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A Senior High School Research Submitted to:

Research Instructor
Cateel Vocational High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
(Quantitative Research)
S.Y. 2018-2019


March 2018

Chapter 1



Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. The accepted

definition today is one of interaction between the situation and the individual. It is

the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the

individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressures of the

situation. In a broader sense, the combination of high demands in a job and a low

amount of control over the situation can lead to stress and cause a variety of

problems. Some studies demonstrate that stress involves not only personnel in

leadership positions, but it is the problem of everyone at any level (Antosova &

Senova, 2014). The current world situation is very favorable for the growth of the

phenomenon, such as stress. For the company, addressing the problem of

eliminating the stress-associated risks is very advantageous, since the

consequences of its impact bring about only financial losses from absenteeism,

errors, low performance, accidents of own employees, but also a loss of

reputation as a result of poor working conditions, in which company employees

must carry out their working activities.

Most of the people spend a huge proportion of their lives at work, so naturally

it is important that it should have a good environment to work in. The effects of

work atmosphere on all aspects of a person’s well-being is much further-reaching

than most realize. (Robert Half International, 2012) found that the work

environment is the most crucial factor in employee satisfaction. It is a commonly

known fact that if one person is feeling down, they bring everyone else down with

them. Negativity is contagious, and it can have a detrimental effect on the

workplace. Not only does a negative environment cause employees to be

unhappy with their jobs, but it makes them less productive. Aside from the poor

work environment slow down productivity, a bad working atmosphere can have a

significant effect on individual employees. Several studies have found that poor

working conditions can cause long-term health problems including stress,

depression and anxiety. On the other hand, a good work environment can have a

lot of positive effects on not only the welfare of the individual employee, but on

the business’ bottom line. If people are happy with where they work and the

environment they walk into each day, they have been proven to be more

productive and make less mistakes. Just as negativity is contagious, so is


According to Mr. Sillo during his participation in our interview last December

3, 2018 in 8:00am at Automotive building. He states that a bad workplace

environment can really lead to or can cause a stress in auto-mechanics of any

companies no matter how they are really trained on his/her jobs.

We conduct this study simply because we want to know the social

consequences of Job Stress in the Auto-mechanics. And to derive possible

implications, useful for Auto-mechanics in Cateel. Furthermore, there is no study

yet have been conducted in Cateel tackle about the relationship between Job

Atmosphere and Job Stress in the Workplace. Thus, this study ventures to

conceptualize and to identify the relationship of Job Atmosphere and Job Stress

of Auto-mechanics in Cateel.

Statement of the Problem

This study will aim to determine a significant relationship between Job

Atmosphere and Job Stress. More specifically it will seek to answer the following


1. What is the job atmosphere of auto-mechanics in Cateel in terms of:

1.1 Motivation and Compensation

1.2 Leadership and Communication

1.3 Process and Products/ Services

1.4 Cooperation and Support

1.5 Job Satisfaction and Personal Development

1.6 I plan on working here a long time?

2. What is the job stress of auto-mechanics in Cateel in terms of:

2.1 Physical

2.2 Sleep

2.3 Behavioral

2.4 Emotional

2.5 Personal?

3. Is there a significant relationship between job atmosphere and job stress of

auto-mechanics in Cateel?

Hypotheses of the Study

The study will test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance which

states that there is no significant relationship between the job atmosphere and

job stress of auto-mechanics in Cateel.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored to the viewpoint of Long (1998) that there is a

relationship between job stress and job atmosphere. Lack of control over work,

the work place, and employment status have been identified both as sources of

stress and as a critical health risk for some workers. Employees who are unable

to exert control over their lives at work are more likely to experience work stress

and are therefore more likely to have impaired health. And have found that heavy

job demand, and low control, or decreased decision latitude lead to job

dissatisfaction, mental strain, and cardiovascular disease.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The independent

variable in this study is the job atmosphere with motivation and compensation,

leadership and communication, process and product/services, co-operation anf

support, job satisfaction and personal development and I plan in working here a

long time as indicators. On the other hand, the dependent variable is job stress

with physical, sleep, behavioral emotional and personal habits as indicators.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Motivation & Compensation
Leadership & Communication Physical
Process & Product/Services Sleep
Co-Operation & Support Behavioral
Job Satisfaction & Personal Emotional
Development Personal Habits
I Plan In Working Here a Long

Fig.1. Conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study


The results of the study are deemed beneficial to the following:

Auto-mechanics. The result of the study may help the auto-technicians

know that a good workplace environment can positively impact on their level of

motivation and also to their performance.

