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Writing 1

COMMON NAME: Black Rhinoceros

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Diceros bicornis

TYPE: Mammals

DIET: Herbivore

SIZE: Height at shoulder: 4.5 to 6 feet

WEIGHT: 1,760 to 3,080 pounds

The black rhino is in serious danger of extinction having been a victim of poaching for decades. A new

report has shown that the status of the black rhino has improved, although it is still endangered and remains

on the IUCN red list. There are only 5,630 specimens alive to ensure the survival of the species.The

prominent horn for which rhinos are so well known has also been their downfall. Many animals have been

killed for the hard, hairlike growth, which is revered for medicinal uses in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and


Black rhinos feed at night, at dawn and at sunset. Under the hot African sun, they take refuge

by lying in the shade. Rhinos like to wallow. When they find a suitable pond, they usually

cover themselves with mud to protect themselves from the sun and repel mosquitoe. The black

rhino was once present in much of sub-Saharan Africa, but currently resides in the wild in

Angola and Namibia, at the western end of southern Africa, while it inhabits the plains of

Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and part of South Africa in the east of the continent.

However, in countries like Zambia and Botswana, the population of this type of rhinoceros had

completely disappeared and is now proliferating again thanks to the reintroduction and

conservation of the species. Currently there are many foundations dedicated to saving

rhinos.In a bit For more than 20 years, Save the Rhino has been established in 6 countries in

Africa and 2 in Asia, carrying out different conservation programs and raising awareness about

the threats faced by the 5 subspecies of rhinoceros that inhabit these countries.

Evaluation: 5 different examples of each:

a. Gerunds b.Infinitives c.Nouns

d. Articles
Writing 2


When I was in high school I remember having a problem with acne. At that time I didn't take

much notice of it and neither did my parents because it seemed normal, which was part of being

a teenager, but in my last year of high school I decided to go to the dermatologist because it

got worse and they gave me pills that didn't help me at all.

A few years passed and I decided to go to a private clinic to see what I really had because it

didn't look like normal acne and that's where they told me I had rosacea and that it was a

problem that has no cure but the texture can be improved. of the skin and control the pimples

that appeared. I needed to do something because it started to give me insecurities, I didn't

take photos of myself and I didn't like going out since it greatly affected my self-esteem

since every day I looked in the mirror and felt bad about myself.

I started to feel a little better, accept and learn that I can control the problem I have and

that I have it all the time.

Something that I learned about you have a problem like mine and you are just waiting for it to

happen over time that will never happen because if you don't take the initiative to see what

you have you will never be able to overcome it, in my opinion it is important to know what You

feel bad and so you can solve it. Another thing they told me was to play sports, at first I

didn't care about it but now that I spend a few minutes in the morning running I feel much

better, stronger and more resistant.

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