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a crossing
a. Directions
b. Directions
c. Directions
d. uma travessia

Answer: D

2. a crossroads
a. Directions
b. Directions
c. Directions
d. um cruzamento

Answer: D

3. a distance
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. a dist�ncia

Answer: D

4. a distance, a remoteness
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. um afastamento

Answer: D

5. a horizontal
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. a horizontal

Answer: D

6. a level
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. um n�vel

Answer: D

7. a location
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. a localiza��o

Answer: D

8. a pace, a look (2)

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. um aspeto, a apar�ncia

Answer: D

9. a roundabout
a. Directions
b. Directions
c. Directions
d. a rotunda

Answer: D

10. a route
a. Directions
b. Directions
c. Directions
d. um trajeto

Answer: D

11. a vertical
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. a vertical

Answer: D

12. above, at the top of (2)

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. no topo, acima, na parte superior de

Answer: D

13. against
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. contra

Answer: D

14. along
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. ao longo de

Answer: D

15. among
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. entre
Answer: D

16. anywhere
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. em qualquer lugar

Answer: D

17. apart (2)

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. � parte, separadamente

Answer: D

18. aside (2)

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. de lado, afastado

Answer: D

19. at the end of

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. ao fim de

Answer: D

20. beyond
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. al�m

Answer: D

21. downstairs (2)

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. em baixo, no piso t�rreo

Answer: D

22. elsewhere
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. em outro lugar

Answer: D

23. eyes wide open

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. uns olhos hem abertos

Answer: D

24. far away, far-off

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. distante

Answer: D

25. forward
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. a frente

Answer: D

26. here and there

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. aqui e ali

Answer: D

27. in the middle

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. no meio

Answer: D

28. indoor (2)

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. na sala, dentro

Answer: D

29. lower
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. inferior

Answer: D

30. near, close

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. perto

Answer: D

31. next to
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. junto de

Answer: D

32. off the beaten track

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. fora dos circuitos habituais

Answer: D

33. on both sides

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. de ambos os lados

Answer: D

34. on either side

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. de cada lado

Answer: D

35. opposite
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. do outro lado

Answer: D

36. outside of
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. fora de

Answer: D

37. over there

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. l�

Answer: D
38. remote
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. remotamente

Answer: D

39. side by side

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. lado a lado

Answer: D

40. straight
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. direito

Answer: D

41. superior
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. superior

Answer: D

42. through
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. atrav�s

Answer: D

43. to take a look at

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. de uma olhada em

Answer: D

44. up and down

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. de cima baixa

Answer: D

45. up to, as far as, until

a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. ate

Answer: D

46. vertically
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. verticalmente

Answer: D

47. where?
a. directions
b. directions
c. directions
d. onde?

Answer: D

48. a course of a hurricane

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma trajet�ria de um furac�o

Answer: D

49. a dehydration
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma desidrata��o

Answer: D

50. a disaster relief

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma assist�ncia as v�timas de cat�strofes

Answer: D

51. a drinking water

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma �gua pot�vel

Answer: D

52. a famine
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma fome
Answer: D

53. a food supply

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. um abastecimento

Answer: D

54. a fundraising
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma angaria��o de fundos

Answer: D

55. a humanitarian aid

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma ajuda humanit�ria

Answer: D

56. a medication
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uns medicamentos

Answer: D

57. a panic
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. um p�nico

Answer: D

58. a rubble
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uns escombros

Answer: D

59. an epicenter
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. um epicentro

Answer: D
60. an epidemic
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma epidemia

Answer: D

61. an extent
a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma amplitude

Answer: D

62. an extent of damage

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uma dimens�o dos danos

Answer: D

63. an eye of the cyclone

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. um olho do ciclone

Answer: D

64. damages (2)

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. uns danos, umas indemniza��es

Answer: D

65. property losses

a. Disasters
b. Disasters
c. Disasters
d. umas perdas materiais

Answer: D

66. a bad mark

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma mal nota

Answer: D

67. a bad pupil

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um mau aluno

Answer: D

68. a ball point pen

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma esferogr�fica

Answer: D

69. a bank manager

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um diretor de banco

Answer: D

70. a bell
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um sino

Answer: D

71. a biology
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. a biologia

Answer: D

72. a boarding school

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um internato

Answer: D

73. a book
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um livro

Answer: D

74. a break, recess (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma pausa, uma recrea��o
Answer: D

75. a bully
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um bruto

Answer: D

76. a calculus
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um c�lculo

Answer: D

77. a canteen
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma cantina

Answer: D

78. a chemistry
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma qu�mica

Answer: D

79. a circumference
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma circunfer�ncia

Answer: D

80. a class, a course (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma classe, um curso

Answer: D

81. a classroom
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sala de aula

Answer: D

82. a college of further education

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um col�gio de ensino superior

Answer: D

83. a comprehensive school

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um estabelecimento de ensino geral

Answer: D

84. a conference, a lecture

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma conferencia

Answer: D

85. a conjugation
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma conjuga��o

Answer: D

86. a continuous assessment

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma avalia��o continua

Answer: D

87. a credit
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um cr�dito

Answer: D

88. a curriculum
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um programa escolar (de estudos)

Answer: D

89. a dean
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um decano da faculdade

Answer: D

90. a department
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um departamento

Answer: D

91. a desk
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um escrit�rio

Answer: D

92. a detention (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma deten��o, uma hora de castigo

Answer: D

93. a diameter
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um di�metro

Answer: D

94. a dictionary
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um dicion�rio

Answer: D

95. a diploma
i. Education
ii. Education
iii. Education
iv. um diploma

Answer: D

96. a discipline
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma disciplina

Answer: D
97. a division
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma divis�o

Answer: D

98. a dormitory
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um dormit�rio

Answer: D

99. a double period

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um duplo per�odo

Answer: D

100. a drama
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um drama

Answer: D

101. a drawing paper

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um papel de desenho

Answer: D

102. a finance
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma financia

Answer: D

103. a flow
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um caudal

Answer: D

104. a footnote
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma nota de rodap�

Answer: D

105. a fountain pen

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma caneta de tinta

Answer: D

106. a French teacher

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um professor de franc�s

Answer: D

107. a freshman
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um estudante de primeiro ano

Answer: D

108. a gap year

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um ano sab�tico

Answer: D

109. a geography
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma geografia

Answer: D

110. a geometry
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma geometria

Answer: D

111. a gold bar

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma barra de ouro
Answer: D

112. a good pupil

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um bom aluno

Answer: D

113. a grade
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um grau

Answer: D

114. a graduate student

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um estudante licenciado

Answer: D

115. a grammatical rule

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma regra gramatical

Answer: D

116. a gym
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um gin�sio

Answer: D

117. a kindergarten
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um jardim de inf�ncia