Employer. The result of the study may help them know that a good

workplace environment makes good business sense.

Students. The result of the study may make the students know the impact

of a good workplace environment about Job Atmosphere and Job Stress of auto-

technicians which can help them know the effect on it when they have a job like

auto-technicians in the future.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers will use quantitative correlational method focusing on the job

atmosphere and job stress of auto-mechanics in Cateel this means that the

gathering of the data will be done by a survey method by using survey

questionnaire to the respondents.

Definition of Terms

To establish a common frame of reference, the following terms are being


Job Atmosphere. Morale refers to overall employee satisfaction, including

how employees feel about their job duties and about their relationships with

colleagues and superiors. In this study, this term is refer to the job atmosphere of

auto-mechanics here in Cateel in terms of Motivation and Compensation,

leadership and Communication, Process and Products/Services, Co-operation


and support, Job Satisfaction and personal Development, and I Plan on working

here a long time of auto-mechanics in Cateel.

Job Stress. Stress is about reactions people have to the situations they face.

These reactions are not the same from person to person. Some stress is

expected and can be a positive force in our lives. In fact, it is often what provides

us with the energy and motivation to meet our daily challenges both at home and

at the workplace. In this study, this term refers to the job stress of

auto-mechanics in Cateel in terms of physical, sleep, behavioral, emotional and

personal habits.

Chapter 2


This chapter deals with different topics that correlate to the independent and

dependent variable of this research. The study discuss about the relationship of

job atmosphere with the indicators: Motivation & Compensation, Leadership &

Communication, Process & Product/Services, Co-Operation & Support, Job

Satisfaction & Personal Development and I Plan In Working Here a Long Time.

On the other hand, the dependent variable is job stress with physical, sleep,

behavioral, emotional and personal habits as indicators. This study is trying to

cope up the various studies from the year in a certain worldwide and nationwide


A hostile or dysfunctional work atmosphere isn’t just difficult for employees, it

also damages the company’s image, impairs employee performance and eats

away at the company’s profits. This atmosphere includes everything from how

much autonomy employees have to how often they’re acknowledged by their

superiors, and both employees and companies suffer if a negative work

atmosphere is not addressed and remedied. Shneiderman (2001)

As you describe the working atmosphere in which you would feel comfortable

you may describe an environment in which you would be able to function as a

contributing member. You might also mention that you would like to work in an

environment that would allow you to hone your existing skills and again

experience to facilitate your career growth. This type of description is positive

while at the same time remains generic enough that you do not have to worry that

your answer will alienate the employer if it that not match the environment

associated with the job you are applying for. Hilary (2003)

Motivation and Compensation. Increased Motivation Properly compensating

employees shows you value them as workers and as human beings. When

people feel valued, they feel better about coming in to work. Overall company

morale increases and people are motivated to come to work and do a good job.

Additionally, when employees know there are bonuses or commissions, they are

increasingly motivated to deliver grander results. Bonus and commission

compensation plans become a focal point for success. Leonard; Updated ( 2018)

Employee compensations refer to all forms of pay or reward going to

employees and arising from their employment. Rewards include direct

compensation, indirect compensation and no financial reward. Developing an

effective and appropriate compensation system is an important part of the human

resource process. An effective and appropriate compensation system can help,

attract and retain competent and talented individuals who can help the

organization accomplish its mission and goals. (Dessler, 2002)

According to Robins (2003). Organization compensation can include many

different types of rewards and benefits such as salaries, incentive payments and

other benefit and services.

Leadership and Communication. Leadership is a process by which an


executive can direct, guide and influence the behavior and work of others toward

the accomplishment of specific goals in a given situation. Leadership is an ability

of a manager to induce the subordinates to work with confidence and zeal.

Leadership can be defined as the capacity to influence a group realization of the

goal. Leaders are required to develop the future vision, and to motivate the

organizational members to want to achieve the visions and to improve the

performance. Adair J (2002)

As the situation affects which functions the leaders carries out, it would also

affect the manner in which the functions are performed. There are broadly three

types of leadership styles Carter M (2008)

As the situation affects which functions the leaders carries out, it would also

affect the manner in which the functions are performed. There are broadly three

types of leadership styles Carter M (2008)

Leadership is a behavior enacted through communication, and one thing that

is greatly associated with effective leadership is communication skills. It is

important for managers, team leaders and directors to effectively lead their

subordinates, especially since every single task corresponds to an effect, big or

small, on the company’s financial standing. Watson ( 2017). A leader cannot

adapt and switch between communication styles if they are not good

communicators first and foremost. A lot of organizations prefer industry experts

over good communicators when choosing among candidates for a managerial

position. Watson (2017).


