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Chapter I



The Philippines has been well-known for its vast agricultural industry because of the

natural landscapes ideal for farming, livestock and fisheries. Agricultural industry is significant

for food security and livelihood for many Filipinos. One part of this industry is the poultry

farming which is usually common and found at almost every household’s backyard in rural

areas, emerging to small farms. Modern agriculturists are now using new technologies in order

to improve yields and preserve their agricultural products. Poultry farming is one of the

entrepreneurial systems in agricultural practice whereby meat and eggs are mass-produced to

guarantee sufficient supply through broody hens. This cannot be achieved by natural

incubation by means of broody hens sitting on clutches of eggs. Several hatching systems are

already found in the industry utilizing varieties of technologies applied in machines generally

called as egg incubators. Egg incubators provide a hatching process under optimum

environmental conditions (temperature, egg turning and humidity) that is well-controlled to

stimulate embryonic growth until hatching (Kingori, 2011).

Poultry farming undergoes processes such as brooding, incubation and egg hatching.

A hen can brood a maximum of 14 up to 16 number of eggs but the hatchability declines to

more than 10 eggs, that means it takes more chickens to hatch eggs in large quantities which

is by far nor efficient. As a solution, poultry farmers used artificial incubators. A study shows

that the utilization of an incubator in poultry farming can significantly increase the efficiency

of egg hatching and the overall productivity of the farm. In a study conducted by Adepoju et

al. (2019), it was found that using an incubator resulted in a significantly higher hatchability

rate (84.4%) compared to traditional methods of hatching (67.9%). For effective egg

development, the incubator must maintain a constant temperature and humidity level. The

study also showed that utilizing an incubator can enhance the quality of the chicks, producing

stronger and healthier birds. This is due to the fact that an incubator can shield you from

illnesses and infections, which are frequently present in more conventional ways of egg incu
bator. Farmers may have a more consistent and predictable supply of chicks all year long

because to the incubator's enhanced hatching control. Overall, the results of this study indicate

that using an incubator in chicken farming can increase the farm's production and efficiency,

improving the financial situation of the farmers.

The demand for the incubator for hatching eggs is undoubtedly great as the machine

was first surface in its early years and even up to this date. To cope up with this trend, the

researcher proposes an incubator that uses a device called Peltier Module. A machine that

utilizes this device will be deemed important to study by the researchers as this will provide

other options for our poultry farmer in selecting their choices of incubators. Peltier modules

are well recognized for their capacity to produce heat via the movement of electric current.

Such modules are being used to incubate chicken eggs, which is a new tool that poultry

producers may use to raise their flocks of birds. Peltier modules can offer the optimum heating

for the eggs that is necessary for good egg growth and hatching by managing the current flow.

This method provides options other than heat sources, such light bulbs, which are frequently

utilized in conventional incubation. The incubation environment for chicken eggs may be made

safer and more regulated by using Peltier modules, which also guarantee minimal energy

consumption and maintenance costs.

The primary function of an incubator is to endow a controlled, contaminant-free

environment for safe and reliable work with cell and tissue cultures by regulating conditions

such as temperature, humidity, and CO2. The general objective of this research is to provide a

cost-effective incubator that would help farmers in lessening their expense and will be achieved

because of the incubator’s low maintenance. The specific objectives are the following (a)

design a multi-feature Peltier incubator utilizing its cooling effect by having a cold storage,

and egg rack maximizing its vertical space; (b) construct using affordable yet effective

materials; and (c) improve its incubation function and hatch rate compared to traditional

hatching methods by poultry farmers in Sorsogon.

As it offers a controlled environment for incubating and examining fragile materials,

a thermoelectric module incubator is an important instrument for scientific and medical

research. Advanced thermoelectric technology is used in this kind of incubator to maintain

constant temperatures and minimize temperature and humidity variations that could jeopardize

the integrity of samples. In comparison to conventional incubators, the thermoelectric module

incubator has several benefits, such as reduced energy usage, quiet operation, and precise

temperature control. It is the best option for usage in scientific settings where precision and

dependability are essential. In addition, thermoelectric module incubators are quite adaptable

and can handle a variety of sample sizes and types. They can be utilized in a variety of fields,

including biotechnology, genetics, microbiology, and cell culture, to mention a few.

