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321 FLICHT FR4)141 WO 11 14 of 0.11 oll hi NO.

0 b 159

concordmet,2 are not obvious. To thi cLEpping another. , . . The 4uantity cii ronitraserual. residua. (6re...
the biologics[ is always. suspect . Adlers nail pt of the grrrgEscirierithrizire R e! ) dike with cath person..(Ln art
prne.rsill'i.werlaps, 1.(Ia consiclerable clewee with e.C'EPtiait, 7 of ?be irifiriviebraLthearthle piponetits, prm le
.. i(.• /nee-eget
F Mli Toe Etare'd irr harmony.' What 'linked
Freud's. of sierra( ions, on. phallic 'women. ).
1 11MCVer. II he inoct
frAliiie f a n that in harmony" actually mris umumit be cia-lily s' p1:1 i n.trii
Etrr mot, moden I wierice cern his ing nal ion i which i,'ithc,u C going into a great amount of ail-lien!.1:erwa t-
hawk ErP 11:Ctie134 EriCtitions. Let UN Trcall 4313Cf tion." At any rate, ;Dick of_Owation, u n b a l 4 i t h
k u pri J..m -.
more ihe vcry hrst Rirr.nsint nxf ale cre.o.timt of ITLan ire vothc ipin. cls to a - iaonbUd destiny - (gesgirres
Genesis. l'ociorc Lye ill,ukken 'fill ar 1304:1V of Adam_ ''And Lebrotssch Ova? . ilickiac Deutsch), The significance Of this
i24.14.1 crowd Marc to Rh own image: to the image of God ub5erwation 0231 hardly he ex.oziktrare[1. Ti is, not only *in,
He created him, male and term I e I Icre-itteci there (Gem firmed in eyrryday clinical experience but also in fields of
1. .7), Ika gaiirr U51.i WIR interpreted, long before the ;A:F.016A Eine to which, it first sii3ht, it nit seem In apply.
advent or moiiern iciencer to mean thaltratan nue liN Now we ask ourFelyr-s.: flogs. it have implicotions. beyond
iplivorn I. We do DIA meta 1.rji 111111dt VO114:11.111111 thr ps-ficholugg '10 /he philosopher, nothing is purely p7cho14-
pii5,ajte P121274. 4Fillinsiirthi ilk which Aristophaftc-s Jigic_al or purel y bdologicvi I. The very full dm:. Lhroigh the
make.; lhe same allirmation, and explains r entire bistor.. of human thou.ght, from Greek to. con-
- - _ — . •
trartion rilr gie UN 11 131 4 I f ihe VI [ W E I il F TC!tr I EU (E a %di/At:
tempor.are plifIcAlphy, rlir Iliciske Of "r1Lisl.Like' V.ersuIS
man. and woman, in flu- sc..c act. are Dm ha.lves w h ich rule eatnce ).114 ivied trri :minds olt mcn r 0174iilmilript).
. _ .

t aithe re is no empirical obse-riqtirm. which floes tool &i.i..e

lt'I ordiT try reNritute the crriginal EillEnenof Mon. A Met's-l- - ..—
ist miRhc ant' that our bisexuality is a lhad.nw or all this.. 13% at le;Ipa I lic 0.e hte: Of reltin. impLice inta) I, empiii ica I

rim. I torimins its L'IleyolurL 't his is particularly (rim about

- -
sketched imo th.e human iffiogr. Arialtomicailly, the war,
phologv iii (he 4EICIfTt12.1 Main mprieseil our subject_ The body of science, like thus ourpsel. int an..
ruentary Eracirigic,F ihu geDitAi i)16110F. and the resid- dent legerwls.„ ;$ always in search of a nf.ppidenenc di time_
ual ri IlulkeT 1 15 (Net (taticilLus ma..sculinus) are the ilittiurnli, Helene, Ain ch. (The ;T
Claleridge made [he itateturni r arh2riug [4: 1 7h.. Limes - Tlw trU Ih ha. a
kracrs in Man. .1:111log - 5.. aka prows our b.i.- peat Thdrid mud IhE Afp:Ihr6Frotelimr ThIc ILF1F EV4171E417, mar 'way
51eKlimil Th..r fincling of psychn.analysk have 2gain ! "a great mirk11," IJIAC IA wily which WC (MEEK Tel. &Fuse with

Item Slimmed up by Helene Deutsch: Lompace Erasyn. L. (I.. dpui 511E10_ Nccroan_ New
have. at rine time, oriken out fif cum.Er14-131 (Arkin
is still. E % in2 on in the 1 1.ikelku..11 (t)..L.w. ill all !human
. . .