Good communication and leadership skills are essential if you want to be a

productive, effective manager. It’s not enough to be knowledgeable about what

you do; you must also be able to share your knowledge with the people you

manage. Developing your communication and management skills will help ensure

that you are providing the type of leadership your employees need to help them

succeed. Leviticus( 2018).

Process and Products/Services. Time is money is a proverbial saying, but it’s

often true, especially when you’re managing a business. When managing a team

of workers, improving time management is always a goal, but what possible ways

are there to increase your time management and improve your bottom line?

Improving your business processes is one way. Improving your processes can

help you optimize your operations, increase productivity, and better manage

resources — all while ensuring your end-customer is satisfied. Good processes

lead to engaged, productive employees. It’s obvious how increased productivity

translates to a healthier bottom line. A more productive team means you are

minimizing time that’s wasted when a staff member can’t find the right

information; when there is a communication gap between your maintenance and

office staff, and when someone is unsure of how to use a new piece of


Improving the business processes above will directly impact the efficiency of

your company, and positively boost your bottom line. It will also improve

customer satisfaction, and ensure your company is moving forward in the best

way possible.

Taskit (2018).

Productivity is one of the most challenging issues related to manufacturing

and service organizations. Productivity usually relates to efficiency (how many

valuable resources are used relative to what it produced) and effectiveness

(measuring the ability of the manufacturing or service process to produce the

desired result). This can be achieved if the selection process of an organization is

devoid of nepotism and chance to meet the challenging constraints affecting the

organization Irwin R (2003).

Co-operation and Support. Employers and employees need to co-operate with

one another for several reasons. Firstly the atmosphere in the work place is likely

to be much better if people have mutual respect for each other and consider each

other’s needs. OCE (2012)

Cooperation in the workplace can make the difference between success and

failure for many businesses. In a cooperation-rich workplace, individuals

voluntarily engage in open communication. Management and lower-level

employees work together and try to keep arguments to a minimum. Workers are

proactive in the sense that they try to prevent problems before they have a

chance to occur. Cooperation is not always an easy thing to achieve in the

workplace, but it is worth the effort because it leads to a more harmonious and

productive operation. Schreiner (2008).

Cooperation is one of the most widely taught skills. At an early age, we are

taught “united we stand, divided we fall.” Cooperation means to work together to

achieve a common goal. In the workplace this means a healthy environment in


which employees work side by side to achieve both personal and organizational

objectives. They must work with others, instead of against each other, to be

productive. Gilani - Updated (2017).

To keep your business running like a well-oiled machine, every part must

work in sync with the others. The same holds true for your employees. Each one

of your employees is a part of the machine -- your business -- and if they can't

work together in harmony productivity is reduced, and so is your bottom line.

Fortunately, there are many methods that can help businesses achieve closer

employee cooperation and promote teamwork in the office. Renee( 2018). Job

satisfaction and Personal Development . Some of the in working life useful

personal qualities a worker has developed (for instance, assertiveness) may even

represent the person’s strengths. Strengths can be defined as capacities “for

feeling, thinking, and behaving in a way that allows optimal functioning in the

pursuit of valued outcomes” (Linley & Harrington, 2006, p. 88).

They are a potential to achieve excellence. A strength-based psychological

climate plays a substantial role in this context. It encompasses individual

employee perceptions of their organization’s (strengths-based) policies, practices

and philosophies concerning opportunities to identify, develop and utilize their

strengths (Van Woerkom & Meyers, 2014).

In an organization, productivity depends on employee job satisfaction. Only

the solaced and satisfied employees can make the organization strong and

successful R. Gupta (2011).


Defines job satisfaction as the pleasurable emotional state that results from

the appraisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating the achievement of one’s job

values. Increase in job satisfaction will reflect better organizational citizenship

behavior Russell (2004).

It is common knowledge that employers use different compensation

strategies to motivate their employees. Most often individuals are provided with

base pay to engage with the company and ensure their continued participation. In

many cases, base salary alone will only spur an employee to work at the level

required for them to keep their job. If employers want staff members to perform at

a superior level, they likely have to offer employees the opportunity to earn

incentive. Weinberger (2012).

