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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795

DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-8750-x


Oxidation of indometacin by ferrate (VI): kinetics,

degradation pathways, and toxicity assessment
Junlei Huang 1 & Yahui Wang 1 & Guoguang Liu 1 & Ping Chen 1 & Fengliang Wang 1 &
Jingshuai Ma 1 & Fuhua Li 2 & Haijin Liu 3 & Wenying Lv 1

Received: 18 November 2016 / Accepted: 2 March 2017 / Published online: 13 March 2017
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The oxidation of indometacin (IDM) by ferrate(VI) the Microtox test, which indicated that transformation products
(Fe(VI)) was investigated to determine the reaction kinetics, exhibited less toxicity to the Vibrio fischeri bacteria.
transformation products, and changes in toxicity. The reaction Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) analysis
between IDM and Fe(VI) followed first-order kinetics with calculated by the ecological structure activity relationship
respect to each reactant. The apparent second-order rate con- (ECOSAR) revealed that all of the identified products exhibited
stants (kapp) decreased from 9.35 to 6.52 M−1 s−1, as the pH of lower acute and chronic toxicity than the parent pharmaceutical
the solution increased from 7.0 to 10.0. The pH dependence of for fish, daphnid, and green algae. Furthermore, Fe(VI) was
kapp might be well explained by considering the species-specific effective in the degradation IDM in water containing carbonate
rate constants of the reactions of IDM with Fe(VI). Detailed ions or fulvic acid (FA), and in lake water samples; however,
product studies using liquid chromatography-tandem mass higher Fe(VI) dosages would be required to completely remove
spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) indicated that the oxidation prod- IDM in lake water in contrast to deionized water.
ucts were primarily derived from the hydrolysis of amide link-
ages, the addition of hydroxyl groups, and electrophilic oxida- Keywords Indometacin . Ferrate (VI) . Kinetics . Oxidation
tion. The toxicity of the oxidation products was evaluated using products . Toxicity

Responsible editor: Ester Heath

Highlights Introduction
• The reaction kinetics of indometacin oxidation by ferrate(VI) was
• Five different degradation products were identified by means of LC-
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are like-
MS/MS. ly to be found in any body of water that is influenced by raw or
• Intermediates were observed to be less toxic than the parent treated wastewater, including wastewater treatment plant
compound. (WWTPs) effluents, surface water, seawater, and groundwa-
• Higher ferrate(VI) dosages would be required to completely remove
IDM in actual water.
ter; many of which are employed as potable water sources
(Liu and Wong 2013; Borecka et al. 2015; Lapworth et al.
* Guoguang Liu 2012; Lin et al. 2016). Compared to other types of pollutants, PPCPs have the feature of comparatively low concentrations
in water but continuous replenishment (FENT et al. 2006).
Studies have revealed that some pharmaceuticals are
School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guangdong
University of Technology, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega
suspected of direct imparting toxicity to certain aquatic organ-
Center, Panyu District, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, isms (Ferrari et al. 2003; Grung et al. 2008; Quinn et al. 2008).
Guangzhou 510006, People’s Republic of China Additionally, their continual but undetectable effects might
School of Environmental and Chemical, Foshan University, accumulate slowly, and finally culminate in irreversible deg-
Foshan 528000, People’s Republic of China radative changes to ecosystems, wildlife, and humans
School of Environment, Henan Normal University, (Daughton and Ternes 1999; Pomati et al. 2006). Municipal
Xinxiang 453007, People’s Republic of China wastewater comprises a significant source of PPCPs in the
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795 10787