hey have. dilErrenriacerl in ihr 4 C 3 L E T N e r s F drurtcy-

mil: Withrow ever bring corrErFrielif sr11.1T1 I L EVIEL une
One way to sun off a complex sulleci h
how it oriAinaled wiiih Thei present study was
t irsE prompted by clinical obiervpoiotts of certain ibnor•
ur characce0Tht problem of5tivism - 11.3. lack of
balance between action and coraemplation—is said to he
characteristic our time.. The man of restless energy, the
husacr gutrettear, is a figure familial to thci pairtriar
imagination; CI 11 e 3_,SSOC La tea kind el life with "organi-
zation frivn.". "rnanagcriar and "us-Lielekitive type.," (Thu
very f a c t t h a t many terms are coined and Erecly bandied
about is proof that a problem is genuine) Now iidienever
,I..c.iTsycriiiiiiit ,..have ate opportunity ObSerf•t this kind
of person m a paticnt, use find at [he bottom of it all a
iCiil .l atermil conflict and a rejection of the Ecminiue) The
oliscrvation was fmt mink in a peculiar end unexpected
context--patients suffering from pcptic ulcer of the Emir
111.1 Iily riF am p3Kienis carne Nand tri
1 - AE it is well k nroorn Time psiicliih I rift hall:c to deal a 10 with
blardrworling and spartaci is 'Owls habiik: Li"r shied atrai..
Frrirri 3ny &inure Lid ' teLciviiirt." [rorni at-EL-pang taiiitC-
'Jew bull, an 5utim. Ey, rrL1 11CLI5Lb) 1X14121. Ire
d L ep down Eb ert p i rT 3 i5E NI an •xcraunimaTy !Iced io
uicichere,3, to be Fes. "Decp Llurpn- la figlir
ILZ.L21C4.11C-17_1111lia 1.1frti[ ii Feral ly dr.e.yo LIZ Use
b.0(1.y..0ii an orgFinic leve.I. The. racivnt prolesLi ii] Ilia ILLS
hilt" While ]1i5. NftICIILLCIL ye-volub avina
noE -

ileum; HuweVer. t ratans naval more thin

the- inr.Ake Of ikiyiiriLhnieni.; Ic invirk9 nceptilicneci ire .a
33.rife serme, receptiveness tc. lave, and. imess in a clad-I
ikr a l t ii u•ei trutE.
Fire.ristiv rho' 4 rhen rri nin rorrurs in mriny
rienplc will rin not 1.11Ftti From, stomach ulcers, mill whuse

u lielei I., 4xicillias e t1i

:61131C. ElytliLlal.M.1)IrLi
1111.111 ..4tC ..11wattle.' One-I6 EOWai
AE.e, and•3.r.ea cli)0 4.1..el law rnc•n, character ricrentres, The

charaaer neurcisis DE Frenzied activism is npt en'

Itot. Then: k. iii air 01 rre.1.2iiici.i 1411-1L
 ItCee,321Tili' Thr le-rrsirin cfr whierlivc AnKlity,
hi° r
sicul ei!ergylan .air nE maims chin amid Arriffirioni fro.
ausueilile {Mir
E ued. the term, mu] vocirle_" (In
r [fink El) (1.1e5C pLt1C.Itib LIW•E IA}tiCeA
an Clet=3rirdiE1NT7 11:11Cnil nil Reline,, a drying away !rum
bebdurness. mid a fear or depender r pa:F.0.0;7.i_ Lu
1 4n1
• 1
Tn.Lau eltjx nitcriC
pazire in iuelEl-den3chy, h
F'e'JEl'I wh:o rav< r 'amen ClegkilderThec arid pansivity. Nei-
Mimic v.. in a licirm33 pelsrin .nrie ceps( allow for 51

drpeindertbe, pmivity, and proirLiednel. The End riE in-

divi(111--11 I am talking altioull ht, u ix !tally in rertcYr ciE
pew_btliice. Tim ilerir ixoribibiLity bripg in 'be irrisi de-
mi:4E1Jc CO' j_IJAILL1Al2d, 'Dr Vildll LICiE114 ibved, auiuUU til
r141Eiling L 111141111 2 plw.1)Liiy
..1pEeria_o1 beirbiLovsei Th( Edvi SI`trrq. in.prorigniadapi,
MCI. elnl Drell imagine incred.uLity on the part of scrim
r.rnarT:9. 'kW k more frequem rink int mighc
mule. One DE Iterre, expresses it this
Way: "NI Mike and 41bIbufrasmiloa at rOle ;1 inian
oNDrIls 'Min is bring ]rikied.. To' he uhirac, i5 :
state 3ForrDpriace LAM WLIEllFt, animals and ell __
LI A. Ilb413 Mho J. being luved h. a ilLisoper. Al] ibis. la
WO. well knwn. 1c-6 no( go inuo fir,'
TIC denial of fetlinlis at Limesair.a -impinEed, not only-
11.11112E activism but by undue idkIletralimIL Soide
ortioAnairra 1pok if LIB [Ligid chowacrcr. The winTli
"Frigid: Ll here msecl rant with itc 4:ciar..rnrin lexuR1 crirmiltz.
lion but co d.erAiKnaie a permri "who aVoirlb. keel imogs. ALI>
Valet; illrffe;ld Ile WO devCIOriCd. R jEaraccr,"" lk•j-
Elie] Ilex ripe tif ttj5 whin rt-Aild oL
ease. in ILF.e nnly when her did nutfienzati4. iJ U. LiIJS was.
the 414It .aLti.oily in !phial emuttue.a.l. telattaindiiiii. &di noc
enter_ Innu experknct such 71 -14;4;11c1" ratirmiliuic
erohwn-li. life has a 1).1_6.s TAU 3baii3ar to •th• one Emma
in r..he. man DE undue drive. FactrUtyper-M[Mit Anti
a.ta[unilet &ken go. liNcrIbeElTh-c Minn in
ma miser iht ward - 10:1 i h Fitrt WW1r l1. 1 khbY Im■ 6 ■ Id"
nnt nnly. thipp 1610.1. alxJ