Answer: D

118. a lecture hall

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sala de conferencias

Answer: D
119. a left page / other side
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma p�gina esquerda / outro lado

Answer: D

120. a lesson
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma li��o

Answer: D

121. a library (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma biblioteca, uma livraria

Answer: D

122. a line
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma linha

Answer: D

123. a literature
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma literatura

Answer: D

124. a loan
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um empr�stimo

Answer: D

125. a locker
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um cacifo

Answer: D

126. a mark, a grade, a note

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma nota

Answer: D

127. a marker pen

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma caneta marcadora

Answer: D

128. a marker, a highlighter

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um marcador

Answer: D

129. a master's degree

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um mestrado

Answer: D

130. a math class

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma aula de matem�tica

Answer: D

131. a medicine
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma medicina

Answer: D

132. a mistake
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um erro

Answer: D

133. a multiplication
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma multiplica��o
Answer: D

134. a nursery school

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma escola pr�-prim�ria

Answer: D

135. a paint brush

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um pincel

Answer: D

136. a pass mark

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma m�dia

Answer: D

137. a pen
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma caneta

Answer: D

138. a pencil
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um l�pis

Answer: D

139. a pencil case

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma caixa de l�pis

Answer: D

140. a period
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um per�odo

Answer: D

141. a PhD
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um doutoramento

Answer: D

142. a physical education

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma educa��o f�sica

Answer: D

143. a playground (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um recreio

Answer: D

144. a post-graduate student

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um estudante de p�s-gradua��o

Answer: D

145. a practice exam

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um exame branco

Answer: D

146. a presentation, a project (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma exposi��o, uma apresenta��o

Answer: D

147. a press
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma imprensa

Answer: D

148. a principal's office

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um gabinete do diretor (do diretor)

Answer: D

149. a private course

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um curso particular

Answer: D

150. a private school

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma escola privada

Answer: D

151. a problem
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um problema

Answer: D

152. a project
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um projeto

Answer: D

153. a public school

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma escola publica

Answer: D

154. a publication
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma publica��o

Answer: D

155. a question
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma pergunta

Answer: D
156. a radius (of a circle)
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um raio

Answer: D

157. a rate (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. a taxa, a tarifa

Answer: D

158. a registration room

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sala de inscri��o

Answer: D

159. a religious education

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma educa��o religiosa

Answer: D

160. a result
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um resultado

Answer: D

161. a reviewer, a proofreader

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um revisor

Answer: D

162. a salary
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um tratamento

Answer: D

163. a school bag

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um saco de escola

Answer: D

164. a school friend

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um amigo da escola

Answer: D

165. a school pupil

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um aluno

Answer: D

166. a school record

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um registo escolar

Answer: D

167. a school report

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um relat�rio da escola

Answer: D

168. a school trip

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma viagem escolar

Answer: D

169. a science
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma ci�ncia

Answer: D

170. a secondary school

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma escola secundaria
Answer: D

171. a secured credit

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um empr�stimo garantido

Answer: D

172. a sociology
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sociologia

Answer: D

173. a sophomore
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um estudante no segundo ano

Answer: D

174. a spelling
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma ortografia

Answer: D

175. a staff room

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sala do pessoal

Answer: D

176. a student
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um estudante

Answer: D

177. a students� union

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma uni�o de estudantes

Answer: D
178. a subject
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um assunto uma mat�ria

Answer: D

179. a subscriber
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um assinante

Answer: D

180. a subscription
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma subscri��o

Answer: D

181. a substitute teacher

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um professor suplente

Answer: D

182. a subtraction
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma subtra��o

Answer: D

183. a sum
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma soma

Answer: D

184. a surface
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma superf�cie

Answer: D

185. a teacher's desk

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um gabinete do professor

Answer: D

186. a teacher's lounge

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sala dos professores

Answer: D

187. a technical college

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um col�gio t�cnico

Answer: D

188. a term
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um termo

Answer: D

189. a term deposit

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um deposito a prazo

Answer: D

190. a test
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um teste, um exame

Answer: D

191. a text book

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um manual escolar

Answer: D

192. a thesis
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma tese
Answer: D

193. a translation
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma tradu��o

Answer: D

194. a tutor
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um tutor

Answer: D

195. a tutorial
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um tutorial

Answer: D

196. a typo, error

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma gralha

Answer: D

197. a university
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma universidade

Answer: D

198. a volume
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um volume

Answer: D

199. a white board

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um quadro branco

Answer: D

200. a workbook
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um livro de trabalho

Answer: D

201. a workload
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma carga de trabalho

Answer: D

202. a writing
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma escrita

Answer: D

203. a written test (paper)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um teste escrito

Answer: D

204. a yard
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma corte

Answer: D

205. algebra
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. a �lgebra

Answer: D

206. an absentee
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um absentista

Answer: D

207. an addition
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma adi��o

Answer: D

208. an answer
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma resposta

Answer: D

209. an arithmetic
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. a aritm�tica

Answer: D

210. an art
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. a arte

Answer: D

211. an assembly hall

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma sala de reuni�es

Answer: D

212. an ATM machine

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma m�quina de venda autom�tica

Answer: D

213. an elementary school (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma escola primaria, uma escola elementar

Answer: D

214. an elementary school teacher

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um professor da escola primaria

Answer: D
215. an equation
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma equa��o

Answer: D

216. an essay
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma disserta��o

Answer: D

217. an examination
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um exame

Answer: D

218. an examiner
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um examinador

Answer: D

219. an exercise
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um exerc�cio

Answer: D

220. an exercise book

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um caderno de exerc�cios

Answer: D

221. an oral test

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma prova oral

Answer: D

222. an overdraft
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um descoberto

Answer: D

223. an overhead projector

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. um retroprojetor

Answer: D

224. ancient civilizations

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. umas civiliza��es antigas

Answer: D

225. business studies

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uns estudos de comercio

Answer: D

226. financial markets

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uns mercados financeiros

Answer: D

227. from cover to cover

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma capa para a capa

Answer: D

228. grammar
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. uma gram�tica

Answer: D

229. languages
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. umas l�nguas
Answer: D

230. modem languages

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. umas l�nguas modernas

Answer: D

231. monetary (2)

a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. moment�neo, provis�rio

Answer: D

232. readers
a. Education
b. Education
c. Education
d. leitores

Answer: D

233. a bouquet
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um bouquet

Answer: D

234. a bride
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma noiva

Answer: D

235. a brother
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um irm�o

Answer: D

236. a brother-in-law
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um cunhado

Answer: D
237. a caress
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um(a) caricia

