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Relay the Sentence!


 Create 4 groups and form a line.

 The last member on the line will be given a rolled paper. Inside the paper is a sentence which
will then be passed using a stick/straw up until it reaches the first member in front.
 The first member on the line will then read and guess on what type of sentence it is.
 A point will be given on the group who will successfully finish the task first.
 This will be repeated up until a particular group reaches 5 points and will be declared as the

Think and Create!


 Form 4 groups.
 Each group will be given a slip of paper with a corresponding type of sentence structure.
 The groups will then brainstorm and create 5 examples in accordance to what sentence
structure they have picked.
 After 10 minutes, each group will have a representative to explain their designated topic and
present their examples in the class.

Sentence Detective Mystery


 Prompt your learners to become sentence detectives.

 Students will create a group with 3 members.
 They will then receive jumbled compound sentence and must work together to arrange it


 The challenge lies in your body language and expressions.
 Form 2 groups
 Each group will be given an incomplete complex sentence. The missing words are represented
with a blank.
 The groups will choose their representative to enact what the missing words are in the complex
sentence and their respective members will be the one to guess the word.
 Each group will take turns doing this and is given 1 minute each round.
 The group who will reach 5 points is the winner.

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