environment as many of them are not completely removed via Fe(IV) species, and (5) reactions of ferrates with reactive ox-
conventional wastewater treatment plants (Yang et al. 2011a, ygen species, O 2 • − , and H 2 O 2 , produced from self-
2011b; Radjenović et al. 2009; Rosal et al. 2010). decompositions (Sharma et al. 2015). Among the PPCPs, in-
In recent years, due to the low efficiency of conventional domethacin (IDM) is a widely prescribed anti-inflammatory,
wastewater treatment processes, various technologies have anti-pyretic, and analgesic non-steroidal drug (Lehmann et al.
been shown to be inadequate for the elimination of PPCPs 1997) that has been frequently detected in treated wastewater
from the aquatic environment, including adsorption (Salem effluent and drinking water sources at concentrations of up to
Attia et al. 2013), photocatalysis (Méndez Arriaga et al. micrograms per liter (Lishman et al. 2006; Joonwoo et al.
2008), and advanced oxidation processes (Esplugas et al. 2009). The contamination of primary drinking water sources
2007; Xiang et al. 2015). The copious chemical oxidation with IDM would constitute a serious threat to public health. At
methods that have been scrutinized for the effective degrada- present, very little data is available regarding the reaction ki-
tion of PPCPs include oxidation by permanganate (Hu et al. netics, transformation products, and variations in IDM solu-
2009) and chlorine dioxide (Wang et al. 2014), ozonation tion toxicity during the Fe(VI) oxidizing process.
(Ikehata et al. 2008), photodegradation (Kim and Tanaka Thus, the primary objectives of this study were to (1) de-
2009; Czech and Rubinowska 2013), Fenton and Fenton- termine the kinetics of Fe(VI) reactions of IDM as a function
like processes (Méndez Arriaga et al. 2010; Ifelebuegu and of solution pH, (2) identify the oxidation products and propose
Ezenwa 2011), and Electrochemical advanced oxidation pro- potential degradation pathways, (3) further evaluate the vari-
cesses (EAOPs) (Oturan and Brillas 2007; Sirés et al. 2007), ations in the IDM solution toxicity during the oxidation pro-
etc. However, heavy metal pollution may result from the per- cess, and (4) evaluate the potential of Fe(VI) to degrade IDM
manganate oxidation processes. Moreover, the potent carcin- in actual water samples.
ogen bromate, which is difficult to remove from water, may be
formed during the ozonation of bromide-bearing water
(Camel and Bermond 1998; Gunten 2003). The application
of photodegradation is restricted by the current inability to Experimental
prepare effective, economical, and long-lived catalysts.
Fenton and Fenton-like processes perform optimally only un- Reagents
der very harsh conditions, with the extra drawback of sludge
production. Finally, EAOPs can yield effective removal of IDM, 1-(p-chlorobenzyl)-5-methoxy-2-methylindole-3-acetic
organic micro-pollutants, but it requires an additional energy. (99% purity), was purchased from Aladdin (Shanghai, China).
Recently, iron-based materials have garnered particular at- Solid potassium ferrate (K2FeO4, 98%) was purchased from
tention in view of their special attributes, such as their earth- Shanghai. Additional analytical grade reagents (Na2S2O3·
abundant and environmentally compatible nature. The use of 5H2O, NaOH, phosphate, etc.) were used without further pu-
ferrate(VI) (Fe(VI)) as an oxidant/disinfectant, and the further rification. A stock solution of IDM was prepared in acetoni-
utilization of the ensuing Fe(III) oxides/hydroxide as coagu- trile (chromatographic grade) at a concentration of 10.0 mM.
lants are other additional attributes of ferrate(VI) for water Fe(VI) stock solutions were prepared by adding solid K2FeO4
treatment. Fe(VI) is a strong oxidizing agent with redox po- to a 5 mM Na2HPO4/1 mM Na2B4O7·10H2O buffer solution
tentials of +2.2 and +0.7 V in acidic and basic solutions, re- (pH ≈ 9.0), where the aqueous Fe(VI) was known to be the
spectively. Akin to ozone and chlorine dioxide, Fe(VI) is a most stable (Anquandah et al. 2011); subsequent filtration
highly selective oxidant; however, it is also one of the few through 0.22 μm nylon syringe filters (ANPEL, Shanghai);
oxidants that does not appear to form hazardous byproducts and the determination of the Fe(VI) concentration by measur-
(e.g., no brominated or chlorinated disinfection byproducts ing the absorbance of the solution at 510 nm
(DBPs), bromated, or chlorite) (Sharma 2010). Fe(VI) reac- (ε510 nm = 1150 M−1 cm−1) (Bielski 1980). For toxicity assess-
tions with a number of organic micro-pollutants have been ments, freeze-dried Vibrio fischeri bacteria were obtained
investigated (Yang et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2009; Sharma et al. from the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of
2006; Li et al. 2008; Yang et al. 2011a, 2011b). These studies Sciences (Nanjing, China) and stored at 4 °C. All aqueous
have revealed that organic micro-pollutants containing phe- solutions were prepared using ultrapure water from an
nol, amine, olefin, or thioether-moieties, may be potentially 18 MΩ Milli-Q water purification system (TKA, Germany).
transformed during water treatment with Fe(VI). These reac- The pH of the solutions was adjusted prior to the addition of
tions may involve, (1) the generation of Fe(V) and Fe(IV) Fe(VI) through the introduction of H3PO4 or NaOH, and test-
through 1-e− and 2-e− transfer processes, (2) production of ed using a portable digital pH-meter (pHS-3B, Shanghai)
radical species which can also generate Fe(V) and Fe(IV) throughout experiment. For this study, the total organic carbon
species, (3) further reactions of Fe(V) and Fe(IV) with con- (TOC) of samples filtrating through 0.22 μm filters was de-
taminants, (4) self-decompositions of Fe(VI), Fe(V), and termined by a TOC analyzer (Shimadzu TOC-VCPH, Japan).
10788 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795