Answer: D

238. a child
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma crian�a

Answer: D

239. a compliment
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um elogio

Answer: D

240. a costume of the groom

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um fato do noivo

Answer: D

241. a couple
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um casal

Answer: D

242. a cousin
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um primo

Answer: D

243. a declaration of love

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma declara��o de amor

Answer: D

244. a family member

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um membro da fam�lia

Answer: D

245. a father
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um pai

Answer: D

246. a father-in-law
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um sogro

Answer: D

247. a first love

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um primeiro amor

Answer: D

248. a friendship
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma amizade

Answer: D

249. a girl
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma rapariga

Answer: D

250. a girlfriend
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma namorada

Answer: D

251. a godchild
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um afilhado
Answer: D

252. a goddaughter
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma afilhada

Answer: D

253. a godfather
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um padrinho

Answer: D

254. a godmother
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma madrinha

Answer: D

255. a granddaughter
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma neta

Answer: D

256. a grandfather
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um av�

Answer: D

257. a grandmother
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma av�

Answer: D

258. a grandson
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um neto

Answer: D

259. a great grandmother

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. a bisav�

Answer: D

260. a great-grandfather
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma trisav�

Answer: D

261. a groom
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um noivo

Answer: D

262. a guest
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um convidado

Answer: D

263. a half-brother
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um meio-irm�o

Answer: D

264. a half-sister
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma meia-irm�

Answer: D

265. a harmony
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma harmonia

Answer: D

266. a honeymoon trip

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma viagem de n�pcias

Answer: D

267. a husband
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um marido

Answer: D

268. a kiss
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um beijo

Answer: D

269. a love
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um amor

Answer: D

270. a maid of honor

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma dama de honor

Answer: D

271. a marriage
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um casamento

Answer: D

272. a mother
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma m�e

Answer: D

273. a mother-in-law
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma madrasta

Answer: D
274. a nephew
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um sobrinho

Answer: D

275. a niece
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma sobrinha

Answer: D

276. a passion (2)

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma paix�o, entusiasmo

Answer: D

277. a ring
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um anel

Answer: D

278. a sister
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma irm�

Answer: D

279. a son
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um filho

Answer: D

280. a son-in-law
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um genro

Answer: D

281. a speech
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um discurso

Answer: D

282. a step sister

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. acunhada

Answer: D

283. a step-father
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um padrasto

Answer: D

284. a stepson
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um enteado

Answer: D

285. a surprise
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma surpresa

Answer: D

286. a twin
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um g�meo

Answer: D

287. a wedding dress

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um vestido de noiva

Answer: D

288. a wife (2)

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma mulher, uma esposa
Answer: D

289. a witness
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma testemunha

Answer: D

290. an adopted
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um adaptado

Answer: D

291. an aperitif
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um aperitivo

Answer: D

292. an aunt
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uma tia

Answer: D

293. an embrace
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um abra�o

Answer: D

294. an uncle
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um tio

Answer: D

295. darling, ma Cherie (2)

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. querida, minha querida

Answer: D
296. engagement
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. noivado

Answer: D

297. flowers
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. umas flores

Answer: D

298. newlyweds
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uns rec�m-casados

Answer: D

299. parents
a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. uns pais

Answer: D

300. valentine's day

a. Family
b. Family
c. Family
d. um dia dos namorados

Answer: D

301. a climate
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um clima

Answer: D

302. a coastline
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um litoral

Answer: D

303. a continent
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um continente

Answer: D

304. a glacier
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um glaciar

Answer: D

305. a hill
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma colina

Answer: D

306. a hot spring

a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma fonte quente

Answer: D

307. a jungle
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma selva

Answer: D

308. a lagoon
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma lagoa

Answer: D

309. a lake, a pond

a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um Iago

Answer: D

310. a landscape
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma paisagem
Answer: D

311. a landslide
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um deslizamento de terras

Answer: D

312. a map
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um cart�o

Answer: D

313. a meadow
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um prado

Answer: D

314. a mountain
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma montanha

Answer: D

315. a natural disaster

a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma cat�strofe natural

Answer: D

316. a nature
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. a natureza

Answer: D

317. a peninsula
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma pen�nsula

Answer: D

318. a plain
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma plan�cie

Answer: D

319. a pollution
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. a polui��o

Answer: D

320. a precipice
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um precip�cio

Answer: D

321. a ravine
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma ravina

Answer: D

322. a river
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um curso de �gua

Answer: D

323. a rock, stone

a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma pedra

Answer: D

324. a sea
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um mar

Answer: D

325. a stream
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um riacho

Answer: D

326. a swamp
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um p�ntano

Answer: D

327. a top of the mountain

a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um topo da montanha

Answer: D

328. a tray
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um tabuleiro

Answer: D

329. a valley
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um vale

Answer: D

330. a volcano
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um vulc�o

Answer: D

331. a waterfall
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma casca uma cascata

Answer: D

332. altitude
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. a altitude

Answer: D
333. an abyss
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um abismo

Answer: D

334. an archipelago
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um arquip�lago

Answer: D

335. an earthquake
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um sismo

Answer: D

336. an embankment
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um talude

Answer: D

337. an escarpment
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma escarpa

Answer: D

338. an estuary
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um estu�rio

Answer: D

339. an island
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. uma ilha

Answer: D

340. an oasis
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um o�sis

Answer: D

341. an ocean
a. Geography
b. Geography
c. Geography
d. um oceano

Answer: D

342. a communism
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um comunismo

Answer: D

343. a heritage
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um patrim�nio

Answer: D

344. a literary
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma liter�ria

Answer: D

345. a population
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma popula��o

Answer: D

346. a prehistory
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma pr�-hist�ria

Answer: D

347. a prince
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um pr�ncipe
Answer: D

348. a princess
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma princesa

Answer: D

349. a prospecting
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma prospe��o

Answer: D

350. a queen
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma rainha

Answer: D

351. a reflection
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um reflexo

Answer: D

352. a reign
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um reinado

Answer: D

353. a relationship
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma rela��o

Answer: D

354. a religion
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma religi�o

Answer: D
355. a report
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um relat�rio

Answer: D

356. a representation
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma representar�o

Answer: D

357. a revolution
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma revolu��o

Answer: D

358. a roman empire

a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um imp�rio romano

Answer: D

359. a saga
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma saga

Answer: D

360. a settlement
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um regulamento

Answer: D

361. a specialist
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um especialista

Answer: D

362. a story
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma hist�ria

Answer: D

363. a study
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um estudo

Answer: D

364. a sword
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma espada

Answer: D

365. a testimony
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um testemunho

Answer: D

366. a theology
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma teologia

Answer: D

367. a trace
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um rasto

Answer: D

368. a tradition
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma tradi��o

Answer: D

369. a vestige
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um vest�gio
Answer: D

370. an advent
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um advento

Answer: D

371. an adventure
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma aventura

Answer: D

372. an amphitheater
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um anfiteatro

