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Electric shock is the physical stimulation that occurs when

electric current flows through the human body. The distribution
of current flow through the body depends on the resistance of the
various paths that the current flows through. The final trauma
associated with the electric shock is determined by the most
critica! path called the Shock Circuit.

Burns: caused by electric current occur from the inside of the body. Electric current burns
typically impact vital interna! organs, destroying tissue and growth centers. Externa!
damage to skin results in third-degree burns, blistering and scarring.

Cell Wall Damage; cell death can result from the enlargement of cellular pores due to high­
intensity electrical pulse through the cells, known as "electrop oration". This process allows
ions to flow freely through the cell membranes, causing cell death.

Current Flow: Electrical shock current flow tends to follow the same current paths used by
the body's central nervous system. Since the externa! current is much higher than the
body's normal current flow, damage is done to the nervous system, including deterioration
of destruction of the myelin sheath which covers and protects nerves.

Damage- Nervous System: Electrical current destroys neurons, melanon, and nerve
synap ses. Since the nervous system is the communications pathway used to control the
muscles, nerve damage can result in loss of senses such as touch, smell and taste, or
muscle function.

Damage - Muscles: Currents as low as 5 amps will cause muscle and tissue damage.
Electrical current results in deep muscle damage which may not present as a complication
for days or months until the muscle tissue begins to shrink or atrophy. The heart is a
muscle and, like any muscle, it can become paralyzed and damaged if externa! current
flows through it.

Electric Hold: The reaction of muscles to uncontrollably contract when an electric current
passes through them. Your muscles clench to anything you are holding or touching and
you cannot let go. Consequently, the electric shock will continue until the current is cut-off
or another person intervenes and physically frees you from the contact with the current.
The flow of current through tissue causes heating which will make the body's resistance
drop, resulting in an increase in the current.

Fibrillation: This is the rapid and inefficient contraction of muscle fibers of the heart caused
by disruption of nerve imp ulses. lf the heart can not regain normal rhythm quickly, it will
stop beating altogether.

Electrical shock effects the body in a variety of damaging ways.

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