This study covers the innovation of the existing thermoelectric-run incubators

incubating and hatching chicken, quail, duck, and other poultry eggs. This study will utilize

the cooling effect the Peltier module produces as it heats at the same time.

Statement of the Problem

Existing thermoelectric incubators are out-of-reach for local poultry farmers − cost

speaking. Not making use of the cold temperature on the other side of the device is also a rising

concern on some designs. To address such matters, this proposed design of multi-feature

incubator set (Figure 1) using thermoelectric, or Peltier, module can maintain optimal

temperature, humidity, and ventilation conditions for incubating and hatching poultry eggs

while utilizing its cooling capability through built-in cold storage. The incubator should be

easy to use, reliable, and energy-efficient while providing a safe and healthy environment for

the developing embryos. It should also be able to accommodate various egg sizes and

quantities; provide accurate and consistent temperature and humidity readings to ensure a high

hatching success rate; and it should make use of the cold temperature the Peltier module

produces. For convenience, the design also considers extra rack to maximize space for egg

storage. The problem statement should also address any potential issues such as bacterial

contamination, power outages, and equipment failure, and provide solutions to mitigate these

risks. Most importantly, it should be affordably fabricated to be purchased by the local poultry


1. What is the design of the Automatize Module Poultry Egg Incubator?

2. How is the device constructed?

3. What is the performance of the device in terms of:

a. hatch rate?

b. its cooling functions? and

c. incubation function?

Figure 1. Design of the Automatize Module Poultry Egg Incubator: A cold storage for cold
temperature utilization, and an egg storage rack under the incubator for optimal use of space.
Significance of the Study

Understanding the science behind poultry egg incubators is essential for those who work

in the poultry industry or have a general interest in poultry farming. It can lead to improvements

in hatch rates, cost-effectiveness, consistency, and time efficiency, as well as contribute to

advancements in research and development in the field.

This study entitled Development of Automize Module Poultry Egg Incubator will benefit

the following:

Department of Agriculture (DA) – This variety of thermoelectric incubator will be a good

proposal to the Philippine Department of Agriculture as it promotes practical and economical

answer to the problems with conventional incubation techniques, resulting in better hatch rates

and greater productivity for the poultry industry.

Poultry Farmers – The machine will help them lessen the costs of hatching poultry eggs in

terms of power consumption of incubation, investment of hatching incubator, and will give

them increased productivity and improved hatching rates.

Students – This study will provide them knowledge in modern and mass hatching of poultry

eggs in related fields.

Future Researchers – This study will serve as a guide in their research study.

Scope and Delimitation

The focus of the study will be innovating an incubator by introducing a new mechanism

that provides heating and cooling sides and utilizing this feature as an advantage to construct

a 2-in-1 device. The heating side will provide the warm temperature in incubating and hatching

while the cold side will serve as a refrigerated space for chilling purposes.

The data gathering procedure at the testing phase of the incubator will only focus on

poultry eggs limiting to specific sizes: small – less than 53g; medium – between 53g and 63g;

and large – between 63g and 73g.1 Testing will be done by poultry farmers in Sorsogon. It is

not intended to be utilized by poultry farmers who raises domesticated birds such as turkeys

and geese.
Definition of Terms

Poultry incubators – used to keep the fertilized eggs of chickens warm until they are ready to


Peltier module– also known as a thermoelectric cooler, is an electronic device that uses the

Peltier effect to generate a temperature difference between two surfaces. The Peltier effect is a

phenomenon in which an electric current is passed through a circuit made up of two dissimilar

metals, causing one side of the circuit to become cooler while the other side becomes hotter.

