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A.Y 2022-2023

Name: Christine P. Mendoza July 24, 2023

Year/Course/Section: 1st Year/BEE-EGE 1-2


1. After having watched the video, react if you are in favor with GMRC and Values
Education as a separate subject or core subjects or not. Justify your claim.

I support GMRC and values education since they both have a significant impact on
how someone develops their character and personality. Schools can concentrate on
promoting students' emotional, social, and ethical development in addition to their
academic success by designating a separate topic or incorporating it into core
subjects. With this all-encompassing approach, kids are guaranteed to achieve
academically and develop into well-rounded, sympathetic, and responsible citizens.
Developing important life skills like communication, conflict resolution, and ethical
decision-making is part of learning good manners and values. Students can absorb
these abilities and use them in their daily lives by participating in a designated subject
that allows for methodical training and practice. Success in interpersonal interactions,
the workplace, and society at large depends on these abilities.Students typically retain
the values and manners lessons they acquire in school for the rest of their lives.
Students may view these things as important and relevant instead than just extra
learning when they are incorporated into core curricula. Instilling principles in
children throughout their formative years can have a positive impact on how they
behave, make decisions, and interact with others as adults.

2. GMRC and Values Education as core subjects effective in our Dep Ed school both
public and private?

GMRC and Values education are effective to our school both private and public
school because it helps to provides a clear message about the value of ethics and
character in the educational system by making GMRC and values education
fundamental curricula to improve school culture. It may result in a change in the
culture of the school, one that values morality and responsibility more highly. Schools
may foster a more positive and respectful learning environment by placing a high
priority on teaching students basic manners and values. Kindness and understanding
among students, instructors, and staff members are more likely to result in better
teamwork and increased well being in general. Better academic performance and
fewer disciplinary problems are results of a pleasant school climate. Through values
education, many societal problems can be addressed, including bullying, prejudice,
and intolerance.

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