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I. Characters
1. Charles Calvin

2. General Hubert Galeforce

3. Sven Svensson
4. Topbot
5. Other Toppat members
II. Dialogues

Charles: Hey, General!

General Hubert: Ah, perfect timing, boys.

Been waiting for you to get here.

Let me just get right to it. (Lemme = Let me)

We’ve discovered that the remainders of the Toppat clan heve been
seen building some kind of rocket.

They’ve been gathering their remaining members and supplies here in

the jungle.

If they’re able to get this station into orbit, they’ll be impossible for us to
take down.

Now I know you don’t owe us anything, Henry. But we could really use
your help on this one.

Help us out with this one, and you’d be- We’d be owing you a big-Big
old favor. (biggol = big old)

Now you and Charlie have worked well together in the past…so we
figured you’d be the perfect men for this operation.

Charles: What do you say, Henry?

You can count on us, General.


General Hubert: Now we’re really putting all our potatoes in one sack
on this one. So don’t let us down, boys.

Charles: Hey I know-uhh we just started and all, but-uhh I think I’m
getting targeted by a SAM Turret?

Yeah, oh? Yeah…

If you just go ahead and-uhh…deal with that?

Choices appear

Charles: I don’t really know what you did, but-uhh it seemed to have
done the trick! Nice!

Sven: The rocket will be launching very soon…

Please get onboard immediately.

I will not hesitate to leave you behind!

Charles: Oh, we really got to get you in there. (gotta = got to/have got
to, getchu = get you)

I should be able to get you in there with this:

Choices appear

Charles: Alright, Henry-uhh, go ahead and grab on to the…the thing…

And then I’ll…helicopter you across.

Other Toppat member: Oh. What do you think of the new leader?

Charles: Oh man…Looks like every member of the Toppat clan is on

Soo…Looking at a schematic here… (Lookin’= Looking)

Umm, if you get to the engine room, you can shut down the engine…

And then uh… the rocket won’t be able to take off…

And then…they’ll all be stuck in here.

So I’ll cause a distraction while you make a run for it to the engine
room, got it?

Choices appear

Charles: Alright I know they have one of this aboard, I think I can
remote hack into it.

Topbot: *sing* Yes. Look at me. I am the dancing robot.

Oh yeah. Check me out.

Keep looking over here.

Do not get distracted by other things.

Charles: Yeah just-uhh keep heading up those stairs and you’ll hit that
engine room in no time.

I guess this rocket has an internal engine room?

It probably like manages the…electronics? Or something?

I don’t know. I’m not a rocket doctor.

Anyways. Do your things, buddy!

Choices appear

Sven: Seems like we’re having some problems with the engine.
Can we get the crew to look at that?!

Other Toppat members

Toppat 1: Ehh, shouldn’t we be helping with the engine?

Toppat 2: Nahh, they’re sending someone from the storage. (Nah = No)

Charles: Nice. Disabling that engine is definitely going to buy you some
extra time. (gonna = going to)

Now, here’s what I’m thinking: If you can get up to the cockpit…

You can gain control of the rocket, disable it, and lock everyone inside.

Then I’ll call in the reinforcements and w-heh…we’ll make these arrests

Pretty good plan, right?

Choices appear

Other Toppat member: Oof. Whaa? (What?)

Charles: Cockpit is coming up. You should be able to gain complete

control of the rocket from there.

Sven: Did you fix the engine?

Whaaa? Hold it right there!

Wait a minute. I know you.

You’re the guy that arrested the airship division…

And now you’re here to bring down the rest of us?

Charles: Henry? Are you in trouble?

If you’re in trouble, say flanksteak.

(Charles and Sven say at the same time, but Charles’s voice is louder
than Sven’s)

Charles: No wait, if you’re in trouble say nothing.

Sven: I didn’t even want this job…

Charles: Agh, I can’t tell.

Sven: but someone had to step up!

Charles: Oh, actually I can see you from here…

Sven: Do you know how hard is it to…

Charles: Yeah, it looks pretty bad.

Sven: pick up someone else’s project?

(Same volume)

Sven: Let alone the rocket?

Charles: I got you back, buddy! (gotcha = got you)

Choices appear
Sven: The old leaders left details for this plan, and I had to di-aaah!

Okay, then. Let’s-Ugghn!

Charles: You did it! Now you just got to lock it up!

Charles: Alright, time to call in the reinforcements!

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