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Online Game as Addiction among Senior High School Students



According to Denbert 2016, video game addiction is described as animpulse control disorder, which simil
ar to pathological gambling. Video gameaddiction has also been referred to us video game overuse, path
ological orcompulsive excessive use of computer or video game.Now a day more and more people are st
arting to use the internet atthe same time online game have become more extremely popular amongthe
young of our generation thus leading to the proliferation of online gameaddiction on global plot form (lo
va state university 2011) according to thenew research, online game has become the most addictive inte
rnet activitiestoday. (Wan and chiu 2016). Base on establishes researchers, the thesis isinterested in disc
over the reason behind why young people started onlinegames as well how playing such game effects d
aily life and activity of them.Computer games have a popular leisure activity among children andadolesc
ent in recent year. In fact, based on popularity alone online gamegames a large share on favorite vote a
mong young people than physicalactivity such as ice hocking, and football combined. There are many be
nefitsof the internet as it not only act as an entertainment tool, but also animportant professional resou
rce for work and communication as well. As education however, despite those inherent advantages, thei
nternet also has its draw backs. Although the internet could be veryproductive i can have drastically opp
osing effects from some people whoplay online games the internet act as an enabler


The study was intended to determine the senior high school ofSouthern City Colleges in analyzing the ad
diction of online games.Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing video gamesamong senior high school students

2.How to control the addiction of Senior High School Student in playingvideo games?

3.How these video games affect the study of Senior High?


Due to the limited resources of the researchers, the study wasdelimited in terms of the variablesused an
d numbers of the respondents andthe instrument used. There were 100 respondent students in Senior
HighSchool Department 50 from the girls and 50 from the boys


This study was intended to determine the Senior High School in Videogames addiction. Used by the Seni
or High School Students of Southern CityColleges. This result of the said study would be beneficial for th
e schooladministration, student and future researchers


This chapter presents the related literature and studies in relation tothe variable involved in the

Study. It also strengthens the theoretical andconceptual framework of this study.


There are five aspects of internet addiction noted by Shaw andBlack (2008): Cyber sexual addiction, cybe
rrelational addiction, netcompulsions, information overload, and computer addiction. The mainsubtype
we will be looking at is computer addiction, as it is described as “Many computers come equipped with
preprogrammed games and peoplebecome addicted to playing them at the cost of work performance or
familyobligations. There is a lot of controversy over the overlap of devices ingaming, which has resulted i
n an ambiguous definition for computer gamesand computer game addiction.For instance, a game that
was made for a video game console nowhas an internet version, a computer game has moved onto the t
ablet,gambling has also moved to the internet, etc. We will extend their definitionto include all compute
r games playable on a web-enabled device that is not. a videogame console, as computer games are recr
eational activities thatare meant to be enjoyed, and outside of educational games have littleproductive v
alue. The following are in depth examinations of computer
gameaddiction symptoms as studied by researchers as well as real life-examples.Addiction has only rece
ntly gained volume due to the rise of computergaming in the past two decades as well as the availability
of computers tothe general public. Assessments for Problematic Gambling are often used tocreate tests
for Computer/Internet Addiction due to similarities betweenthe two; both are behavioral based addictio
n. For instance, Thomas andMartin (2010) note that their assessment for computer game and Internet

addiction were adapted from pathological gambling as “no empirically testedmeasure for behavior addic
tion was available in 2004 at the time of datacollection.Bonald 2010 The addicted gamer often isolates h
im/herself fromothers, ignores more important responsibilities, and is often obsessed withobtaining hig
her status / rankings / achievements in his/her favoritecomputer game. According to the DSM-IV (the cu
rrent manual for classifyingemotional, psychological, and mental disorders) no. Although there havebee
n calls from some mental health professionals (and parents) to recognizecomputer game addiction as a "
real" disorder, it has not been granted officialdiagnostic status. As more research on the effects of exces
sive gaming isconducted, many believe that it is only a matter of time before computergame addiction is
classified as a compulsive behavior similar to gamblingaddiction.Diao (2003) everyone needs to express t
heir feelings and though. Assuch, when a person cannot express himself or herself adequately he or she
may get depress. Therefore one way to release this depression or pressurewould be though playing onli
ne game, which enables gamers to chat or playwith other friends and players on the internet.Another ex
planation of why young people become addicted to theinternet was proposed in that they were trying t
o avoid societal pressure.Some young people are naturally too shy to talk to strangers face to face inreal
ity, but when surfing the internet or playing online games, they can bewhoever they want to be. As, suc
h they can chat with the people, onlinewithout feeling of the regular social pressure that come with phy
sicalmeeting.Rutger (2014) The Benefits of playing video games, video games arecontrolled training regi
mens delivered highly motivating behavioral contextsbecause behavioral changes arise from brain chang
es and the performanceimprovements are paralleled by enduring physical and functionalneurological re

Teenagers react towards frustration and stresses for exampleproblematic gamers will indeed show off
emotions like anger, depression andfrustration.But it’s not all bad, problematic gamer can show positive
emotions depending on the outcome of the game. This seems particularlyproblematic because those tee
nagers who play online games excessively arelikely to develop a healthy lifestyle because they are const
antly playingonline games instead of occupying themselves with school, friends andfamily.Therefore, th
eir psychosocial development may be significantlyimpaired. The consistent blocking out of and passive c
oping with stressfulexperiences is a strategy that may be successful in the short-term. However,from a l
ong-term perspective, it may not work quite as well and could havedeadly consequences. In this case, it
appears more likely that once newstressors appear, teenagers continue to use escapist and media-
focusedcoping mechanisms


Ivy Shiue (2010) in herself and environment exposure to drinking,smoking, gambling or video games add
iction are associated with adulthypertension, heart and cerebrovascular diseases, allergy, self-rated heal
thand happiness.
In the Psychological effects of videogames on young people: A reviewby Lavinia McLean and Mark Griffi
ths (2013), the study sought to determine(a) the role and impact of video games in the lives of young pe
ople within atechnological society, and how this impact can occur (b) The exposure ofyoung people to vi
olent video games may viewed within the context of riskfactors for the development of aggression and a
s such an understanding ofthe research within this area

Another explanation of why young people become addicted to theinternet was proposed in that they w
ere trying to avoid societal pressure.Some young people are naturally too shy to talk to strangers face to
face inreality, but when surfing the internet or playing online games, they can bewhoever they want to b
e. As, such they can chat with the people, onlinewithout feeling of the regular social pressure that come
with physical meeting

This type of research is fraught with problems and criticism. Stated thecomputers have become a part of
man’s life. Almost all the things around us weremade by computers with the aid of modern machines. A
ssociated with the computersis the internet where we can find online games. Online game has a big imp
act tochildren especially to teenagers. They tend to be hook by the computer. On the otherhand, online
gamers can also benefit on playing online games. A great variety of formshave been developed and put i
nto practice to enhance learning, offer solace, to driveaway boredom, and/or to persuade players to ado
pt certain actions and opinions. The game play improve various thinking skills but that it can also boostc
ognitive speed for those who play action games and can also improve cognitiveaccuracy for players who
solve puzzle and strategy games

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