You are on page 1of 79


Step By Step
Resource Map

list O f
R e sou rces
Lessons &

About This Book:
This Book Is A Detailed
List Of Korean Topics, Grammar,
& Vocabulary (plus reading,
listening, writing, & speaking)
With Hyperlinks To Several
Resources, Lessons, &
Practices That I Have Used
Myself, Created Myself, or
Found On The Internet.
This List Is Separated Into
Basics, Themed-Vocabulary,
Grammar Concepts, Etc.
table of contents:
BASICS Pages: 7-19
Alphabet Pg. 8
Sentence Structure Pg. 9
Introductions Pg. 10
Pg. 11
Irregulars Pg. 12
Questions Pg. 13
Loanwords Pg. 14
Numbers Pg. 15
Dates Pg. 16
Time Pg. 17
Particles (part 1) Pg. 18
Particles (part 2) Pg. 19
table of contents:
VOCAB Pages: 20-38
Emotions Pg. 21
Body Parts Pg. 22
Tastes & Textures Pg. 23
Pg. 24
Places Pg. 25
Countries Pg. 26
Clothing Pg. 27
School Pg. 28
House/Apartment Pg. 29
Weather Pg. 30
Animals Pg. 31
Hygiene/Bathroom Pg. 32
table of contents:
VOCAB Pages: 20-38
Food + Drink Pg. 33
Nouns Pg. 34
Adjectives Pg. 34
Verbs Pg. 34
Adverbs Pg. 34
Mimetic Pg. 35
Family Pg. 36
Prepositions & Pg. 37
Numbers Pg. 38
Niche Pg. 39
Topik Pg. 41
table of contents:
GRAMMAR Pages: 42-65
Beginner Pgs. 43-48
Intermediate Pgs. 49-58
Advanced Pg. 59-65
Not all ADV. has link

LISTENING Pages: 66-72

All Levels Pg. 67
Beginner Pg. 68-69
Intermediate Pgs. 70-71
Advanced Pgs. 72

READING Pages: 73-78

All Levels Pg. 74-75
Beginner Pg. 76
Intermediate Pgs. 77
Advanced Pgs. 78
This First Section Covers Most
Of The “Basics” For Very Beginners,
But There Are A Few Things
Snuck In Here That Are Also
For Intermediates
stroke order &
pronunciation rules
Learn Hangul In 30 Minutes (vid)
Learn Hangul In 90 Minutes (vid)
Quizlet Hangul Flashcards
Hangul Vowels Quiz
Hangul Consonants Quiz
Is Stroke Order Important? (video)
How To Write Korean Stroke Order?
How To Pronounce Korean Lesson
10 Pronunciation Rules, 1 Sentence
Full Pronunciation Rules (video)
9 Structure
& Pronouns

Sentence Structure IG Post

How To Make Korean

Sentences (video)

~이다 Grammar

Guide To Korean Pronouns

Pronoun Flashcards
10 Introductions
Honorifics, Titles, Politeness Level

How To Introduce Yourself in Korean

Introduction Phrases Flashcards

Speech Levels | 입니다, 이에요, 이야


Korean Honorifics, Titles,

& Politeness Levels (IG Post)

Honorific Words List (IG post)

Honorific Words Flashcard Set

11 Tenses
Present, Past, & Future Tense

Digital Community Library:

Tenses & Conjugation
How To Conjugate In Present Tense

Present Tense Lesson TTMIK (vid)

Past Tense Lesson (video)

Future Tense Lesson (video)

12 Irregulars
& Colors

Irregular Verbs & Conjugations


Irregular Verbs Lesson

Korean Colors “Lesson” Video

Colors (색깔) Flashcards

13 Questions
question words + making questions

How To Make Questions

(IG Post)

Answer Tricky Yes Or No

Questions In Korean (vid)

Quizlet Question Words

14 Loanwords
Loan/Konglish Words + Conjunctions

Korean Loanwords Quizlet

Extensive Konglish Vocab List

Sentence Connectors Lesson

List Of Conjunctions

Conjunctions Flashcard Set

Sino & Native Korean Numbers

Count From 1-1000 - IG Post

1-1000 Sino Numbers Practice
Count 1-99 In Native Numbers
How To Count Things In Korean
Numbers IG Story Quiz Highlights
Sino Vs Native Korean Numbers
Sino-Korean Numbers Flashcards
Sino-Korean Numbers Practice
Native Korean Numbers Flashcards
months, days of week, seasons