prj.tect the e.xEcutiv.e 11.•11.0

I; igiLi

dionderhtur3 btra. .[[e =ted like socneane- who frarrd

trnae Trie w.- And whc5
. -
i(- one cci faith, ha reFuseT.1.
prceple; the inn. Who. apprcinrhe.s human rtlatikiwItip* R$ if -
1.0 "slvaltow" am thins whirls her nrIE TnrironLli;
wire nurrrrs r..f engineerimg: LI3e 311.1111 3
0- 3.
However. hi, rffnUnt 2iin*.1 mark.' (mid it azi inn
thmlEgh he Were' [in ;_7uar41. his Otot hc3rt-.theic fu•iciln ]LM pro regriFikii ss L r -of the ':"i .probLe.m-
types are idly 1
...kc LI Imutrrl 1 E rxwiL1iout
5-Lying [NM rnmell IC:1T 0( iitpc1:10;114e.
blad) ni-Ay h Agccidia ia life. if we tar "211. #C006 1 "
The Lau as Exup),,eraLedly raLianalim io-
p1.2.11 marerial. advainDecueml. But °LIE eftri f'ffirplE.REIr nh- war&Jife ILLICAJL3 LITJLIIkle kiroili . n. .1:1) icp into tlie
lErYC Llini. 111..14 allow [heir Er.chnirall evr srirall fir huKi• CLini.caL :±3021:1. ul. ;i 131.
re% 20.1.171eR IC'N R.TCMS 1Mf hL131MI1 1.1142 iEl ich
LiJe 1Jui piuse i'F LIis 13it• we TrIeTi!]', TILMIT121-hkr: .113 I111-
LILT igaitc have One. 11) 41121Er ImOrdb. throl &by
LIEIE cnrphasis1)71. the tedmicn1 and the Tnrional, and rritrc-
aliwq 1.3tuu all LCHEILAILL111016. lend
V1 ;14 ImliCietl:$ Lk mdchRriiiA S marligEnbi Iii Einn LIE whni Fur want rf n hotiel rrrrn "Ireling,"
• with n nrcirntic clre.ncl 1-4 errc.iv in-& a kill- ml r<rnaelm195 And
aEllumari rel3tious. This is suirietkiw dillicuLt
r.'F praloc:irrn—.1 net invarishly .i.c.m5rin[cd wirh
iLlw bale 11.CYEr EZIAX.I1J31.1.el•Cd.
hm•e. nrry Crrnyirricrnil all, [hey
foncerns] conlitt, Thc L. L N.11Yrslii (bade thi2Itimalo-
sion lac ileAch 1f 1116 faiih6c. in. A 1.0
Lund Iii lie rationalist an .51 .1 pmitiviit. 1' Of L11112,. uJ 1x:
plionalim lir ;i Eliplitivi3t in A tillthiAlYie 'Jr.= with a 5LIEILMVA dial- elan% ]D! intellect Expludcti

symplurn, bur wiEhin rhic suring of dile Id Rd a verscrnialicy morn and more, am.' griitlualty elihplit ed the bead. I Lui.31

.1 have tried tea E1tsrli1-4, it IL Mrleleirirell r.hi philcisDpIty &main. It 1v7Li returileil LLa 1Jkr heart its besiti-

Laki tut a characterisAjL slaact Par ann.! nom, Do& a my rTIANI rhr4xne. 31er flecith 3K1CL the r.uisri• EIE thit

pademi, the .0( a cuMer,.•AC iztie culhir..41 dud •a, Iraq ger
inrelPort) •hri 1 iIId I ill& hertrt in Fr.
Fil-lus climate. .h-A:c the cm fif Eur-Dr"Trk inimii?jsrm. Hit veligic."1 . TM; is nra just n prep" rncourning.

fi!1 i111 is it fl•r atL dui is "Irnari" 2Inr] "Frrigrellive." PsycheanaJlds. Sikall I, in! ibe scrocculfc cif . Winn rharac.
asanciaLerl 4; id) lit imp-111On and anicry. rcjection uf the ter, of an "a.lcuor," Lahti NOVALLii, obstruN rhnt Iii Ind dr-
nor Iii', incliiinn_ leikkli wen °fen). lo lled ifejoptd, cc.i.LJ rLL tionabst a i Ludic as all U.1110.1 k1101.71ME
Lill 5..imple. When EE 01111C c" his pervii1;i3 rola. Ceding .or kirireme-Irmarss. Br Ind. rei;uilied. bus eysiiJiLa ,
Uumbps. thee Man 15(erallly 111c . il. aid ';1E1142 veurds 31 rhino. in the hision wick wun-mn_ 33 is obserration
 ilfi DLit inudiu ion, chRi '
aar beast" &7j131d. in


