adalah
(E) The geographical topics in the national curriculum.



No Soal :6



The earth's crust is split into a number of tectonic plates that float above the hot
magma liquid. The plates keep moving. This is called tectonic plate, and the trigger
for earthquakes.

Strong earthquakes occur when two tectonic plates collide with each other. As a
result, the high tension arise at the edges of the two plates. The power continue to
increase and it eventually reaches an optimal point. When that energy is released
an earthquake occurs.

There are also two plates that collide and squeeze each other in the coastal area of
japan. The edges these tectonic plates are finally pressed to earth. A curved plate is
released under another plate witha higher density. If the pressure caused by
collision of the tectonic plates is released suddenly, then a natural disaster occurs in
the form of a huge earthquake.

The earthquake has also threatened the west coast of the United States. The two
plates rub against an area called the San Andreas Fault. The length of the rubbing
plate is about 1.000 kilometers. The resulting friction also causes collisions. The
two plates are curently sliding past each other. Since the fault is formed by natural
disasters that can occur anytime.
Tectonic plates on the surface of the earth always move dynamically so that
earthquakes often occur at the edge of each plate. The most famous earthquake
area is the Pacific fire ring which stretches frorn Chile in South America across the
eastern coast of North America, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia to the Tonga

What is the main idea of the passage above?


The San Andreas Fault causes earthquakes on the west coast of the United States.


Strong earthquakes that occur in the sea can trigger tsunami


The movement of tectonic plates causes earthquakes


Tectonic plates are fragmented by earth crusts


Huge earthquakes occur in the continent of Asia





Main idea biasanya dapat ditemukan di paragraf pertama suatu bacaan. la dapat
ditemukan baik di kalimat pertama atau kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama. Untuk
soal nomer 1, main idea terdapat pada kalimat terakhir paragrat pertama.

"This is called tectonic plate, and the trigger for earthquakes." (ni disebut lempeng
tektonik, dan pemicu gempa bumi.)
Kemudian paragraf 2,3,4 dan 5 menjelaskan bagaimana lempeng DRO tetonik
dapat menyebabkan gempa bumi. Oleh karena itu, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa
main idea driteks tersebut adalah opsi (C) The movement of tectonic plates Causes



No Soal :7



If you end up with depression, anxiety, OCD or any other condition, it can be
hugely debilitating, often consuming your daily existence. Having someone, be
they a family member or total stranger, dismiss it outright or accuse you of "faking
it"or similar can only make it worse, compounding the problem.

This is how campaigns to raise awareness of the issues can be beneficial. Just like
how increased exposure to 5 people of different ethnicities or backgrounds has
been shown to reduced feelings of prejudice and suspicion, so increasedexposure to
mental health problems and what they mean for those who deal with them can
enhance the understanding of those who don't have to.

The human brain can still be overwhelmed by the complex world we inhabit, so
when it comes to creating 10 are different or unfamiliar, especially if they're
confusing and uncertain or introduce an element of perceived threat mental models
of how the world works, it operates a general 'stick to what you know" policy. As
such, things that or danger, are met with suspicion, doubt, dismissal and so on. All
are defence mechanisms, in a way; it's the brain saying "this is not how the world
is meant to work, so I must dismiss this challenging new information

But the brain is not that inflexible. Our idea of how the world works is adaptable
and ever-updating, based on what we experience in our day-to-day lives. And if
those experiences involve people discussing mental health and 15 the issues around
it, that's more likely to become part of how we see the world and so has less chance
of unsettling us overall.

This is especially important for mental health, as opposed to more physical

ailments, because mental health problems often affect people's minds and
understanding rather than their bodies (although theres copious overlap). Basically,
someone experiencing a mental health problem or crisis may not realise this. Many
need help 20 and assistance to even accept they have an issue that requires dealing
with. And the more there are people around them who are "aware"of mental health
problems and how they manifest, the more likely this assistance is.

The main idea of the passage above is...


The way human brain operates towards how theworld works


Many people do not realise that they havea a mental health issue


The importance of mental health awareness


Defence mechanisms by the human brain


Defence mechanisms by the human brain understanding





Untuk menentulan judul suatu bacaan, hal yang perlu kita lakukan adalah
menentukan topik/ main idea bacaan tersebut terlebih dahulu.

Teks untuk pertanyaan ini membahas tentang pentingnya mental health awareness.
Hal tersebut dapat dilihat di paragraf dua dan lima yang sebagai pembuka dan
penutup teks, menekankan bahwa mental health awareness sangatlah penting.
Bagian tentang bagaimana otak manusia bekerja berfungsi Dari pokok cara
penyusunan untuk mendukung point di paragrat lima. gagasan dalam teks tersebut
dapat disimpulkan bahwa gagasan pokok bacaan di atas adalah pentingnya
kesadaran mengenai kesehatan mental (C) the importance of mental health



No Soal :8



Education includes both the teaching and learning of knowledge, proper conduct,
and technical competency. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills, trades or
professions, as well as mental, moral, and aesthetic development. Formal education
consists of systematic instruction, teaching, and training by professional teachers.
This consists of the application of pedagogy and the development of curricula.

Educational systems are established to provide education and training, often for
children and the young. A curriculum defines what students should know,
understand, and be able to do as the result of education. A teaching profession
delivers teaching which enables learning, and a system of policies, regulations,
examinations, structures, and funding enables teachers to teach to the best of their
abilities. Sometimes educational systems can be used to promote doctrines or
ideals as well as knowledge, which is known as social engineering. This can lead
to political abuse of the system, particularly in totalitarian states and governments.

Primary (or elementary) education consists of the first years of formal, structured
education. In general, primary education consists of six or seven years of schooling
starting at the age of 5 or 6, although this varies between, and sometimes within,
countries. Globally, around 70% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary
education and this proportion is rising.

In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education

consists of the second years of formal education that occur during adolescence. It is
characterized by transition from the typically Compulsory, comprehensive primary
education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, or "higher" education (e.g,
university, vocational school) for adults
(Adapted from: http:// reading education.php)

What does the passage mainly deal with?


formal education


varieties of education


curriculum development


modern education system


pedagogy transformation





Topik merupakan subjek yang secara umum dibicarakan dalam suatu

bacaan. Topik dapat berupa kata atau frasa yang dirujuk kembali oleh segala
sesuatu dalam teks.

Dalam kasus teks nomer 2, topik dari bacaan ini merupakan opsi (A) formal
education. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari paragraf 2,3, dan 4 yang membicarakan
elemen-elemen pendidikan formal yang disebutkan dalam paragraf pertama
kalimat ke dua.



No Soal :9


Climate change is not just bad for e planet and for our bodies, According to a new
report, Ciimde change is bad for our health too. The report is not the first to tackle
climate change from a healtn perspective. Earlier this year a Consortium on
Climate and Health issued a report detailing the many ways climate change can
negatively impact human health and well-being. What makes this new report
unigue is its narrow focus on mental health.

The report breaks up the mental health impacts into two broad buckets: acute
impacts such dsoSE from discrete climate related shocks (like fires, floods, and
storms)and chronic impacts, or the more gradual ways that climate change can
impact our well-being.

It is important that we recognize that up to fourty percent of people who live

through a disaster experience some kind of psychopathology. This includes
anxiety, despression, mood disorders, and post- traumatic stress discorder (PTSD).

According to the report, one in six people who lived in areas affected by Hurricane
Katrina met the criteria for PTSD. Similary, suicide and suicidal ideation more
than doubled in those regions, and 49 percent of people developed an anxiety or
mood disorder like depression. The issue is not just disaster itself-most of us can
cope with a single source of stress. But in disaster situations, stressors multiply
rapidly. You may have lost not just your home, but your job, and perhaps even the
broader community that you ordinarily relied on for support. And under climate
change scenarios, it could mean that you are extirpated from your home

Chronic effects are harder to envision, but no less dangerous. As the climate
continues to change, for 20 example, many locations will be warmer for longer
portions of the year - anyone who has experienced this usually warm winter knows
this firsthand. But if the weather gets to sticky, we tend to retreat indoors, making
it harder (even in this digital age) to build and maintain much needed social
networks. Similary, as temperatures soar, studies suggest our tempers do as well,
which can further threaten community cohesiveness.
Adapted from (accessed 2 April 2017)

What is the topic of the text?


Stessors in disaster situations


Chronic effects of climate change


Impacts of climate change in wellbeing


Psychopathology caused by climate change


Contribution of climate change to mental illness





Pada bacaan tersebut membahas perubahan iklim (climate change). Setelah

membaca kes- eluruhan, topik dari bacaan tersebut terletak pada bagian akhir yaitu
kesimpulan yang mem bahas tentang kesejahteraan manusia, bahwa efek kronis
tidak terlalu berbahaya hanya saja dampak yang diperoleh adalah manusia sulit
membangun dan memelihara jaringan sosial se- hingga mengancam kesejahteraan
masyarakat. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah dampak peru- bahan iklim dalam
kesejahteraan (Impacts of climate change in wellbeing).



No Soal :10



Humans have a unique affinity for bitter food, like coffee and broccoli. Most other
animals interpret a bitter taste dsa warning to stay away from a non-edible material,
but some humans cant get enough of it.According to a newv study, people with the
greatest affinity for bitter foods may have more psychopathic and antisocial

In the study, 500 participants were asked how much they enjoyed different
examples of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter foods. Then, they were asked to take a
series of personality assessment quizzes to evaluate their aggression, each of the
Dark Triad measures (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), everyday
sadism (verbal, physical, and vicarious), as well as Big Five personality traits,
which include extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability,
and openness.

The researchers found that people who liked bitter foods were also more likely to
score highly in measures of psychopathy, sadism, and aggression. In fact, they
write, an affinity for bitter foods was a better predicator of personality than any of
the other tastes.

This study adds valuable information to the little explored question of how
personality relates to taste preferences. However, understanding what makes a
person like a particular food is a complex knot of biology and
psychology.infiuenced by his or her sensitivity to tastes and odors as well as past
experiences. Moreover, the study 15 doesn't provide any information about what
might cause that preference, is it biology or psychology, or both?This information
might be even more valuable than the study at hand.