Days Of The Week Post

Months In Korean

How to Tell The Date In Korean

Days of Week & Months Quizlet

Seasons In Korean

Seasons Quizlet Set

telling time + ages

Telling Time Lesson

How To Tell Time In Korean (vid)

Time Flashcards
list of all + basic particle lessons

All Particles - IG Post

Tumblr Post - All Particles
은/는 & 이/가 Lesson Video
은/는 vs 이/가
에 vs 에서
Guide to Korean particles
Korean Particles 들, 만, 에서,
부터, 까지, (으)로
Lesson: and, with, to, from, for, about

의 Lesson - Possessive Particle

Or In Korean (Video)
particle lessons + counters

처럼 & 같이 Lesson
보다 - Than Lesson
(으)나 Usages
쯤 Lesson
밖에 Lesson
Korean Particles Quiz
Particles Quiz Booklet
Korean Counters - IG Post
List Of All Korean Counters
Counters Practice
This Vocabulary Masterlist Is
Separated By Themes (Eg,. Emotions,
Body Parts, Food, Verbs, Etc.)
Links To Vocab Lists, Flashcard
Sets, & Other Things Are Provided.
how to express
emotions in Korean

emotions/feelings (감정) tumblr

emotions in Korean

Quizlet emotions flashcard set

Quizlet emotions (part 2)

flashcard set
Body Parts
body parts - video
body parts - IG Post

medical Korean - organ systems

medical Korean - body parts

Quizlet set body parts

Taste & Texture

how to describe tastes in Korean

list of tastes & textures

Quizlet flashcards: tastes & textures


list of jobs - IG Post

video of Jobs in Korean

Quizlet set: jobs & occupations

building names - IG Post

places In town
places In Korean

Quizlet set: places

countries masterlist - IG Post

tumblr - countries list

Quizlet: countries flashcards

video on clothing in Korean

different ways to say

"wear" in Korean (vid)

clothing flashcard set

school vocab - IG post

Quizlet: school-related vocab


Everyday House Objects - IG Post

list of house vocabulary

house rooms & objects (vid)

Quizlet: house & house Items

animal names In Korean

long list of animals

Quizlet set: Animals

weather vocab & sentences

words to describe weather

how to talk about
weather In Korean

Quizlet: basic weather


hygiene & bathroom vocab

cosmetic terms in Korean

hygiene actions (video)

bathroom accessories vocab

hygiene/bathroom Quizlet set


food & drink vocab

fruits & veggies

Korean dish names

Quizlet: food & drink flashcards


digital community library: nouns list

Quizlet: random Korean nouns

digital community library: adj. list

Quizlet: random Korean adjectives

digital community library: verbs list

common verbs list + quiz (IG Post)

100+ common Korean words book

Quizlet: random Korean verbs

digital community list: adverbs list

Quizlet: random adverbs list

mimetic words post

Quizlet set: mimetic words list

talking about your family

must-know family words

family names in korea

Quizlet: family vocab


prepositions - IG post

how to use prepositions

location words lesson & quiz

Quizlet: prepositions flashcards


Sino Korean Numbers

Korean Native Numbers

Time in Korean

Counting days in Korean

Korean counters | counting words


Korean Space Vocab

Plants in Korean Vocab

Medical Terms in Korean

Korean Texting Slang


Topik 1 Vocab

Topik 2 Vocab
More Vocabulary
Will Be Added
Over Time
If You Would Like To See A Certain
Type Or Theme Of Vocabulary Message
Me On Instagram Or Email Me &
Leave A Suggestion. Over Time It May
Be Added & Updated To This Map.
I don't claim that these are all of the
grammar you'll ever need to learn, but
you can use this map to hopefully find
grammar or a concept you're studying.
This isn't the final version of this book.

This Book Will Be Added To Over Time.

You Will Be Able To Access The
Updated Version On My Website For Free
Starting Next Week (or In July)
beginners guide to Korean grammar

이다 | 입니다, 이에요/예요 – Is/am/are

있다 / 없다: There is / There isn't
V + 아요/어요 or ㅂ니다/습니다 –
Present tense verb ending

V+ 았어요/었어요 – Past Tense

V + 겠어요 and V + (으)ㄹ 거예요

V + 지 않아요 & 안 – Negative

Verb Endings (Don’t)
V+ 지 못하다 못& –
Negative Endings (Can’t)

V+ 죠/지요 – Isn’t it?

V + 고 있다 – V + ing

V + 고 싶다 – Want to V

V+ (으)세요/십시오 – Please do..