and that in this awrithegiE the hearer is Waked -

taw of roan Sind apply ii to 41.n anthropoLugy LIE the Hellenic
go the ternin and Lhe judaeo.Chriairm uraLlition..ThL5 is*Iretiprool beg,
Tiic• remade counterpart io ;ill this. is. frequently en. ,]id it lea uliki&eg 3111U(1121 elirielimerie , SI] L jiihi hirc3kWe Ell
the dangler .0.E idle 1prcul.or lin,. of the —big Sireerp," fvfre lhoks

tonmered today in the urtinlian who. finds it diJEcuh tE)
tin. go about IL C311ti4111:11 II, Thi$ fi7e311$ That, berme we do
Crtal her womanly Folic._ This inclepc•n.Lient of the
inpnriccs imposed on vevrriel in many gociet.i el: it k t,ir her
a iv.thing Chit,. I.'' lislie# 61.0 64.tinio the question ol the
an ovEr-ewainalion i.4 inmonlinc mc.Eiirla1514:11f And a flebree•
po1ay4.. ity of the sew Seccinally.. We J -12v' to exanune. the.
ment vaiues which one C OM m o n ly associates with the
NaliditT or an antithesiis which in philosophy is releTred
wunr.m LT. a rejectiva!, caken 1111,0011SCEEPLLS, eirclk LIL4.111CT-
to under different aspects—namely cid -ankilesis" a ii i-1 -

hooch an .aping c4 mar~' : 2 . .1 lj GC11 led Ch 2.1111 tinr.L-:33ing un-

1 0
intuitionr" or stith.oe" and ''wisdotn.'' or I he ''scirritiiir !

do-111.nd: elf 41.11 ;hlicl TiNtINIciwill. wlietber

gatemen(' zuad
I hi. marl I 11" 4 If rhe 1411:13I1
) 13V42' Jai! Sk.0Ic there is a
KEIL i t corn Lhe Eon i ttiJi c.
[I 021. nhiliy 1.1E1 111.1 I' I [I P, 113i 1 IIrS diSlurb-
Elie "piimic rtakenteilE "Ir 4.11 /mum 10)41 r 4I I I43 44 7 4P 14'
1 11

pions; and •so um. Thirdly., since this book 15 VOilccriled 'with 1 -

m nres. are wid.upre_i•c! today in rt-tnlj.parisan ith other times thr orita:2EiL31 s . ijoifikance of p.scal . .214p - varions,
EMI email fad-TEaviring implkation_s_ RaLinnalr we lin= also .ftil mine the reiatIonship between ?swim.
is171 and posiiiiviim inillieficcd our liV.Litrin • . —
a.nal metaphysics_ Finally, we shall liaer thic 'Wk. 19)
thii . during du: psi three centin -Ea5 to an extraoidirury kr1111.1.C" CUTIFLict in the lives of men who are represenutive
degycc: yct the rim-15 benefits 1Di ter.hnol.rigy inspire i loide- 14 the 1111.4.1tielli CM. FKi r pi ln in ti u - i ii ih rg marl rxisireluial
bprtati alarm that kurrian again. will he increasingiv mare phi LiAuph y have rakigtit tl$ owe rare i Willie E..
h rig ihilt
pr:o lTJIMMai and. not in Yai xir,t countriei Milne, And if
ri r

v•e. crii.nre the Eme.sidedly rational and technimL WI:Eh Lhe

Plep there arises the ghastly Spcctre a a would

pemerished iDE veumanly value.",

Such a surnmani forinulatibn. over.simplifiesi Lhe corn-
ploti ry «E LILT J 41 rl i Iii i, , arid I havr art a Ithr)Frei ILC e•
n 1.1 theorici. 11.1e Fattalls are inn.umerabler, in.Iny 01 the
most Celebrated wrprki II 1..11 a p re-•isited wi-
lily. Are like the gh.n.s!- T0151;15 I fl :111 UI Etlirrish. 1•Fill14•L

lion... S:cc the prublem is too interesting n.ot tin he explinrca.


Hem. far CI I.: ej Alt wiry take rictertt knowlcclo

Ihr En-
cal phlicri. Mien knew ago, if icing W2TIES ICI Rot lc ...)ier to III!: oil 1.1•103k-211 mies■tery

behirt-rt thi- Fart.; 1;1 nature. is wily .0Ailuguabie Alice to go—to the .13.eArt5 Q1 men_