Utilization– refers to the extent to which a resource or asset is being used to its full potential

or capacity. It is a measure of the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of a resource or asset.
Chapter II


In this chapter, the researchers present different concepts, understandings,

generalizations or conclusions and different development related to study from the past up to

present which used by the researchers as guide in conceptualizing and designing the project. It

is composed of related literature and studies relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature

According to the research of Tri Ayodha Ajiwiguna, Indah Khairunnisa, Suprayogi (2018), an average light bulb heating incubator is slower to reach the required temperature

for the egg to incubate but by using TEM (Thermoelectric Module) they achieved the required

temperature in 12 minutes instead of 17 minutes made by the light bulb with also only 10 W

of energy consumed compared to light bulbs that uses 15.56 W.

According to Mathew, Ronald, Rafael (2021), by using the developed

Microcontroller-based egg incubator, the research showed that the designed incubator's

hatching efficiency ranges from 80-93% and with an average of 86.5% with the number of

hatched eggs was 56 (93%) duck eggs and 48 (80%) chicken eggs. It also showed higher net

income for the farmers. Further, the success of the design adjustment was further aided by

interviews with the farmers in Northern Luzon, Philippines. Before designing, the researchers

gathered data on the accurate temperature and correct humidity for hatching eggs also cost

effective so that even less-earning farmers can afford the product. And the researchers also

gathered the advantages and disadvantages of the current incubators, as well as input from the

farmers. The study has also explored on the hatching efficiency and capacity of the incubator

compared between the prior egg incubator that the farmers are currently using. The researchers

also studied on the automated controlling device, which controls the humidity and temperature

and enables tray swapping as part of the incubator design.

A renowned physicist Seebeck discovered that when any conductor is subjected to a

thermal gradient, it generates voltage (Resnick and Halliday, 1992). This is called Seebeck or
thermoelectric. To measure this electromotive force (emf) involves connecting another

conductor to the “hot" end l. This other usually made of another material will experience a

temperature gradient and develop a voltage of its own which will oppose the original one but

the magnitude effect depends on the particular material used. The whole set up now becomes

a thermocouple with two junctions at different temperatures, one fixed and the other varying.

This thermocouple is of K-type which serves as the temperature sensor whose range is -200°C

to 1350°C with sensitivity of about 41μV/°C.

An article by Natasa POPOVI entitled "A Control System for Remote Monitoring and

Control of The Temperature in Chicken Eggs Hatching Using Artificial Incubators" states that

it is crucial to monitor and regulate the environment in incubators in order to achieve

ventilation and egg turning while employing artificial egg incubation. The importance of

maintaining and managing the temperature inside the incubator cannot be overstated. Ambient

conditions are indicated in terms of temperature and humidity. The study describes a control

system created for remote monitoring and controlling the temperature of chicken eggs in

artificial incubators while they hatch. A heater in the shape of an incandescent light bulb, a

temperature sensor, a relay, a microcontroller, and a communication module make up the

system. A PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller is created to regulate temperature

and keeps the temperature at 37.8 °C. The web browser and a wired Internet connection are

both required to access temperature readings. The suggested approach is a straightforward,

inexpensive, yet highly effective method for ensuring that hens grow properly inside their eggs.

According to the article written by Raja Mohd Noor Hafizi Raja Daud et. Al. "The

Development of Automatic Forced Air Egg Incubator", due to the rise in poultry livestock

demand which cannot be fulfilled solely by the domestic supply chain led them to depend on

import in overcoming this problem. They come up with the goal of the large-scale production

of poultry livestock through egg incubation process. Since the temperature and humidity can

affect the egg’s embryo development, this project is equipped with sensors to control the

accuracy of temperature and humidity during the egg incubation process. The two main sensors

used in this project are temperature sensor and humidity sensor. The eggs will be rotated every

3 hours using the automatic egg turner system driven by the motor and also, a forced air fan is
used for ventilation system to circulate the air in the incubator to prevent the egg’s embryos

mortality. The whole system in the incubator is controlled by a microcontroller called Arduino

Uno which is programmed to produce an efficient operation system between the inputs and the


