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Assignment 2

Group C
a) What is the main topic of discussion and what research findings are mentioned
regarding this topic?
b) How did researchers use AI, specifically Chat GPT, to generate an entire scientific
paper, and what are the implications and concerns associated with this approach?

Group D

a) What is the main topic of discussion and what research findings are mentioned
regarding this topic?
b) What is the central finding of the study regarding taurine, and which animals were
involved in the study?

Group A

a) What is the main topic of discussion and what research findings are mentioned
regarding this topic?
b) What challenges and difficulties have space agencies and missions faced when
attempting to land on the Moon, and what is the significance of targeting the
South Pole region for lunar exploration?

Group B

1). Could you elaborate on the role of sleep treatments in improving mental health,
particularly for individuals experiencing psychosis?
2) What are some of the promising outcomes or findings from the studies led by the
mentioned professor regarding the effectiveness of sleep treatments on individuals
with psychosis?

Group E

1). What is your understanding after listening the podcasts.

2) Provide a comparison between weight loss by medication and weight loss by exercise.

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