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Diploma Programme answer cover sheet

Candidate number: 002798-00 S 2 Subject: ENGLISn

Candidate name: M ANIT EUMAR Level: HL L


Symbiosis International School

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LIANk meligy. Page 2 of2

1The choices you make have an increditíe powert changeyour life.) Discuss
this perspective with reference to two works you have studied.

2. The real purpose of fiction is to give pleasure by satisfying reader's love for the
uncommon in human experience. But the uncommonness must be in the
events, not in the characters." Discuss how far this 'recipe' for fiction-combining
unusual events with recognizable characters is relevant to two works you have

3. Discuss how two works you have studied depict the idea of being fair or unfair,
not as an absolute notion, but as a matter of individual perception.

4. "Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth." Discuss at least two works you
have studied in light of this statement, and say how far you would agree with

( H i g } s

teac 2a
doeM clhan
i l thooad K3 ma yiy
e a d l e c o t

rem u qtso

Redda vs Tuea ( d n o n g u c l

oice do ree ot (i n a C d e .
c o T c h a u y

L e m p lt e y h A)

teite to ma

ivpl oioto Convo


(expliet 9R mpat

Ahamote e fheateb
SymoeGEm Cclas AO) Sumbris choid o d climb
yJ(Levs *
( L e u s & K

a d o l e r

enple krd cads to

Pono desprlt
cLaa d ett

ct e Plare syvfieialconpledt
Gud b
e O1al
Choit to ma
Symbiosis International Schoc
Candidate session number: Candidate name:


At the start of each answer to a question, write the question nur.ber in the box,

Example 27 Example 3


Hedda GableY
Foil characterS
Hedda vs Thea - choite er Higgins VS Piekevin Choite
emaining in unhappy mavvi a . teatinq. omevs we Pickevi
Ccotat) -feav scandal. Htiggins-(squasihed cabbaq-tta
his ehoite detcmined thtiv leads change in Elizas liftj
entive life chana) \4xpvici1 not expliet impat on
Piano) Symbolit m (SHaw hat)
'Do cant 40 wel-oesn4 it Choie cimbi ng soci ad laddey.
in tis houae - heY owon Symboli zed he ienti+* - a1houal
staie in his houst
lelass distinctin) - CHoICE changed supe4icially emains d
emavYyiw Tesmain, 4ul lo en class - a cie chank in
chan i.
Choice choice Shouou 4hvovg
o manuplatiu DRAMATIC IRONY
0thexs sor heY Own u t d a . Choice o cimbiu soia ladd
Leadc to her own suieioe -
a MS. Higgic PatY -

CLoev ineidt) chan in way o f e dapit

only e xacnaly,
human d e t i n y a n d
hvman dSDY Gnd
to movld
0 Choices have the

which caus
them to be

Change and not

not only
Only4 o engage
by This
This was
also do pmopel the plo
caders bud
1 * centu
9 centuy
in Henvik 1hsens
portTayed t n e 20"en
vividly and ne 20*"gentry
Hedda qablev
NoYweqian. problem play
Georg Benard
satiical play Pygmalion by georg
comedic not1on thO ug
Shaw. Both the avthoTS CTystalitze
Such a 4oi
the exqasi1e incoy poraiion e
hand whese choices a
symbolism. On
chavatdrS and
Hedda Gabler they aTe
shown o be destTuttive
class distinciion
displayecd to Show the super4iciauty o
both ht
inPygmalion. Using common techniqy es

Playwrighis ave able to convey the power o choi

Te at acgree o e{fectieress
To oegin with, b oth the playwr ighiS e1ficatiously
in theiv
in coTpoTate the 4eth niqve efoil chayacters
Plays to lvs ate now choices, h a t o semaunin

n an unhappy maiage in Hedda Cabler' a nod

+he choice teating 0heYSKindly in 'Pygmalio have

the POwe
powe to movld he life o an individ val, al4hovg

to di4ferent extentS. In the Probiem P l a y , the

foil characdeTS Hedda and Thea aYe mastev Jutty

Com paYcd by the vintve of +heir
desei degisions
toremaun in an Unhappy Telationship. On ome han
where Thea i_ Show not to caYe about what otheYS

