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1.¿Why was pascal honored a computer language named for him?

Answer: He was the first to build a precursor of the modern computer-an adding an subtraction
machine that could assist in tedious and time –consuming computational process

Pascal later became famous for mathematics and philosophy, buthe is still remembered for his
role in computer technology. In his honor is aprogramming language called Pascal.
2. ¿who was a first invent a machine whose operating principle is very similar to present-day

Answer: Charles Babbage

The next big step for computers came in the 1830s, when Charles Babbage decided to build a
machine to help you complete and print math tables. babbage was a mathematician who taught at
Cambridge University in England. He started planning his calculating machine, calling it the
Analytical Engine.

3.¿wich a differences between the systems Mark I and ENIAC?

Answer: The Mark was the first computer and ENIAC was a fist electronic computer

1st first electromechanical computer built at Harvard University by Howard H. Aiken in 1944, with
a grant from IBM. It has 760,000 wheels and 800 kilometers of cable and was based on Charles
Babbage's Analytical Engine.

The Mark I computer used electromagnetic signals to move the mechanical parts. This machine
was slow (it took 3-5 seconds per calculation) and inflexible (the sequence of calculations could
not be changed); but he performed basic mathematical operations and complex calculations of
equations on the parabolic motion of projectiles. It worked with relays, programmed with
switches, and read data from punched paper tapes.


The ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania by John Presper Eckert and John William
Mauchly, it occupied an area of 167 m² and operated with a total of 17,468 electronic valves or
vacuum tubes that in turn allowed nearly 5,000 additions and 300 multiplications to be performed.
per second. Physically, the ENIAC had 17,468 vacuum tubes, 7,200 glass diodes, 1,500 relays,
70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, and 5 million solder points. It weighed 27 tons, measured 2.4
m x 0.9 m x 30 m; used 1,500 electromagnetic switches and relays; it required the manual
operation of some 6,000 switches, and its program or software, when it required modifications,
took weeks of manual installation.

So, from what you see, the ENIAC was built in 1946, and it was faster than the Mark 1.


1.¿Why this virus was so harmful and dangerous?

Answer: Because the virus used mailing list as its source of targets. The worm overwrote
important files, as well as music, multimedia and more, with a copy of itself. It also sent the worm
to everyone on a user's contact list.

This particular worm only affected computers running Microsoft Windows. OS

2.¿Why attack only operative systems of windows?

Answer: because caused widespread outrage, making it the most damaging worm ever and
overwrote important files The worm is written using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting (VBS) and
requires that the end user runs the script to deliver its payload. Will add a record set keys for the
Windows registry that will allow the malware to start at every boot

3.¿what actions users should take to protect their computers from these attacks?

Answer. Users most protect their operating systems applications.

Use a firewall. ...

Keep all software up to date. ...

Use antivirus software and keep it up to date. ...

Make sure that passwords are well selected and protected. ...

Don't open suspicious attachments or click unusual links in messages.


BUILD – construer

Making a material work, generally the one that is large, is done according to a complex work
technique and consists of a large number of elements.

OUTRAGE – indignación

Feeling of intense anger caused by an act that is considered unfair, offensive or harmful.

ENGINNER ingeniero

person who can carry out any engineering service in a company

WIDISPREAD generalizado

Make something general or common.

DAMAGING dañar-dañino

Cause harm, harm or harm to someone or something.

OVERWROTE sobrescrito
Text that is written on the envelope or on the outside of a closed sheet, to know who it is
addressed to.

WHILE mientras

During the same period of time that something else happens and simultaneously with it.

WRITTEN escrito

Written thing of any nature or extension


studies the phenomena related to the balance and movement of bodies.

BOUGHT compró

Acquire something by exchanging its value for money.

HAD tuvó

hird person singular (she, he, it; you, 2nd person) present perfect simple indicative of having or


A newspaper is a written means of communication where news, articles, announcements, social

events, movie schedules and all kinds of important events that are happening or will happen are

KNOW saber

A set of broad and deep knowledge that is acquired through study or experience.


Action of marrying or arranging graphic images so that they are contiguous.

MACHINE maquina

Object made and made up of a set of pieces fitted together that is used to facilitate or carry out a
specific job, generally transforming a form of energy into movement or work.

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