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Take Home QUIZ – Lipoproteins

Name: ______________________________________________

1.) Define dyslipoproteinemia

2.) Describe the laboratory result of the LIPID Profile in dyslipoproteinemia.

3.) What lipid component serves as an indicator that there is presence of additional atherogenic non- HDL

4.) Name the cardiovascular risk factors which can accelerate the development of atherosclerosis.

5.) Give the lipid profile result of the two diseases associated with an elevated Apo B.

6.) What atherogenic remnants are associated with visceral abdominal obesity? Of overnutrition?
7.) What role is governed by CETP?

8.) Show the steps involved in the transformation of VLDL into small dense LDL as favored in obesity ( abdominal ).

9.) What are the hallmark features of atherogenic dyslipidemia as promoted by insulin resistance in association with

10.) What are the multifactoral forms of managing dyslipidemia/ dyslipoproteinemia as caused by overnutrition,
obesity and physical inactivity ?

11.) The traditional therapeutic means of reducing atherogenic burden is thru the evaluation of plasma lipid values.
However, cardiovascular problems are still encountered despite the normal results of the lipid profile tests. What
current advances in the management of atherogenic burden is now given attention? Support your answer.

12.) What do the following apoproteins on the LPP membrane imply for?

13.) What LPP is involved in the reverese cholesterol transport?

14.) What is the role of Apo C-II and C- III?

15.) In the non – HDL chole lineage, what is their common apoprotein?

16.) What are the exchangeable apoproteins?

17.) What are the Apo B remnants? What are their fates during lipid transport?

18.) Name the cholesterol – removing mechanisms performed by the Apo A1 – containing particle.

19.) What is the role of LCAT?

20.) Name the fates of HDL2 during lipid transport and utilization.

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