Answer: D

373. an ancestor
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um antepassado

Answer: D

374. an anthropology
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma antropologia

Answer: D

375. an epic
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. um �pico

Answer: D

376. an investigation, a research

a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uma investiga��o

Answer: D

377. pyramids
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. umas pir�mides

Answer: D

378. romans
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uns romanos

Answer: D

379. ruins
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. umas ru�nas

Answer: D

380. temples
a. History
b. History
c. History
d. uns templos

Answer: D

381. a backyard (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um curso, um quintal

Answer: D

382. a baking soda

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um bicarbonato de s�dio

Answer: D

383. a balcony
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma varanda

Answer: D

384. a banner, a shelf

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um estandarte

Answer: D

385. a bath mat

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um tapete de banho

Answer: D

386. a bathroom scale

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma balan�a de pesagem

Answer: D

387. a bathroom sink

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um lavat�rio

Answer: D

388. a bathroom sink (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma pia do banheiro, um lavat�rio

Answer: D

389. a bathroom, a rest room, toilets

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma casa de banho

Answer: D

390. a bathtub
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma banheira

Answer: D

391. a bed
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cama

Answer: D
392. a bedroom
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um quarto

Answer: D

393. a blanket
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cobertura, um cobertor

Answer: D

394. a bleach
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma lixivia

Answer: D

395. a blind
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma persiana

Answer: D

396. a broom
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma vassoura

Answer: D

397. a brush (hair, tooth)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma escova

Answer: D

398. a bubble bath

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um banho de espuma

Answer: D

399. a bucket
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um balde

Answer: D

400. a building (4)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um edif�cio, um pr�dio, um im�vel, uma constru��o

Answer: D

401. a can opener

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um abre-latas

Answer: D

402. a ceiling
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um limite m�ximo

Answer: D

403. a cellar / basement

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cave

Answer: D

404. a central heating

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um aquecimento central

Answer: D

405. a chair
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cadeira

Answer: D

406. a chest of drawers

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma c�moda
Answer: D

407. a cleanliness
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma limpeza

Answer: D

408. a cloth
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um pano

Answer: D

409. a comb
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um pente

Answer: D

410. a complexion
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma tez

Answer: D

411. a corridor
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um corredor

Answer: D

412. a cotton bud

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um cotonete

Answer: D

413. a curtain
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cortina

Answer: D
414. a cutlery
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uns talheres

Answer: D

415. a dental floss

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um fio dental

Answer: D

416. a deodorant
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um pouco de desodorizante

Answer: D

417. a deodorizer
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um ambientador

Answer: D

418. a dining room

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma sala de jantar

Answer: D

419. a dirt
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma sujidade, uma sujeira

Answer: D

420. a dishwasher
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma m�quina de lavar louca

Answer: D

421. a dishwasher product

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um produto para m�quinas de lavar louca

Answer: D

422. a dishwashing liquid

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um detergente para lou�a

Answer: D

423. a door
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma porta

Answer: D

424. a doormat, a carpet

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um tapete

Answer: D

425. a drawer
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma gaveta

Answer: D

426. a dust, a powder

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um p�

Answer: D

427. a face powder

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um p� facial

Answer: D

428. a facial treatment

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um tratamento facial
Answer: D

429. a fan
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma ventoinha

Answer: D

430. a feather duster

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um espanador

Answer: D

431. a fence
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma veda��o

Answer: D

432. a fireplace (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma chamin�, uma lareira

Answer: D

433. a first floor

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um primeiro andar

Answer: D

434. a floor, a ground

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um solo

Answer: D

435. a floor, a story

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um andar

Answer: D

436. a foundation
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma base para a cor do cabelo

Answer: D

437. a front yard

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma aula (em frente a casa)

Answer: D

438. a garage
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma garagem

Answer: D

439. a garden
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um jardim

Answer: D

440. a gate
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um portal

Answer: D

441. a ground floor

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um piso t�rreo

Answer: D

442. a hair conditioner

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um condicionador de cabelo

Answer: D

443. a hair dye

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma tintura de cabelo

Answer: D

444. a hairbrush
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma escova de cabelo

Answer: D

445. a hairdryer
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um secador de cabelo

Answer: D

446. a hallway
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um hall

Answer: D

447. a hanger
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um cabide

Answer: D

448. a heater
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um radiador

Answer: D

449. a house
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma casa

Answer: D

450. a household
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um agregado familiar

Answer: D
451. a household cart
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um carrinho de m�o

Answer: D

452. a kid�s room

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um quarto de crian�as

Answer: D

453. a kitchen
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cozinha

Answer: D

454. a kitchenware
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uns utens�lios de cozinha

Answer: D

455. a lamp
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um alampada

Answer: D

456. a landlord
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um propriet�rio

Answer: D

457. a laundry basket, a basket (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um cesto de roupa, uma cesta

Answer: D

458. a laundry powder

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um p� de detergente

Answer: D

459. a laundry room

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma lavandaria

Answer: D

460. a lawn
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um relvado

Answer: D

461. a letterbox
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma caixa de correio

Answer: D

462. a light switch

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um interruptor

Answer: D

463. a lightbulb
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma ampola

Answer: D

464. a linen, a laundry

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma roupa

Answer: D

465. a lip gloss

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um brilho labial
Answer: D

466. a lip liner

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um l�pis para os l�bios

Answer: D

467. a lipstick
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um pouco de batom

Answer: D

468. a liquid laundry

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um detergente l�quido

Answer: D

469. a living room

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma sala de estar

Answer: D

470. a lock
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma fechadura

Answer: D

471. a maintenance product

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um produto de manuten��o

Answer: D

472. a make-up
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma maquilhagem

Answer: D
473. a make-up kit
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um equipamento de maquilhagem

Answer: D

474. a make-up remover

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um desmaquilhante

Answer: D

475. a manicure
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma manicura

Answer: D

476. a mascara
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um r�mel

Answer: D

477. a mattress (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um colch�o, um m�vel

Answer: D

478. a medicine cabinet (cupboard)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um arm�rio dos medicamentos

Answer: D

479. a microfiber cloth

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um pano de microfibra

Answer: D

480. a mirror
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um espelho

Answer: D

481. a moisturizer
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um creme hidratante

Answer: D

482. a mouthwash
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um elixir bucal

Answer: D

483. a nail clipper

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um corta-unhas

Answer: D

484. a nail polish

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um verniz para as unhas

Answer: D

485. a nail polish remover

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma dissolvente

Answer: D

486. a paper towel

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma toalha

Answer: D

487. a parking
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um estacionamento
Answer: D

488. a pedicure
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma pedicura

Answer: D

489. a picture, painting, a blackboard

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um quadro

Answer: D

490. a pillow
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma almofada

Answer: D

491. a plate
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um prato

Answer: D

492. a quilt, a duvet

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um edred�o

Answer: D

493. a razor, a blade

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma lamina

Answer: D

494. a refrigerator
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um frigorifico

