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Frida Kahlo

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo was born on July 6 1907, Coyoacan México. At
school she was known for her jovial spirit and her love of colorful, traditional clothes
and jewelry. When Frida was 6 years old she suffered from poliomyelitis, this disease
caused her to be bedridden for 9 months. The disease had damaged her right leg
making it thinner and shorter than her left one. Although Frida survived the disease
she was no longer able to have children. In 1925 Frida was just 18 years old when a
bus she was traveling in was hit by a tram. The accident left her with several broken
bones and severe spinal injuries she would never fully recover from. She spent 3
months bedridden in a plaster corset. Fridas mom gave her some paint and an easel
and that's when she began experimenting with self-portraits.

She said she painted herself because she's usually alone and she's the object she
knows best. In 1927 Frida joined the Mexican Communist party and established a
strong circle of friends. That is also how she met painter, Diego Rivera and 2 years
later they were married. From 1930-1933 Frida and Diego moved around the united
states from New York and Detroit to Los Angeles. Frida had 3 miscarriages which
drasticly affected her art works.

Frida used vibrant colors in her paintings in a style that was influenced by indigenous
cultures of Mexico as well as by European influences that include Realism,
Symbolism and surrealism. In her art she expresses herself by using drama and rich
symbolism, she tells the story of her intimate experiences, her pain, beliefs, and
passions. She is admired by many Mexicans for drawing attention to mexican and
indigenous culture and among feminists for painting the experiences many womens
go through.

At the age of 47, on july 13 1954 frida unexpectedly passed away from pneumonia
although some people say she overdosed on painkillers, in her diary she often talked
about taking away her own life and how she never wants to come back.


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