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Chistmas Holiday

When I’m thinking about the winter holidays, I think of scpecial days, when we make a different
action wich are related with this celebrate. Everywhere, people say: Jesus was born, happy celebration,
marry christams, some people give gifts to each other, and everyone is happy. But, the question is: We
understand the true meaning of Jesus’birth? Because, the Jesus’birth does not necessarily mean gifts,
delicious food or parties, or something else. In fact, the Jesus’birth raises a major question: If Jesus was
born, where will he lives? Out in the could? The bible says that when Jesus was born, his parents does not
find a place to lay the baby Jesus. This is a sad thing. No one offered to receive Jesus in theyr home. And
now, the question is: Jesus find a place in your and my hearth? Or we give our hearth to another thing? If
Jesus is not in our life, the winter holidays they have not value. Yes, we can celebrate, we can give gifts to
our friends, but if Jesus is not in our heart, this things does not have value. Some people remember at this
holiday that they should be a good people, but only at this holidays. After, they forget, and return to their
activities. And this is repeated in every year. People took God out of equation.
For us, this holidays should means a confirmation that Jesus is in our life. We celebrate this
holidays, but with Jesus in our life! Amen!

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