AIJ v Lrle.'h a I !Lc IfiArr!C._,11 the SENV.fuLlOW itr .kayhti3lcv,


of two pcnsibic one awilmts .1. flinilAmciit i ll

duality which Domains inamumbLe .1c the bottom int ail cut ,

tural 10-Jiimits-. a Line Terra, rds die idea of 2.(11 immittn.51c

duality RS 3 Myth, the',"
on]-7 prawalble6ici,
The.: EC'X NMI the SE% cells manifest a pal aritd
and ookiVemekiLikirlC-sb Pi0Prp110.141a Juld
40. of semual union Ow UM le imp!) tf CEpJ1N'ES1 Rind [belie.
tratimg. an-ft th-r Firriale 1:1.1191 is concave 11111 TeCCptive; tire
spiri mammon icorpr-eln-ihaperl "ar1114143," Mid Eire
OYU ra is a 5phrrE "awai tine' prnfrration. Thu M li « polarity
and rs-rinfolemen [a irrr.F.# not tf, ply.
1C11] but aim'. bc refirinted in the character IDE man and
woman, k. 17 :eh ndct ;15 history. As a 11131(cr of fact, in

ancirmit reFigiuns philosophies. semiut pularily and

coniplementaTiness dill nor_ sicip aE the psylchologicgd. Hu-
1 TIP. F LI T EP. 11) W rrM 01. I'i reAnparE: En111411,11Talle. 1.4 4ihri rnolide Etude diem...1.-m.
11:91iesie Mire eetl r ee5 ifigrutuer E;Ic Lu frffrnm ..r.rml.crmida,
man fluali[y .n.n.E/ illintrin mai in.g t...cpressed. an antithesiN at W °MANHOOD IIL

the pry treart of things, an n i thesis striving for ivnihffl.Es. the deve.opmenE f Eh' same idea in the speg_Th of Aris-
eueiLLLI]5.—in. III ALL anticipati11313 Ficl rcnti.- topEants in P]dIAP's Syntitosilon: .111{l 1VOULIIIII. in the
tution.4.01. ic''j ETatlition. is 543 ubiquitous -aid hu sexual eml7t24.E', Li.tute Tilt primary unity of I he ivn
dug 0.131 r ite rouLd not possibly prrsenc ii hire in 1 E1 irt its fullness, a unity uhir.h has, at one tin1c, h-ern
T1 pp nifkm thing about LI is Ferhap, thir 'Act brokian. It is remark.ablre it here for mire, before the
IlLar it ii 1.-s:i.trcskcoi in religions and pkiikkkilahie-s widely Christian ej.0o4:11. Greek and le u; agree_ The 533He idca had

rated in Lrilir auiidi piati;nAri. f.4.1 the Hen rlemly ii/ ready been prcsented in the Upanishad,: —RI R He, too,
in Mu i-sm and in the fit, i rl EN; Upanishads and ALlunark (sum], GO) 13211 pm, for HE WWI. :LS hig
in Chi inanity.. Events in natur.e and in.
mn It history are and Woman are together when they unite. .1. I I C his hi-
txril.pisied. hie Uric] in i t5c M x. 131 Taoihm ihese are Yin- SL3F5CC tl ivirIcri. into two pains, from Urfa mice_ cLmt
ri Crm ininc' h i.a .13 ai. i•2111 I , I t;Li k rerrptive , and Yang rid Woman. llenix the holly, too, is a 'half.' jr" There
—1.1x- mak which i nctive. Li' ,ht and generative. An eternal exists a similar ilissyriaa version,* wieedi it would not be
UL big:Ewe-en the two is safeguarded surprising in find ilia( this among egroEerie. trruclitiong,
Iii' 3 highrr 1111 CI1C-3L5 t t14 Too. The Tir.h erotic
the only universal one. Of ciiiirse, if it were so ii oni.14:1
mysticism cif the Kabbala cilL11575. 3 Striking resemblance to y 1r r:t4riE;bilrlefl! the Vet y sic Ltok e of men and women
the Chinese Ilraditiorr.' !leaven as Tiph - ereilr is the male is the one invariant in all civilintious, Our metaphysical
principle .whia_throug.h the arms of the work:Lis in union
9C11.11 EC I iS 135, with thr irrecluciblc immediacy ill sensory
Lt I1 earth AS wornaEtly priiir i plr. [Unity
percepticm., thaOlis invariability mie6pu someDliihg. Q.pPrE
311Sel 'LW E Of pOlaTit_yll The I I I ghti5E C7tprrision 111 tiVIS iS Lire From all 6hifting contingencies) Flogyeiper, nowailays our
idea chat wan is andruprnous (rnole.ternale) in his origin
thilikin$4 5(i .(1.; Fred (r) the Id514 fEr veraeltv NA
Aria his .1 LI r LI 11. Tile Jillerpi. faiireAcis preseritat Lim
the cumulative sciences that we regard .basil a4
t I i4 I Id mud i rtiGettaii ". him GL1Lrl created man in IT is
chat quoted. ill lorst, 44. pleKling pociie metaphor. For the
image. -male and lerin.leIL-15047re . the separation oL Eve
Lime Wing we must, for the Nike of a hir argument, grant
PLI r 4.1i the IN KLy cuE Adaiu• Thic, an in ding
- -

