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 Hobby
- To find sth + adj: thấy cái gì/ai đó như thế nào
- +) I find it quite interesting to collect stamps and coins
- She’s interested in playing football
- Tobe fond of doing sth
- Head home: về nhà
- Commute to school/work: đi lm ( theo 1 tuyến đường cố định khác vs go)
- Scroll on social media/ Scroll on : lướt (facebook, ins,…)
- Be a couch potato: lười biếng, xem đt cả ngày
- Go for a work = to take a walk/a stroll: Đi dạo
- Do grocery shopping: đi chợ ( mua đồ ăn, thực phẩm,…) = buy groceries
- Hang out with friends
- Hit the gym
- Do sefl-care
- Go window shopping
- Clean up the house
- Stream a movie: xem phim
- Stream: theo dõi / stream the news/ stream a football / stream music
- Do laundry: giặt ủi,..
- Attend lectures: tham dự bài giảng
- Attend: tham dự
- To have lunch = grab lunch: ăn trưa
- Grab a bite for lunch: ăn trưa vội vàng
- Grab a cup of coffee: mua nhanh 1 cốc cà phê
- Grab: chộp lấy/ túm lấy
- (to) Head to = (to) go to ( văn nói )
- (to) hang out = (to) go out
 What do you often do in your free time?
- Hit the gym: improve your health condition/ enlarge my friend cirle
- Because = since = as
- Relax= it is a way release stress (
- Expand my knowlege in different areas: mở rộng kiến thức nhiều lĩnh vực
khác nhau
- Bond (n): sự thân thiết
- Strengthen the bond : gắn kết hơn
- Keep in touch with ….: giữ liên lạc
- I hang out with friends so that i keep in touch with them and strengthen the
bond among us
- Scroll on social media: update the news and keep in touch with/share our
daily life
- Go window shopping: watch my budget/spending = save money/ earn a
satisfying income (As a student, i have to watch my budget and i believe….)
- Tránh dùng money
- Roller-skating: trượt patin
- Fufil=satisfying
- Appeals to = attracts
Appealing = interesting
Express: thể hiện
Expression: sự thể hiện
Self-expression: thể hiện bản thân
Make a decision/make a firm decision:
Make a choice/make a living/make a chance
Meet: thoả mãn
Standars: tiêu chuẩn
Meet the standars: đjat tiêu chuẩn
Meet a goal: đạt đc
Meet the deadline: cố gắng
Miss an opportunity/miss a chance
Play a role
Put a pressure on
Set a goal: tạo ra/khởi đầu
Take an opportunity/take a chance
Everyday = on a daily basic
Everyweek = on a weekly basic
Somtimes = once in a while/every now and then/ from time to time
 What do you often do with your friends/family?

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