Say and is deiev mined to 'never qo back' +o her

husbanol Tom where she Came srom , o n 4he ohc
hand Hedda Gablev is shown to be omazed at
Tuea's braveTy and admits +o be dreading anu SoTt
despi4e Suffering in a bland unhappening
con foxmity and

This dlicho tomy o4

Clationship. how choic
impatted the entie CoUSe li4e sor these
Shaw also SkilfoUy
In a simi l a fashion.
Higgins and Pickeving
emploS thefoil
chanatters o
their S taxk c o n n a s t
in the Piay Pygmelion,
towandS Eliza , a
based on thei t e a t m e n t
how their choiceA
gi lowe class highlights
someone els éA tife
enable them p6to change
was Shown
besida their oLon. In Act A Pickeinq

o Eliza 'miss Dodlitlle, having 3eat impact

ca as

was overshadoweol
on hev seif maqe, however +his
Tema ICs made
by +he ude and Condescendina
His use e phrases Such os 'not wo
by Higgins.
and squasheel cabbaqe lcaf ciealy indicates
his c hoice o TCame nt +owadS he {owergiY\.
the chavacters
these c h o i c a do have Impact on
to. the charoaHers in
them Seves, in Contadt
choice> impact the Othev
Hedda qabler, tmese
chatac}er El12a more expicitly +nan Hig9ins
the impact othese choites
himse. Fo thermove
much moTe Prominent Hedda Cablevx
involv cd the 9raye mater o maTiaat

sepeation, and acted a cause e HeddasS

4 d e s o r i a A i o n oveY imec.

Another common lemen1 incon porated by both

the playoriqh1s omer h a n joil chazacterS way

Symbo1ismThe vse o ano od a Sqmbol in the

Snawhat in the plcy
PToblem play and th preçengc
hiqhliahied the
Pygmalion'_boh times aan
in the TCE pective times
classS dlistinction
di4ferent impatAS
howeve Showing
Spaces charac+ers, By
By using
choices had on the
an nast ersu Symbo,
4he piano a choice
hoo tteddads
Subtlybrovght o
in ctass than
m a T y i n g l e L o n a n , someone
hes enine life. From miding
he changed
with her jaher, to not itfing în and eeli ng
celi ng
in Tesman's
'out place u t i e the piano
d to Te smans
house. The piano was unsusS t a i n a b l e
how her
and asticulatelyexhibited

choiteof mavriage
ed to her oeing feeling
for Ahe e of hev ife.
'o place'
On the contTaTySha inco p osated he_symbol
the Stnauo ha, a PTOP
Oned by Eli 2 a
o lile
exisi ence oclass
istinction jvst
to ho the
PTObitm play hOwever displaying the
ack change Eli2as choices had in hev ise.

thhe soial a d d e r in
Eliza's choice o o v inq P
the Victorian Fa Uo CUs shown by he super4ieia

anol accen howeNeY the

change in appeasance
StTa hat meaphovicoalty Smbolized how desp1te

he4 efforts , She Stiu emains a low c acs flower

Win. contrast
hes pesso nality This was a StanE
3i by ,

in Hedda Cable, where it showcd

to thne Symbolism
the drast ic her choice 4o maYy on hey
mpac o
fe. in the case o Eli2a aHhovgh supexicially
had com pleely Aransfmed by hev
Symbiosis International School

Candidate session number: Candidate name:


At the start of each answer to a question, write the question number in the box,

example27 example- 3

choite0 cli mbing up the social ladder, cb

SAin emained ang individua om the ow class,
he« chofce had on
dis ptay Ing the lack c change
he o n identit and Pesso nality.
Another teeh nique, inieo r a l +o the fom of this

pasticuta liear text damati ony ,

utilized boh othe playuih to
by Shoo

how Hcada's choie o4 manplatinq othess,
Elizas choice o becomina o nob ea womcen both

impacAS not only on their lives, bu

+hese choits had Ahe powe to chanae he liv

oel. In the pio blem damatic

othevs play
ITony ws incon po saied in muldip\e insian ce

uwhee Hedda w a Show to nanuplote oiners Jo

he Own enjoyment and as an escape rom

One svch instance as when she m anu p1ated


Thea to eceive insonmalion. FuitheYmoTe manipulation

when in aCA M
at ts peakk In 4ne conveTSaANo

Hedda manipvlates Higgins t dic be aua{sl1y 4

he cana live beautifumyand hanos him he'pisto,

This cheice o1 maniputation not oniy aS Proven

b u als o is seen 4osesut
deadiu fo7 LovboTq
OVCY hersef
in Hedda's complete lost o Poer
the vevy end of the play. This choice single
+he tive
the ability to end
hand edy poss esed