Related Study

A research entitled “Experimental Analysis of Solar Operated Thermo-Electric Heating

and Cooling System” used thermoelectric, or Peltier module for creating a separate warming

and cooling medium. The top part of the module which produces heat is faced towards the

heating compartment while the opposite part is for the cold. The device “utilizes non-

conventional energy source (i.e. Solar Energy).” The device is promised to be “a suitable &

affordable system for the people living in remote part of India where load-shading is a major

problem.” It doesn’t use any mechanical device and for the cooling compartment, it doesn’t

use refrigerant, since the cold temperature comes from the Peltier effect of the module. “As the

module is compact in size one can design (i.e. shape, capacity) the system according to its

requirement. In this paper, an attempt has been made to conduct an experimental study on

small scale solar operated thermoelectric Heating & Cooling system.”

A proposed incubator from the research “Development of Thermoelectric Egg

Incubator Integrated with Thermal Energy Storage System” used the Peltier module device

similarly. The researchers were convinced that the “thermoelectric technology (TE) modules

can be used for both power generation and solid-state refrigeration or heat pumps. A TE

module has no environmentally harmful fluids like chlorofluorocarbons.” The incubator can

accommodate five egg trays with 60 eggs in each tray and a relative humidity pan. Its is also

constructed with plywood, “with polystyrene as an insulation to reduce heat losses from the

chamber while the inside is aligned with tarpaulin sheet for easy cleaning and to avoid moisture

absorption by the wooden material.” The egg-turning observes crank and link mechanism

connected to the electric motor turning 45° automatically. It is powered by four arrayed solar

PV modules of 45 Watts and 12 Volts per module. “The energy storage unit is made up of 2

lead batteries of 100Ah each, a charge controller and a 100Watts, 24 Volts solar powered
inverter to convert direct current to alternative current from the PV panels. Heat supply in the

incubation chamber is by 200 watts electric heater and electric motor used for turning

mechanism of the egg trays powered by the photovoltaic modules. A thermostat was placed on

upper end of the incubation chamber in order to regulates and controls the temperature of the

incubation Chamber. An air vent allows air circulation within the egg chamber. A transparent

glazing material is used as the door helps to monitor and inspect the incubator chamber from

outside without opening the incubator door and to improve the thermal conductivity of the

incubation chamber. A paraffin wax was used as the phase change material (PCM) so as to

maintain the thermal energy storage (TES) was located at the bottom of the incubation

chamber.” Results show that hatchability was 73.3%. The temperature of the incubator and

relative humidity ranges of 36 –39°C and 56–80% could be maintained within the incubator.

Since this design is powered by solar energy, it is expected to be costly.

In the study “Application of Thermoelectric Module as Heater for Eggs Incubator

System”, the thermoelectric module (TEM) is used to replace and compare traditional

incandescent lamp used as heating system in egg incubation. It has been proven that the

traditional incubators have short life time of usage and high energy consumption. The

incubator is made of 15 mm thickness of wood with dimension of 35 x 30 x 35 cm of length,

width, and height respectively. The ventilating hole is 1 x 5 cm and located at the back wall of

incubator for air circulation. To maintain the humidity, water in the basin is located under the

eggs rack. Thermostat is employed to maintain temperature at specific set point. The result

shows that the TEM module is successfully applied in the incubator. The comparison between

TEM and incandescent lamp is also conducted and results that TEM is more efficient with 34.1

% of energy saving. This design, however, is not utilizing the cooling effect stating, “the hot

side is placed facing to the inside box, while the cold side of TEM is facing to the surrounding.”
Gap-Bridged by the Study

There were various related studies that govern the different designs of cost-effective

incubator. Many researchers intentionally performed different studies with regards to

humidity, energy efficiency, durability and cost-friendly of incubators from different materials.