iriditates the ikillirOMIOUS nature tire poslilbility that *r one time me• did have such ironic
bead Himseg— a] ean Eng, moor, h C-r 12 jecilti..rity in. diale metaphysical sense a Oki 41140. in. the rtuilti•
iin,rergri. illicit), chivy LictueIci ei,.nr.ts, with an Erreduci bk. simplicity
_•-- _ _
is [he emprtiii_Kri tilt aivItliubss of being.' ;No rbrios which has to us Fiecurne suspect. licha[vver Elm wiEh nmy
lic, 'Imre is. 1.§E., ilc Rib! 121;LE FOr the li.rsL ti ill history,
I 1.2111gEr, f.fieLud;rpleiJr rtr714frbi•erta. Jaari•. Man.
clik91-1,11:Lmeni, ig55. lien uccurs a Irrad. •hil IL $un$ completely contrary to all
roe ikv tirrElop II IL' a
ii I honsli L fir Itir llispnr! rgr
G. Lail-1Ft. Lax. lc.
Lerldijk- 1 As a =am of ha. (liargarra. Plad)h.erself
th.11 11 14

ibis_ Not on thc 0E .coal pd2rity re- .1 untel. Li lis 1 isirliisirlrk theft 3i113, seemingly
garthid as a. midi) ima•. of pre-scientific surrstiAilmi, TIOd connel %Hai the pliniolory of reprodunion, which
the 2111A I. finmplemirraarinon expressvi are nmen.h.eins tundarnantitUT male and fein2.1e-
pcychologrical compterrbtrozriness i.a nci Longer Eakcn for George Sandi Termirked a hunclrect years ago, in a
mmed, Tilts is implied. in many rectini ____ ]otter Ira Fraulicrt. lhac one is generaLlir inclined to oYer-
isms d 50C ICI iOgiC211 'WI I t I 11 gi_ a.Ci .5411:21 d4 comes to thE 'estimate the difEurcnce of the scx.eas,. FREI-ay on the basis of
ondu3irin, tin the !Nisi.i crE anthropological obscrvadmiN anatomical dilliercrliCeN. Iii Dar cluy6inionec ltiir•oir .)
that the mks 1.0, wan Icorn2n in Life Cif pt rrd 31.;11 flevrpred an ornclite much in. the 1m1111 , TEP 14'er
10 .4 1.41Tgr remi cai t iht nip( kin!, implanted in thE child at OW wry wrist o f oihe mess, unially exprE.Lisod by limn,. irr
;Hp .iLeriL I i'Eir From the specific role in the plies 4511.1:ttkifiOti, even rci h.c.ition 01, and with th.Es a
Function cid t t prncluction, socual difference is an [Alkorrke loss r 1pal kl C. This come out most clearly . in her analysis of
or.r %ciao ato rid (U] AL comic-nation'. .cliverse authors, From Ole nwst pathologically myscrinudiks
Thumstion NS, Di EINITSC_ to what ex.tcnt thi: phyiio- texts. of thc Clinch. Fathers to the thirst IlacautEftEl I ir9c1. 411
clogiaLl rale in the function tof rerrAuctiork dots not a.
uci rate and
_ •.-______
Function!. sterriiNTiiIi r li rin it-
- • Breton or A Claude], even; word k inrerprowd Ll'orrizh
fig5i) -
concl uded fir iii (Vernneural (1135K rvi.
- T11-1 n. S very gratc 'tre twouitri
lam'. r' ibc El:1104y or
lions tif ri14. .kre-2.1.111escenr child-own (hat share ivornan. No matter Whar. way .11C laalks it her. the cannot
are (WO 4i isal 14 psleuthohlicical trendt which 2.he win. The lx.ornitiallu Androgynous rintore 111 Man which,
mii)cd primin hicili.xiirci2y, nnly accurding to Judaeo-Christian Tradition,. i$ more fully resEi•
thi chiJd 5 txpectamun of its social roic. "For it is Cle211
. in the marind 3a and c9thatoloRicaLly perEccted,
shat the. iendc.n.cio govi-ming these consrinclion5 (i,e r here ]o iI sigin i fLonce. IL is rep12ced bey same androgyny
hi] ;id n't1 T1 Mile (Mt MI? materia Ls.) closcEy which is actually .a clialectiad rcrnstructiort. ln the end rine
paraile.1 the morphoCrig -y of the si:x. 'worn.: in the raak  ihe tlut scone
 F•l Ili r and irdiu..iv.t. divided
cliar.a.rter., serving highly limrnanity irtki twr• uinip!s_ Bch i.rid it Ai is .1IC irkg
pert -in. iniernal organs in thy Ferroft, with v.E-s. Neil: it wTiong in• view the two ha Ivy of mankind as
tibular aroess, leading to staticallv 0.6.41.'1 Simi- convex-penetrating and concave•receivingsay egiallibrium,
laT ob5krvali.n.r15 call he finirtd in a Tcmarkatde study . • ••
11447Crhi1i P.. F. T. 7.. Ler prj"1:1Ati e • T1" I 1,1r It
cn rilienolitErtology of the womanly by Btu,- E Ilnale14,
 hil rwily J tro rSrAhrd I TflpfiTI.3711
e WEI DO the iiceracure ova exxri-
I Nimel, 3rEalperP, Fervor... NEW Yeti, I rpra rneni.11 1.135 i brklipitv.
Edition.. i . a. "Lei Pl'imktatvi as the Oay comfiguritha t i prr. Peolc.rh, Frmurfrorliklksal: Gvirwe &TA.'
sdolk-v4x-ru," Ami. J. OrthO126$1..ILLK. aI, iire7. 4.951 fur tiuc 1:11T ifito, i]5rrrri.11. Pgyflinein2t VeyJnpr. boo, p_ 4503_
vr C1.1•E A N33 11 11 II
121cuimair f Sibttanc Th.r .CJ. Ly51.
L. TICEPLIGHT' ERIDIL1 IN rim 01.14 b...ok.i.i.mitcalli. [q
quiLliky irk Lielf impHE2. hu-
tecatiFie the concave-recciviiii.E Vithled i1.5 a Fircm-icn til lc 1.)-rartnly cgr c.1141Eqlst. T tJic enra Lim
milation. The .I.Try posture 0E recepLivenc5i means .daicri. very :14:143 of iexlial. clarity is..rcpadlcd, in. relation to Lhe
The irlyny of i.; air is that with this point of vicw the au. findinigs of thu ....c id I SI ierIA:n, iI4 a pre-LopurEncan universe
thor inadvertently. Likes au aLAirucentric INA/Lienc3Ponc Evf would he in •c la iion Li.) rile 11114 I i rigs or asti•irkoniv.. '41- hem
the most . - 13.) . _sulanc?Lis EN.E:1 imply such complete are Callum-Et kinds of ruyttisD says Sim o..fre dc rioirvoir,
Llegra441Lori raF IYEACLarl WI Or i,Iui I. 41 i hen );. 'This one, Ilhe ni:rill If woman,. sublimating an immutable
The roots of all this irtt. WI N' 4 ornplex_ For ri hi wc r 4ir I lir huimiiipu ni iiid i riiiii —name] le 11 lie '41 kision' oE
hnve cl3fferreel atrociou.9. foilus c.kcia.l. and irgaE hUirlarlily ill iliiiic) ChiSeLfit a itIrriVitlii.;th—i$ a nalic myth.
j jils1 irc. I r is nin kin to s.ily that have lieen.
It projects into the realm 4Jf Pktortic i4109 2 reality that
and oftrn sti El mire, the vi(tlinii of a kind cif interior colo- is directly experienctil CB ja Conceinuatiml an (15c 1:12iii
nialism. However, 5h1ce the F•Ench Revolution and the rise uE expurience: in pie of fR.cir valtic. significanpre, J+ l•