Answer: D

495. a roof
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um telhado

Answer: D

496. a room
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma sala

Answer: D

497. a second floor

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um segundo andar

Answer: D

498. a shampoo
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um champ�

Answer: D

499. a shaver
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma navalha

Answer: D

500. a shaving cream

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um creme de barbear

Answer: D

501. a sheet
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um len�ol

Answer: D

502. a shower
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um chuveiro, um duche um chuveiro

Answer: D

503. a shower gel

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um gel de banho

Answer: D

504. a sideboard
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um buffet

Answer: D

505. a soap
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um sab�o

Answer: D

506. a sofa bed

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um sof�

Answer: D

507. a softening
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um amaciador

Answer: D

508. a stain remover

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um tira-n�doas

Answer: D

509. a stair
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. umas escadas

Answer: D
510. a staircase
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma escada

Answer: D

511. a table
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma mesa

Answer: D

512. a tampon
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um tamp�o

Answer: D

513. a tan
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um bronzeado

Answer: D

514. a telephone
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um telefone

Answer: D

515. a television
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma televis�o

Answer: D

516. a tile
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma telha

Answer: D

517. a toilet
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uns lavabos

Answer: D

518. a toilet paper

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um papel higi�nico

Answer: D

519. a toilet table

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um arm�rio da casa de banho

Answer: D

520. a toothbrush
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma escova de dentes

Answer: D

521. a toothpaste
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma pasta de dentes

Answer: D

522. a towel
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma toalha (uma toalete)

Answer: D

523. a towel rack

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um toalheiro

Answer: D

524. a vacuum cleaner

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um aspirador
Answer: D

525. a vase
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um vaso

Answer: D

526. a wall
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma parede

Answer: D

527. a wallpaper
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um papel de parede

Answer: D

528. a wardrobe, a pantry

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um arm�rio

Answer: D

529. a washing machine

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma m�quina de lavar roupa

Answer: D

530. a waste, debris

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uns detritos

Answer: D

531. a wax (ear - bee)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma cera

Answer: D
532. a wax (hair removal)
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma depila��o

Answer: D

533. a white vinegar

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um vinagre branco

Answer: D

534. a window
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma janela

Answer: D

535. an aftershave (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um aftershave, p�s barba

Answer: D

536. an air condition

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um ar condicionado

Answer: D

537. an alarm clock

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um despertador

Answer: D

538. an alcohol to burn

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um �lcool de queimar

Answer: D

539. an anti-wrinkle
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um antirrugas

Answer: D

540. an armchair
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um ferro

Answer: D

541. an attic
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um s�t�o

Answer: D

542. an electric shaver

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma m�quina de barbear el�trica

Answer: D

543. an electric socket

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma tomada

Answer: D

544. an eyebrow pencil

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um l�pis com as sobrancelhas

Answer: D

545. an iron (2)

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um edif�cio, um ferro

Answer: D

546. beauty treatments

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uns cuidados de beleza
Answer: D

547. dishes
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma lou�a

Answer: D

548. eyeshadow
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma sombra para os olhos

Answer: D

549. furniture
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. umas persianas

Answer: D

550. housework, house tasks

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. umas tarefas dom�sticas

Answer: D

551. rubber gloves

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. umas luvas de borracha

Answer: D

552. sanitary napkin

a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uma toalha higi�nica

Answer: D

553. toiletries
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. uns acess�rios de toucador

Answer: D

554. tweezers
a. Home
b. Home
c. Home
d. um pin as para depilar

Answer: D

555. a polish, a grease

a. House
b. House
c. House
d. a graxa

Answer: D

556. an apartment
a. House
b. House
c. House
d. um apartamento

Answer: D

557. a baking sheet, a baking pan

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma assadeira

Answer: D

558. a baking tin

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma forma de assar

Answer: D

559. a baking tray

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um tabuleiro, uma assadeira

Answer: D

560. a basting brush

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma escova de rega

Answer: D

561. a blender (2)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um liquidificador, uma batedeira

Answer: D

562. a bottle, a carafe

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma garrafa

Answer: D

563. a bottle-opener
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um abridor de garrafas

Answer: D

564. a bowl
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma tigela

Answer: D

565. a bread knife

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma faca de p�o

Answer: D

566. a breadbasket
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma cesta de p�o

Answer: D

567. a butter dish

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um prato de manteiga

Answer: D

568. a carving knife

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma faca de escultura

Answer: D
569. a casserole
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma ca�arola

Answer: D

570. a cheese grater

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um ralador de queijo

Answer: D

571. a chopping board

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma tabua de cortar

Answer: D

572. a coffee maker

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma m�quina de caf�

Answer: D

573. a coffee pot

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um pote de caf�

Answer: D

574. a colander
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um coador

Answer: D

575. a cooker hood

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um fog�o capuz

Answer: D

576. a cooking-pot
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela de cozinha

Answer: D

577. a cooktop
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma placa de cozinha

Answer: D

578. a cooling rack

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma grelha de arrefecimento

Answer: D

579. a cork
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma rolha

Answer: D

580. a corkscrew
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um saca-rolhas um abre garrafa

Answer: D

581. a cup
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um copo

Answer: D

582. a cutting board

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma placa de corte

Answer: D

583. a decanter
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um decantador
Answer: D

584. a dessert spoon

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma colher de sobremesa

Answer: D

585. a dinner set

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um conjunto de jantar

Answer: D

586. a dish towel

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma toalha de prato

Answer: D

587. a faucet
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma torneira

Answer: D

588. a food processor

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um processador de alimentos

Answer: D

589. a food scale

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma escala alimentar

Answer: D

590. a fork
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um garfo

Answer: D
591. a freezer
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um congelador

Answer: D

592. a fridge-freezer
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um frigorifico-congelador

Answer: D

593. a fryer, a frying pan

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma fritadeira

Answer: D

594. a garlic press

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma prensa de alho

Answer: D

595. a gas cooker

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela de g�s

Answer: D

596. a grater
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um ralador

Answer: D

597. a grill pan

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela de grelha

Answer: D

598. a handle (2)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um identificador, um punhado

Answer: D

599. a honing, sharpening ceramic rod

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um polimento, uma haste de cer�mica afiar

Answer: D

600. a jar, a container, a flask

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um frasco

Answer: D

601. a kettle
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma chaleira

Answer: D

602. a kitchen apron

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um avental de cozinha

Answer: D

603. a kitchen sink

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma pia

Answer: D

604. a knife
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma faca

Answer: D

605. a ladle (or a soup ladle)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma concha (ou uma concha de so�o)
Answer: D