The related literature and studies focused on determining the energy efficiency and

humidity of incubators in egg hatching. The materials, design description, and the temperature

of incubators were outlined. As it has been discovered, a thermoelectric module is usually used

as heating system in eggs incubator system for long life time of usage and low energy

consumption. The articles based on relevant studies that demonstrate the advantages of

utilizing a thermoelectric (Peltier) module in poultry egg incubator mentions more efficient

energy saving. Several Peltier cooled incubator models are already found in the market. They

also promise to be automated and energy-efficient. But, can the local poultry farmers afford to

purchase them?
Chapter 3


Research Design

The success of a design depends much on the choice of material which is one of the

most important design considerations. Materials are selected to provide characteristics that are

essential to design and most appropriate. The choice of materials dictates the manufacturing

processes to be used and cost of the product.

The designed prototype is drawn first in AutoCAD software shown in Fig. 2. After

approval, the materials listed are to be purchased accordingly.

Fig. 2- Dimensions of the proposed multi-feature thermoelectric incubator set

Essential Parts

1. Digital thermometer

A thermometer is device that measures temperature. A digital thermometer was used

and placed below the egg tray to monitor the temperature. A thermostat was placed to regulate

and control the temperature inside the incubating chamber to maintain its recommended

temperature range from 35℃ to 40℃.

2. 12 V DC Fan

A mechanical fan is a machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas such

as air. The fan consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades which acts on the fluid.

The rotating assembly of blades and hub is known as an impeller, a rotor, or a runner. The

major function of a fan in an incubator is to cool or circulate heat in the system (Steve 2010;

Shittu et al., 2017). This egg incubator used a 12V, 1.8 W DC fan mounted at the back portion

to ventilate the air inside the incubator machine for cooling.

3. LED Bulb

The bulb converts electrical energy into light. The light is use to testing method to

check the egg.

4. Peltier Module

The Peltier cell is a small element that uses n- and p-doped semiconductors to transfer

heat, energy, from one side to the other, resulting in one hot and one cold side. The area of the

Peltier cell is around 16 𝑐𝑚 and it can drive a 6 Ampere current in order to heat or cool a

sample to minus degrees Celsius up to more than 100°𝐶. An h-bridge can drive a current in

two directions. In order to use the Peltier cell, the Peltier cell has to be connected to the h-

bridge. The Peltier cell will heat if the current goes in one direction and cool if the current goes

in the other direction.

5. Power Supply

A power supply is an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.

The main purpose of a power supply is to convert electric current from a source to the correct
voltage, current, and frequency to power the load. Converting 220V AC current to 12V DC

current to power the device.

6. Digital timer

A circuit board that controls how long the motor rotates the egg turner.

7. Electric motor

A device used to rotate the egg turner so that the yolk would not settle and to exercise

the embryo.

Factors Affecting the Hatching of Egg

A poultry egg incubator is to be constructed to test and evaluate its performance. The

incubator box’s dimensions are 40 cm (depth), 60 cm (width), 150 cm (height). The frame of

the incubator is made of steel angle bar and will be covered with 10 mm thick plywood, then

layered with insulation foam inside to minimize heat losses by absorption and transmission

through the walls to the atmosphere. Sheet metal will be the external cover prior to coating

with paint. Two layers of removable egg trays, and the base under which will turn the eggs

horizontally, spinning in continuous 360° motion to be run by a motor, are made of bakelite

boards. Plywood was chosen because of its insulating properties, ease in fabrication, durability

and availability in the local market. Likewise, bakelite is chosen because of its higher

mechanical property, water and heat resistance, more stable dielectric property, and heat-

resistant up to 285°C.2

1. Egg Turning Trays

The trays for egg turning are very important for the positioning of the eggs. The egg

incubation chamber is composed of two round egg trays, 30 cm in diameter, that have the

capacity of 20 eggs inserted in each tray. The design is to ensure equal distribution of heat

inside the incubator. The spacings are reasonably considered. In this egg incubator, the eggs

were turned at least three times per day for normal embryonic development to take place.
2. Temperature

Heat energy is a major requirement for successful hatching of eggs into chicks and

eventual growth of the young chicks in the brooding house to maturity (Ahiaba et al., 2015).

Temperature is a very important factor in egg incubation. The best hatch is obtained by keeping

the temperature at 37℃ throughout the incubation period when using a forced-air incubator.