I plan in working here in a long time. Finding good employees is challenging

for any business. Even if you manage to find good workers, retaining them is

another challenge. High turnover suggests worker dissatisfaction, which reflects

poorly on the company. Conversely, long-term employees tend to signify

employee satisfaction. As a small-business owner, having long-term employees

is important for many reasons. Ferguson (2018).

Each time you hire a new employee, you must train him. Long-term

employees have already undergone this process and can be an invaluable

support system to new employees. For example, the same accounting or clerical

issue that the new hire struggles with can be immediately solved by a long-term

employee, freeing up more time for everyone. If the new employee becomes

stressed or overwhelmed by his job duties, the long-term employee can reassure

him that in time he will get the hang of it. Ferguson (2018).

By being with the company for a number of years, long-term employees

reflect a stable work environment, which improves morale. Each time an

employee quits or is terminated, it disrupts the work environment because a

suitable replacement must be found. Further, in an economy where jobs are

scarce, long-term employees indicate a secure work environment. High turnover

can create uncertainty in existing employees, as they begin to wonder whether

they’ll be next. Ferguson (2018).

Long-term employees are loyal to the company, but you must work to keep

them as such. Motivate them by providing competitive health insurance and

retirement plan packages. If possible, promote from within rather than hiring a

newcomer. Offer paid benefit time, such as personal, sick and vacation days, and

annual raises and bonuses. Ferguson (2018).

Employee benefits encompass the extras that employees receive from

employers in exchange for service. Employee benefit schemes are categorized

as short-term, termination and long-term benefits. Short-term benefits are those

that are payable or due within 12 months of employment. Termination benefits --

e.g., retirement benefits, such as pensions and life insurance --- are those

receivable after employment terminates. Long-term benefit schemes are all those

employment benefits that are due after 12 months of employment. Gilani (2018).

Sabbatical leave is a career break or leave period that employees are

granted for a variety of reasons. Long-term sabbatical leave is any leave period

that extends 12 months. Both part-time and full-time employees may be eligible

for sabbatical leave, depending on the company's policy and whether it offers

such a benefit. However, companies typically state that only those employees

who serve for a minimum number of months or years are eligible to apply. Certain

instances of long-term sabbatical leave are unpaid. However, employees may be

paid partial or full salary during the leave if the purpose of the leave benefits the

company or the employee with respect to her employment with the company,

such as a study leave at a college or university, leave to conduct research or

volunteer work. Gilani (2018).


Stress is our response to daily life. It affects us emotionally, physically, and

behaviorally. Stress is an interaction between individuals and any source of

demand (stressor) within their environment. A stressor is the object or event that

the individual perceives to be disruptive. Stress results from the perception that

the demands exceed one's capacity to cope. The interpretation or appraisal of

stress is considered an intermediate step in the relationship between a given

stressor and the individual's response to it. Appraisals are determined by the

values, goals, individual commitment, as personal resources (e.g., income,

family, self-esteem), and coping strategies that employees bring to the situation.

Reciprocally, elevated stress levels in an organization are associated with

increased turnover, absenteeism; sickness, reduced productivity, and low morale.

At a personal level, work stressors are related to depression, anxiety, general

mental distress symptoms, heart disease, ulcers, and chronic pain (Sauter,

Hurrell, & Cooper, 1989). In addition, many people are distressed by efforts to

juggle work and family demands, such as caring for sick or aging parents or

children (Wiersma & Berg, 1991). Therefore, any exploration of the relationship

between work conditions and mental distress must take into account individual

factors such as sex, age, race, income, education, marital and parental status,

personality, and ways of coping.

Workplace stress then is the harmful physical and emotional responses that

can happen when there is a conflict between job demands on the employee and

the amount of control an employee has over meeting these demands. In general,

the combination of high demands in a job and a low amount of control over the

situation can lead to stress. Canadian Mental Health Association (2018)

Stress in the workplace can have many origins or come from one single

event. It can impact on both employees and employers alike. It is generally

believed that some stress is okay (sometimes referred to as “challenge” or

“positive stress”) but when stress occurs in amounts that you cannot handle, both

mental and physical changes may occur. Edwards, Caplan, & van Harrison,


Physical. Jobs and careers are an important part of our lives. Along with

providing a source of income, they help us fulfill our personal aims, build social

networks and serve our professions or communities. They are also a major

source of physical stress according to American Psychology Association.