606. a lemon-squeezer
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um espremedor de lim�o

Answer: D

607. a lid
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma tampa

Answer: D

608. a measure
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma medida

Answer: D

609. a meat thermometer

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um term�metro de carne

Answer: D

610. a microwave (oven)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um micro-ondas (no forno)

Answer: D

611. a mixer
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma batedeira

Answer: D

612. a mortar and a wooden pestle

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um almofariz e um pil�o

Answer: D

613. a napkin a serviette of table (2)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um guardanapo, um guardanapo de mesa

Answer: D

614. a nutcracker
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um quebra-nozes

Answer: D

615. a peeler
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um descascador

Answer: D

616. a pepper grinder

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um moedor de pimenta

Answer: D

617. a pepper shaker

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um shaker de pimenta

Answer: D

618. a pie dish, a flan dish (2)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um prato de torta, um prato de flan

Answer: D

619. a pie or a cake pan

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela de torta ou de bolo

Answer: D

620. a pitcher
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um jarro

Answer: D

621. a pizza cutter

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um cortador de pizza

Answer: D

622. a pot
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um pote

Answer: D

623. a potato masher

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um pur� de batata

Answer: D

624. a pressure-cooker
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela de press�o

Answer: D

625. a roasting pan

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela de assar

Answer: D

626. a roller
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um rolo

Answer: D

627. a salad spinner

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma centrifugadora de saladas

Answer: D
628. a salt cellar
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma adega de sal

Answer: D

629. a scale
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma balan�a

Answer: D

630. a slow cooker

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um fog�o lento

Answer: D

631. a spoon
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma colher

Answer: D

632. a stewpan, a saucepan

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma panela

Answer: D

633. a stirring spoon

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma colher de agita��o

Answer: D

634. a stove
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um fog�o

Answer: D

635. a strainer (2)

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um coador, uma peneira

Answer: D

636. a table mat

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um tapete de mesa

Answer: D

637. a tablecloth
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma toalha de mesa

Answer: D

638. a tablespoon
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma colher de sopa

Answer: D

639. a teapot
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um bule de ch�

Answer: D

640. a teaspoon
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma colher de ch�

Answer: D

641. a timer
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um temporizador

Answer: D

642. an electric carving knife

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. uma faca el�trica escultura
Answer: D

643. an electric cooker

a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um fog�o el�trico

Answer: D

644. an oven
a. Kitchen
b. Kitchen
c. Kitchen
d. um forno

Answer: D

645. a badge
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um distintivo

Answer: D

646. a bank fraud

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma fraude bancaria

Answer: D

647. a baton
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um bast�o

Answer: D

648. a blackmail
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a chantagem

Answer: D

649. a blackmailer
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um chantagista

Answer: D
650. a blogger (2)
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um blogger, uma blogger

Answer: D

651. a body search

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma revista corporal

Answer: D

652. a bodyguard
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um guarda-costas

Answer: D

653. a bounty hunter

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ca�ador de pr�mios

Answer: D

654. a breach of trust

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um abuso de confian�a

Answer: D

655. a breathalyzer
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um bal�o

Answer: D

656. a bribe
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um suborno

Answer: D

657. a bulletproof vest

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um colete a prova de bala

Answer: D

658. a burglar
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ladr�o

Answer: D

659. a cell
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma cela

Answer: D

660. a censorship
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma censura

Answer: D

661. a certificate
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um certificado

Answer: D

662. a chairman the sitting

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um presidente a sess�o

Answer: D

663. a closing argument

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma alega��o

Answer: D

664. a clue
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ind�cio
Answer: D

665. a common law

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um direito comum

Answer: D

666. a compensation
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma indemniza��o

Answer: D

667. a complaint (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma reclama��o, uma queixa

Answer: D

668. a conspiracy
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma conspira��o

Answer: D

669. a convicted
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um condenado

Answer: D

670. a conviction
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma condena��o

Answer: D

671. a corruption
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a corrupi�o

Answer: D

672. a counterfeit
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a contrafa��o

Answer: D

673. a court decision

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma decis�o do tribunal

Answer: D

674. a court, a jurisdiction

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um tribunal

Answer: D

675. a courtroom
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma sala de audi�ncias

Answer: D

676. a crime
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um crime

Answer: D

677. a crime against humanity

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um crime contra a humanidade

Answer: D

678. a criminal defense counsel

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um advogado de defesa penal

Answer: D

679. a criminal law

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um direito penal

Answer: D

680. a criminal record

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um registo criminal

Answer: D

681. a criminality
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma criminalista

Answer: D

682. a cross-examination
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um contrainterrogat�rio

Answer: D

683. a crown
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um minist�rio publico

Answer: D

684. a cybercrime
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma cibercriminalidade

Answer: D

685. a death certificate

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma certid�o de �bito

Answer: D

686. a death penalty

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a pena de morte

Answer: D
687. a defamation
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a difama��o

Answer: D

688. a defamation
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma difama��o

Answer: D

689. a delinquency
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a delinqu�ncia

Answer: D

690. a department of justice

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um minist�rio da justi�a

Answer: D

691. a directive, instruction (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma diretiva, uma instru��o

Answer: D

692. a disability
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a invalidez

Answer: D

693. a discrimination
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a discrimina��o

Answer: D

694. a DNA
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ADN

Answer: D

695. a document of judicial procedure

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ato de processo judicial

Answer: D

696. a download
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um download

Answer: D

697. a drug dealer

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um traficante de droga

Answer: D

698. a drug trade

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um trafico de droga

Answer: D

699. a duty counsel

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um defensor publico

Answer: D

700. a faking, counterfeiting

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma contrafa��o

Answer: D

701. a false testimony

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um falso testemunho
Answer: D

702. a family violence

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma viol�ncia familiar

Answer: D

703. a femicide
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um feminic�dio

Answer: D

704. a final judgment

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma senten�a definitiva

Answer: D

705. a finding
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma constata��o

Answer: D

706. a flagrant offence

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um flagrante delito

Answer: D

707. a forced labor

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. os trabalhos forcados

Answer: D

708. a fraud
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma fraude

Answer: D
709. a gangster
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um gangster

Answer: D

710. a guardian
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um guarda

Answer: D

711. a gun
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma arma

Answer: D

712. a hearing
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma audi�ncia

Answer: D

713. a hijacker
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um sequestrador

Answer: D

714. a hijacking (of aircraft)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um desvio (de avi�o)

Answer: D

715. a hit and run

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um atropelamento e fuga

Answer: D

716. a homicide
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um homic�dio

Answer: D

717. a judgment
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um julgamento

Answer: D

718. a jurisprudence
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma jurisprud�ncia