The total heat required to raise the temperature values were within the range of 35℃ - 40℃.

The total heat required to raise the temperature of the incubator was obtained from the

summation of all heat parameters like air, egg, water, plywood and glass.

3. Humidity

Humidity was carefully controlled to prevent unnecessary loss of egg moisture. The

relative humidity in the incubator between settling and three days before hatching was at 58%-

60% (Othman et al., 2013; Umar et al., 2016). Humidity is the amount of water vapor (water

that has turned from a liquid to an invisible gas) in the air. Humidity is measured by placing

two thermometers inside the incubator. One of the thermometers (the wet bulb) has a wet-bulb

thermometer reads a lower temperature than the normal (dry-bulb) thermometer (Van der Pol

et al., 2023; Umar et al., 2016). The difference in the temperature readings given by the dry-

bulb and the wet-bulb thermometers is a direct measure of the relative humidity. If the relative

humidity inside the incubator is too low or too high, there is a hatching problem called red


4. Air Ventilation

Ventilation plays a role in cooling an overheated egg incubator, as well as making sure

that the oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange is maximized (Umar et al., 2016). The air ventilation

in this research work was provided and installed from the rear side, as well as the upper end of

the incubator, to ensure proper distributions of temperature and humidity.

Conceptual Framework

This study will utilize an Input-Process-Output method to conduct research and

construct the device. It will seek to answer the utilization of thermoelectric module in poultry

egg incubator. Information will be gathered to aid in creating the incubator, and materials will

be collected for the input process. The data will be tallied and processed to reach

comprehensive and conclusive information relevant to the design and construction of the

proposed incubator. If the proposed project is successful, it will provide a tool that can help

farmers hatch eggs. The success of the project will be determined by the results of surveys and

testing. Researchers in the future can use the collected data.

Input Process Output

 Concepts and  Testing

principle in Heat  Validation
Transfer and Machine  Structural Analysis
Design and Evaluation Automatize Module
 Informal Interviews Poultry Egg Incubator
 Tools and materials
 Equipment  Statistical and
scientific treatment
 Research


Figure 3- Conceptual Framework Model

Procedure in Developing the Poultry Egg Incubator

Week 1-4

The start of the project. After thorough conceptualization of the design and considering

the recommendations of the advisor, the researchers would be able to start the fabrication of

the incubator. The group will purchase the basic materials needed to construct the frame of the

incubator such as 3 pieces of 20-ft or 6 meters long 2mm x 1½” and 2 pieces 1.5mm x 1” angle

bars, and ¼” welding rods. Using grinder and cutting disc, one member cut the angle bars

according to the measurements of the design: 700x600 mm for the 4 horizontal angle bar

frames, and 230 and 340 mm for the vertical. Then, they spot welded the cut angle bars to form

the base and main frame of the incubator.

Week 5-7

During Christmas holidays and semestral break, the group utilized this week to

purchased other materials through online shop such as Shopee. By utilizing this online

shopping platform, the group took advantage of discounts and free shipping vouchers to lessen

the expenses which is aligned to the goal to construct a cost-effective device. The arrived

materials will be inspected carefully to make sure that it is functioning well.

Week 8

The group continued the welding of frame by permanently joining the spot-welded

parts. After this, the cover of the incubator was the next task to be make. The cover consists of

plywood, insulation, and sheet metal. The members measured the spacing where the holes to

be drilled into the frame, then the cover would be screwed to the hole to securely intact the

cover to the frame.

Week 9

The researchers would then make the door of the incubator of the left metals and put a

rectangular opening at the center for see-through window, a glass panel to be inserted, for them
to check the eggs from time to time. The researchers then paint the outside with anti-rust primer

and then the main paint of the incubator.

Week 10

The group looked for machine shops to fabricate the mechanism of egg-turning inside

the incubator. As they looked around the city for shops, they also looked for glass for the door,

and other materials during vacant time since the semester started again this week. By the end

of the week, the frames were covered with sheet metals. The wheels were also attached. The

insulation would be arranged to put in the incubator and refrigerated part.