Along with its emotional toll, prolonged job-related stress can drastically

affect your physical health. Constant preoccupation with job responsibilities often

leads to erratic eating habits and not enough exercise, resulting in weight

problems, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. Common job

stressors such as perceived low rewards, a hostile work environment and long

hours can also accelerate the onset of heart disease, including the likelihood of

heart attacks. This is particularly true for blue-collar and manual workers. Studies

suggest that because these employees tend to have little control over their work

environments, they are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those

in traditional "white collar" jobs.

Sleep. Not all insomnia is due to stress, but people who are under

considerable stress can have insomnia. The right amount of stress can be a

positive force that helps us to do our best and to keep alert and energetic. Too

much stress, however, can make us tense and anxious and can cause sleep

problems. In the case of insomnia related to stress, alleviating the stress should

alleviate the insomnia. Stress causes insomnia by making it difficult to fall asleep

and to stay asleep, and by affecting the quality of your sleep. Stress causes

hyperarousal, which can upset the balance between sleep and wakefulness.

Nevertheless, many people under stress do not have insomnia. Kavey (2005)

Behavioral. Stress is a condition of the mind and a factor in the expression of

disease that differs among individuals and reflects not only major life events, but

also the conflicts and pressures of daily life that elevate physiological systems so

as to cause a cumulative chronic stress burden on brain and body. This burden

reflects not only the impact of life experiences, but also of genetic variations;

individual health-related behaviors such as diet, exercise, sleep patterns, and

substance abuse; and epigenetic modifications in development and throughout

life that set life-long patterns of behavior and physiological reactivity through both

biological embedding and cumulative change, McEwen (2002). Workplace stress

has a negative impact on employee attitudes and behaviors, which in turn can be

costly for your company. Stress interferes with decision making, which in turn

increases the risk of workplace injuries and wasted materials. Understanding how

stress affects attitudes and behaviors in the workplace allows you to develop

proactive solutions, Candace (2018).

Emotional. Researchers in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) study the

ways in which the immune system and the nervous system communicate with

each other and impact people's mental and emotional health. Even though the

field is relatively new, many studies have been designed to examine the influence

of immune and nervous systems on the psychological consequences of stress.

PNI research suggests that chronic stress can lead to or exacerbate mood

disorders such as depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, cognitive (thinking)

problems, personality changes, and problem behaviors. When you are stressed

you may experience many different feelings, including anxiety, fear, anger,

sadness, or frustration, McEwen BS, 2015. According to Mental Health

Foundation, these feelings can sometimes feed on each other and produce

physical symptoms, making you feel even worse. For some people, stressful life

events can contribute to symptoms of depression.

Personal. The term personality is used to describe the consistent individual

patterns of thoughts, emotion, and behavior that characterize each person across

time and situations. Each individual's personality is thought to be influenced by

both an inherited "genetic" component (usually called temperament) and by their

interactions with the environment. Some people experience personality changes

in response to stress hormones, which are part of their internal environment. The

following changes in personality are not uncommon to observe in people who are

stressed: Irritability, Hostility, Frustration, Anger, Aggressive feelings and

behavior, Decreased interest in appearance, Decreased concern with punctuality,

Obsessive/compulsive behavior (trying to cope with unwanted repeated thoughts

or obsessions, by engaging in compulsive behavior rituals such as counting,

checking, washing, etc.),Reduced work efficiency or productivity, Lying or making

excuses to cover up poor work, Excessive defensiveness or suspiciousness,

Problems in communication, Social withdrawal and isolation, Impulsivity

(expressed as impulse buying, gambling, sexual behavior, or similar), Harry Mills,

Ph.D., Natalie Reiss, Ph.D. And Mark Dombeck, Ph.D., (2015).

Chapter 3


This section presents the assumption of rationale of quantitative

correlational study this includes the variables and its indicators. This section

presents the Research Design, Research Subjects, Research Instrument, Data

Gathering Procedure and Statistical Treatment of Data.

Research Design

The major methodological research design that we will utilized in this

research is qualitative comparative correlational method. We will get information

through survey that will be provided by the researchers. Quantitative research

methods are designed to produce statistically reliable data that tells us how many

people do or think something. Quantitative data typically is in numerical form

such as averages, ratios, or ranges. Quantitative research is useful when

carrying out a large scale needs assessment or baseline survey. (Cheyanne

Church & Mark Rogers a.n.d.)

