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All ears

To cross one's fingers

To beat around the bush

A piece of cake

To feel under the weather

Take it easy

Go round in circles

To sleep on it

To be broke

To know it like the back of one's hand

Once in a blue moon

Out of the blue

As easy as a duck soup

The cream of the crop

An early bird

A cock and bull story

It's raining cats and dogs

To create a storm in a teacup

That rings me a bell

We are in deep water

As good as gold

To spill the beans

To get cold feet

Icing on the cake

I worked my fingers to the bone

It's not my cup of tea

Seize the day

To belong somewhere

Don't judge a book by its cover

To kill two birds with one stone

Expression ou proverbe?


Like father, like son

When pigs fly

Tit for tat

Better late than never

The early bird catches the worm

To put the cart before the horse

You cannot have your cake and eat it

Les expressions courtes de la langue anglaise


I can't believe it !

Never mind !

It's up to you !
Keep cool !

See you soon !

Break a leg !

So far so good !

Pull yourself together !

Speak of the devil !

My foot !

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