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NIM : 22110242



A. Background

The word Culinary comes from the English "culinary" Culinary

interpreted as relating to the kitchen or cooking
These dishes can be in the form of side dishes, food (food) and
The word culinary became widespread in Indonesia as a result of the news
mass media and television namely tourism programs. So culinary
is everything related or related to the world of cooking

Culinary History and Development

Culinary history can be traced back to the 1800's when
Boston's first cooking school is teaching the art of cooking
America to prepare students to deliver
their knowledge of others. The first cookbook
ever published written by Merrit Fannie Farmer in
1896, which also created a cooking school in Boston.
Further developments in the history of culinary art are drawn
through television in 1946 by James Beard who held
regular cooking class in America. As for French cuisine
brought to life in American Society by Julia Child in
1960-1n via national kitchen broadcast on radio.
The first culinary school to provide career courses
based on the art of cooking is the Culinary Institute of America (CIA).
The first location is on the campus of Yale University in Connecticit,
which then in 1972 moved to New York. Before the CIA
B. The Questionnaires of the Interview
question :

1.what is the most favorite food in your country

2. What kind of food have you tried in Indonesia?

3. What do you think about food in Indonesia



C. The result of the Interview

I interview Davins He is from Australia I know (meet) him from My Friends I interview Via
Whatsapp (Video Call)The topic I asked is about Culinary Food

The transcription

Irsyad : Hello Good night

Davins: Hello Good night too

Irsyad : let me introduce my self, My name Is irsyad, may i take five minutes of your time?

Davins : wow Irsyad, yeah of course you can.

Irsyad : Before starting, may i know Your name?

Davins: my name is Davins poeple call me dave

Irsyad : nice to meet you

Davins : nice to meet you too.

Irsyad : Can we start ok

Davins : Oh Sure Of Course

Irsyad : what is the most favorite food in your country?

Davins :yeah poeple moeslim they like a Mcdonalds, Kfc, Burger, Something like that.

Irsyad : Mm okey so what kind food have you tried in Indonesia?

Davins : Oh what kind the food, so i tried a the most famous food a coto, so i tried coto

Irsyad : Yeah coto , Ok Next what do you think about food’s in Indonesia

Davins : Yeah thats good, Because many Indonesia poeple like coto, nasi kuning, something like that..

Irsyad : Okey, Thank you Mister.

Davins : Your Welcome.


the conclusion is that we must be proud of the culinary food in our own country because many
foreigners like Indonesian specialties, they are also friendly when communicated.

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