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DAR-E-ARQAM Research & Development Department

Final Term Examination 2023-24

G.K Grade –1
Name: __________________ Roll #: _______ Total Marks: 60 Time: 1:30
Choose the right option. (15)
Games keep our mind and body. Unhealthy healthy

Playing games is a great. Fun boredom

Rules of games are. Important unimportant

Rules tell us how to play a game. True false

We should accept our defeat peacefully. Yes no

We must wash our hands after playing. No yes


Fill in the blanks. (10)

My name is------------------. My father name is ------------------.

My paternal grandfather name is------------------. I have ------------------ brother.

I have ------------------ sister.

Match the following columns. (5)

We hear with

We touch with

We see with

We smell with

We taste with
Fill in the blanks. (5)
The green part in our national flag represents ----------------------------

The white part in our national flag represents ----------------------------

The crescent in our national flag represents ----------------------------

The star in our national flag represents ----------------------------

We should ---------------------------- our national flag

Write the parts of body names. (10)



Write the vegetables names. (5)



Write the answer of the following questions. (10)

What is the name of your school? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Which class do you study in? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


What is the name of your class teacher? ---------------------------------------------------------------------


How do you go to school? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



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