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Oxford Discover 2

Unit 9-12 (Test)

B) Think the words that are related with the given column A.
Section 1 : Vocabulary
A) Complete the sentences.
1. Trash goes to places called l____________________, and it stays there forever.
1. These places have a. L_______________
2. It’s nice to t____________________ when we play on the swings.
rules. b. S_______________
3. The p_________________ makes rules at school.
c. _________________
4. They give clothes away so someone can r_____________ them.
2. We can play games on a. C________________
5. A r __________ p__________ makes new things from old things.
it. b. T_________________
6. He works at a swimming pool. He is a l____________________.
c. C_________________
7. A c_____________ is a container and often has juice in it.
3. Natural Resources a. S___________________
8. We see these on streets. They’re red, yellow, and green. What are these?
b. W__________________
c. _____________________

4. Sports a. R__________________ (Need an animal)

b. S___________________ (at Ocean)

9. This is a picture of a c____________.
c. H__________________ (walk on
10. We put these on our ears and listen to music. What are these?

C) Complete the sentences.

Down are up were away

was c. Sharks are cool, _____________ they’re expensive pets.

d. You can go, __________ your brother can go, too.

1. We are cleaning _______________ the classroom. e. You can have a dog, ______________ you have to take care of it.

2. Ming and Tim _____________________ in the living room now.

3. My mother put ___________________ the cookies after lunch. 3. Match Questions with Answers.

4. I _______________ very tired yesterday.

1. May I play with the kittens? a. Yes, you can. The food is in the
5. The students always sit ______________ on the school bus.
6. My friends and I ____________ at the swimming pool yesterday.
2. Dad, can I get a pet? b No, you may not. They are sleeping.

3. Can I give the mouse some c. Yes, you may. You can ride in the yard.
Section B: Reading and Grammar
1. Complete the sentences with possessive pronouns. (Mine, yours, etc.)
4. Can we take the rabbit on the d Yes, you can. What pet do you want?
a. He has a beautiful garden. The garden is ____________________.
road? .
b. This blue hat isn’t ____________________. I have a pink hat. Is it
____________________? 5. May we ride the horses? e. No, you cannot. It can escape.
c. We share these toys now. They’re ____________________. 4. Read.
d. Mom bought these sneakers for you. They’re ____________________.
e. Mary is looking for her jacket. Is this jacket ____________________? The
Watch out for wildlife!
other boys are wearing ____________________.

2. Fill “and” or “but”.

a. Lizards are quiet, ______________ they are difficult to take care of.

b. Hamsters are cute, _______________ they can live in a small cage.

(i) Where/ sandbox

Where was the sandbox? It was between the benches.

(ii) Where/houses



(iii) Was/ statue


Find and complete these sentences.
(iv) Where/swings

a. There’s a field __________________ our house. ______________________________________?

b. There’s a pond _______________________ the field. ________________________________

c. There’s a road ________________ the field and the pond. (v) Were/ tree and flowers

d. The camera is ____________________ a tree. ______________________________________?

e. The cars are _________________ them on the road. ________________________________

5. Look the photo, Make questions with past tense and answer them. (vi) Was/ pond



(vii) Where/ babies


6. Writing. Make a rule poster

- Write five of your own rules for the class to follow.

- Draw or find pictures.

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