What is the main idea of the passage?


A research has lenta new insight on food affinity


Food preference can be a reflection of one's personality


Mental disorders may be a common problem in society


What we eat may trigger our negative traits and emotions


A study on taste has discovered a groundbreaking finding





Pada kalimat pertama paragraf 1: Humans havea unique affinity for bitter food...
( Manusia memiliki daya tarik yang unik untuk makanan pahit...) Kemudian,
kalimat ketiga menyatakan bahwa penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian baru
mengenai dampak konsumsi makanan pahit pada kecenderungan psikopat dan

Hal tersebut merupakan wawasan (insight) baru mengenai pengonsumsian

makanan pahit. Maka, ide pokok bacaan tersebut mengenai penelitian tentang daya
tarik makanan (A research has lent a new insight on food affinity).



No Soal :11


SOAL UM UGM 2016 Kode 372

Nanotechnology has been around for two decades, but the first wave of
applications is only now beginning to break. As it does, it will affect everything
from the batteries we use to the pants we wear to the way we treat cancer.

The main thing to know about nanotechnology is that it is smal. Really small.
Nano, a prefix that means 5 "dwarf"in Greek, is shorthand for nanometer, one
billionth of a meter; a distance so minute that comparing it to anything in the
regular world is a bit of a joke. This comma, for instance, spans about half a
million nanometer. To put it another way, a nanometer is the amount a man's beard
grows in the time it takes him to lift a razor to his face.
Nanotechnology matters because familiar materials begin to develop odd
properties when they are 10 nanosize. Tear a piece of aluminum foil into tiny
strips, and it will still behave like aluminum even after the strips have become so
small that you need a microscope to see them. But keep chopping them smaller,a
nd at some point - 20 to 30 nanometers, in this case - the pieces can explode. Not
all nanosize materials change properties so usefully, but the fact that some do is a
boon. With them, scientist can engineer a cornucopia of exotic new materials, such
as plastic that conducts electricity and coatings that prevent iron 15 from rusting. It
is like you shrink a cat, and keep shrinking it, and then at some point, all at once, it
turns into a dog

Substances behave magically at the nanoscale because that is where the essential
properties of matter are determined. Arrange calcium carbonate molecules in a
sawtooth pattern, for instance, and you get fragile, crumbly chalk. Stack the same
molecules like bricks, and they help form the layers of the tough, 20 iridescent
shell of an abalone. it is a tantalizing idea: creating a material with ideal properties
by customizing its atomic structure. Scientists have already developed rarefied
tools, such as the scanning tunneling microscope, capable of viewing and moving
individual atoms via exquisitely honed tip just one atom wide

in many ways Nano's invention is like that of plastic. It will be everywhere: in the
scalpels doctors use for surgery and in the fabrics we wear. When coffee is spilled
on a pair of stain-resistant nanopants from the Gap, made from fibers treated with
fluorinated nanopolymer, it will roli right off.

What is the main idea of the text?


Nano is a new technology so Userul that it is comparable to the use of


Nano is the latest and smallest measurement man has ever invented


Being nanosized, materials change its properties and behavior


Nanotechnology has been around for two decades

The nanonized structure of a matenal can be customized to create ideal properties





Tips Praktis : Cari ide/gagasan yang yang paling umum dan melingkupi seluruh

Bacaan tersebut membahas teknologi nano sudah ada selama 2 dekade, namun
aplikasinya menjadi popular saat ini dimana teknologi ini tercipta dengan
menyesuaikan struktur atomnya. Seluruh bacaan mendeskripsikan apa teknologi
nano itu, bukan hanya definisi nano atau kapan teknologi ini mulai ada. Sehingga
jawaban yang tepat adalah The nanonized structure of a material can be
customized to create ideal properties.



No Soal :12



Prisoners of war are traditionally members of the armed forces of a belligerent who
have been captured by an enemy. In modern warfare the term also includes
members of partisan, or guerilla, groups that operate according to the rules of war,
civilian contract supply and labor personnel, war correspondents, and crews
ofmerchant vessels.

The cardinal rule regarding prisoners of war and also interned civilians is that they
be treated humanely. In the passion of war this rule is usually violated. The degree
of violation varies according to the particular circumstances and the inhibitions
imposed by behavior. In ancient times prisoners of war were killed or sold into
slavery. The medieval period broughta stress on ransom, and early modern times
exchange. The practice of exchange lasted until the American Civil War, but was
finally stopped by the North in an effort to drain South of manpower. Prisoners of
war in the 20th century have usually had to escape in order to regain their freedom
before the end of the conflict

Conventions to draw up rules for the treatment of prisoners of war, especially with
the respect to food, housing, and conditions of work, were held in Brussels in
1874, at The Hague in 1899 and 1907, and at Geneva in 1949. In the Korean War
the Chinese Communists used prisoners, especially Americans, for propaganda
purposes after subject ing them to brainwashing. The result, in the United States,
was the 1955 Prisoner of War Code, which spelled out the responsibilities of
captured American servicemen.

What is mainly discussed in the above passage?


A brief history of prisoners of war in both ancient and modern times


Consequences of being prisoners of war


Treatment of prisoners of war in the ancient times


Conventions of treating prisoners of war in modern times


Characteristics of prisoners of war in afncient times





Bacaan tersebut mendiskusikan tentang tawanan perang (Prisoners). Pada paragraf

1. dan awal paragraf 2, keadaan tawanan perang pada jaman dulu dijelaskan.
Mulai pertengahan paragraf tawanan perang pada abad 20 dijelaskan. Sehingga
dapat disimpulkan terdapat dua masa yang dideskripsikan (A brief history of
prisoners of war in both ancient and modern times).



No Soal :13



Nowadays, our lives are practically dependent on the Information Communications

Technology (ICT) Data trom the Cormmunications and Information Ministryshows
that Internet users in Indonesia increasedfrom 74 million people in 2013 to 111
million in 2014. In lndonesia, Internet burst has been mainly used for accessing
social media. Indonesia ranked third among countnes with the highest number of
Facebook users, below the u.S and India.

The popularity of the Internet and social media unfortunately has not extended to
the education sector. ICT has not become a backbone of improving the country's
competitiveness through education. The Ministry of Education and Culture
recorded that only about 50 percent of the 234,919 primary and secondary schools
in Indonesia had access to the Internet in mid 2014

Advancement of ICT should ideally be able to revolutionize education.

Technology brings new sources of learning beyond teachers. Moreover, the divide
between students and subjects is further narrowed by the availability of educational
content through ICT. A revolutionin education is also possible through ICT as
students can learn at the appropriate speed according to their capacity. Interactive
digital content allows students to pick particular topics that they want to explore
more. In a nutshell, there is a democratization of the learning process.

Unfortunately, it is still a long road to revolutionize education in Indonesia through

ICT. In addition to building technology infrastructure across the country's island,
ICT literacy for teachers, parents and students is also of importance. Without it, we
are constrained from reaping the full benefits of ICT in education.
(Adapte df: new old-trend education. html)

What does the passage mainly deal with?


the access to ICT for Indonesian students


the positive impact of ICT on modern life


the use of CT in education


the benefits of ICT for life


ICT and modern life





Perhatikan kalimat 1 paragraf 1 (main idea). "Nowadays, our lives are practically
dependent on the Information Communication Technology (ICT)" yang. Paragraf 2,
3 dan 4 memberikan uraian tentang penggunaan ICT dalam pendidikan. Jadi bisa
disimpulkan bahwa isi teks secara keseluruhan membahas tentang penggunaan ICT
dalam dunia pendidikan' (The use oflCTin education)



No Soal :14


In today's economy vocational jobs are becomino gmore and more important. This
is why vocational education ation programs are popular. Vocational education
training orovides career and technical education to interested students. These
students are prepared as trainees for jobs; jobs that are based upon manual or
practical fields or jobs that are related to specific trades, occupations, and

Instructors teach students the knowledge required for their field. Community coleg
rational fields. They also vocational education. These colleges around the country
provide certificates in various vod oner certaln degree programs that focus on some
popular occunations The vocational field expands eacn yed include new fields.

he training for vocational jobs requires less education than fourvear dearee
programs.They are alsomucn iess expensIve. Instructors at this level of education
use traditional methods of teaching. They use lesson plans, teacne resources,
worksheets, an other tools in this process. One difference to other education
programs is the on-the-Joo training component. Many students will have the
opportunity to work in their field while being educated. Somne will be accepted
into valuable apprenticeship programs. Some of the jobs in vocational fields
include construction workers, blacksmiths, and steel workers. Today, there are
other great choices of vocational jobs. These include retail, tourism, and
cosmetology. Also, there are some portions of the information technology field
taught. This allowss students to decide from a variety of career choices.

The retail field is one of those growing career opportunities. Workers can start as
trainees and then reach management position. Most retail companies have their
own training programs for specificjobs. These make retail even more welcoming to
new employees. Tourism is also a great field to consider in the vocational field.
This area includes planning trips to being a tour guide.
(Adapted from:

What is the topic of the passage


Jobs based upon manual or practical felds.


Increased opportunities for vocational career

Vocational education for vocational jobs.


Variety of choices of vocational jobs.


Training programs for vocational jobs.





Untuk menemukan gagasan utama bacaan di atas, perlu kita identifikasi gagasan
utama masing masing paragraf.

Paragraf 1: Pendidikan vokasi yang semaki populer karena lapangan pekerjaan

vokasi yang semakin penting.

Paragraf 2: Pendidikan vokasi terus memperluas bidang baru.

Paragraf 3: Sistem pendidikan vokasi

Paragraf 4: Contok karir di bidang vokasi.

Dengan demikian gagasan utama bacaan tersebut adalah Pendidikan vokasi untuk
bidang pekerjaan vokasi (C) Vocational education for vocational jobs.



No Soal :15



If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? The obstacles to keep
your body alive indefinitely still seems insurmountable, but some scientists think
there is another possibility opened up by digital technology: creating a digital copy
of your "self" and keeping that "alive" online long after your physical body has
have identical features as their parents, but that are completely separate organisms
with a separate conscious ceased to function.