Reaction kinetics temperature 350 °C, nebulizer pressure 40 psi, and nitrogen
(P 99.99%), which was used as the collision gas. The mass
In preliminary experiments, the reaction of Fe(VI) with IDM analyzer was operated in full scan mode (m/z range 100–600)
followed first-order kinetics under condition with excess in order to identify the products. Once a potential product was
Fe(VI) or excess IDM, indicating that the reaction followed identified, production scan MS/MS was performed for struc-
first-order kinetics with respect to Fe(VI) and IDM. The ture elucidation.
pseudo-first-order rate constants for the decrease of IDM (k′)
were obtained by measuring the decrease of IDM concentra- Toxicity analysis
tion as a function of time in the presence of excess Fe(VI).
Then, k′ values were determined at various concentrations of To assay the acute toxicity, a 15-min Microtox bioassay using
Fe(VI) at a setting pH value. Thus, the apparent second-order the V. fischeri bacteria was carried out according to the
reaction rate constants could be determined by k′ values. Chinese National Standard Test Method GB/T 15441-1995.
Kinetic studies were performed in a 500 mL beaker on a The toxicity of the resulting samples was examined using a
collector-type magnetic stirrer in a batch reactor within a pH Microtox model DXY-2 toxicity analyzer (Nanjing, China),
range of from 7.0 to 10.0. The reactions were initiated by which evaluates the ability of the translation products to in-
spiking an aliquot of the Fe(VI) stock solution into pre- hibit the bioluminescence of the V. fischeri bacteria (Marco-
equilibrated solutions containing IDM. At preselected time Urrea et al. 2010). The luminescence inhibition rate (I%) was
intervals, 3.00 mL of the reaction liquid was transferred from calculated based on Eq. (1), where Ix and I0 are the luminosity
the beaker to a tube using a pipette, which contained sufficient of the sample solution and the blank solution, respectively.
preloaded Na2S2O3 to immediately terminate the reaction. The initial IDM concentration was 0.02 mM. To comprehen-
Samples were filtered through 0.22 μm nylon filters and main- sively evaluate toxicity, QSAR analysis was also performed to
tained at 4 °C until analysis was conducted using a HPLC predict the ecotoxicity of the parent pharmaceutical and trans-
(LC-20A, Shimadzu). The chromatographic conditions were formation products by the Ecological Structure-Activity
as follows: column: Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C18, 4.6 × 150 mm, Relationship Model (ECOSAR) program (Kuang et al. 2013).
5 μm; temperature: 40 °C; mobile phase: acetonitrile/
ammonium acetate buffer solution (35:65 v/v, containing I 0 ‐I x
T% ¼  100% ð1Þ
0.2% ammonium acetate); flow rates: 1 mL·min−1; injection I0
volume: 20 μL; and detection wavelength: 228 nm. All ex-
periments were carried out in triplicate.

