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1. Mosses spread themselves because they do not have primitive seeds.

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2. I saw the big trunk in the middle of the forest.

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3. Seeds are modified embryos so they can last a long time.

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4. The elephant shook its long trunk.
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5. Seed plants dominate biological niches to cold climates.

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6. Seeds show themselves as an important development in the more primitive

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spermatophyta climbing.

7. The outer seeds show a wrinkled surface.

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8. The middle shell of the seed resembles a hard inner shell.

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9. The umbilical cord connects the ripe seeds to the placenta.

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10. The embryo will grow into new plants.

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11. Institutions show the main body parts of plants.

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12. Neljubow (1901) observed that ethylene gas can make changes quickly.
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13. The leaves suck good food.

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14. Seed plants contain clorophyll which is autotroph.

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15. Genes are agencies that carry one of them high body properties.

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16. Growth hormone stimulates certain parts to divide so that plants get bigger.

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17. Auxin activates cambium to form new cells.

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18. We all know that the nature of auxin can grow the body of plants quickly.

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19. The hormone gibberellins stimulate cell division to produce tall plants.

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20. My aunt planted a mango tree and the fruit is very sweet.

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21. Cancer is a disease that can destroy normal body tissue.

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22. The virus can attack the immune system quickly.

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23. Protozoa are animals that have one cell and see it using a microscope because of its


delicate shape.

24. The plant is incorporated into the kingdom Plantae which has leaf green substances.

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25. The girl grafted a tree in her house to produce a lot of flowers.

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26. I saw a tall tree and wide leaves.

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27. Jojo peelsing the skin of the plant so that later it becomes a lot and this is one way to

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transplant the plant.

28. We have a heart pumping blood located on the left.

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29. Researchers saying mammalian diversity in terrestrial primary forests is higher than in

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30. The heart pumping blood through the two main circulatory systems.

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31. Blood that has left carbon dioxide returns to the left atrium.

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32. The heart makes veins have less pressure than arteries.

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33. People who smoke can cause severe lung damage.

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34. If you take care of food properly, then your health will be maintained.

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35. The wind moves so fast that the leaves fall.

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36. Panda eats hard bamboo.

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37. Cats see with shining eyes when it’s dark.

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38. Nails and claws are used to catch food and climb in a small place.

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39. Snakes can poison out of his mouth.

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40. Humans breathe dirty air with the nose.

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41. Humans see using their eyes. Human eyeballs are black.

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42. Animal groups that can increase fertility are earthworms.

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43. The epidermis functions to protect the inside of plant tissue.

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44. Whales swim in deep ocean waters using pectoral and caudal fins.

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45. Goats eat green grass in a cage.

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46. Oviduct to channel the ovum from the ovary to the uterus, oviduct is pair.

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47. Fish breathe with gills. Red fish gills.

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48. Lizards sever their tails when the environment is disturbed.

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49. Bananas can be picked from the tree when they are yellow.

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50. Horses run very fast because they have legs that are strong enough.

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