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Speaking with idioms

1. Under the weather

When was the last time you were feeling under the
Ache – біль
Headache – головний біль, toothache – зубний
біль, heartache – серцевий біль

What symptoms do you usually have when you’re

feeling under the weather?
Running nose, fever, hight temperature, sore throat

2. Recharge batarries
How do you like to recharge your battaries?
I like travelling, listening to music, watching funny
movies, and reading interesting stories about
famous people.
When was the last time you recharged your baterries?
It was this summer
What were you doing?
I had a trip to France and Portugal

1. WAS – I, she, he, it
2. WERE – they, we, you
3. Bitter pill to swallow
What was the most bitter pill to swallow in your
20 – twenty
When I woke up February 24th in 2022
When I didn’t get a job that I wanted. It was a
bitter pill to swallow.

4. Jump for joy

When was the last time you jumped for joy?
Fire – звільнятись/звільняти
This Monday I jumped for joy because I fired from
my job.

5. Down in the dumps

For how long you can be down in the dumps?
I don’t like being down in the dumps. I’m trying
not to allow it in my life.

6. Drive someone crazy

What drives you crazy?
Moments when I can’t remember new English
words are driving me crazy.

7. Inside out
What do you know inside out?
Pray – молитись
Prayer – молитва
I know inside out how to pray correctly.

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