Reaction products Results and discussion

To identify reaction intermediates and products, a phosphate Kinetics study

buffered IDM solution (0.02 mM IDM; pH 7.0) was treated
with Fe(VI) (0.2 mM) for 3 h (tests have demonstrated that The reactions of Fe(VI) and IDM are first order with respect to
reactions come to completion within this time), after which the each reactant and can be described as the following equation:
solution was concentrated to 1.2 mL in a rotary evaporator d½IDMtot
(RE-5299, YU HUA INSTRUMENT, China). The resulting ¼ ‐k app ½FeðVIÞtot ½IDMtot ð2Þ
solutions were then filtered (0.22 μm nylon filters) to remove
Fe(III) (hydr)oxide products, and filtrates were analyzed by Where kapp represents the apparent second-order rate con-
liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/ stant for the reaction of Fe(VI) with IDM as a function of pH;
MS). The products were analyzed by an Agilent 1100 series [Fe(VI)]tot and [IDM]tot represent the total concentration of
LC, which was coupled to a 6410 triple quadrupole mass Fe(VI) and IDM, respectively.
spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, USA). Separation was The apparent second-order rate constants (kapp, M−1 s−1)
accomplished using an Agilent SB-C18 column (5 μm, were determined in the pH range of from 7.0 to 10.0 by mea-
4.6 × 150 mm). Elution was performed at a flow rate of suring the IDM decrease in the presence of excess Fe(VI). A
0.2 mL·min−1 with H2O containing 0.2% (v/v) ammonium plot of the values of kapp as a function of pH is presented in
acetate, as eluent A, and acetonitrile as eluent B; employing Fig. 1. Apparently, the kapp of IDM oxidation by Fe(VI) was
a linear gradient of from 5 to 95% B in 20 min. Mass spectral heavily dependent on pH, and it decreased from 9.35 to
analysis was conducted in negative mode using an 6.52 M−1 s−1 as the pH was increased from 7.0 to 10.0 at
electrospray ionization (ESI) source. Instrument parameters 25 ± 2.0 °C (square symbols, Fig. 1). A similar result of pH
were as follows: capillary voltage 3.5 kV, fragmentor 125 V, dependence was also observed with the oxidation of bisphenol
desolvation gas (nitrogen, P 99.99%) flow 10 L·min−1, A (Lee et al. 2005), diclofenac (Wang et al. 2015), and
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795 10789

Fig. 1 The observed second- -

order rate constants (kapp, 10 1.0
M−1 s−1) as a function of pH for Meas kapp
the reaction between Fe(VI) and
IDM (experimental conditions: 8 2-
[IDM]0 = 0.02 mM,
Model kapp
[Fe(VI)]0 = 0.20 mM, and
T = 25 ± 2 °C) 6 0.6

Mole fraction
kapp(M s )

2 3
4 0.4

k22 2 2
2 0.2

0 -

7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0


carbamazepine (Hu et al. 2009) by Fe(VI). The observed pH- Chemically, due to the pKa value of IDM and Fe(VI), the
dependent variations in kapp might be explained by consider- protonated IDM is the major form in solution, whereas two major
ing species-specific reactions between Fe(VI) and IDM. The species of Fe(VI) (i.e., HFeO4− and FeO42−) may be observed
acid-base equilibrium of IDM and Fe(VI) may be expressed in under experimental pH conditions (7.0 ≤ pH ≤ 10.0). While there
Eqs. (3), (4), (5), and (6). were six possible reactions from the expression of Eq. (7), only
two of the following two reactions (8)–(9) might have contribut-
IDM↔Hþ þ IDM− pKa ¼ 4:5 ð3Þ ed to the observed kinetics constants.

HFeO4 − þ IDM− →Products þ FeðOHÞ3 ð8Þ

(Gupta et al. 2007)
FeO4 2− þ IDM− →Products þ FeðOHÞ3 ð9Þ
H3 FeO4 þ ↔Hþ þ H2 FeO4 pKa ¼ 1:5 ð4Þ
As a result, the pH dependency of kapp for IDM can be
(Rush et al. 1996) modeled by Eq. (10).
H2 FeO4 ↔Hþ þ HFeO4 − pKa2 ¼ 3:5 ð5Þ k app ¼ k 22 α2 β2 þ k 23 α2 β3
(Sharma et al. 2001a, 2001b) k a ðk 22 k α1 ½Hþ  þ k 23 k α1 k α2 Þ
¼   ð10Þ
ð½Hþ  þ k α Þ ½Hþ  þ k α1 ½Hþ  þ k α1 k α2
‐ þ
HFeO4 ↔H þ FeO4 pKa3 ¼ 7:23