Answer: D

719. a juror
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um jurado

Answer: D

720. a jury
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um j�ri

Answer: D

721. a kidnapper
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um raptor

Answer: D

722. a kidnapping
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um rapto

Answer: D

723. a lack of information

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma falta de informa��o
Answer: D

724. a law
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma lei

Answer: D

725. a law firm

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma firma de advogados

Answer: D

726. a legal action

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um processo judicial

Answer: D

727. a legal advisor

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um conselheiro jur�dico

Answer: D

728. a legal assistance

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma assist�ncia judiciaria

Answer: D

729. a legal obligation

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma obrigar�o jur�dica

Answer: D

730. a letter of request

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma carta rogat�ria

Answer: D

731. a location of the crime

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a cena do crime

Answer: D

732. a mafia
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a mafia

Answer: D

733. a magistrate
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um magistrado

Answer: D

734. a mandate, a warrant

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um mandado

Answer: D

735. a manslaughter
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um homic�dio involunt�rio

Answer: D

736. a medical examination

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um exame medico

Answer: D

737. a medical examiner (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um perito forense, medico legista

Answer: D

738. a medical expert

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um perito medico

Answer: D

739. a misappropriation of a minor

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um abuso de menores

Answer: D

740. a miscarriage of justice

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um erro judicial

Answer: D

741. a mistreatment, abuse (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. maus tratos, abusos

Answer: D

742. a moral obligation

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma obrigar�o moral

Answer: D

743. a murder, a murderer

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um assassinato

Answer: D

744. a narco-trafficker
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um traficante

Answer: D

745. a negligence
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma negligencia

Answer: D
746. a notice of hearing
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um an�ncio de audi�ncia

Answer: D

747. a patrol
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma patrulha

Answer: D

748. a pedophile
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ped�filo

Answer: D

749. a pedophilia
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a pedofilia

Answer: D

750. a penal institution

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um estabelecimento prisional

Answer: D

751. a perpetrator
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um malfeitor

Answer: D

752. a perpetrator of the offence

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um autor do crime

Answer: D

753. a physical assault

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma agress�o f�sica

Answer: D

754. a pickpocket
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um carteirista

Answer: D

755. a pirate
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um pirata

Answer: D

756. a poisoning
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um envenenamento

Answer: D

757. a police car

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um carro da pol�cia

Answer: D

758. a police force

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. umas for�as da ordem

Answer: D

759. a police raid

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma rusga a pol�cia

Answer: D

760. a police station

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma esquadra
Answer: D

761. a preliminary hearing

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a audi�ncia preliminar

Answer: D

762. a premeditation
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a premedita��o

Answer: D

763. a prison
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma pris�o

Answer: D

764. a procedural law

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um direito processual

Answer: D

765. a prostitution
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma prostitui��o

Answer: D

766. a punishment
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um castigo

Answer: D

767. a rape
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma viola��o

Answer: D
768. a rapist
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um violador

Answer: D

769. a recidivism
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma reincid�ncia

Answer: D

770. a registry of the court

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a secretaria do tribunal

Answer: D

771. a remission of sentence

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma redu��o da pena

Answer: D

772. a repeat offender

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um reincidente

Answer: D

773. a request for judgment

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um pedido de julgamento

Answer: D

774. a review
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma acusa��o

Answer: D

775. a reward, a bonus (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma recompensa, um premio

Answer: D

776. a riot
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um motim

Answer: D

777. a robbery
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um assalto, um furto

Answer: D

778. a secure access

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um acesso seguro

Answer: D

779. a senior lawyer

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um advogado s�nior

Answer: D

780. a sentence (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma pena, uma condena��o

Answer: D

781. a serial killer

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um assassino em serie

Answer: D

782. a sexual assault

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma agress�o sexual
Answer: D

783. a sexual harassment

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ass�dio sexual

Answer: D

784. a shooter
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um atirador

Answer: D

785. a shoplifter
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ladr�o de lojas

Answer: D

786. a shoplifting
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um roubo em lojas

Answer: D

787. a slander
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a calunia

Answer: D

788. a slavery
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a escravatura

Answer: D

789. a smuggler
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um contrabandista

Answer: D

790. a smuggling
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um contrabando

Answer: D

791. a statement
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um depoimento

Answer: D

792. a statement of defense

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a exposi��o da defesa

Answer: D

793. a stop
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma paragem

Answer: D

794. a surety
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma cau��o

Answer: D

795. a suspect
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um suspeito

Answer: D

796. a tear gas

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um g�s lacrimog�neo

Answer: D

797. a terrorism
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um terrorismo

Answer: D

798. a terrorist
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um terrorista

Answer: D

799. a threatening
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. amea�ador

Answer: D

800. a ticket (a fine)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma multa

Answer: D

801. a torture
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a tortura

Answer: D

802. a track
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma pista

Answer: D

803. a traffic officer

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um agente de tr�fego

Answer: D

804. a treason
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. trai��o

Answer: D
805. a trial
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um processo

Answer: D

806. a vandalism
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um vandalismo

Answer: D

807. a verdict
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um veredicto

Answer: D

808. a victim
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma v�tima

Answer: D

809. a white wedding

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um casamento branco

Answer: D

810. a written statement

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma declara��o escrita

Answer: D

811. acquitted
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. absolvido

Answer: D

812. aggravating circumstances

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. umas circunst�ncias agravantes

Answer: D

813. an accomplice
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um c�mplice

Answer: D

814. an accused
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um acusado

Answer: D

815. an acquittal
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma absolvi��o

Answer: D

816. an act
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ato

Answer: D

817. an adjournment
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um adiamento

Answer: D

818. an adultery
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um adult�rio

Answer: D

819. an agreement, a contract (3)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um acordo, um contrato, um conv�nio
Answer: D

820. an alarm
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um alarme

Answer: D

821. an alibi
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um alibi

Answer: D

822. an amnesty
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a amnistia

Answer: D

823. an annulment of the judgment

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a anula��o da senten�a

Answer: D

824. an appeal
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a chamada

Answer: D

825. an appeal in cassation

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um recurso de cassa��o

Answer: D

826. an appearance, an attendance

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma compar�ncia, uma apar�ncia

Answer: D
827. an arbitration
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma arbitragem

Answer: D

828. an armed attack

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ataque armado

Answer: D

829. an armed robbery

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um assalto a m�o armada

Answer: D

830. an armed thief

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um ladr�o armado

Answer: D

831. an arsonist
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um incendi�rio

Answer: D

832. an assault (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma agress�o, um assalto

Answer: D

833. an assessor, a consultant

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um assessor

Answer: D

834. an attacker, an assailant

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um agressor

Answer: D

835. an autopsy
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma aut�psia

Answer: D

836. an auxiliary of justice

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um auxiliar de justi�a

Answer: D

837. an electronic bracelet

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma pulseira eletr�nica

Answer: D

838. an espionage
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a espionagem

