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Q1: What are Docker Images??

a Docker image is the source of Docker system.

b None

c Docker image is the source of Docker container.

d None

e Docker image is the source of Docker virtualization.

f None

Q2: Null is used as a place holder for optional fields?

a None

b None

c None

d True

e False

f None

Q3: <TD> … </TD> tag is used for ________?

a Table Records

b Table heading

c None

d None

e none of the above

f Table row

Q4: Which of the following SQL statements will generate an error when executed.?
a create database if not exists students


c select * from students student_id=23;

d select * from students where student_id=%23;



Q5: What is LILO w.r.t linux??

a LILO means linux loader, which loads the kernel into memory and starts the OS.

b LILO means linux loader, which loads the GUI into memory so the user can see
what's going on.

The correct Answer is: None

d LILO means linux loader, which loads the software into memory and starts the
kernel then the OS.

The correct Answer is: None

f LILO means linux loader, which loads the OS into memory and starts the GUI.

Q6: Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker environment on
Mac and Windows systems. Select all of the Docker tools that come with the Docket

a Oracle VirtualBox

b A shell post-configured for a Docker command-line environment

c Oracle RealBox Containers

d A shell pre-configured for a Docker command-line environment

e Docker Machine for running docker-machine commands

f Docker Compose for running the docker-compose commands

Q7: Which of following is not an attribute of <form> tag?

a None

b Action

c Method

d name

e url

f None

Q8: Kubernetes is written in?

a Java spring framework

b C++

c Python

d Go

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: What is the most common type of container runtime used in Kubernetes??

a lxd

b rkt

c Docker

The correct Answer is: None

e containerd

The correct Answer is: None

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