In effect, the proposal is to clone a person electronically. Unlike their ife- your
electronic clone would believe itself to he yht this be possible? The first step wouid
De ow One plan relies on the development of nanotechnoloay. Ray Kuzweil one of
the prophets or aruncld map the brain.

Tinteligence- predicts that within two or three decades we il enanotransmitters that

can be injected into the the capillaries of the brain, they would line up
alongside the neurons and detect the details orthe cerebral electronic activity. They
would be able to transmit that information to a receiver inside a special helmet or
cap, so there would be no need for any wires protruding from the scalp.

As a further step, Ray Kuzweil also envisages the nanotransmitters being able to
connect you to the world of virtual reality on the internet, similar to what was
depicted in the film 'Matrix. With the nanotransmitters in place, by thought alone,
you could log on to the intemet and instead of the pictures coming up on your
screen they would play inside your mind. Rather than send your friends e-mails
you would agree to meet up on some virtual For Ray this would be, quite literally,
heaven. Once you upload the brain onto the internet and log on to that tropical

virtual world the body can be left to rot while your virtual self carries on playing
Counter Strike forever. Therefore why wait when you can have a shot of nanobots
and upload your brain onto the internet and live on as an immortal virtual surfer?
(Adapted from "Digital Heaven" Accessed
March 18, 2016).

The text mainly discusses..


an endeavor to seek immortal life.


how nanotechnology relates to the concept of heaven.

nanotechnology and its possibility to facilitate eternal life for human mind.


how nanotechnology can work with the human brain.


the contradiction between technology and religions..





Tips Praktis : The text mainly discuss... menanyakan topik suatu bacaan.

Perhatikan kalimat ke-2 paragraf 1: The obstacles to keep your body alive
indeńnitely still seems insurmountable, but some scientists think there is another
possibility opened up by digital technology.. (Rintangan untuk menjaga supaya
tubuh tetap hidup nampaknya masih tidak bisa diatasi, tapi beberapa ilmuwan
berpikir bahwa ada kesempatan lain yang dibuka oleh teknologi digital..)

Kemudian di paragraf berikutnya dijelaskan lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana digital

teknologi: nanoteknologi digunakan dalam tubuh manusia.



No Soal :16



Last January, a study in Nature Climate showed that the world's glaciers are the
smallest they have been in human history, revealing radiocarbon radiation material
that has not been exposed for 40,000 years. Now, new research published in Nature
quantifes how much the world's lost glaciers have contributed to rising sea levels.
From 1961, when reliable record keeping began, to 2016, the ocean crawled up 27
millimeters as a result of ice sloughing off the world's non-polar glaciers. Scientists
had known that melting glaciers contribute to sea- level rise, but the new study
takes a comprehensive look at how much and how quickly they're melting. They
found mountain glaciers contribute roughly a third of measured sea-level rise the
same contribution to sea level rise as the Greenland ice sheet and more than the
contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet. Their research also highlighted that many of
the world's glaciers may disappear in the next century. In total, NASA estimates
that sea levels rise by three millimeters each year. As oceans warm further,
scientists estimate thermal expansion will force sea levels up even more.

he study looked at 19 geologically distinct regions that had been previously

segmented by the Randolph Glacier Inventory. For each of these regions, they
relied on field data from the World Glacier Monitoring Service. In any of these
regions, field measurements are generally only available for one or two glaciers.

To get a more detailed analysis, the researchers used data collected from airborne
and satellite surveys to calculate changes in a glacier's volume. Not only did they
find that sea levels have risen as much as 27 millimeters in the past 50 years, they
also calculated change in glacial mass from 2006 to 2016, finding that sea level
roughly increased one millimeter each year. Their data showed that in the 1960s
and 1970s, glaciers had predictable seasonal changes, losing mass in the summer
and regaining it in the winter. In the 1980s, data showed more was lost than
regained, and by the 1990s, all the glaciers they measured showed they were losing
more volume than they could replace.

To see how much that contributed to rising sea levels, the researchers then divided
the total mass lost from glaciers by the surface of the ocean. Coastal towns are
already beginning to feel the impacts of sea-level rise. In the Outer Banks in North
Carolina, neighborhoods that once looked over the ocean have begun to fall into it.
Major cities like Miami are developing adaption plans for when, not if, seas rise.

Melting glaciers will also impact the inland communities that rely on them. The
Peruvian Andes are home to some of the world's most heavily relied upon glaciers.
Since the Inca, Peru's glaciers have been a crucial source of freshwater for human
consumption and agriculture. A study published last October in the journal
Scientific Reports estimated that the Quelccaya lce Cap, a region that spans more
than 9,000 football fields, could reach a tipping point if emissions aren't reduced in
the next 30 years.
(Adapted from https:/ Accessed 11
February 2019)

The text states all the following, EXCEPT...


Researchers used radiocarbon to measure changes in glacial mass


The Greenland ice sheet also contributed to sea-level rise


Satellite surveys were used to study glacier


Mountain glaciers contributed more to sea-level rise than Antartic ice sheet


The World Glacier Monitoring Service provided reliable data for the study





The King Nalar:

Cermati opsi jawaban yang tersedia, cari kata kucinya lalu cocokkan dengan teks.

Perhatikan kalimat: Last January, a study in Nature Cimate showed that the
world's glaciers are the smallest they have been in human history, revealing
radiocarbon radiation materal that has not been exposed for 40,000
vears. (Januari lalu, sebuah kajian dalam Nature Climate menunjukkan Danwa
glasier dunia sekarang yang terkecil dalam sejarah manusia, memperlihatkan
materi radiocarpon yang uddk terekspos selama 40.000 tahun). Kalimat ini
bertentangan dengan kalimat: Researchers used radiocarbon to measure changes
in glacial mass.


No Soal :17



Unlike beloved children's stories, nature is a cruel, hard world that is painted not in
water colors but in blood. A study found that chemicals released by plants as they
are eaten can help push caterpillars to cannibalism. Many plants release the
chemical methyl jasmonate when stressed or damaged. Getting gnawed on by a
caterpillar is stresful, so when the caterpillars start biting, the chemical flare goes
up. Other nearby plants sense the flare and start producing their own methyl
jasmonate, building a camouflage around their leaves and stems. Once all the food
sources taste terrible, caterpillars turn to the next available meal; each other. Plants
with the time to build up a strong defence can make their leaves so unappetizing
that caterpillars will start eating each other to get their fill, leaving the plant alone.

Researchers now plan to also look into how insect viruses are transferred during
their more carnivorous period. If viruses that harm caterpillars are transferred more
easily by cannibalism, that could be a gain for the plants. Not only are their leaves
protected from pests, but now those predators are spreading disease amongst
themselves, reducing the herbivore population further

Interestingly enough, cannibalism can serve some important functions among these
herbivores. tating each other literally takes the competition out of the food chain,
and keeps the surviving population strong in a time when food might be scarce.
Therefore, we should not be to quick to judge these fuzzy tittle cannibalism. It's a
bug eat bug world out there.

Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?


stress may save plants from being consumed


plants can manipulate their own perception of taste


under constraints, plants can alter their predator's appetite


cannibalism helps maintain food supply in times of need


the chemical methyl jasmonate drives caterpillars away from their natural food





The King Nalar:

Cermati opsi jawaban yang tersedia, cari kata kucinya lalu cocokkan dengan teks.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas, kita perlu menyocokkan pilihan jawaban

dengan teks.

Opsi (A) memiliki arti "stres dapat menyelanatkan tanaman agar tidak dikonsumsi"
(BENAR) terdapat pada kalimat 2 dan 3 paragraf 1.

Ons (B) memiliki arti " tanaman dapat memanipulasi persepsi rasa mereka sendiri"
(SALAH) karena pada araoraf pertama terdapat kalimat 'Once all the food sources
taste terrible, caterpillars turn to the next available each other" (Setelah semua
sumber makanan terasa tidak enak, ulat beralih ke makanan berikutnya yang
rsedia: satu sama lain). Dalam kalimat tersebut dinyatakan yang dapat merasakan
makanan adalah ulat bukan tanaman. Maka pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan
bacaan adalah (B)



No Soal :18



Forget lions, tigers, and bears. When it comes to the art of war, army ants are
among the moStgnte th earth. With powerful mouth parts, these fighters can
skilfully cut creatures much larger than neselves into pieces. Acting together in
qreat numbers, army ant colonies succeed at making tens of s or such kills each
day. Their capabilities do have limits, though. Contrary to popular beliet, they
almost never take down large animals of people.

hebest places to observe army ants is Barro Colorado, an island in a lake created by
Panama Ldnal. The island is home to as many as 50 colonies of Eciton burchelli,
the most studied army ant in the wornia. It IS one of 150 types of army ants in the
New World; more 170 other types live in Asia, Africa, and Australia.

he colonies of this army ant are huge, ranging from 300.000 to 700.000 ants. They
never stay in one place long, moving from nest site to nest site. Linking legs
together, they use their own bodies to form enormous nests called bivouacs, which
they hang beneath a fallen tree. There they stay for about 20 days as the queen lays
as many as 300.000 eggs.

When the ants go hunting as many as 200.000 of them leave the nest in a group
that broaderns into a fan as wide as 14 meters. This swarm raid takes a slightly
different course each day, allowing the hunter to Cover fresh ground each time.

Protecting the ants wherever they go are soldiers, recognizable by their oversized
jaws. If their frightening looks do not scare enemies away, soldiers also have a
powerful bite and the attack is often suicidal. Because their jaws are shaped like
fishhooks, the soldiers cannot pull them out again. Amazonian 20 tribes have used
soldier ants to close wounds, breaking the bodies and leaving the head in place

Which of the following statements about soldier ants is NOT true?


People can use them to close wounds


They can see nothing a head of them


They have powerful bites


They lay many eggs


They link their legs together to form a living bridge





Keyword: Linking legs, 300.000 eggs, powerful bite, Amazonian, Close wounds =
kaki yang terhubung, 300.000 telur, gigitan yang kuat, spesies Amazon, menutup

Berdasarkan jawaban yang ada maka opsi jawaban B tidak ada di dalam bacaan.



