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Date: November 17, 2023

To: Dr. Amber Lancaster

From: Ferdinand Monasterio

Subject: Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching High School History Online during COVID

The transition to online learning has presented unique challenges for high school history teachers.
Maintaining student interest, equitable access to resources, and fostering a sense of community in a
virtual setting require creativity, adaptability, and a commitment to providing engaging and meaningful
learning experiences.

The lack of face-to-face interaction can make it difficult to gauge student engagement and address
individual needs promptly. Another significant challenge is creating a sense of community essential for
student engagement.

To overcome this hurdle, history teachers can employ a variety of strategies, such as:

1. Utilizing multimedia resources and online simulations can break up the monotony of lectures.
2. Introducing game-based learning elements like points, badges, and leaderboards can motivate
students and make learning more enjoyable.
3. Accommodating students with learning disabilities by offering alternative formats for
instructional materials and assignments.
4. Promote collaborative learning by incorporating group projects, peer reviews, and virtual

High school teachers are at the forefront of adapting to the challenges and opportunities of online
learning. Their commitment and ingenuity are crucial for helping students deepen their understanding of
history and hone critical thinking skills in this new era of education. History teachers must continue to
seek innovative approaches to engage and support their students.

Target Audience:

History teachers should be interested in my briefing paper topic as it directly impacts their professional
practice. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a widespread transition to online learning, making my
briefing paper’s topic highly relevant to current teaching realities.
Week 5, topic 2

The instructions generated by ChatGPT lack introductory information, which is essential for
providing an overview of the task, identifying the target audience, specifying the required
materials, and outlining any safety precautions. Another area that could be improved is the list of
instructions. I noticed that all steps start with a heading. By using parallel structure,

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