(Sharma et al. 2001a, 2001b). Figure 1 represents the experimental and modeled pH profiles
Considering the studied pH range of the reaction between that were obtained from Eq. (10). The species-specific second-
Fe(VI) and IDM, the three species of Fe(VI) (i.e., H2FeO4, order kinetics constants, k22 (11.01(±0.35) M−1 s−1) and k23
HFeO4−, and FeO42−) with the two species of IDM (i.e., IDM (6.82(±0.22) M−1 s−1), were calculated from least-squares non-
and IDM−) could possibly react with each other. The pH de- linear regressions of the experimental kapp data using SigmaPlot
pendence can therefore be modeled by the following equation: 10.0 software. A fairly good correlation (R2 = 0.967) between the
measured (square symbols, Fig. 1) and modeled kapp (solid line,
k app ½FeðVIÞtot ½IDMtot Fig. 1) was obtained. This indicated that HFeO4− was much more
¼ Σi¼1;2; j¼1;2;3 k ij αi β j ½FeðVIÞtot ½IDMtot ð7Þ reactive than FeO42−, in good agreement with a number of pre-
vious reports that described Fe(VI) reactivity (Anquandah et al.
where [Fe(VI)]tot = [H2FeO4] + [HFeO4−] + [FeO42−], 2013; Jiang et al. 2014).
[IDM]tot = [IDM] + [IDM−]; kij is the species-specific sec- The contribution of the individual reactions to the kinetics
ond-order rate constant between IDM and Fe(VI) species, constant is also shown (dotted lines, Fig. 1). At pH 7.0 to 7.5,
and αi and βj represent the equilibrium distribution coeffi- the reaction (8) between HFeO4−and IDM− (k22α2β2) was the
cients of IDM and Fe(VI) species, respectively. key contributor to the rate constants, while the reaction (9)
10790 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795

between FeO42− with IDM− (k23α2β3) was the major reaction, (Wu et al. 1997; Li et al. 2005). Five products and IDM peaks
at from pH 7.5 to 10.0. In general, the kapp value decreased as were observed in the TIC, which were assigned to product P1,
the solution pH was increased. P2, P3, P4, P5, and IDM, respectively. P1 with m/z 155 and
P2 m/z 218 with were proved to be the cleavage products of
Degradation products and plausible pathways amide linkage. P3 with m/z 390 was identified as the hydrox-
ylation product of IDM. P4 with m/z 372 and P5 with m/z 328
A number of degradation products resulting from IDM oxida- arose from electrophilic oxidation. Table 1 summarizes the
tion by Fe(VI) were identified by LC-MS/MS in ESI negative overall fragment ions of intermediates, retention time, and
mode (ESI−). Based on both the analysis of the total ion chro- the proposed corresponding molecular structures.
matogram (TIC) and their corresponding fragmentation pat- Based on the five identified degradation products, a possi-
tern, the best fit chemical structures of such degradation prod- ble pathway of IDM by Fe(VI) was proposed schematically in
ucts were tentatively proposed by referring to prior knowledge Fig. 2. This shows that the total degradation of IDM followed
with considerations of the Fe(VI) oxidation mechanism (Jiang three primary degradation pathways: hydrolysis of the amide
et al. 2014) and the molecular pattern of target compounds linkage, hydroxyl group addition, and electrophilic oxidation.

Table 1 Degradation products detected by LC–MS/MS in ESI negative mode during IDM-Fe(VI) reaction

Peak Retention Fragment peaks Molecular Probable structure

time m(z) formula

IDM 356 C19H16
19.2 312 Cl

P1 155
11.0 111, 73, 53 C7H5ClO2 OH


P2 218 C12H13NO
13.5 203, 174, 159


P3 390 374, 346, 330, C19H18 Cl



302 ClNO6 OH


P4 372 328, 155, 354, C19H16Cl


216 NO5


P5 328 C18H16Cl

16.7 312, 284

Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795 10791

Fig. 2 A possible degradation

pathway of IDM by Fe(VI)


