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BSMLS 2 Y1-3

3 topics you considered to discuss with your partner:

1. The impact of late-night studying on students' physical and mental health.
2. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Employment
3. The ethical concerns and animal welfare implications of zoos.

1 final topic you decided to further discuss with your partner:

- The impact of late-night studying on students' physical and mental health.

Why did you choose this topic?

- We chose this topic because we think it is important to understand the effects of staying
up late to study. It affects the well-being of students, and we want to explore solutions to
prevent overfatigue and its adverse effects.

Give at least 3 arguments/claims that were raised with the topic you chose
1. Over Fatigue may result in increased stress, anxiety, and a reduced quality of life.
2. Irregular sleep patterns from late-night studying harm students' cognitive abilities and
mental health. Lack of sleep affects cognitive functions and lowers memory, focus, and
problem-solving abilities in children, which has an impact on their academic
3. Negative Impact on Nutrition and Exercise Habits. Many students might turn to unhealthy
fast food or convenience store snacks because they lack the time or energy to cook
nutritious meals.

Based on what you've provided above, what relates to your own beliefs/perspective?
1. We personally believe that students should have the opportunity to excel academically
without compromising their health, which aligns with claims #1 and #3.
2. In our own perspective, it is important to prioritize sleep for our minds to function well.

Give 2 more arguments/claims/perspective you can add further about the topic:
1. The role of parents and educators in guiding students toward healthier study habits.
2. The influence of peer pressure and societal expectations on late-night studying.

How can you support your claim/argument? Give 2-3 supporting ideas/evidence.
1. Providing examples of successful time management and study strategies.
2. In order to achieve a balance between academic excellence and well-being, advocate
good sleep practices and identify more long-term approaches for students to handle their
educational responsibilities.
State your topic's significance in 3-5 sentences.
- As it directly affects the wellbeing of the current generation, the issue related to student
overfatigue brought on by late-night studying is of the utmost significance. By addressing
this problem, we can improve the physical and mental health of students, which is crucial
for their long-term success. This discussion can lead to valuable insights and strategies
for promoting a healthier balance between academic achievements and personal health.

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