Answer: D

839. an expulsion
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma expuls�o

Answer: D

840. an identity check

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um controlo de identidade

Answer: D

841. an identity theft

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um roubo de identidade
Answer: D

842. an immunity
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma imunidade

Answer: D

843. an infanticide
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um infantic�dio

Answer: D

844. an inmate, a prisoner

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um prisioneiro

Answer: D

845. an insider trading

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um abuso de informa��o

Answer: D

846. an interrogation
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um interrogat�rio

Answer: D

847. an intrusion
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma intrus�o

Answer: D

848. an investigation (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um inqu�rito, uma investiga��o

Answer: D

849. an irregularity
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma irregularidade

Answer: D

850. an issue
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma quest�o

Answer: D

851. an offence
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma infra��o

Answer: D

852. an opposing lawyer

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um advogado advers�rio

Answer: D

853. an organized crime

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um crime organizado

Answer: D

854. an outlaw
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. um fora-da-lei

Answer: D

855. defamatory statements

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. umas afirma��es difamat�rias

Answer: D

856. fees
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uns honor�rios

Answer: D

857. fingerprints
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. umas impress�es digitais

Answer: D

858. formal evidence

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma prova formal

Answer: D

859. handcuffs
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. umas algemas

Answer: D

860. in absentia
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a revelia

Answer: D

861. in custody
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. sob cust�dia

Answer: D

862. judicial archives

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. os arquivos judiciais

Answer: D

863. law and justice

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. Direito e justi�a

Answer: D
864. legal fees
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uns honor�rios de advogado

Answer: D

865. obstruction of justice

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. obstru��o ajusti�a

Answer: D

866. of counterfeit currency

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. da moeda falsa

Answer: D

867. of handcuffs
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. das algemas

Answer: D

868. on bail, on parole, on probation

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. em liberdade condicional

Answer: D

869. one count, one charge (2)

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. uma acusa��o, uma acusa��o

Answer: D

870. parties
a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. umas partes

Answer: D

871. registry fees

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. a taxa de registo

Answer: D

872. support payments

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. pens�o de alimentos

Answer: D

873. under oath

a. Law
b. Law
c. Law
d. sob juramento

Answer: D

874. a baby
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um beb�

Answer: D

875. a baby bottle

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um biber�o

Answer: D

876. a baby diaper

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma fralda beb�

Answer: D

877. a bee hive

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma colmeia

Answer: D

878. a birth certificate

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma certid�o de nascimento
Answer: D

879. a boyfriend
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um namorado

Answer: D

880. a breakup, a separation (2)

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma rutura, uma separa��o

Answer: D

881. a cemetery
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um cemit�rio

Answer: D

882. a centenary, a centennial

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um centen�rio

Answer: D

883. a clothes moth

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma tra�a de roupa

Answer: D

884. a coffin
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um caix�o

Answer: D

885. a color
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma cor

Answer: D
886. a coral
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um coral

Answer: D

887. a coral reef

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um recife de coral

Answer: D

888. a cradle
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um ber�o

Answer: D

889. a dark, the darkness

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma escurid�o

Answer: D

890. a friend
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um amigo

Answer: D

891. a funeral
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um funeral

Answer: D

892. a golf
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um golfe

Answer: D

893. a grave, a tomb (2)

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um t�mulo, uma sepultura

Answer: D

894. a guide dog

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um c�o guia

Answer: D

895. a happiness
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. a felicidade

Answer: D

896. a host family

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma fam�lia de acolhimento

Answer: D

897. a job
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um trabalho

Answer: D

898. a kid
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um mi�do

Answer: D

899. a light
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma luz

Answer: D

900. a look
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um olhar
Answer: D

901. a lover
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um amante

Answer: D

902. a magnifying glass

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma lupa

Answer: D

903. a miscarriage
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um aborto

Answer: D

904. a mistress
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma amante

Answer: D

905. a newborn baby

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um rec�m-nascido

Answer: D

906. a night vision

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma vis�o noturna

Answer: D

907. a pensioner
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um reformado

Answer: D

908. a perfume
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um perfume

Answer: D

909. a piercing
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um piercing

Answer: D

910. a pregnancy test

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um teste de gravidez

Answer: D

911. a premature child

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um filho prematuro

Answer: D

912. a smell, an odor

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um cheiro

Answer: D

913. a smoke
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um fumo

Answer: D

914. a stench
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um fedor

Answer: D

915. a stroller
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um carrinho de bebe

Answer: D

916. a teenager
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um adolescente

Answer: D

917. a telescope
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um telesc�pio

Answer: D

918. a view, a panorama (2)

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. a vista, um panorama

Answer: D

919. a vision
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. a vis�o

Answer: D

920. a will
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um testamento

Answer: D

921. an adult
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um adulto

Answer: D

922. an aroma
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um aroma

Answer: D
923. an heir
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um herdeiro

Answer: D

924. an inheritance, an estate (2)

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma heran�a, uma sucess�o

Answer: D

925. an insect bite

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uma picada de inseto

Answer: D

926. an old people�s home

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. um lar

Answer: D

927. binoculars
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. umas g�meas

Answer: D

928. contact lenses

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. umas lentes de contacto

Answer: D

929. elderly people

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uns idosos

Answer: D

930. eye glasses

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uns �culos

Answer: D

931. five senses

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uns cinco sentidos

Answer: D

932. insect repellent (2)

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. anti inseto, anti mosquito

Answer: D

933. look at me (at this)

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. olha para mim (para isto)

Answer: D

934. polarized sunglasses

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uns �culos de sol polarizados

Answer: D

935. responsibilities
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. umas responsabilidades

Answer: D

936. smoky
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. com fumo

Answer: D

937. Stages of life

a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. Fases da vida
Answer: D

938. sunglasses
a. Life Style
b. Life Style
c. Life Style
d. uns �culos de sol

Answer: D

939. American
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. americano

Answer: D

940. Angolan
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. angolano

Answer: D

941. Argentine
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. argentina

Answer: D

942. Australian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. australiano

Answer: D

943. Austrian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. austr�aco

Answer: D

944. Belgian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. belga

Answer: D
945. Brazilian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. brasileiro

Answer: D

946. Canadian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. canadiano

Answer: D

947. Chinese
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. chines

Answer: D

948. Egyptian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. eg�pcio

Answer: D

949. English
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. ingl�s

Answer: D

950. French
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. franc�s

Answer: D

951. German
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. alem�o

Answer: D

952. Greek
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. grego

Answer: D

953. Indian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. indiano

Answer: D

954. Irish
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. irland�s

Answer: D

955. Israeli
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. israelita

Answer: D

956. Italian
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. italiano

Answer: D

957. Japanese
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. japon�s

Answer: D

958. Spanish
a. Nationalities
b. Nationalities
c. Nationalities
d. espanhol

Answer: D

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