Pathway I is based on amide linkage hydrolysis, to give 4- a, Fig. 2). Further, the decarboxylation of the epoxide was
chlorobenzoate and 5-methoxy-2-methylindol-3-yl acetate. accompanied by a simultaneous opening of the epoxide ring,
The proposed amide linkage hydrolysis was observed by which in turn resulted in the cleavage of the C-N bond be-
Wu et al. 1997. Furthermore, similar C-N bond cleavage and tween the 1 and 2 positions, thereby yielding degradation
the subsequent formation of carbonyl or ammonia have been products P5 (Route b, Fig. 2).
observed for the Fe(VI) reaction with primary aliphatic amines
(Zimmermann et al. 2012; Karlesa et al. 2014). Therefore, the Toxicity assessment
proposed pathway (I) is reasonable.
Pathway II is electrophilic attack, by which the aromatic While the Fe(VI) treatment of IDM is effective for the degra-
ring initially formed a phenoxy radical (C6H5-O•) and then dation of the parent pharmaceutical, another concern relates to
abstracted hydrogen from HFeO4−. The hydroxylation of the toxic variability. A variety of degradation products were ob-
double bond by Fe(VI) occurred through addition mecha- served during the Fe(VI) treatment of IDM; hence, it was
nisms, forming hydroxylated P3 degradation products. critical to evaluate the toxicity of the treated solutions as an
Furthermore, P3 could continue to be oxidized by Fe(VI) via important component of the data toward assessing the envi-
the decarboxylation of the acetic chain, losing a H2O and ronmental risk of organic micro-pollutants in engineered sys-
demethylation successively; eventually translating to small tems and ambient aquatic environments. As depicted in Fig. 3,
molecule organic matter. the initial V. fischeri bacteria inhibition rate of IDM was 65.3%
Pathway III involves initially formed oxygenated species according to Eq. (1) above. As the reaction progressed, the
via an unstable indole-2, 3-epoxide intermediate, as shown in inhibition rate of the treated IDM solution was quickly de-
Pathway III, Fig. 2. In this case, such an epoxide is unstable at creased to 16.1%, and a ~98.8% transformation rate of IDM
room temperature and the carboxyl would attack the 2-posi- was achieved following 60 min of treatment, while only
tion, which resulted in the opening of the epoxide ring and the 28.8% of the TOC removal rate was obtained. This indicated
concomitant formation of P4 and lactone ring products (Route that the majority of IDM was transformed to intermediate
10792 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795

In order to estimate the impact of the parent pharmaceutical

and transformation products on various species, QSAR anal-
ysis, calculated by the ECOSAR, was also employed to esti-
mate the acute and chronic toxicity for fish, daphnia, and
green algae. As shown in Table 2, the compounds revealed
different toxicity levels for different species. All transforma-
tion products imparted a lower impact on fish, daphnia, and
green algae, in terms of both of acute toxicity and chronic
toxicity analysis. As relates to acute toxicity, the LC50 or
EC50 values obtained for IDM for fish, daphnid, and green
algae were about 2.939, 2.05, and 3.573 mg/L, respectively,
while the LC50 or EC50 values obtained for P1–P5 for the
three species were about 31.458–439.828, 19.664–261.994,
and 21.798–237.917 mg/L, respectively. Apparently, the
LC50 or EC50 values for all products for the three species were
Fig. 3 Degradation rate, mineralization, toxicity variations by Microtox higher than that for IDM, suggesting that the products had
test of IDM during the Fe(VI) degradation (experimental conditions: lower toxicity than IDM. In terms of chronic toxicity, the
[IDM]0 = 0.02 mM, [Fe(VI)]0 = 0.20 mM, pH = 7.0, and T = 25 ± 2 °C) ChV values obtained for IDM for the three species were about
0.366, 0.354, and 1.479 mg/L, respectively, while the ChV
values obtained for P1–P5 for the three species were about
3.444–45.491, 2.506–29.194, and 7.071–69.321 mg/L, re-
products, while the rest may be mineralized. And the com- spectively. As with acute toxicity, all products exhibited lower
bined toxicity of the reaction solutions was lower than the chronic toxicity than IDM for the three species.
parent compound. This decreased toxicity can be attributed
to the loss of IDM and the lower toxicity of intermediate
products than their parent compound. Overall, it may be ver- Removal experiments
ified that Fe(VI) provides an important pathway for IDM re-
moval and toxicity reduction in engineered systems employed The effects of water quality on the removal of IDM were
for drinking water and wastewater treatment. examined using buffer solution and lake water. The lake

