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I have been recently trying a new leisure activity, rollerblading.

Although I am a lazy person and I don't

really get into physical activities. I have been finding myself enjoying a lot of aspects in this new activity.

What really impressed me about it is that it makes you feel limitless, as you can increase your speed, and
therefore feel like you are flying. It is not really demanding, and the activity goes further than just doing
exercise, so if you are a person who hates working out, I would highly recommend you to try it. It is also
a really good method of losing weight in a fun way and a mean of transport, mostly when you are with

However, not everything is so nice about it. It requires a lot of balance, which means any rough
movement could mean falling and making serious damage. It could be really expensive for some people,
as it requires to buy equipment and not precisally cheap. In my personal experience, I have fallen some
times, and it is really annoying. Not as hurtful as other sports, but still dangerous in some measure.

A lot of people would say its dull, as it is always the same, but when you get to the point of having the
capacity of move freely, you have the oportunity to learn tricks. Difficult and extremely fun movements
that require practising them and learning new skills. So, no, it is absolutely not always the same.

In conclusion, rollerblading is a really good experience. I would recommend it especially to people who
hate sport and although it has some problems. You should give it a try.

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