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Unit 34

What is Khae doing?

- She’s cleaning her living room because it’s very dirty/messy/untidy. Her apartment is a mess.
- She’s cleaning up her apartment. She’s doing the cleaning.

Phrasal verbs:
- cleaning up / tidying up / straightening up
- there are things all over the floor - clothes, shoes, and papers
- she needs to wash her clothes / do the laundry
- she needs to throw the papers away
- throw out/away = put something in the garbage/bin
- look up = search for and find a piece of information in a book or database.
make social contact with someone, "he would look her up when he was in the area"
- look up = (of a situation) improve, "things seemed to be looking up at last"
- look after = take care of
- look for = 1. to search (look up a word, etc…) or hunt for. 2. to expect; anticipate.

How often do your friends come over to your house?

- It depends on the week, say once a week. They come over once a week.
- come over = to go to someone’s house
- come (a) round (British) = come over

When do you do the cleaning at home?

- I clean on Sunday mornings

What chores/cleaning do you do?

- chores = tasks in housework
- I like doing the dusting and tidying up the kids’ room
- I wash the dishes / I do the dishes
- I put the clothes in the washing machine / hang [up/out) the laundry/clothes to dry
- I vacuum/hoover the floors (with a vacuum cleaner)
- I mop the floor with a mop
- I sweep the floor with a broom

What’s your favourite activity to do at home?

- spending time with my kids
- I walk our dog / take our dog for a walk
- listen to music, reads novels, watch series/movies

What are they doing?

They’re playing video games
He’s doing the laundry
- to fold the laundry
- to hang up the laundry
He’s deciding to choose if the shirt goes with the tie
- He’s choosing his clothes / He’s picking out his clothes
- He’s looking at himself in the mirror
- He’s getting dressed = put on clothes
- get undressed = take off clothes
He’s cooking some vegetables in a wok/ frying pan on the stove
- stir-fry with soy sauce
He’s lying on the couch / lie down / take a rest / he’s resting
- to fall asleep on the couch
She’s fixing/repairing a TV
She’s cleaning the floor/mopping the floor
- a dry mop / a microfiber mop / bucket with water for a wet mop
He’s watching TV

Vocabulary: activities outside of the home

- doing or watching sports with the public
- you can see a play at a theatre
- going to a concert
- going to an art gallery
- going to a museum
- visiting the natural history museum
- taking a tour around the science museum
- go sightseeing

PRESENT PERFECT HAVE/HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE An unfinished action/situation.

It started in the past and that has an influence on the present.

- Over the last 2 hours I’ve done some preparation for a 4 o’clock meeting = you will still have more
work to do
- Time periods that aren’t finished: today, this week/month/year, recently, etc…
- Today I have worked on my presentation = TODAY is not finished
- I haven’t checked my presentation yet = encore
- So far, I have not met our new customer
- Experiences we’ve had at some point in our life: Have you ever… (in all your life up to now)

PAST SIMPLE to Regular verbs D or ED or Irregular verbs Finished action/situation

- Yesterday my wife and our neighbour went shopping in Lyon (you generally says WHEN)
- During the whole day they shopped around the mall.
- Today I worked on my presentation = TODAY is finished, it’s now the evening

Have you ever…?

Have you ever watched a reality TV show?
- Short answer: Yes, I have / No, I haven’t
Yes, I did WHEN I was young – a finished situation
- Which reality TV shows have you seen/watched? (present perfect)
- When was the last time you watched a reality TV show? (simple past)
Have you ever met a celebrity?
- Yes, I have.
- Which celebrity/Who did you met?
Have you ever visited a TV studio?
- No, I haven’t / I have never
Have you ever seen a football game at the stadium?
Have you ever been on TV?
- No, I haven’t yet.
Have you ever played video games?
- Yes, I have played

Using more verbs say - ‘Have you ever…?’ Yes / No, I’ve never
Be, Go, Write, Fly, Win, Drive, Break, Play, Be late/early, Speak, Taste, Do something, Drink, Be
married, Visit, Travel, Eat, Take, Tell something, Ask, Ride, Fight, Sleep, Dream, Buy, Fall, Swim,
Spend, Say something

BEEN (TO) & GONE (TO) in Present Perfect Sentences

‘Where’s Thomas?’ ‘He’s gone to Paris’ (He’s there now.)
Laurine’s gone swimming. She’ll be back at 6pm.
I’ve been to New Zealand lots of times (and come back) but I’ve never been to Australia.

Vocab: stunt => dangerous and difficult action that someone does to entertain people, especially as
part of a movie.

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