V + 아/어 보다 – To try doing …

V + 아/어 주다 – To do .. for someone

Adj+아/어지다 – To become/get …
으 ㄹ 수 있다/없다 – Can/Can’t
( )

(으)ㄹ까요? – Shall we ..?

(으)ㅂ시다 – Let’s do ..

V + 게 되다 – Ended up doing

V + 아야/어야 하다/되다 - have to do

-도 되다 (It’s ok to …) -
Asking for/granting permission

으 면 되다 (You just have to…)

( )

(으)려고 하다 - Intend/plan to do
으 기로 하다 – Decide to do..
( )

Modifiers – V + (으)ㄴ – Past; V + 는 –

Present; V + (으)ㄹ – future; Adj. + (으)ㄴ

V/Adj + 것 같아요- It seems like

라고/다고/자고/냐고 하다– Quotes

V + 고 + V – V + and + Verb

V + 지만 – I do V But

N 보다 – Than

V + 아서/어서 – And, So
N + 때문에/ V + 기 때문에 – Because, So
V + (으)니까 – Because, So
으 ㄴ데 and V + 는데 – but…
Adj + ( )

V + (으)러 – in order to do ..

V + (으)려고 – To do … in order to do

N + 때 and V – (으)ㄹ 때 –
At the time of …, When..

Time + 동안 – During ..
V + (으)면 – If, When

V + 았/었으면 좋겠다 –
I hope/wish/desire
으 면서 – While doing ..
V+ ( )

V + 기 전에 – Before doing … &

V + (으)ㄴ 후에 – After doing ..

N + 에 대해서/대해 + Verb and

N + 에 대한 + Noun – About something

N + 을/를 위해서/위해 and

V + 기 위해서/위해– In order to do,
For the sake of
아/어 보이다 “Looks like…”
(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 “I guess…”

(으)ㄹ 텐데 “I would imagine…”

(으)ㄹ 테니까
“Since it might… you should…”

으 ㄹ 걸요 “Prob’ly” (informal)
( )

(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다(알았다)
“I hadn’t realized…”
OR “I had thought…”

으 ㄹ지도 모르다 “You don’t know if…”

( )
기는 하지만, -기는 -지만
“Even though sth, (contrast)”

으 ㄴ 는 반면에 “While sth is true,…”

( ) /

(으)ㄴ/는데도 “Although…actually/still”

서술체 (Report Writing)

반말체 (Informal Speech)
거든요 “That’s because… / It was…”
잖아요 “You ought to know…”
느라고 “Because of that… sth negative”
는 바람에 “As a consequence of…”
(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 “Because this happened..”
고 해서 “A is one of the reasons why B”
(으)ㄹ까 봐 “I’m worried about A, so B…”

다고요? “(What) did you just say?”

다고 하던데 “I remember hearing…”
다면서요? “Is it really true that…?”
다니요? “Really? I can’t believe…”
(으)ㄹ까 하다 “I’m thinking about…”

고자 “In order to do A, I did B…”

(으)려던 참이다 “I was just about to…”
으 ㄹ 겸 -(으)ㄹ 겸 “To do A and B, I did…
( )

아/어야지요 “I’ll have to…”

or “You ought to…”

으 ㄹ 만하다 “Worth doing”

( )

도록 하다 “Please do…”
지 그래요? “Why don’t you…?”
던 “Used to”
더라고요 “I personally noticed…”
던데요 “No, actually…/Yes, surprisingly…”
단어 피동 (-이/히/리/기-) (Passive Verbs)
아/어지다 “It became…” (Passive Verbs)
게 되다 “end up doing”
단어 사동 (-이/히/리/기/우/추-)
“to make / let” (Causative Verbs)

게 하다 “make sm do sth”
아/어야 “Do A so that you can do B”
거든… “if A is true, then B will be true”
(으)ㄹ 뿐만 아니라
(으)ㄴ/는 데다가

조차 “Not even/ Not so much as”

만 해도 “Just../ Even just N”
만 해도 lesson 2
는 길에 “On one’s way”
는 김에 “While you do”
(으)ㄹ 정도로
만 하다
(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 만큼

아무+(이)나 / 아무+도


든지 -든지
(으)ㄴ/는 대신에

아/어 가지고 ”and (then); so”
아/어다가 “and then”
고서 “and then”
고 보니 “after/while… I realized”
다 보니 “I learned/realized”
고 보니 vs 보니
다 보면 “If you keep…”
다가는 ”If you keep…something bad”
더니 “and now, but now”
았/었더니 “so.. now”
더니 vs 았/었더니
(으)ㄴ/는 셈이다 “you could say..”
아/어 놓다 “do smth beforehand”
아/어 두다 “do smth beforehand”
(으)ㄴ 채로 “while..”
(으)면서 vs (으)ㄴ채로

(으)ㄴ/는 대로 “just as..”

