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LEARNING CULTURE 3rd of ESO luismiguel.rojas@colegioliceoconsul.


#1 Quarantine Questions
We had discussed these questions verbally in the online class session now answer them
in complete written sentences.

1. How are you feeling during this quarantine?

2. What do you do to prevent being bored?

3. What habit(s) have you started, or broken, during the quarantine?

4. What has been the easiest part about the quarantine?

5. Which specific place in your neighborhood/city are you most looking

forward to visiting once this is all over?

6. What’s something that you miss that surprises you? What’s something
that you don’t miss that surprises you?

7. Which member of your family/ friend group have you been thinking
about the most during this time? Why?

8. What do you hope we all learn or take away from this experience?

9. How is learning online/at home different than learning at school? And

how are they similar? Do you prefer to study at home or at school?

#2 YouTube Video Questions

Life in Quarantine

1. What do I do to prevent being bored?

2. What habits have I started?

3. Where am I looking forward to going once the quarantine is over?

4. Who am I looking forward to see once the quarantine is over?

5. Which family members have I been thinking about?

6. What do I hope we all take away from this experience?

7. What’s my opinion and experience teaching and learning online?

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