No Soal :19



Further research, conducted by Dean Mobbs, then at Stanford University in

California, uncovered a second point of activity in brain's limbic system-associated
with dopamine release and reward processing -which may explain the pleasure felt
once you "get" the joke. Examining on particular part of the limbic system the
ventral striatum - was especially revealing, as its level of activity coresponded with
the perceived funniness of a joke. "it's the same region that is involved in many
different types of reward, from drugs, to sex and our favourite music" says Mobbs,
now at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK. "Humour
thus taps into basic reward systems that are important of our survival"

Yet humour a far more multifaceted process than primeval pleasure like food. In
addition the two core processes of getting the joke and feeling good about it, jokes
also active regions of the frontal and cingulate cortex, which are linked with
association formation, learning and decision-making. The team also found
heightened activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and the frontoinsular cortex -
region that are only present in humans and, in a less developed form, great apes.
Indeed, the fact that these regions are involved suggest that humour is an advanced
ability which may have only evolved in early human, says Watson, who conducted
the research.

No two brains are the same, however, and how these differences are reflected in
our sense of humour is the subject of much research. Men and women, for
example, seem to process jokes slightly differently. Although both sexes laugh at
roughly the same number of jokes, women show greater activity in the left
prefrontal cortex than men. "This suggests a greater degree of executive processing
and language - based decoding' says Mobbs. As result, women take significantly
much longer those men to decide whether they find something funny, though that
does not seem to spoil their enjoyment of the joke. Indeed, women show a greater
response in the limbic system than men, suggesting they feel a greater sense of

Humour is worth in these four facets, except..


Experiencing the sense of the humour itself


Having good feelings about the humour


Activating parts of the frontal and cingulate cortex


Enhancing activities in two humans cortex areas


Triggering more dynamic responses in all cells




Cermati kata kunci yang ditanyakan adalah mengenai humor. Adapun informasi
mengenai humor dipaparkan pada paragraf 2. Berdasarkan informasi pada bacaan,
maka dimensi humor yang tidak dipaparkan pada wacana soat adalah "triggering
more dynamic responses in all cells" (memicu respon yang lebih dinamis dalam
seluruh se



No Soal :20



Uranus, the first planet discovered in modern times, was named after the Greek
deity, the earliest supreme God. It was discovered by William Herschel while
systematically searching the sky with his telescope on March 13, 1781. It had
actually been seen many times before but ignored as simply another star.The
earliest recordrd sighting was in 1690 when John Flamsted classified it as 34 Tauri.
Herschel named it the Georgium Sidus" (the Georgian Planet) to honor his patron
King George ll of England. Others called it "Herschel: The name"Ura nus"was first
recommended by Bode, but it was not commonly used until 1850. Uranus has been
visited by only one spacecraft, Voyager 2 on Jan 24, 1986.

Most of the planets sp cn atie dis noarhy perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic,
but Uranus'axis is almost parallel to the ecliptic. At the time of Voyager 2s
passage, Uranus' south pole was pointed almost directly at the Sun, so Uranus'
polar regior s reeve more energy input from the Sun than do its equatorial regions.
Uranus is nevertheless hotter at its equator than at its poles. The mechanism
underlying this is unknown.

Actually, there's an eng oing battle over which of Uranus' poles is its north pole.
Either its axial inclination is a bit over 90 degrees and its rotation is direct, or it's a
bit less than 90 degrees and the rotation is retrograde. The problem is that you need
to draw a dividing line somewhere because in a case like Venus, 15 there is little
dispute that the rotation is indeed retrograde (not a direct rotation with an
inclination of nearty 180).

The foliJwing statements are true, except......


Uranus is the name of a greek God


Uranus was once considered a star


Uranus has bee. known by different n ames


a spacecraft travelleJ to Uranus in the 1980s


Uranus was fhrst seen in the sixteenth century





Tips Praktis!

Kenali keywords dalam pilihan jawaban, cocokkan dengan bacaan.

Opsi (A) Uranus is the name of a greek God (BENAR) terdapat dalam kalimat
"Uranus, .., was named after the Greek deity"

Opsi (B) Uranus was once considered a staar (BENAR) terdapat dalam kalimat
"'t had actually been seen many times before but ignored as Simply
another star."

Opsi (C) Uranus has been known by different names (BENAR) terdapat dalam
kalimat Herschel named it 'the Georgium Sidus. Others called it 'Herschel" Opsi
(D) a spacecraft travelled to Uranusin the 1980s (BENAR) O terdapat dalam
kalimat "Uranus has been visited by only one spacecraft, Voyager 2 on Jan 24,

Opsi (E) Uranus was first seen in the sixteenth century (SALAH) tidak sesuai
dengan kalimat The earliest recorded sighting was in 1690." tahun 1690
merupakan abad ke 17. Abad 16 merupakan pwriode waktu tahun 1501 sampai



No Soal :21



dsDeen said that people can be judged by the company they keep. New research
from Michigan eversity (MSU) shows that what is true for the living is also true for
the dead. The study, published in he current issue of Nature Scientific Reports,
shows that postmortem microbiome-population or micro organisms that move in
after death can provide crucial insights into the public health. Regardless or many
tactors-sex, ethnicity, or even type of death-the microbiome is consistent and
distinct, depending on the number of days after death. Based on the growing
number of partnerships between MSU forensic entomologists and medical
examiners, the police and medical communities are beginning to see the value this
research can provide. A case in point is the interdisciplinary research happening
between MSU and the Wayne County Medical Examiner's Office. The partnership
initially began to better understand the 10 bugs and microbes present and what they
can tell investigators about the recently deceased. Just as the TV show says, the
first 48 hours of an investigation are critical. The organisms found on a body can
helpp estimate the time of death.

According to Eric Benbow, MSU forensic entomologist and microbial ecologist

and study co-author, the microbial stopwatch, as it has recently been called, is a
telling timepiece that can assist us in determining when someone died. It is
comparable to a tovwn with a changing population: a company starts up, and an
entire new population moves in. In death, that microbial population is different
after two days, and it completely turns over again a few days later.

MSU's kits and the collection protocol are now being regularly used in death
investigations. One note- worthy case involves a mother who stored her two dead
children in a freezer. The microbial data were the 20 first used to understand how
the postmortem microbiome changes in unusual circumstances of death and
concealment, in this case when bodies were frozen. Ihe ever-growing dataset is
painting a picture of the public health-of the living-including many populations
that are underserved and understudied by the medical community.

For the first time, Michigan State University is demonstrating that sampling the
postmortem micro- biome may have public health surveillance importance like
monitoring the diversity and frequency of antibiotic resistant genes from the
general population. Additionally, the victim may have died of a drug overdose, but
the research also revealed that the microbes can show that the person suffered from
a heart disease.

According to the study's lead author Jennifer Pechal, during the first 48 hours the
samples that had been gathered from a predominantly industrial urban population
confirmed that microbial biodiversity is a predictor of the host's health conditions,
such as heart disease, when they were living. The researchers have demonstrated
that this microbiome could be an effective tool for assessing the health of living

The text states all of the following except....


postmortem microbiome may enable public health monitoring


the disease suffered by the dead can be determined from postmortem microbiome


the cause of death can be found from microbes present in a body


the microbes found in a body can be examined to predict the health condition when
the person was alive


the microbes found in a body can help determine the types of antibiotics taken
when the person was alive




Untuk menemukan pernyataan yang tidak sesui dengan bacaan, cocokkan setiap
pilihan jawaban dengan tbacaan.

A. postmortem microbiome may enable public health monitoring (BENAR),

sesuai gagasan utama di Paragraf 6.
B. the disease suffered by the dead can be determined from postmortem
microbiome (BENAR), Sesuai gagasan utama di Paragraf 5.
C. the cause of death can be found from microbes present in a body (BENAR),
sesuai gagasan utama di Paragraf 5.
D. the microbes found in a body can be examined to predict the health
condition when the person was alive (BENAR), sesuai gagasan utama di
Paragraf 5.
E. the microbes found in a body can help determine the types of antibiotics
taken when the person was alive (SALAH), tidak disebutkan perihal
F. Jadi, berdasarkan bacaan, pernyataan yang salah adalah pernyataan E.



No Soal :22



Strategic flooding is a highly risky tactic. It can only be successful if there's a well-
thought-out backup plan and a plan for fast repairs. Flood can result in loss of life
and damage homes and businesses, and when the water remains inland for a long
time, it can change the landscape through erosion and deposition, formin9 new
tidal channels and creeks.

During the Eighty Years War, as the Spanish army fought to recapture territory in
what is now northern Belgium and southwestern Netherland in the late sixteenth
century, the Dutch rebels led by William of Orange decided to use the low-lying,
flood-prone landscape to their advantage. In an attempt to liberate Bruges, Ghent
and Antwerp from Spanish dominance and defend their territory, the rebels
destroyed seawalls at strategic places from 1584 to 1586 to cause deliberate, large-
scale floods.

The area flooded during the Eighty Years War became part of strategic line of
defense and remainea inundated for more than 100 years in some places, with
profound consequences for the landscape. 1he pian got completely out of hand, and
it came at the expense of the countryside of northtern Landers, now Zeeland
Flanders. After water receded, a thick layer of clay covered all remnants of
buildings and roads in the area. As sea water was used, soil salinity increased,
affecting agricaltural yields, being as damaging as floods caused by heavy rainfall
or storm surges.

According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?


Agricultural crops are disturbed because of the rise of soil salinity brought by sea


The Dutch utilized the landscape which was easily flooded to beat The Spanish


Fast restorian was one of the ways to ensure the success of strategic flooding


Three cities were affected by the flood strategy used by the Dutch


Erosion caused by floods will alter the landscape




Jika diperhatikan pada soal tersebut hanya ter dapat kata false, maka carilah
pilihan jawaban yang salah atau tidak sesuai dengan bacaan. Dari pilihan jawaban
A-E, pernyataan yang ti- dak sesuai adalah pilihan jawab D karena tidak semua 3
kota (Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp) yang mendapat dampak buruk dari "Strategic
Flood- ing" Hanya di daerah pedesaan Northtern Land- ers yang mendapat dampak
sangat buruk karena tergenang air laut hingga lebih dari 100 tahun hingga
meningkatkan kadar garam tanah dan mengganggu hasil pertanian. Sehingga
jawaban yang tepat adalah Three cities were affected by the flood strategy used by
the Dutch.



