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tr Alien Abductors tr Al.

ien tr Knowledge f Subierfuge D Abduction

JArcticl/[om tl Alien B Survlval J Possession tr lnsanity
tr Brother Martir tr Ailen tr Kaowledge J Violence tr Deaih
tr Alien Conseroatiodst tr Ailen tr Ideolo€5r I Subterfuge lJ Abduction
tr Dod l(aln tr Alien [] Control I Marupuiaiion tr Physiologcal
tr The Gregors O Alien a Security f, Manipulaiion O Manipulation
l-l Alien Listetrers U Alien Q ldeolog/ :l Subierfuge E Manipulaiior
Lj Alien Experimerters Lt ALl."n J SurYival IJ Possession f, Death

Ll rlohr Bmett 0 Goverment O Conirol Violence

E tr D€ath
tr Eeverse Ergileers tr Government a Securiiy Threats
tr tr Insanity
tr CoI. CoIb llendersor 3 Goverment I Securiiy C Subierfuge !.1 Manipulaiion
tr Ed Funsch il Government J Control E Possession f, Insanity
O DuaDe Bernr [] Goverment f SuNival tr Violence -l Abduction
tr faciphaga Emasculata f Goverment I Krowledge tr Manipulatlon f Physlolo€Ica1
f Cigarette Snokilg Ma! f, Government f Ide010S/ tr Threais f, Manipulaiion
I Alien D.N.A. Steroid Prog. I Govermeni J Knowledge tr Subterfuge I Physiological

I Eu€lene Victor Tooru tr Evolutionary tr Suvival tr Subterfuge a Death

I Central oleratir e Sy s, / Al I Evoiutionary tr Secudty trViolence tr Manipulation
J Eve J E-/olutionary tr Krowledge Molence i Abduction
f ArtXur Crable f, lvolutionary tr Knowledge J Possession tr Dea'uh
f, The llost tr Evolutionary tr Survival I Violence tr Physiologrcal
ii Augustus Col€ f lvolutionary tr Control E Manipulaiion ti Death
tr Dr, Balton tr Evolutionary tr Ideolo€}, tr Threais tr Mailpulation
ti Ifoaard tr Evolutionary B Coniroi tr Violence tr Deaih
tr Ceci] L'IveIy li Evolutionary tr Control tr Threats tr DeatL

tr 8,.r. Motrow O Primordial I Conirol E Possession tr Insanity

tr rrerseyDevil tr Primordial tr Securlty trViolence U Deaih
tr fbe Swaro Q Primordial f, Survival trViolence J Abduciron
f, Volcuic Spore tr Primordial I Survival O Manipulation :l Physlolo$cal
f, Lucas lleq,r tr Primordial ;i Ccntrol O Violence f Abduction
J Leonad Varce O Primordial lKnowledge trManipulation trPhysiologcal
tr Doude Pfaster E Pdmordial tr Ideolog/ O Subierfuge 1l Death
f, Sheritf Iom Arens 3 Primordiai E ldeolo$/ tr Subterfuge D Insaniiy

tr Wmen.Iues Dupr6 tr occuli tr Survival E Possession tr Abduction

iJ fheMadtou tr occuli trConircl trVioience fDeath
tr fhevampire tr Occult ar Survival Q Subterfuge f Death
tj Arcestor Spirits tr occult DIdeolo$ trThreats f,Physiological
tr Mrs, Paddoch tr occu1i trIdeolo$r qThreals fDeath
E Colotrelwla$otr Q occuii trKrowledge fsubierfuge trinsanity
J Michael Eolvey J occult trIdeo1ory f,Possession trPhysiolo$cal
f tihe Poltergeist f occult q Security f,Threats tr Manipulation

The United States Playing Card Company r 4590 Beech Street r Cincinnati, Ohio 45212

EiK Mf


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