Comparative research or analysis is a broad term that includes both

quantitative and qualitative comparison of social entities. Social entities may be

based on many lines, such as geographical or political ones in the form of cross-

national or regional comparisons. There is a large body of cross-national

comparative research, including the cross-national variation in public support for

cuts in unemployment benefits (Fraile and Ferrer, 2005), the analysis of changing

health care systems in OECD countries (Castilla, 2004), measurement of

demographic and socioeconomic variables in cross-national research (Wolf and

Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, 2003), or the cross-national comparison of employment

careers (Blossfeld et al., 2006). Comparisons are also common across categories

or social groups, such as in the study of stratification by social class (Erikson and

Goldthorpe, 1992) or core emic categories in ethnographic studies in the study of

ethnic classification (e.g. Gravlee, 2005). The underlying goal of comparative

analysis is to search for similarity and variance. Those searching for similarity

(i.e. the regression equation) often apply a more general theory and search for

universals or underlying general processes across different contexts. The

ontology of social patterns is often assumed as universal and independent from

time and space. However, it remains difficult to determine these universal

patterns in social research. For this reason, comparative research is used to

separate patterns that are more general and isolate regularities from the context-

laden environment. Comparisons not only uncover differences between social

entities, but reveal unique aspects of a particular entity that would be virtually

impossible to detect otherwise. Correlational research is used to describe the

relationship between two or more naturally occurring variables (Routledge,

2003).Thus, this study determines the relationship of the job atmosphere and job

stress of auto-mechanics in Cateel.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Cateel, Davao Oriental. Specifically, to the

auto-mechanics that working in automotive shops in Cateel.


Figure 2. shows the map of Cateel Davao Oriental Sampling &

Sampling Technique

The study is focusing on the application of job atmosphere and job stress of

auto-mechanics in Cateel, and survey will be answered by the respondents.

The sampling technique that we will going to use is probability sampling and it is

universal technique it means that all Auto-Mechanics in Cateel will undergo the


Research Instrument

Survey research uses scientific sampling and questionnaire design to

measure characteristics of the population with statistical precession it seeks to

provide answers to the questions. Survey research enables management to

make comparison between groups. The major tool in the data gathering process

were adopted survey questionnaires patterned from the counseling team

inrernational and Berghe (2011).

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents

Owner Frequency %

Arman 1 3.1%

Canyareho 8 25%

Elmer 2 6.2%

J. Rizal St. 3 9.3%

Jerito 5 15.6%

Nanith 1 3.1%

Pogset 3 9.3%

Pontellios 3 9.3%

Rone 4 12.5%

Salde 2 6.2%

Total 32 99.6%

The said adopted questionnaires have two parts. Part 1 dealt with the job

atmosphere with its indicators: Motivation & Compensation, Leadership &

Communication, Process & Product/Services, Co-Operation & Support, Job

Satisfaction & Personal Development and I Plan In Working Here a Long Time.
Part II dealt with the job stress with following indicators: physical, sleep,
behavioral, emotional and personal habits. There were 5-10 questions for each

indicator. In quantifying the responses, each item of the indicator was interpreted
accordingly using the Likert scale below:
Range of Means Verbal Description Interpretation
4. 20 - 5.00 Very High This indicates that the
comfort of auto-
mechanics is manifested
all the time.
3.40 -4.19 High This indicates that the
comfort of auto-
mechanics is manifested
most of the time.

2.60- 3.39 Moderate This indicates that the

comfort of auto-
mechanics is
manifested sometimes.
1.80- 2.59 Low This indicates that the
comfort of auto-
mechanics is manifested
at long interval of time.

1.00- 1.789 Very Low This indicates that the

comfort of
auto-mechanics is never
The following adopted rating scale was used in interpreting the job stress of auto-
Range of Means Verbal Description Interpretation

4..20 - 5.00 Very High The working stress is far

above the expected level.

3.40 - 4.19 High The working stress is

above the expected level.

2.60 - 3.39 Moderate The working stress is just

within the expected level.

1.80 - 2.59 Low The working stressis

below the expected level.

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low The working stress is far

below the expected level.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, following steps were followed:

Seeking permission to conduct. In gathering the data, a letter of permission to

conduct the study will be sent to the Employer for the permission to conduct a


Administration and distribution of the questionnaires. After the approval, the

study will be started when the participants answer the survey.

Retrieval of the questionnaires. After the distribution of the questioner, the data

will be retrieved, collected, tallied, and analyze the data into statistical analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Mean. This statistical tool was used to determine the job atmosphere and

job stress to answer the sub-problems of 1 and 2.

Pearson-R. This is used to determine a significant relationship of the job

atmosphere and job stress of auto-mechanics in Cateel.



Candace. (n.d.). How Stress Affects Attitudes & Behaviors in the Work

Environment. Small Business - Retrieved from


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