No Soal :23



Climate change is not just bad for the planet and for our bodies. According to a
new report, climate change is bad for our health too. The report is not the first to
tackle climate change from a health

perspective. Earlier this year a Consortium on Climate and Health issued a report
detailing the many ways climate change can negatively impact human health and
well-being. What makes this new report unique is its narrow focus on mental

The report breaks up the mental health impacts into two broad buckets: acute
impacts such as those fram discrete climate related shocks (like fires, floods, and
storms) and chronic impacts, or the more gradual ways that climate change can
impact our well-being. t is important that we recognize that up to fourty percent of
people who live through a disaster experience some kind of psychopathology. This
includes anxiety, despression, mood disorders, and post- traumatic stress discorder

According to the report, one in six people who lived in areas affected by Hurricane
Katrina met the criteria for PTSD. Similary, suicide and suicidal ideation more
than doubled in those regions, and 49 percent of people developed an anxiety or
mood disorder like depression.
The issue is not just disaster itself - most of us can cope with a single source of
stress. But in disaster situations, stressors multiply rapidly. You may have lost not
just your home, but yourjob, and perhaps even the broader community that you
ordinarily relied on for support. And under climate change scenarios, it Could
mean that you are extirpated from your home permanently.

Chronic effects are harder to envision, but no less dangerous. As the climate
continues to change, for example, many locations will be warmer for longer
portions of the year anyone who has experienced this usually warm winter knows
this firsthand. But if the weather gets to sticky, we tend to retreat indoors, making
it harder (even in this digital age) to build and maintain much needed social
networks. Similary, as temperatures soar, studies suggest our tempers do as well,
which can further threaten community Cohesiveness.
Adapted from (accessed 2 April 2017)

The text mentions all of the following psychological problems, except...


Mood disorders












Bacaan yang membahas tentang Psychological problems terdapat di paragraf 3

baris 10: This includes anxiety, despression, mood disorderS, and posttraumatic
stress discorder (PTSD). Maka, cocokkan permasalahan psikologi yang ada diba-
caan dengan di pilihan jawaban. Jadi jawaban yang tepat kecuali disebutkan dalam
pilihan adalah Schizophrenia.



No Soal :24



numans have a unique affinity for bitter food. like coffee and broccoli. Most other
animals interpret a ter taste as a warning to stay away from a non-edible material,
but some humans can't get enough of it. ACcording to a new study, people with the
areatest affinity for bitter foods may have more psychopathic and antisocial

In the study, 500 participants were asked how much they enjoyed different
examples of Sweet, sour, salty, and bitter foods. Then, they were asked to take a
series of personality assessment quizzes to evaluate their aggression, each of the
Dark Triad measures (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), everyday
sadism (verbal, physical, and vicarious), as well as Big Five personality traits,
which include extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability,
and openness.

he researchers found that people who liked bitter foods were also more likely to
score highly in measures of psychopathy, sadism, and aggression. In fact, they
write, an affinity for bitter foods was a better predicator of personality than any of
the other tastes. This study adds valuable information to the little explored question
of how personality relates to taste preterences. However, understanding what
makes a person like a particular food is a complex knot of biology and psychology,
influenced by his or her sensitivity to tastes and odors as well as past experiences.
Moreover, the study doesn't provide any information about what might cause that
preference, is it biology or psychology, or both? This information might be even
more valuable than the study at hand.

According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?


Most creatures do not have a liking for bitter food


The study utilized an array of different tests related to human traits


Bitter taste is usually a strong indication that something can't be eaten


Amultidisciplinary research should be able to give more through analysis


No other tests explored the relationship between taste preference and personality





Meskipun opsi jawaban Dbenarsecara logika, akan tetapi dalam bacaan tidak
disebutkan mengenai penelitian lintas ilmu (a multidisciplinary). Pada bacaan
tersebut hanya menyinggung bahwa penelitian yang baru saja dilakukan
memberikan sedikit informasi mengenai pemilihan rasa dan kepribadian, tetapi
tidak menyebutkan penelitian lain yang serupa. Sehingga jawaban yang salah
adalah A multidisciplinary research should be able to give more through analysis



No Soal :25


The impacts of electronic commerce in a developing country can be helpful rather

than detrimental. Electronic commerce has the potential to tie developing countries
into the rest of the world so they are no longer considered outsiders. For examples,
electronic commerce can enable more people to access products and services that
once were not available. Another benefit is that electronic commerce stores are
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As the infrastructure for electronic
commerce keeps growing, services that were not offered in the past become
available. Many of these benefits have not been proven yet, but the technoloqy is
now available, and developing countries are looking forward to these benefits. The
high cost of technology may still be detrimental in many developing countries;
however, the constant innovation of software and hardware will hopefully reduce
these costs

Consumer in developing countries can benefit from electronic commerce because

they can buy product that could only be found in major cosmopolitan cities.
Electronic commerce is closing the gap between the countries that have wide
availability of products and those with limited availability. The basic purpose of
electronic commerce is to provide goods and services to consumers who do not
live close to the physical location of the product or service and would otherwise
havea hard time acquiring these products and services.

Society and consumers alike have only begun to enjoy the benefits of electronic
commerce. Since new developments are made on a continuous basis, it will
eventually affect every individual. Some of the benefits enjoyed by society and
consumers, for example, are ease of transaction, comparability of products, quick
delivery and the ability to make any type of transaction at any given time of day.

Electronic commerce facilitates delivery of public and social services, such as

healthcare, education and distribution of government social services at a reduced
cost, improving the quality of care and living in these communities. For example,
healthcare services can reach patients in rural areas.
(Adapted from Lubbe, S. and J.M. van Heerden. 2003. The Economic and Social Impacts of Electronic Commerce. London: Idea Group
Publishing, p.23)

The text states all of the following, except..


Electronic commerce makes the delivery of public and social services easier

Transaction of electronic commerce can only be made at particular time


Some people still wait to see the benefits of electronic commerce


Electronic commerce improves quality of life


The latest technology is now ready to support electronic commerce





Perhatikan opsi jawaban B: Transaction of electronic commerce can only be made

at particular time (Transaksi perdagangan elektronik hanya dapat dilakukan pada
waktu terrtentu). Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan isi bacaan di paragraf 1:... electronic
commerce stores are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, yang menegaskan
bahwa perdagangan elektronik dapat dilakukan kapan saja.



No Soal :26



The modern periodof civil right reform in the US can be divided into several
phases, each beginning movements, with isolated, small scale protests and
ultimately resulting in the emergence of new, more mit the National leaders and
organizations. The Brown decision demonstrated that the litigation
stratedoundations of Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NACCP) could undermine the ndividually or in southern segregationist practices,
but the strateqy worked only when blacks, acting in small groups, assumed the risk
associated with crossing racial barriers. Thus, even after ta compel declared that
public school segregation was unconstitutional, black activism was f public life the
federal government to implement the decision and extend its principles to all areas
P and rather than simply in schools. During the 1950s and 1960s, therefore,
NAcCP-I sponsored lega sunc legislative lobbying were supplemented by an
increasingly massive and militant social movE ing Iontgomery Bus Boycott and
the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the initial phase or E a broad range
of social changes.

Montgomery bus Boycott and the southern Chirstian Leadership Conference. The
intial phase of the black protest activity in the post-brown period began on
December 1, 1995. Rosa Parks of Montgoet Alabama, refused to give up. He seat
to a white rider, thereby defying a southern custom that required blackS to give
seats toward the front of buses to whites. When she was jailed, a black community
Doyco the city's buses began. The boycott lasted more than a year, demonstrating
the unity and determination or black residents and inspiring blacks elsewhere.

Martin Luther King, Jr., who emerged as the boycott movement's most effective
leader, possessed unique conciliatory and oratorical skills. He understood the larger
significance of the boycott and quickly realized that the nonviolent tactics used by
the Indian nationalist Mahatma Gandhi could be used by southern blacks. "T had
come to see early that the Christian doctrine of love operating through the
Gandhian method of no violence was one of the most potent weapons available to
the Negro in his struggle for freedom, he explained. Although Parks and King were
members of the NACCP, the Montgomery movement led to the creation in 1957 of
a new regional organization, the clergy-led Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SLCC) with King as its presidents.

King remained the major spokesperson for black aspirations, but, as in

Montgomery, little-known individuals initiated most subsequent black movement.
On February 1, 1960, four freshmen at North California Agricultural and Technical
College began a wave of student sit-ins designed to end segregation at southern
lunch counters.

These protests spread rapidly throughout the South and led to the founding, in
1960, of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). This student
led group, even more aggressive in its use of nonviolent direct action tactics that
King's SLCC, stressed the development of autonomous local movements in
contrast to SCLCS strategy of using local campaign to achieve national civil rights
(Adapted from February 12, 2014)
Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Montgomery Bus Boycott?


The boycott lasted for a year


It was a protest against the incarceration of black woman


Some white people supported this boycott


It marked the early period of black protest in the post Brown period


It inspired other protests





Dari lima opsi jawaban, maka opsi jawaban A, B, D, dan E terdapat di dalam teks
(baca: kalimat yang digaris bawahi), dan pilihan jawaban C tidak disebutkan
didalam teks.


Boycott lasted, the initial phase of the black protest, inspiring blacks elsewhere,
and she was jailed = boikot terakhir, fase awal protes golongan kulit hitam,
menginspirasi golongan kulit hitam yang lain, dia (perempuan) yang dipenjara.


No Soal :27



With a growing number of consumers demanding more Earth-friendly practices

from the fashion world, scientists are developing new ways to produce textiles that
could help meet rising expectations. They report in the ACS journal Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research one such method that can dramatically reduce the
amount of energy it takes to bleach cotton while improving the quality of the
popular material.