Table 2 Estimated acute and

chronic toxicity for fish, daphnid, (a) Acute toxicitya
and green algae of IDM and Acute toxicity Fish Daphnid Green algae
transformation products by Compound 96-h LC50b Compound 48-h LC50 Compound 96-h EC50
1 IDM 2.939 IDM 2.050 IDM 3.573
2 P1 439.828 P1 261.994 P1 237.917
3 P2 140.990 P2 80.935 P2 63.076
4 P3 53.130 P3 32.694 P3 33.963
5 P4 40.989 P4 25.463 P4 27.509
6 P5 31.458 P5 19.664 P5 21.798
(b) Chronic toxicitya
Chronic toxicity Fish Daphnid Green algae
Compound ChVc Compound ChV Compound ChV
1 IDM 0.366 IDM 0.354 IDM 1.479
2 P1 45.491 P1 29.194 P1 69.321
3 P2 13.960 P2 8.137 P2 16.925
4 P3 5.710 P3 3.988 P3 10.639
5 P4 4.455 P4 3.189 P4 8.801
6 P5 3.444 P5 2.506 P5 7.071
Unit = mg L−1
LC50 represent half lethal concentration; EC50 represent half effective concentration
ChV, Chronic Value, represents chronic toxicity
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2017) 24:10786–10795 10793

water samples all placed 24 h for precipitation, and then Conclusion

filtered through 0.22 μm filters. At a dose of 20.0 mg·L−1,
Fe(VI), as FeO42−, successfully removed IDM in a buff- The degradation of IDM by Fe(VI) has been systematically
ered solution at a pH of 7.0 at 25 ± 2 °C, with a removal investigated in this study and the primary conclusions drawn
percentage of >99.0%. However, a Fe(VI) dose of are summarized as follows:
20.0 mg·L−1 was not sufficient to remove IDM complete-
ly in lake water at pH 7.0. The removal percentages were (1) The reaction between IDM and Fe(VI) followed second-
82.2 and 86.3% in Haizhu Lake water and Baiyun Lake order kinetics and the dependence of the apparent
water, respectively. Therefore, a Fe(VI) dose >20.0 mg· second-order rate constant on pH was successfully ex-
L−1 would be required for the complete removal of IDM plained using the species-specific rate constants of the
in lake water. This suggests that the Fe(VI) reaction with reactions of IDM with Fe(VI).
water matrix components may consume significant (2) Five intermediate compounds were identified, which fa-
amounts of Fe(VI) during water treatment, which might cilitates the proposal of possible pathways for the degra-
act to decrease the treatment efficiency of micro-pollut- dation of IDM via Fe(VI) oxidation. IDM undergoes a
ants. Matrix components may include carbonate ions and series of steps, including the hydrolysis of the amide
dissolved organic matter (DOM) to increase the demand linkage, addition of hydroxyl groups, and electrophilic
for Fe(VI), since they typically have higher concentrations oxidation, to achieve final mineralization.
in comparison to IDM. Results showed that the presence (3) Toxicity tests conducted with the V. fischeri bacteria in-
of carbonate ions in the range of 0–1.0 mM did not dicated that the transformation products exhibited less
change the Fe(VI) dosage demand. The effect of DOM toxicity to V. fischeri bacteria, suggesting that the
was demonstrated by performing experiments in the pres- Fe(VI) treatment might serve as an effective strategy to-
ence of fulvic acid (FA) in a buffered solution (Fig. 4). A ward the reduction of toxicity in drinking water and
small amount of FA (up to 1.5 mg·L−1) had no significant wastewater treatment. Further, QSAR analysis calculated
effect on the removal efficiency. However, when the con- by ECOSAR revealed that all products exhibited lower
centration of FA in solution was increased, the removal acute and chronic toxicity than did IDM for fish, daph-
efficiency of IDM decreased, which was 68.2% at a FA nia, and green algae.
concentration of 20 mg·L−1. The results clearly demon- (4) Fe(VI) was effective for the degradation IDM in water
strated the potential of Fe(VI) to remove IDM in lake that contained carbonate ions or fulvic acid (FA), and in
water, where the required Fe(VI) dose would vary with lake water samples; however, higher Fe(VI) dosages
the nature and source, as well as the concentration of would be required to completely remove IDM in lake
NOM present in the contaminated water. water in contrast to deionized water.

Acknowledgments This work is supported by the National Natural

Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21377031 and 21677040) and the
Innovative Team Program of High Education of Guangdong Province
(2015KCXTD007). The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers and editors for their help in the improvement of this paper.


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