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1 Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework clearly defines the relationships between the various

variables and their connections to one another. Generally, the model is developed
prior to conducting actual research. Further to that, the research type helps
determine whether it will be advisable and effective to use a conceptual
framework. It is common practice in testing research to employ a conceptual
framework. The purpose of testing research is to demonstrate the cause-effect
relationship, which is mirrored in the conceptual framework.

The figure 1 below depicts the study’s conceptual framework, which includes two
independent variables that are ‘Crisis Management’ as the first independent
variable, and ‘Social Media’ as the second independent variable. The right side is
the dependent variable which is ‘Perspective of MSU SESS Students’.

Figure 1.0

This researcher focuses on Independent and Dependent Variables in research

whereas it helps to evaluate cause and effect relationships of the study. The
independent variable is the cause which is static and is not affected by other
aspects in the study. Dependent variable is known as the effect, which usually
changes the independent variable to determine its value according to Bhandari,
Independent vs. Dependent Variables | Definition & Examples. (2022). There are 3
variables for this study, consisting of two Independent Variables (IV) and one
Dependent Variable (DV). The two IVs are crisis management and social media,
while DV is perspective of MSU SESS Students.
2.2 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework is known as a structure that supports a research

investigation's theory, as well as explains and introduces the theory towards the
research problem that arises according to Abend (2008). Therefore, in this research
it will be using an adaptation of uses and gratifications theory. It is comprehensible
that this theory asserts that humans are active users of the media and they have the
power to select how they want to utilise it.

In Public Relations practitioners' situations, the perspective and concept of this

research can be correlated with this theory and can be used for the research to get
the outcome of the objectives and research questions.

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