These scientists point out that the cotton industry's current whitening techniques
require bleaching the natural fiber at very high temperatures with hydrogen
peroxide. Although this method results in the bright white material consumers have
grown so fond of, it also lowers the quality of the material and takes a lot of energy
to carry out. Multiply that by the 7.3 billion pounds of cotton produced in the US.
alone, and the energy needs soar. To cut down on the energy the textile industry
uses to make cotton, they targeted their efforts toward lowering the bleaching
technique's high temperatures.

This group of scientists developed a novel compound that, when used with
hydrogen peroxide, drops the bleaching temperature down to 140 degrees
Fahrenheit from 200 degrees. It is estimated that 60 degree difference would result
in a process requiring less than halfthe energy as the commercial technique. It also
produced less waste water, improved the weight of the material and performed its
original function -whitening the cotton. Since many materials destined to become
clothing eventually take on various hues, the scientists also tested dyes and found
the cotton bleached at the lower tempera-ture could be made just as vibrant as its
high-heat counterpart. Ihey successfully showed the treatment's effectiveness on
knitted cotton fabric in commercial scale trials.

The following statements are true EXCEPT..


The energy needed to produce this new kind of fabric can be significantly

Bright white material does not necessarily come with good quality.


The new method uses lower temperatures to produce the fabric.


The waste water produced by the new metnoa is not as mucn as that produced by
the old method.


The main goal of the research is to produce fabric with better quality





Untuk menemukan pernyataan yang tidak sesui dengan bacaan, cocokkan setiap
pilihan jawaban dengan tbacaan.

A. The energy needed to produce this new kind of fabric can be significantly
decreased. (BENAR) sesuai dengan paragraf 3 kalimat 1
B. Bright white material does not necessarily come with good quality.
(BENAR) sesuai dengan paragraf 2 paragraf 2.
C. The new method uses lower temperatures to produce the fabric. (BENAR)
sesuai dengan paragraf 3 kalimat 1.
D. The waste water produced by the new method not as much as that produced
by the old method. (BENAR) sesuai dengan paragraf 3 kalimat terakhir
E. The main goal of the research is to produce fabric with better quality
(SALAH) tidak sesuai sesuai dengan paragraf 1 kalimat 1. Jadi, berdasarkan
bacaan, pernyataan yang salan adalah pernyataan E.



No Soal :28


there dpears to be increasing numbers of children who specialize in a single sport

at an early age. fne Ture or a college scholarship or a professional career can
motivate young athletes to commit to specialized training regimens at an early age.
However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding Once
puberty begins, both boys and girls go through their adolescent growth spurt
(AGS). The change specializing in one sport before puberty.

and the age at which they occur can have an impact on a child's sports
performance. Going through this can have a significant impact on athletic
performance in both positive and negative ways. Increases in body size, hormones,
and muscle strength can improve athletic performance. Nevertheless, there may be
a temporary decline in balance skills and body control during the AGS. Quick
increases in height and weight affect the body's center of gravity. Sometimes, the
brain needs to adjust to this higher observation point. As a result, a teen may seem
a little clumsy.

his phase is especially noticeable in sports that require good balance and body
control (e.g. figure skating, diving, gymnastics, basketball). In addition, longer
arms and legs can affect throwing any type of ball, hitting with a bat, catching with
a glove, or swimming and jumping. Coaches that are aware of the AGS can help
reduce athletic awkwardness by incorporating specific aspects of training into
practice sessions.

The word "this" in paragraph 2 refers to .














"Going through this can have a significant impact on athletic performance in both
positive and negative ways" Untuk menemukan rujukan kata "this" kita perlu
memperhatikan kalimat sebelumnya. "Once puberty begins, both boys and girls
go through their adolescent growth spurt (AGS). The change and the age at which
they occur can have an impact on a child's sports performance." Maka rujukan
kata this adalah (C) Puberty



No Soal :29



Climate change is not just bad for the planet and for our bodies. According to a
new report, c te change is bad for our health too. The report is not the first to tackle
climate change from a nee perspective. Earlier this year a Consortium on Climate
and Health issued a report detailing the many climate change can negatively impact
human health and well-being. What makes this new reportu is its narrow focus on
mental health.

The report breaks up the mental health impacts into two broad buckets: acute
impacts h a from discrete climate related shocks (like fires, floods, and storms) and
chronic impacts, or the morea ways that climate change can impact our wel-being.

t is important that we recognizé that up to fourty percent of people who live

through a disds experience some kind of psychopathology. This includes anxiety,
despression, mood disorders, and po traumatic stress discorder (PTSD).
ACCording to the report, one in six people who lived in areas affected by
Hurricane Katrina met the criteria for PTSD. Similary, suicide and suicidal
ideation more than doubled in those regions, and 49 percent of people developed
an anxiety or mood disorder like depression. The issue is not just disaster itself
most of us can cope with a single source of stress. But in disaster situations,
stressors multiply rapidly. You may have lost not just your home, but your job, and
perhaps even the broader community that you ordinarily relied on for support. And
under climate change scenarios, it could mean that you are extirpated from your
home permanently.

Chronic effects are harder to envision, but no less dangerous. As the climate
continues to change, for example, many locations will be warmer for longer
portions of the year - anyone who has experienced this usually warm winter knows
this firsthand. But if the weather gets to sticky, we tend to retreat indoors, making
it harder (even in this digital age) to build and maintain much needed social
networks. Similary, as temperatures soar, studies suggest our tempers do as well,
which can further threaten community cohesiveness.
Adapted from (accessed 2 April 2017)

The word "this" in line 10 refers to..




A disaster


Climate change


Discrete climate







Kalimat pada paragraf3 yaitu: This includes anxiety, despression, mood disorders,
and post-traumatic stress discorder (PTSD). Kata yang ditanyakan
adalah"this" pada kalimat tersebut mengacu pada psycopathology. Coba perhatikan
di kalimat sebelumnya: It is important that we recognize that up to forty percent of
people who live through a disaster experience some kind of psychopathology. Jadi
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah Psychopathology



No Soal :30


SOAL UM UGM Tahun 2019

Last January, a study in Nature Climate showed that the world's glaciers are the
smallest they have been in human history, revealing radiocarbon radiation material
that has not been exposed for 40,000 vears. Now, new research published in Nature
quantifies how much the world's lost glaciers have contributed to rising sea levels.

From 1961, when reliable record keeping began, to 2016, the ocean crawled up 27
milimeters as a result of ice sloughing off the world's non-polar glaciers. Scientists
had known that melting glaciers contribute to sea-level rise, but the new study
takes a comprehensive look at how much and how quickly they're melting. They
found mountain glaciers contribute roughly a third of measured sea-level rise the
same contribution to sea-level rise as the Greenland ice sheet and more than the
contribution of the Antarctic ice sheet. Their research also highlighted that many of
the world's glaciers may disappear in the next century. In total, NASA estimates
that sea levels rise by three millimeters each year. As oceans warm further,
scientists estimate thermal expansion will force sea levels up even more.

The study looked at 19 geologically distinct regions that had been previously
segmented by the Randolph Glacier Inventory. For each of these regions, they
relied on field data from the World Glacier Monitoring Service. In any of these
regions, field measurements are generally only available for one or two glaciers.
To get a more detailed analysis, the researchers used data collected from airborne
and satellite surveys to calculate changes in a glacier's volume. Not only did they
find that sea levels have risen as much as 27 millimeters in the past 50 years, they
also calculated change in glacial mass from 2006 to 2016, finding that sea level
roughly increased one millimeter each year. Their data showed that in the 1960s
and 1970Os, glaciers had predictable seasonal changes, losing mass in the summer
and regaining it in the winter. In the 1980s, data showed more was lost than
regained, and by the 1990s, all the glaciers they measured showed they were losing
more volume than they could replace.

To see how much that contributed to rising sea levels, the researchers then divided
the total mass lost from glaciers by the surface of the ocean. Coastal towns are
already beginning to feel the impacts of sea-level rise. In the Outer Banks in North
Carolina, neighborhoods that once looked over the ocean have bequn to fall into it.
Major cities like Miami are developing adaption plans for when, not if, seas rise.

Melting qlaciers will also impact the inland communities that rely on them. The
Peruvian Andes are home to some of the world's most heavily relied upon glaciers.
Since the Inca, Peru's glaciers have been a crucial source of freshwater for human
consumption and agriculture. A study published last October in the iournal
Scientific Reports estimated that the Quelccaya Ice Cap, a region that spans more
than 9,000 footba elds, could reach a tipping point if emissions aren't reduced in
the next 30 years.
Adapted from Accessed 11
February 2019

The pronoun 'they' in paragraph 4 refers to...






Airborne and satellite surveys


Field measurements






The King Nalar :

 Perhatikan pronoun yang dimaksud. They' berarti kata yang dimaksud

adalah bentuk jamak.
 Baca bagian kalimat sebelumnya, atau kalimat-kalimat sebelumnya.

Kata 'they yang dimaksud merujuk pada researchers yang melakukan pengamatan
terhadap qlaciers.



No Soal :31



President Joko Jokowi"Widodo emphasSized on riday that the fruitless debates on

the government's rice import plan should stop as they were pressuring down local
rice prices amid the ongoing harvest d Vietnam is just a precautionary measure in
view of the uncertainty [surrounding rice production) caused by the COvID-19
pandemic" season. "Our memorandum of understanding [MoU] with Thailand and
He assured the public there would not be any rice imports until June, adding that
he had instructed the finance minister to make funds available for the State
Logistics Agency (Bulog) to accept any rice sold by Jokowi said in a recorded TV

There would not have been such highly politically emotional debates had
Coordinating Economic farmers at the government-fixed price to replenish national
stocks. Minister Airlangga Hartarto and Trade Minister Muhanmmad Lutfi in the
first place explained the rice import plan in the simple, brief manner the President
did. They should have realized that rice, the main staple food Just mentioning rice
imports without a clear explanation can trigger emotional and irrational spats of the
country's 270 million people, is a political commodity.

between politicians, ministers and analysts -as what has taken place over the past
few weeks. Even Ombudsman official Yeka Hendra Fatika jumped into the fray,
alleging that maladministration could have taken place within the decision-making
process for the rice import plan.

