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Watch the suggested TED talk online. Create an outline or a mind-map of the speaker’s lecture, using

Only what you were able to understand from the video. Then ask yourself the following questions:

1. How many time did you have to watch the video for me to understand its content ? If you had
View it more than once, why? Once

2. Can I summarize the speaker’s lecture in a paragraph of written text? Why or why not? Yes
because I’ve watched the video and listen to the speaker lecture

3. At any point in the lecture, did the speaker say anything that made me doubt the
Trustworthiness of what he/she said? No

4. If I had difficulties in extracting information from the speaker’s lecture, what are the chances of
Students doing the same thing? Does this exercise change how I will evaluate the suitability of
Online content for my classes? Maybe ask the students of their opinions on what did they think
on the speaker lecture

Summary of the video:

My summary of the video the lecture of the speaker talks about our ability to focus is very little and why
is that? It is because our mind is overstimulated on our gadgets and we can’t focus on our ability to work
on one thing. Our brain is little distracted to focus because of smartphones. Why does that our brain
can’t focus? it’s because of the pleasure of being little distracted. We get what they called dopamine it is
the pleasure of our brain by getting little distracted or being happy our brain released dopamine to
ensure our focus is only by getting ourselves distracted or being happy.

How can we help out our selves to focus on other things? We can do that by limiting the usage of our
smartphones in a week or 2 weeks so the brain can rest from being overstimulated on our smartphones.
What will happen after you stop using your smartphones after 2 weeks? Well after limiting ourselves
from using smartphones for 2 weeks we can rediscover what they called boredom like not using our
smartphones. We can past the time by distracting ourselves on our surrounding like on day 1 watching
the clock day 2 count the zeros on the pi day 5 call air canada. After that we can notice our attention
span will be expanded we can focus more effortlessly because we aren’t surrounded by fewer
distractions because our mind is so stimulated it did not seek the distraction in the first place.
This is his favorite quote from J.R.R. Tolkien “not all those who wander are lost “ it is the same to our
focus or with regard to our attention if you think back to your best, most brilliant ideas strike you, you’re
rarely focused on something. If we let our attention rest it can only go to three main places, we think
about the past, we think about the present, and we think about the future. We think less on our past but
the present we think about it more productive place to wander, here’s the thing we think more about
our future than our past and present why is that it’s because like when we take our bath we will think
what will happen in that day.

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