.E i 1•.r. i•o5 i n ist t l i e c r r i f For egvii1i chanigird. edge, eibilirical. IAN, it .$11kmilin1425 ai Lrarlikeibriierit4.1. idIrrti.
11.iMEIC.FLii, Mk tameable, necessarF. 1 This staterntnt is
-3 3
irtto an assertion of sameness ...Any view of dissimilarity
typkat of the atithoffi thinking 35 a whole. 'We shall IC-
Nita 1' i. i, 11.1.4' ice. It is chi FACECTIMiC of roar
mark 3 similar quality in the writings of Snrtre: the writer
time that the word "discrimination," which originally
,11111ariS V i r ti rt g out has often acquired. ihe meaning o'L
- burrows the Terms of phowinewlevi mad oaskeritiAlin
ithilcimphy. 11.1.1L im,hrrills 101114:111illg altiogetikel ClifftVellt
jhate and in works like those of Simryne de .15eauvoir_and irmincly 4 rhaiii, $-.05iini!itent of scientific lxiiitivistn. Thus
:any atiern pt at making/V.5.611(6.0ms is branded. a3 an in spite of her WC] Ith pi knkructed.R-e,. scientific aEld literary%
i51 ril-erinalime t_13e 414-Tivinry Nrcior.
ithc(final result cif dt Ikauvoir'N thesis i an exrrnincliiiiTy.
11 kith movement ([14k ElliC•clOped from the dict-lwra.-
impoverishment) What began in ItraiirLivri. as al movcau-iit ''.'""'drfLP:i f
oLiP iction LP( the lligtag Zipia.1.1 *mist. 1,giutesiiiiii).i:e40,-,iL
Liberation is bomid to em.I in a dawn" wane than (hie -
natuie of Ehe tpi-mtsur Thr idea. alas .0itii ilar•icAl
)difEcrences are nothinR but a mart.“ .0401;:leilw] Fei• if i.h.•re really existed a world in which. "'sexual III
4TE I he body,. interchangfabLr, 2E it IhtTei. it a 'Witch.
(etc5Lar!iau—suErveEllitig that iFipcmeptibly creeps L1] to
Many cKE our modern of people and the welt I d.. Mori-
over any mriaphysical dimension which we ale incliriect
to add to the ulatit i sultprirt oi magic Ell inking, and.
held (fp be o pe n to correction by scientific incipiiry, Thi
Lie 14;14 wr sense an immutable ecivie hehiniel the incessantly
ahifting social, cultural, fisyclio/ogic ..A] LunstrUations is
r. . . . fiv

produce' F "cu I turf," in

ClialrafIllatic5. 11 Fire' Ilh.e mere -

which Mark might just a5 h.ave Martha's po - sorolay,

and iduitiR-our the personalily of A.chi.l]et—p.orsons.
woki]d be roduccd to fith11314-949 1:i phol, En MEre
intersection points
5r—FpdProf ;r uch a vorld
LI-ere are no Marks or VInE11.3.7 r Aritir,. ,011CS
Cr Achilles.
T secret of Ert.edoms,i4ohich Iii k Lh e r i 1
O r a Matel
 -- I ArillmilliiitideFek
n '
] T31 r •LICHT FBI G'S WCIAFAN 11 matirlu. Erfriluefwigell• giv Lew
Neue 114=ticr," 19L1,
or woman's prnirri-Laiily 1100413141 113C 1.4311iLLFCCI away, wild
N vastnelis of smial CJYti E.i . linerless
Thcm is. nia doubl [hat
k. jlitzt xrpfT,TriinetleA th:en mod i ried
1r ciiii:;41 1y li•;10t 3 11 I hi
;113 ▪ -