The MoU with Thailand and Vietnam, virtualy the only rice exporters in Asia,
makes sense, given the vital role of rice and the global prediction of alikely decline
in food production. So, the government had to The rice import plan is analogous to
what the government often did in the past when the financial take a precautionary
measure. market was uncertain. The government signed a loan agreement with the
World Bank under the condition that it would take the loan only whenever
necessary. If the loan was not taken the government paid onlya small amount of
commitment fee- but that is simply the cost of the precautionary measure.

The MoU is simply a precautionary deal to ensure the availability of rice imports
whenever necessary in the case of emergencies. Thai Commerce Minister Jurin
Laksanawisit confirmed that the deal was tied to two conditions: the levels of
production in both countries and the global rice price. Laksanawisit explained that
Indonesia and Thailand also had such a deal between 2012 and 2016, but Indonesia
imported only 925,000 tons not the volume agreed- during that period. Over the
past five years, however, no such import agreement was signed because the
Indonesian government initiated a rice self-sufficiency policy.

Starting negotiations on an import deal when the country already faces a shortage
due to an unexpected fall in production could spell disaster for Indonesia, which
consumes more than 30 million tons of rice a year. The greatest lesson from the
rice import brouhaha is that the government should prepare a 35 comprehensive,
clear explanation whenever announcing such a measure. As long as the public still
suspects the official data on rice production and consumption is unreliable, any
import plan would cause controversy because licensed food imports have so far
notoriously been "infected" with corruption.

The word "He" in the line 2 refers to..


Indonesian Governmer

Yeka Hendra Fatika


State Logistic Agency (Bulog)


The finance minister


President of Indonesia





"He accured the public there would not be any rice imports until June... Rujukan
kata tersebut ada di parafrag sehelumnya "Our memorandum of understanding
IMoU] with Thailand and Vietnam is just a precautionary rmeasure in view of the
uncertainty [surrounding rice production) caused by the COVID-19
pandemic: Jokowi in A recorded TV statement" Jokowi merupakan Pesiden
indonesia, maka kata "he" merujuk pada (E) President of Indonesia.



No Soal :32



If you had the to live forever, would you take it? The obstacles to keeping your
body alive indennitely still seems insurmountahle hit come scientists think there is
another possibility opened up oy O9y creating a digital copv of vour "self" and
keeping that "alive" online long after your physical body has ceased to function.

In effect, the proposal is to cione a person electronically. Unlike their familiar

physical clones offspring Ical features as their parents, but that are completely
separate organisms with a separate e your electronic clone would believe itself to
be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to map the brain.

How? One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology. Ray Kuzweil-one of

the prophets of artificial ntelgence predicts that within two or three decades we will
have nanotransmitters that can be injected into the Dloodstream. In the capillaries
of the brain, they would line up alongside the neurons and detect the details Otne
cerebral electronic activity. They would be able to transmit that information to a
receiver inside a specia helmet or cap, so there would be no need for any wires
protruding from the scalp.

AS a Turther step, Ray Kuzweil also envisages the nanotransmitters being able to
connect you to the world ot virtual reality on the internet, similar to what was
depicted in the film "Matrix. With the nanotransmitters in place, by thought alone,
you could log on to the intemet and instead of the pictures coming up on your
screen they would play inside your mind. Rather than send your friends e-mails
you would agree to meet up on some virtual tropical beach.

For Ray this would be, quite literally, heaven. Once you upload the brain onto the
internet and log on to that virtual world the body can be left to rot while your
virtual self carries on playing Counter Strike forever. Therefore, why wait when
you can have a shot of nanobots and upload your brain onto the internet and live on
as an immortal virtual surfer?
(Adapted from "Digital Heaven' digital-heaven.html Accessed
March 18, 2016.)

The word they' in paragraph 3 refers to...














The King Nalar:

 Perhatikan pronoun yang dimaksud. They berarti kata yang dimaksud adalah
bentuk jamak.
 Baca bagian kalimat sebelumnya, atau kalimat-kalimat sebelumnya.

Perhatikan kalimat ...we will have nanotransmitters that can be injected e into the
bloodstream. In the capillaries of the brain, they would line up alongside the

Frase yang digarisbawahi kemudian dijelaskan ebih lanjut dengan menggunakan

pronoun 'they.



No Soal :33



The modern period of civil right reform in the US can be divided into several
phases, each beqinning with isolated, small scale protests and uitimately resuiting
in the emergence of new, more militant movements, leaders and organizations. The
Brown decision demonstrated that the litigation strategy of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NACCP) could undermine
the legal foundations of southern segregationist practices, but the strategy worked
only when blacks, acting individually or in small groups, assumed the risk
associated With crossing racial barriers. ihus, even after the Supreme Court
declared that public school segregation was unconstitutional, black activism was
necessary to compel the federal government to implement the decision and extend
its principles to all areas of public life rather than simply in schools. During the
1950s and i9b0s, therefore, NACCP-I sponsored legal suits and leaislative
lobbying were supplemented by an increasingly massive and militant social
movement seekina a broad range of social changes.

Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the
initial phase of the black protest activity in the post-Brown period began on
December 1, 1995. Rosa Parks of Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up. He
seat to a white rider, thereby defying a southern custom that required blacks to give
seats toward the front of buses to whites. When she was jailed, a black community
boycott the city's buses began. The boycott lasted more than a year, demonstrating
the unity and determination of black residents and inspiring blacks elsewhere.

Martin Luther King, Jr., who emerged as the boycott movement's most effective
leader, possessed unique conciliatory and oratorical skilis. He understood the larger
significance of the boycott and quickly realized that the nonviolent tactics used by
the Indian nationalist Mahatma Gandhi could be used by southern blacks."I had
come to see early that the Christian doctrine of love operating through the
Gandhian method of no violence was one of the most potent weapons available to
the Negro in his struggle for freedom, he explained. Although Parks and King were
members of the NACCP, the Montgomery movement led to the creation in 1957 of
a new regional organization, the clergy-led Southern Christian Leadership
Conference (SLCC) with King as its presidents.

King remained the major spokesperson for black aspirations, but, as in

Montgomery, little-known individuals initiated most subsequent black movement.
On February 1, 1960, four freshmen at North California Agricultural and Technical
College began a wave of student sit-ins designed to end segregation 30 at southern
lunch counters.

These protests spread rapidly throughout the South and led to the founding, in
1960, of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). This student
led group, even more aggressive in its use of nonviolent direct action tactics that
King's SLCC, stressed the development of autonomous local movements in
contrast to SCLCs strategy of using local campaign to achieve national civil rights

What does the word 'he' (line 20) refers to?


Mahatma Gandhi


Martin Luther King, Jr


Rosa Parks









Tips Praktis!

Kenali pronoun yang ditanyakan untuk mencari kata utama yang ada di kalimat

He pada pertanyaan ini adalah kata ganti orang laki-laki. Kata ini biasanya merujuk
ke orang pada kalimat sebelumnya. Kalau melihat kalimat sebelumnya kata noun
yang mengacu nama orang adalah jawaban B yaitu Martin Luther King Jr.


No Soal :34


Using a simple membrane extract from spinach leaves, researchers from the
Technion- Israel Institute of Technology have developed bio-photo-electro-
chemical (BPEC) cell that produces electricity and hydrogen from water using
sunlight. The raw material of the device is water and its products are electric
current, hydrogen, and oxygen.

The unique combination of a human-made BPEC cell and plant membranes, which
absorb sunlight and convert it into a flow of electrons highly efficiently, paves the
wayfor the development of newtechnologies for the creation of clean fuels from
renewable sources: water and solar energy.

The BPEC cell developed by the researchers is based on the naturaly occurring
process of photosynthesis in plants, in which light drives electrons that produce
storable chemical energetic molecules that are the fuels of all cells in the animal
and plant worlds.

In order to utilize photosynthesis for producing electric current, the researchers

added an iron-based- compound to the solution. It mediates the transfer of
electrons from the biological membranes to the electrical circuit, enabling the
creation of an electric current in the cell.

The electrical current can also be channeled to form hydrogen gas through the
addition of electric power froma smali photovoltaic cell that absorbs the excess
light. This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that
is stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell. This energy can be
converted when necessary into heat and electricity by burning the hydrogen, in the
same way hydrocarbon fuels aré used.

However, unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, which emit greenhouse

gases (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere and pollute the environment, the
product of hydrogen combustion is clean water. Therefore this is a closed cycle
that begins with water and ends with water, allowing the conversion and Storage of
solar energy in hydrogen gas, which could be a dlean and sustainable substitute for
hydrocarbon fuel.

"The study is unique in that it combines leading experts from three different
faculties, namely three disciplines: biology, chemistry and materials engineering'
said Prof. Rothschild. "The combination of natural (leaves) and artificial
(photovoltaic cell and electronic components), and the need to make these
components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges
that required us to join forces'
Taken from


What does the word it" in paragraph 4 refer to?


the BPEC cell




the solution


an iron-based compound


electric current





"It mediates the transfer of electrons from the biological membranes" Pronoun it
merukjuk pada kata benda. Rujukan kata "it" terdapat pada kalimat sebelumnya "In
order to utilize photosynthesis for producing electric current, the researchers
added an iron-based compound to the solution." Maka referen pronoun it adalah
(D) iron-based compound


No Soal :35


Using a simple membrane extract from spinach leaves, researchers from the
Technion- Israel Institute of Technology have developed bio-photo-electro-
chemical (BPEC) cell that produces electricity and hydrogen from water using
sunlight. The raw material of the device is water and its products are electric
current, hydrogen, and oxygen. The unique combination of a human-made BPEC
cell and plant membranes, which absorb sunlight and convert it into a flow of
electrons highly efficiently, paves the wayfor the development of newtechnologies
for the creation of clean fuels from renewable sources: water and solar energy. The
BPEC cell developed by the researchers is based on the naturaly occurring process
of photosynthesis in plants, in which light drives electrons that produce storable
chemical energetic molecules that are the fuels of all cells in the animal and plant

In order to utilize photosynthesis for producing electric current, the researchers

added an iron-based- compound to the solution. It mediates the transfer of
electrons from the biological membranes to the electrical circuit, enabling the
creation of an electric current in the cell.