Week 11-13

The researchers would assemble the heating component by placing an aluminum heat

sink on both sides of the TME (Thermoelectric Module) so that the temperature distribution

would equally spread out. The researchers then design a circuit board to convert the power

from the outlet from AC to DC and store it to the backup power battery at the back of the

incubator. Next task would be putting the dismount of the TME and heatsink below the body

frame to maximize the cold side. After installing the dismount, the researchers then proceed to

install the rack where the egg would be placed permanently screwing at the above body frame.

After making the main incubator the researchers then proceed with the wiring of the

parts. They would now connect the TME to the circuit board that is connected to the battery

with the LED serve as the light of the incubator. The researchers then connect the fans and

thermostat to a relay that would automatically switch off when the required temperature is

reached or the fan to run idle to maintain the temperature. The other part of the TME which is

the cold side is now used as a cooling component of the incubator.

Week 14-onwards

Once the incubator is finished, it will undergo testing phase with 3 trials are expected.
Data Gathering

After the assembly and the successful run of the product, it will be tested by 3 local

poultry farmers in Sorsogon. Prior to testing, instructions will be explained. Survey forms will

be answered (Table 1). The researchers will fill out separate record sheet (Table 2) for

observation. The results will be tallied and computed by percentage (Table 3). The reason

stated for NO responses will be considered and analyzed further for improvement of the


Name of Poultry Farmer:

Type of hatching method used: Trial:_______
□ Brooding hens
□ Incandescent bulb incubator
□ Other: _______________________________
Hatch rate of method used:
Questions After Hatching YES NO If NO, state the reason
1. Compared to your hatching method being used,
is the Peltier Incubator more energy-efficient?
2. more reliable?
3. more convenient to use?
4. more practical?
5. durable?
6. Is the egg rack beneficial for use?
7. Is the cold storage beneficial for use?
8. Over-all, do you prefer using Peltier Incubator
over your previous hatching method?
9. Would you recommend Peltier Incubator for egg
hatching to other poultry farmers?
10. If you had the chance to purchase Peltier
Incubator, would you buy one?
Table 1- Testing of Product Survey Form to be filled out by the poultry farmers

Trial: /3 Trial Period: ___________ to _____________, 2024

Type of egg: _____________ Size: □ Small (less than 53g)
□ Medium (53g to 63g)
□ Large (63g to 73g)
Hatch Rate:
No. of Eggs No. of Eggs Hatch Rate %
On Trial Hatched (No. of Eggs Hatched ÷ On Trial)

Temperature Monitoring:
Incubator Cold Storage
Day Date & Time Remarks
Temperature/Humid Temperature












Recorded by: __________________________________________________________

Table 2- Testing Observation Record Sheet to be filled out by the researchers

Variants of eggs tested : Chicken, Duck

Sizes : Small, Medium, Large
Hatch Rate
Hatch Rate % Average Hatch
Hatching Method
Trial 1 2 3 Rate
Peltier Incubator 80%
Previous Hatching Method 70%
Hatch Rate Difference +10%

Comparison of Peltier Module over Previous Hatching Method

Vs. Vs.
Brooding Incandescent Average
Hen Bulb Incubator
Energy-efficient / / 2/3
Reliable / 1/3
Convenient /3
Practical /3
Durable /3
Preferability of using Peltier
Incubator over previous /3
hatching method
Recommendable /3
Likelihood of availing Peltier
Egg Rack Availability /3
Cold Storage Availability /3
Hatch Rate (% more or less) 10% more ____% more

Energy-efficiency : _66.67%_ Practicality : ________

Reliability : _33.33%_ Durability : ________
Convenience : ________ Hatch Rate : ________
Preferability of using : ________ Egg Rack Availability : ________
Recommendable : ________ Cold Storage Availability: ________
Likelihood of availing : ________
Comment/s: _______________________________________________________________

Table 3- Summary of Results Form; Sample results





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