Chaociers in thbe
P a
oftoo maor
vses the dTamatic techniqu C
Similasly, Shaw

held ai
damatic lony i Act 1 in the pasy
S the
MS. Hiagins' hovse which oot oiy highligh
c1ass i s t i n c t i on in
+hat Aime
Supes jiciauity of
but also how her choice 0f climbing
exient where
soti ad ladoler uwas succesfus Ho an

able +o fool the claSS they

she uw Os
b e u v ed bes tob SpeaC the neo slang' tlowever
T a n s fos med hev ife to
this choice had

which uwcs li mted to her

a cetain exten
OPPe arance unhd anguag. This Cont asted witth

Hedda Crable whese the ImpaG o coite

wee moe e p l i c i t shown by Absen as i+

ed to a veTy oamaie ending inNoiViha

Hedd a Shooting heyself in the emple Despite
bo4h the plays showing choices having tupooe
to chanqe livas, they aTe aone in
exten ts.
Las+y, both +he piaywiah1s also efficientiy

Used chatacterization, moe speci 4icell thovgh

dialogves and acAions o ceate Complex
chanacA evs, and highligh the impact 4hat

the eh ojces Df Tes man maTyinq Hedola and

Higgins tecehinq Eliza had on the tives oj the

c'har acters. In the Irg an othei char acter,


- -
Tes m an and hit choice of maying Hecl da
changin g h i s i f e . Throvg
- -

atso quite ciqnificant
Dud 0f the qveaion
dialosqes Such os PTay mne
show how Tesman
and 'oh yoou can+ See anythinq
Seem s to be consiantly c o n i v o led y
dlicplayed > o when
He ovespouesing natUe

She dem an ded a Sad oie hovs e olespiAe
no+ o a gTeat e x e n t ,
Poo Finances. Athovqh
mPtici4lyolts play the
Ibsen able

impact choic o maxia

on the
ife o
him and
Tesman b y 1ndietlu ehas actevising

the Potaaonist Hedda

A14h ovGh_ Shao had Used +he Common +echniqve
of chanacieT)zation Vsings ialoaue in 'Pygmalion'
he mase4ull showed howHiggins choite o4
+eachina Eli2aAo becomnc a woman o higheT
class had no mpact on his ife and

PeTsonalty , atleast base d on w nat he olisplayed

wolda. chasactesi2ed
to the O wtside HigginbS was

man who declared

+o be anFAAA-uhos opiaionated
his nture and +hat
that he could no chan ge
wiih eveybody' despite Eliza's
he was Tud e
atem pts to dem ond e S pect and indness om
h covrse Of is-play,even
him. Throvahowt
thov9h his choice wos Knq his eperimet

been ans impo tant

and 'masde pARte

(ife, he w a a h a 7 a c t e s i 2e od oniy
hoitc_ofof his
Eliza's life and noo+
+o Inftict changein

Temained the Ude and inconsideratAe man

+he meTO Ws eventS in his ife
he w aD des pite

acceping the challens{
om his choice of
esuHin the author
-- ------ * **
£liza. A Hhovgh
- - ----- ans fom 21emcnt ofchayatteri20tie
- -

had Used thc COmmon

P\etely olifferinqal

they had
- -

in boh dheplas, o n i s e . TEsman's tifc

mpacAS f chojes
dve +o maiTiage, t o Hi99ins
ehan aina
me evenS in
the man he is despite
element allow ed them
The Same
his lif.
o Choices althovg contastiq,
Show e m pcA
but commonl in an efteetive
the athorse fficeeio vsl y
conctude, both
+hat choices
h e incse d ible powe
ife. Both
tu change ang ind ividvals
PoSS e
USin Simi 1ar
the Plag wsi9e), a1thovgh
techniqvey , alfuding to thne fact tha+ the

tets wese
of he same o m uwee
able to m a s e n fully ns4in the m mpotantt

ofchoice n the minds o f h e seader

whie making the Plet engaging and reatable.

to thc avdience.

paaqraphs ALsÍpl QAde


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