The electrical current can also be channeled to form hydrogen gas through the
addition of electric power froma smali photovoltaic cell that absorbs the excess
light. This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that
is stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell. This energy can be
converted when necessary into heat and electricity by burning the hydrogen, in the
same way hydrocarbon fuels aré used.

However, unlike the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, which emit greenhouse

gases (carbon dioxide) into the atmosphere and pollute the environment, the
product of hydrogen combustion is clean water. Therefore this is a closed cycle
that begins with water and ends with water, allowing the conversion and Storage of
solar energy in hydrogen gas, which could be a dlean and sustainable substitute for
hydrocarbon fuel.

"The study is unique in that it combines leading experts from three different
faculties, namely three disciplines: biology, chemistry and materials engineering'
said Prof. Rothschild. "The combination of natural (leaves) and artificial
(photovoltaic cell and electronic components), and the need to make these
components communicate with each other, are complex engineering challenges
that required us to join forces'
Taken from


What does the phrase "this energy" in paragraph 5 refer to?


hydrogen gas


solar energy


chemical energy


hydrocarbon fuels


a substitute





"This energy can be converted when necessary into heat and electricity by
burning the hydrogen.." Dari koteks di atas, kita tahu bahwa yang dirujuk kata
tersebut merupakan energi. Perhatikan kalimat sebelumnya.

This makes possible the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy that is
stored as hydrogen gas formed inside the BPEC cell"'Maka kata rujukan yang tepat
adalah opsi (C) chemical energy


No Soal :36



While bulying has always been a problem encountered during childhood and
adolescence, we all know it is on the rise. When a child is intentionally and
repeatedly mean to another child, the cycle begins. Bullying occurs on the
playgrounds, at lunch in the cafeteria, in locker rooms, even over the phone. And
now that so many children have access to the latest technology, the problem has
become even more prevalent.

Enter the newest room-cyber bullying-whereby children and teens deliberately use
digital media to disseminate false, embarrassing, or just plain mean messages or
pictures about one person to others. Cyberbulying can occur via text, email,
Facebook, Twitter, or other social media outlets. The American Academy of
Pediatrics calls cyberbullying "the most common online risk for all teen

Studies have shown that between 25 percent to 45 percent of teens report being
bullied online. Many KIds report such treatment having occurred more than once.
Cyberbullying is affecting all ages, as even young children often have access to
technology and the Internet.

Children of all ages need to understand that the Internet is not a "safe" place, and
that it is a public 14forum. Even if you delete a message or photo. It actually
continues to exist in cyberspace. Also, many teens mistakenly think they wil not
"get caught"if they buly someone online, or that such behavior is "not that big a

All parents need to discuss Internet safety and the problem of cyberbullying with
their children. This is especially important for tweens and teens, as they spend
much of their time online. Just as kids must learn and practice good manners in
public, they also need to mind their manners online. If a child would not say
something to another young person's face, then the same dig should not be emailed
or texted. It is really as simple as that.

This is what I call the front door rule": Tell your child that if he/she writes an email
or text, or posts something derogatory about another person on Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram (or other sites), to think before they push "send'" If they would not want
to post the information on their front door for family members and all the
neighbors to see, they should stop, think and change-or forget about-the message.
It could hurt someone more than they realize and could also be forwarded on to
hundreds, thousands, even millions of others.
The pronoun 'it' in line 14 refers to.


The internet


A public forum




A message or photo







Keyword :

Continue : berlanjut

Exist : ada

Perhatikan kalimat sebelumnya: Even if you delete a message or photo. It actually

continues to exist in cyberspace (Jika kamu menghapus pesan atau foto. Ini (kata
ganti benda) sebenarnya terus ada di dunia).
It' merupakan kata ganti benda, sehingga pada bacaan tersebut, kata ganti "it'
merujuk pada (D) Amessage or photo.



No Soal :37


The rate of deforestation has increased so much that Indonesia has for the first time
surpassed Brazil in the rate of its clearance of tropical forests. The study was
published in the journal Nature Climate Change Scientists monitored the growth of
deforested land in Indonesia between 2000 and 2012 using satelites They sav the
land was cleared to make way for palm oil plantations and other farms. By 2012,
the loss of primary forest every year in Indonesia was estimated to be higher than
that in Brazil, said scientists. In that year, Indonesia lost 8,400 sq km of forest
compared to Brazil which lost 4,600 sq km.

The researchers, from the University of Maryland, said that deforestation had led to
an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and a loss of biodiversity. Indonesia has
10% of the world's plants and 129% of the world's mammals. It is known for its
diverse wildlife which includes orangutans and Sumatran tigers.

Indonesia has set a bold target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from
the forest and land use sectors. A government moratorium on deforestation was
signed in 2011 and was intended to slow down the pace of deforestation. In
addition to Indonesia's emissions reduction commitment and deforestation
moratorium, major palm oil companies have taken steps to slow this trend. Norway
supports the Government of Indonesia's efforts to realize its commitment. Norway
committed up to 1 billion USD to support Indonesian efforts to reduce emissions
from deforestation and degradation of forests and peat. Besides, Norway has
provided technical and financial support through the bilateral cooperation,
multilateral institutions and civil society organizations. Since then, Indonesia has
taken decisive action to reduce its forest and peat related greenhouse gas
(Adapted from


The word'they' in paragraph 1 refers to...






tropical forests


oil plantations


the rate of deforestation





The King Nalar:

 Perhatikan pronoun yang dimaksud. "They berarti kata yang dimaksud

adalah bentuk jamak/plural.
 Baca bagian kalimat sebelumnya.

Scientists monitored the growth of deforested land in Indonesia between 2000 and
2012 using satellites. They say the land was cleared to make way for palm oil
plantations and other farms.

Kata "They" merujuk pada kata jamak dalam kalimat sebelumnya.


No Soal :38


The rate of deforestation has increased so much that Indonesia has for the first time
surpassed Brazil in the rate of its clearance of tropical forests. The study was
published in the journal Nature Climate Change Scientists monitored the growth of
deforested land in Indonesia between 2000 and 2012 using satelites They sav the
land was cleared to make way for palm oil plantations and other farms. By 2012,
the loss of primary forest every year in Indonesia was estimated to be higher than
that in Brazil, said scientists. In that year, Indonesia lost 8,400 sq km of forest
compared to Brazil which lost 4,600 sq km.

The researchers, from the University of Maryland, said that deforestation had led to
an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and a loss of biodiversity. Indonesia has
10% of the world's plants and 129% of the world's mammals. It is known for its
diverse wildlife which includes orangutans and Sumatran tigers.

Indonesia has set a bold target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mainly from
the forest and land use sectors. A government moratorium on deforestation was
signed in 2011 and was intended to slow down the pace of deforestation. In
addition to Indonesia's emissions reduction commitment and deforestation
moratorium, major palm oil companies have taken steps to slow this trend. Norway
supports the Government of Indonesia's efforts to realize its commitment. Norway
committed up to 1 billion USD to support Indonesian efforts to reduce emissions
from deforestation and degradation of forests and peat. Besides, Norway has
provided technical and financial support through the bilateral cooperation,
multilateral institutions and civil society organizations. Since then, Indonesia has
taken decisive action to reduce its forest and peat related greenhouse gas
(Adapted from


The pronoun "its' in the last refers to....





tropical forests




greenhouse emission





"Since then, Indonesia has taken decisive action to reduce its forest and peat
related greenhouse gas emissions" "Its" merupakan possesive pronounn yang
merujuk pada benda. Kata Its merujuk pada kata benda sebagai subjek dalam
kalimat tersebut. Jadi, its merujuk pada (B) Indonesia.



No Soal :39



The impacts of electronic commerce in a developing country can be helpful rather

than detrimen Electronic commerce has the potential to tie developing countries
into the rest of the world so tne ess no longer considered outsiders. For examples,
electronic commerce can enable more people to products and services that once
were not available. Another benefit is that electronic commerce are available 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. As the infrastructure for electronic commerce keeps 9
services that were not offered in the past become available. Many of these benefits
have not been prove yet, but the technology is now available, and developing
countries are looking forward to these benents. The high cost of technology may
still be detrimental in many developing countries; however, tne c innovation of
software and hardware will hopefully reduce these costs.

Consumer in developing countries can benefit from electronic commerce because

they can Duy product that could only be found in major cosmopolitan cities.
Electronic commerce is closing the gap between the countries that have wide
availability of products and those with limited availability. The basic purpose of
electronic commerce is to provide goods and services to consumers who do not
live close to the physical location of the product or service and would otherwise
have a hard time acquiring these products and services.

Society and consumers alike have only begun to enjoy the benefits of electronic
commerce. Since new developments are made on a continuous basis, it will
eventually affect every individual. Some of the benefits enjoyed by society and
consumers, for example, are ease of transaction, comparability of products, quick
delivery and the ability to make any type of transaction at any given time of day.

Electronic commerce facilitates delivery of public and social services, such as

healthcare, education and distribution of government social services at a reduced
cost, improving the quality of care and living in these communities. For example,
healthcare services can reach patients in rural areas.
Adapted from Lubbe, S. and JM. van Heerden. 2003. The Economic and Social Impacts of Electronic Commerce. London: ldea
GrouppPublishing, p.23

The pronoun 'they' in line 10 refers to...


Consumers in developing countries


These costs E Major cosmopolitan cities



Developing countries


Major cosmopolitan cities





Cermati kalimat yang memuat pronoun tersebut: Consumer in developing

countries can benefit from electronic commerce because they can buy product that
could only be found in major cosmopolitan cities. Frasa yang digarisbawahi
merupakan subjek. Kemudian kata ganti they berfungsi untuk menjelaskan subjek
pada kalimat tersebut. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata ganti they merujuk
pada (A) Consumers in developing countries


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