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PRE-TEST OF UCSP quarter 1 of module 1

1. What is the primary focus of anthropology? a) Economic systems b)

Human societies and cultures c) Political ideologies d) Historical events

2. Which of the following is a key concept in sociology? a) Paleontology b)

Social structure c) Linguistics d) Archaeology

3. Political science is concerned with the study of: a) Ancient civilizations b)

Human behavior in social groups c) Political institutions and power d) Cultural

4. The study of kinship, rituals, and customs falls under which discipline?
a) Sociology b) Anthropology c) Political Science d) Psychology

5. Emile Durkheim is a significant figure in which field of study? a)

Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) History

6. What is the main focus of political science? a) Cultural diversity b)

Government and political systems c) Social inequality d) Family structures

7. Which discipline examines the impact of economic systems on

societies? a) Sociology b) Anthropology c) Political Science d) Economics

8. The study of power dynamics, authority, and governance is central to:

a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Psychology

9. What is the primary concern of cultural anthropology? a) Human

evolution b) The study of societies and cultures c) Political revolutions d)
Economic theories

10. Max Weber is known for his contributions to which discipline? a)

Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Archaeology

11. The concept of social inequality is most closely associated with: a)

Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Linguistics
12. Which discipline explores the relationships between individuals and
their environments? a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d)

13. The study of human societies and cultures in the past through
material remains is: a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Archaeology d) Political

14. What is the focus of comparative politics within political science? a)

Studying political theories b) Analyzing political systems across different
societies c) Exploring individual behavior d) Investigating cultural practices

15. Which discipline investigates social structures and their impact on

individuals? a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Economics

16. The concept of 'social contract' is often associated with the writings
of: a) Karl Marx b) John Locke c) Max Weber d) Emile Durkheim

17. What does a political scientist study when focusing on international

relations? a) Interpersonal relationships b) Power dynamics between countries
c) Cultural traditions d) Family structures

18. The examination of the role of symbols and language in shaping

societies is a key aspect of: a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science
d) Linguistics

19. The study of human evolution and biological diversity is a part of: a)
Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Biology

20. Which discipline is concerned with the distribution of resources in

society? a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Economics

21. The concept of 'socialization' is central to the field of: a) Anthropology

b) Sociology c) Political Science d) Psychology
22. What does a sociologist study when examining social institutions? a)
Economic systems b) Political ideologies c) Family structures, education, and
religion d) Historical events

23. The analysis of power relationships in society is a primary focus of: a)

Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d) History

24. Which discipline explores the impact of economic structures on

human behavior? a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science d)

25. The study of citizenship, government structures, and political

participation is central to: a) Anthropology b) Sociology c) Political Science
d) Geography


1. b) Human societies and cultures

2. b) Social structure
3. c) Political institutions and power
4. b) Anthropology
5. b) Sociology
6. b) Government and political systems
7. a) Sociology
8. c) Political Science
9. b) The study of societies and cultures
10.c) Political Science
11.b) Sociology
12.a) Anthropology
13.c) Archaeology
14.b) Analyzing political systems across different societies
15.b) Sociology
16.b) John Locke
17.b) Power dynamics between countries
18.a) Anthropology
19.a) Anthropology
20.d) Economics
21.b) Sociology
22.c) Family structures, education, and religion
23.c) Political Science
24.a) Anthropology
25.c) Political Science

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