(으)ㄴ/는 편이다 “tend to V”

~적, ~적으로, ~적이다, ~스럽다

답다 “like, be like”
얼마나 -(으)ㄴ/는지 모르다 “didn’t know”
(으)ㄹ 수밖에 없다 “can’t help, but do”

(으)ㄹ 뿐이다 “just, simply”

이 야말로 “what I’m saying”
( )

게 “so that, in order to”

도록 “in order to”
게 vs 도록
았/었다가 “but then”
았/었던 - recall past
아/어 버리다 - express completion
고 말다 “end up Ving”
(으)나 마나 “No matter”
아/어 봤자 “even if.. it’s no use”
(느)ㄴ다면 “If..” - hypothetical
았/었 더라면 “If I had”
(으)ㄹ 뻔하다 “Almost V”

(으)ㄹ걸 그랬다 “I should have, I regret”

았/었어야 했는데 “should have done”
곤 하다 “used to”
기는요 “not really..” “no need to..”
(으)ㄴ/는 척하다 “pretend to do”

Advanced Grammar List

- 느니 “I would rather do that than this”
-(으)ㄹ 바에야 “I would rather..”
-건 -건 “Whether A or B”
-(느)ㄴ다기보다는 “It’s not A but rather..”

보고 - Citations and Quoting

-(느)ㄴ다니까 “I said..”
-(느)ㄴ다면서 “while”
-에 의하면 “According to“

A/V -(으)ㅁ - Making nouns

-는 데 - Nominalization
-는 바 - Nominalization
으 로 인해서
-( ) “Due to”
는 통에
- “Due to”
으 로 말미암아
-( ) “Because of..”
- “To the extent..”
는 이상
- “since the situation is…”
- “No matter how…”
기에 망정이지
- “…or else…”
느 ㄴ답시고
-( ) ‘..with the intention of”
으 ㅁ으로써
-( ) ‘Due..’ ‘By…’ ‘Because..’
- ‘Since.. Because’
- ‘Because of a situation…’

-더라도 “Even If..”

-(으)ㄹ지라도 “No matter If..”
-(으)ㄴ들 “no matter or doesn’t matter if“
-(으)ㄹ망정 “Would rather..”
-(느)ㄴ다고 치다 ‘I’m assuming..’
-는 셈치다 ‘assumption + hypothesis’
기가 무섭게 “As soon as..”
- 자 “As soon as..” “Right after..”
-는 한 “As long as..”
-(으)ㄹ라치면 “Whenever I..”
-노라면 “When..” “Whenever..”
-느냐에 달려 있다 “Depends on..”
-기 나름이다 “As for..” “Depends..”

-은/는 대로 ‘separate’
-는 김에 “While…”

-건만 “Despite..”
-고도 “Even..”
-(으)ㅁ에도 불구하고 “Despite..”

-듯이 “As if..”

-다시피 하다 “Virtually..” “Practically..”
- 거니와 “Not only X but Y”
-기는커녕 “X let alone Y”
-(으)ㄹ뿐더러 “Not only…but also..”
-되 “It’s okay to do X, but…”
N마저 “Even.., Also..”
-을/를 비롯해서 - Addition / Inclusion

-아/어대다 - Expressing habits

-기 일쑤이다
-는둥 마는 둥 하다 - half hartedly

-(으)ㄹ만치 - Expressing degree

-다 못해

-(느)ㄴ다는 것이 - Express intention

-(으)려고 들다
는 듯이
느 ㄴ다는 듯이
-( )
는 듯하다
으 ㄹ 게 뻔하다
-( )
으 ㄹ 법하다
-( )
으 ㄹ 리가없다
-( )
기 십상이
-기 마련이다
-는 법이다

-는가 하면
-느니 느니 하다
-(이)며 (이)며

-(으)ㄴ 나머지
는 가운데
는 마당에
-(으)ㅁ에 따라

여간 -지 않다
-기가 이를 데 없다
-(으)ㄹ래야 -(으)ㄹ 수가 없다


으 므로, -(으)나, -(으)며

-( )
-피동과 사동
-(으)ㄹ세라, -는 양, -는 한편, -(으)ㄹ 턱이 없다
The Next Section Is Comprised Of Listening
Resources, Mainly Podcasts and Videos That
You Can Use To Practice Listening. I Have
Them Seperated By Level. There Is Not An
Extensive List At The Moment But Will
Continually Be Added To Overtime
Kingka Podcast
A great choice if you like Korean
dramas and movies. I will say this
podcast seems less focused on
Korean listening and more on
culture and explaing kdramas.

