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Read the following story and answer the questions based on the text!
Jaka Tarub and the seven fairies
Once upon a time, there lived a handsome and dashing young man named Jaka Tarub. He
lived alone in his small hut near the forest. Days by days he cultivated His rice field and looked
for fire woods in the forest.
One day, when he passed the nymph lake from looking for fire wood in the forest he saw
seven beautiful ladies bathing in the lake. He was so curious, he peeped them through the bushes.
Accidentally, there was a pink scarf belonged to one of the fairies floated near the bushes. He
instantly took and hid it.
Not long after that, the fairies had finished bathing they wanted to go back to the
paradise. They found and wore their own scarves. One fairy, however, could not find her scarf.
She was Nawangwulan, the youngest fairy. The six fairies, then flew up to the sky following the
way of the rainbow leaving Nawangwulan alone on the earth. Nawangwulan saw them leaving in
tears. She could not fly and go back to the paradise because she could not find the her pink scarf.
Next, Jaka Tarub appeared from behind the bushes. He gave her a fabric to cover her
body and offered to come home with him. At first, Nawangwulan refused the offer. Since she did
not know where to go, Nawangwulan finally decided to follow Jaka Tarub. And Nawangwulan
stayed in Jaka Tarub’s hut with him.
After staying for almost a month together in the hut, they decided to get married. And
after a year they had a beautiful daughter named Kumalasari. They lived happily and peacefully
in the hut. Days by days Jaka Tarub worked in his field planting rice and other crops while
Nawangwulan did the house job while looking after Kumalasari.
One day, Jaka Tarub did not go to the field. He stayed at home. He wanted to take care of
Kumalasari on that day. Nawangwulan wanted to wash their clothes in the river. She asked her
husband to keep an eye on Kumalasari and told him not to open the pan cover in the kitchen
before the rice was done. This made him so curious that it led Jaka Tarub not to obey what
Nawangwulan told. He opened the pan cover. How surprised he was to see that his wife cooked
only a single paddy rice. And since then rice in the barn was slowly lessen because of Jaka
Tarub’s carelessness.
Month by month the barn was completely empty. Nawangwulan stepped slowly into the
barn to get rice to cook. She found only a few paddies left. And suddenly she was very surprised
to find her loosing scarf when she took one of the paddies. And after dinner Nawangwulan
showed the scarf that she found in the barn. She told Jaka Tarub that she had to leave for
paradise. Jaka Tarub felt very sorry and asked for forgiveness, but it was too late. Nawangwulan
flew to the paradise with her scarf leaving Jaka Tarub and Kumalasari behind.

Post Test
A. Answer the following questions!
1. What is the text about?
2. Who are the characters involved in the story?
3. What did Nawangwulan do when she found her loosing scarf?
4. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
5. What is the purpose of the text?
6. What kinds of tense is used in the text?
7. What is the general structure of the text!
8. Mention the Coda/ moral value from the story!

B. Define weather these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1. Jaka Tarub lived as a hunter in the forest.
2. Jaka Tarub sole Nawangwulan’s pink scarf.
3. Nawangwulan could not fly back to the paradise because she could not find her
4. Nawangwulan refused to stay in Jaka Tarub’s hut.
5. Jaka Tarub was very curios about why the rice in his barn was not lessen.
6. Kumalasari was their only child.
7. Nawangwulan loved Jaka Tarub so much that she forgave him.
8. Jaka Tarub kept the scarf in his barn under the paddies.
9. Jaka Tarub asked Nawangwulan to bring Kumalasari with her to paradise.
10. From the story we learn that carelessness leads us to be unfortunate.

C. Find the words in the story that have the following meanings. The clue letters may help
1. _ C _ _ _ = selendang 6. _ U _ = gubuk
2. B _ _ _ = lumbung padi 7. R _ _ _ _ _ D = menolak
3. _ U _ _ _ U _ = penasaran 8. P _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ Y = damai
4. _ _ _ R _ = bidadari 9. _ E _ S _ _ = berkurang
5. _ P _ _ _ R _ _ = muncul 10. C _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ S = kecerobohan

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