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*Traditional / Early soap manufacturing practice/ Ancient

(adj.) / follow a primitive method (adj.)

- the kettle process of making soap/ cauldron/ a large kettle/
a large round container
- Soap was made from a mixture/ concentrate (n.) / a
substance/a solution of …
- stored/ added/ mixed/ boiled- heated /be kept lukewarm>
go through the boiling stage

 Soap is made with industrial processes / The Continuous

- It involves
- Be splited into fatty acids and glycerin
- vertical column ,hydrolizer ;
- pumped into one end of the column
- water (added) at high temperature [130°C]). This splits the
fat into its two components/ The fatty acid and glycerin are
pumped out continuously when more fat and water enter.
Mixing: fatty acids are next mixed with alkali to form soap.
Cooling: The soap may be poured into / It may also be cooled
Milling and finishing
- cooled soap/ be fed through/ heavy rollers (mills)/ crush/
knead/ press
- Perfumes, fragrances /be incorporated into the soap mixture
/ be added to the soap mixture
- Be cut into bar size/ be stamped and wrapped.
 Differences
- Sources of ingredients: raw Animal fat / fat was obtained
from slaughter >< processed fatty acids.
- More industrial stages be involved/ be observed/ be seen in
modern soapmaking techniques
- Soap mixture kept lukewarm >< mixed liquid is cooled
- Similarities: basic components/ indispensable components :
fat and alkalis (take on different forms)

(high quality, comparisons embedded)
INTRO: diagram compares ? In general,
PAST: comparions
PRESENT: comparisons


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