Scinet nicrn)., y•a s

114 ic 'wily rollimroccl i h c' %Naive al liticrating IvOLEkilll kit
COjntB . ineLl arc Jliil(lci) aim 'DL depersonaritafkp:And5 inE
G I the relativkm
cibiL,141 crib' ic 1-1 t I1
•11 ri maul-
the wcarici rrpkikrs_AlleJAIAL-c-imi4 •pl 4 4 the E.3r ber rnic by

thin of 4 gari:1.1 entity with

 _-
_ Fri_ in all this., bdaind apFrasent
proreis of iicifiTitering, is hid en a prepariLliem Ira- il/rmtn-
tial eniliwernenti.
A nevi- way of 1.4-10kiog IP, (31 f , rtu rte, not
wiring irk itself. All nilvanceE 4 in, the! natural seienc.c-s are

based on choughls 181 1 irC 11 run COkint•r to FreCedlillg mil-

lrirn Awl. are fint 11C141411ily by a few,. nirrr 11171C in JI1T
VIP` ill Might 11C CrrliT1CIWII5 EK1 17111:.0 tCT y UPI a
prablon Ibr the natural 5g iC I 11▪ 1:4.! 194%C Weil II h L Ithere
t XiSiS an imilispucabLe.
fact the aimEoniii_aL and
plivsiolVt AlTricilantv awl Luilkyl•intnurincn;

Thanighout the agri h-r. polarity and compiernentarincsa
.a4surilied i' apply zilmi to the liersoril at man and
woman_ WhEthei. asuLtilpriola joistili tel., is a phe-
nomenological problem_ TheTtrurt. a phi,
nomenoWL-2 I inquiry and first ask ourseLvcs: what
Iwo seir-seRT771,1571 A)
lietwklill C.. bells Lill his Rernitthcc7ices i9f Tolsraiy
how one day a t coup of wen, illilifAkkg IthitlEk Chekov, were
wend II w1, c1 a [ it
5[E011g' ill the garden and talking ;Them( womcn. T41]9titly
4.0- itmg tinx iii siLenot, and inert suchleribi
1314rketi; "I am only gLJ I Ig (0 Mil []he truth abimt women whcn
I .1ln qa I Id ing With 4ICIC il_001. iii tile Fri14't.-1. shall liay it,
jiinuIx iniu the crylTrrir pull. the lid arid. then I'll Lay._ .D43. with
me lvhat you wain!' " Thisi icounds ;t', [1114111.0 I Iii'
truth abOU were scinething a man. could. not pos-
Sib] y N;t y inn SC 3 1,
And this tram the creatoT oi Na-
tasha and Anna ;mil 14owever, (1141141 joLe,
I h r L e [Mr uhil1174 Ow xi eve fI r i d rallsculds remark ailirey--

sense of mysterdll the L.rLL.h atziakt women is something a

liieriary gtniiii will keel] imtil the iirpronenr 4Pf lkiR ({CALI' there
must be an old man's sly crack,. another iro-
plikation—Lhe inexpreAsib/e. kind of inysteritiviireprundutri.
And th.iR Jai been the feeling of man annughnut
14.111, Th41 t. welialni>101.11. ern oraric. s.enstas h i( i1 ]if:LI'ple get by
looking al the Gi-rx4.witla is linthinkablc iii Ilit 1. - 4se Maki
rai L. I '11 r faci th.tit in some r t ions womcn are
vritcd, is cmly dm Fri ic;114 .11iS tlicKneRkil:t11M OT1 the part
of the male. Aocurding In a contemporary WOrrIN'l the
element of i I eC1 yid the hidden kS.p.itsicatitd.
the 1' 1diHtatw 1.I:
The alleged myslerioumess of the femirrme is treatcd with
Titrteloar.lit jaxmlarily iii Femin ILE Li trrdittne. It is Tr-
lilt Cif the 11133Thrie1lis IVerfh il3 w I I iI II Merl
drpriler WE3111CIIL'iKligh-membriship. (his should. not
roeuvrnt us. !vont itiveNtieACirg. hi.litri,r11 the JONI) i jinn ''E
the rErygeritiiiS i ih_it we (annoE explain It, we can dud-

Ce11101b:IC Kin r.. F.nrc.

The Eiffirrlier Wonwri. Tr.) riti. Mali( C.
Eu.e.hyle idih presace by ?dam jordaio_ rignict,

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