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Holiday at My Grandparent’s House

I always spend my school’s holiday at my grandparents’ house. They live in a village that far
away from the city. Their house is surrounded by rice field. The holiday coincides with harvest
time, so everywhere you look, there is the green and golden color of their harvest. It is never
rainy every time I visit, so the weather is pretty warm, the sun shines, and the wind blows
nicely. My grandparents allow me to help them harvest their rice plant. I love doing it because
I can also play in the mud.

Not so far away from my grandparents’ house, there is a calm and shallow river. My father
used to play and swim in it when he was a kid. Now it’s my turn to enjoy the nature. I can
swim for hours because the water is warm. If you follow where the water comes from, you
will find a small waterfall. It is beautiful and not deep so you can safely play there and climb
up the stones. But you have to wear sandals so you don’t slip.

At night, you can see the stars very clearly. My grandfather says there are millions of them,
very bright and spread through the sky. It is a view that you can’t get in the city because there
are electrical lights everywhere on the road and tall buildings, it can prevent the starlight
comes through. I love coming to my grandparents’ house. I wish I could stay with them forever.

1. What is the title of the text?

2. Where is the writer spending her school’s holiday?
3. How is the weather at her grandparent’s house?
4. What is near her grandparent’s house?
5. How is the small waterfall?
6. What is the writer can see at night?

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