Talk To Me In Korean
Talk To Me In Korean has a few
different podcasts for all levels,
including a series in 100% korean
and 2 about everyday
conversational Korean
TTMIK - Core Kor. Grammar
Another podcast TTMIK has is one on core
Korean grammar and beginner concepts.
Definitely one to check out!

Korean - Survival Phrases

If you have a trip planned to South Korea
soon or want to nail some key Korean
phrases this is great. It will definitely
increase your understanding.

Essential Korean
This one is very promising. Almost like a
combination of the 2 mentioned above.
From what I’ve seen It looks like you can
learn how to say a lot of things with this
podcast - through grammar and phrases.
Junior Naver Stories
There are a lot of videos here that are
meant for Korean kids, but amazing for
beginner as you can learn lots of words and
phrases here - I definitely wouldn’t skip this
as a beginner. At the top there are different
categories of videos you can go to. There is
even a section where they read books on
Sponge Mind
This is a bilingual podcast that uses mostly
Korean and a small amount of English.
Episdoes come with transcriptions as well.
Definitely recommend!


Talk to me in Korean is back once again on
the list. This series was made specifically for
Intermediate learners and lots of interesting
topics are talked about. Mostly in the form
of conversation between 2 Koreans.

Sparkling Korean
Although these episodes were made quite
awhile ago there’s great content to practice
listening with. The concepts feel more
beginner, but Intermediates can use it to
improve comprehension in Korean.
Hangugeo con AngDuck
There’s plenty of episodes and
many interesting topics
introduced. A great way to absorb
Korean naturally through daily

Intermediate Korean
The speaking is clear and the
episodes are pretty concise. There
are Korean transcripts provided
for every thing said in the
episodes. Very good choice!
There are actually 3 separate
podcasts here that could be good
for Advanced learners. 1 is more
news like talking about current
events - HERE. The 2nd is more
about comedy - HERE. The last one
has to do with relationship advice
and counseling - HERE. All very
interesting topics!
The Next Section Is Comprised Of Reading
Resources. Free Reading Materials Are Notoriously
Hard To Find For Korean Language. I Did My Best
And Researched As Much As I Could. I Have
Them Seperated By Level. There Is Not An
Extensive List At The Moment But Will
Continually Be Added To Overtime.
My personal favorite app/website. The
downside is it isn’t free, but the link above
allows you to test out the app
before committing to anything.
Material for all levels, plus you can
listen and read at the same time.
You can import videos or shows from
places like Netflix and study them.
This site has stories for beginners and
Intermediates and it’s based around
Korean culture related topics. Definitely
a good choice!
Vocabspace App
This app has articles on different
topics like entertainment/kpop,
technology, sports, beauty, etc.
You can look up the meaning of words
in app by clicking on them.
쥬니어 네이버 (Junior Naver)
I mentioned this in listening resources
too, because you can listen and read
Kids stories at the same time. There are
different categories as welll.

채널예스 한글동화 Channel Yes

Kids Stories
I mentioned this in listening resources
too, because you can listen and read
Kids stories at the same time. There are
different categories as welll.
Naver Blogs
You can search for blogs on any topic
you’d like to read about. I even
sometimes search for Korean lessons here
so I can read lessons in Korean.

Korea Times - Bilingual News


Kids Dong - Short News Reports

A of recent news articles, although
visually it’s quite plain looking. Great for
finding lots of vocabulary words.
Series By Naver
Here they have web novels, webtoons,
and ebooks all in Korean. You can
definitely find something interesting.

TOPIK 2 Mock Reading Tests

This isn’t like the other options, but
evem if you’re not planning to take
the Topik exam you can use the
mock exams as reading practice.

Bilingual News Reports

It has Interesting news articles - each
has the English and then the Korean
translation underneath.
I’m slowly starting to update and add on
more things little by little. Hopefully, I will
always keep updating it so that it can
eventually be filled with endleses resources.
I will add in listening, reading, writing, and
speaking sections too, but for now this is
all. It will be updated every couple
of months and accessible on the
"Digital Community Library" on

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