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That is why it is not our Archipelago are surrounded by water the are subject to the following events of

the given are in which one is not a threat of being an archipelago so that is the 1107 is that it be Ok so
letter a beatrix and anybody ok so many of your classmates marcosa 1108 no 11:00 na kita kaganina yes
mag-start ko sa 11:00 that's what i meant ok alright so many say a Erosion is not a what is this is not a
threat letter a job letter c annika also letter a to let me just check that for you so it's not erosion do we
even talked about that when there is erosion it would cost sales so it will affect the water supply right so
the correct answer there is letter d ok ok moving on number 11 this mountain range serves as the
eastern wall of luzon that protect the island from tropical cyclones that originate from the pacific ocean
ok i got hit and run ok so i c letter c from those who are What is correct Next Coordinates in the given
coordinates What does the body one 24.6 212 degrees is correct for the three numbers as a street
number letter 11 11 11 11 will start with letter b b b b b b b b b b b b b b next number 13 Alright so nag-
record nga posisyon class what is the correct answer for this short poems in the Philippines that was the
answer Manuel near the original answer letter to see its cold Yes it is charcoal classes after they broke
All right to basic gaya ng ulo rin yung gibasihan springwood Alright so full concert as mentioned earlier
by beatrix is the word aside from the color there a side program is also Carmen okay last 2 questions
number 14 what is the estimated coordinate of Iloilo for a while i Iloilo I will show you on a bigger
picture 4.13 Iloilo Take A Look in a study data one more thing Iloilo according to Dr Jeremiah letter b 3
answer Girls Where are you That's why I only saw a few girl striping their answer as well expand all
rights reserved Okay coordinates of Iloilo estimated Let us Go back to the Powerpoint presentation So
here plus up to when you infer When There is a bike galing How do you okay get to your Witcher 3 the
math class just a special girl that you cannot see anymore the lines about dengue case study the one we
love them saying this is it and this is said and done in between lines chapter 1 morning River example
this is it This is the name so mini kung Mao ni ang 1000 niya 11 Saudi answer there that has an Eleven
North is Absolutely wrong or right now another what to do if it is more than 10 So you are sure that it's
more than 10 but not 11 because of it did not reach this line Okay another thing that you have to look at
the source the long in word slide over here is 124 If Not of course 124 as you see here in the dotted lines
in Swift 4 124 so obviously It also that never a right time wala man ang long you should hear it says 124
and you so already that it should not be 124 Like So for those of you who answered letter B is correct
Princess akong cancer Puerto Princesa question diba Iloilo o Ira na Clyde Chesca Okay This is the last
question already Facebook founder of Jollibee Limketkai gateway to the choices I will show you a bigger
image of this one okay variable What is the North of Jollibee Jeremiah answered already and it letters
and Kean and Clyde run and gun and Anna is that Alright Thank you very much for your answers Let us
all of you answered letter c universiti north of Jollibee and you are always Thank you very much ok so
This is our review for the Philippine archipelago class again take note that in some question here there
or Identification lang meaning of questions that are ang mga pang identify I love you are only as for the
term brightening foam There Will Be reading apps All Rise for the Philippine archipelago tomorrow we
will have another set of review word WALL E hapon 70 90 17 7am for the poster making again for the
poster making you ask Sir Brix for that if you have submitted successfully or not Because I know i don't
have an access to his presentation or use ano classcards the rights of disaster bring any other question
oki raka di rin Natalya local name of drawing are like a digital tshirt Wag ka na din kasi tong feature
writing about science month that it should rise above the the one that the one that have problems that
we have now beautiful yes poster

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