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Understanding Culture,

Society and Politics

Levy P. Coronel
Course Overview:

Week 1 : Discuss the nature, goals, and perspectives in/of

Week 2: Analyze the concept, aspects, and changes in/of culture
and society
Week 3: Explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining
culture and society
Week 4: Analyze the significance of cultural understanding, social,
political and economic symbols and practices.
Expected Outputs:
Written works - 40%
Performance Tasks - 60%
 Deadlines or submission of outputs
 Class Participation
 Accomplish the given activities in the Learning Activity Sheets
Week 1: Nature, Goals and Perspectives in
Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science
Arrange the letters to form the term being defined in each number:

 study of human
 study of prehistoric culture
Arrange the letters to form the term being defined in each

 study of the state and government.
 study of society
5. COYHUMGEANOL (2 words)
 study of the human population
Nature, Goals and Perspectives in Anthropology,
Sociology and Political Science
The study of human’s past and present is Anthropology.
Anthropology’s goal is to describe and explain human variation or the
observed similarities and differences in people through time and across space.

Sociology deals with the study of society and social interactions taking place.
It also deals with the origin, evolution, and development of human society.

Political science is a social science discipline deals with the study of the state
and government. It is concerned about politics and policies o the government.
Relationships between sociology, anthropology,
and political science


society, culture,
and politics
SOCIOLOGY interrelated to
one another?
Areas of sociology:
1. Social Organization
2. Social Psychology
3. Social Change
4. Social Organization and Disorganization
5. Human Ecology
6. Population
7. Sociological Theory and Method
The Major Branches of Anthropology
1. Cultural Anthropology
2. Physical Anthropology
3. Archaeology
4. Linguistic Anthropology
5. Applied Anthropology
Major Provisions of Political Science
1. Political Theory
2. Comparative Politics
3. Public Administration
4. International Relations
5. Law
6. Political Methodology
a. Social Psychology
b. Cultural Anthropology
c. Linguistic Anthropology
d. Public Law
e. Political Theory
f. Sociology
g. Society
h. Population
i. History
j. Genetics
Keep Safe
God Bless!!

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