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Writing coursework, especially on a topic like the Reichstag Fire for GCSE History, can be a

challenging and time-consuming task. It requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and effective
synthesis of information. Here are some reasons why writing coursework can be difficult:

1. Research Complexity: The Reichstag Fire is a historical event that requires extensive
research to gather accurate and relevant information. Accessing primary and secondary
sources, analyzing different perspectives, and understanding the historical context can be
time-consuming and challenging.
2. Analytical Skills: Crafting a coursework piece involves not just summarizing information but
also critically analyzing and interpreting it. Developing strong analytical skills to assess the
impact of the Reichstag Fire and its historical significance is crucial.
3. Structured Writing: Organizing ideas coherently and presenting them in a well-structured
manner is essential for a coursework assignment. It requires planning, outlining, and ensuring
a logical flow of information throughout the document.
4. Time Management: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments
can be challenging. Meeting deadlines and managing time effectively is crucial to producing
a high-quality piece of work.

For those finding it challenging, seeking help from professional writing services can be a viable
option. One such service is ⇒ ⇔. They offer assistance in various academic tasks,
including coursework writing. However, it's important to approach such services cautiously and
ensure they adhere to ethical standards.

If you decide to use external assistance, make sure the service guarantees original and plagiarism-free
content. Additionally, always check reviews and testimonials to ensure the reliability and quality of
the service.

Remember, while external help can provide support, it is essential to develop your skills in research,
analysis, and writing for future academic success.
This is to make the people of Germany more convinced that the communists were the ones who
started the fire. After all, it was a happy occasion and Goering, being an important Nazi figure, could
not afford for allegations of this nature. This also increased the public opinion that the communists
were violent extremists and that they were not to be trusted in power, which once again benefited
Hitler as it caused a major blow to his only potential opposition. Indian Farmers' Protest 2020-2021:
Using a Food Security Lens to Conduct a Th. Hitler made promises workers jobs and employees
were promised restored profits, farmers higher prices; shopkeepers protection against competition.
All the examination resources and markschemes are subject to copyright but can easily be found on
the AQA website. However, we still could not trust both Sources H and I. However, it the message
was not that frank as Source I. The cover was propaganda for the people of Germany as a Nazi
wrote it. The Nazi propaganda further whipped up fear and hatred of the communists. This means
that historians could not fully trust the source. Hitler had only have 20.4% of the whole Reichstag
seats in the November 1932 elections. The right wing political leaders wanted Hitler to become
chancellor because they liked the idea of getting rid of the communists. So on 2 august 1934, weeks
after the night of long knives, President Hindenburg died. Therefore, his purpose was probably to
impress the judges to not have him being sent to jail. Usually people would just believe a primary
statement like this. The Cold War caused some sources to turn inaccurate. He had only 230 seats in
the July 1932 elections and he had 288 seats in the 1933 elections. Clearly, Source A is not a very
reliable source due to the circumstances Rudolf Diels was in. This and the extent of the damage
(shown in source J) to the Reichstag, was so great that it is difficult to believe his statement in source
B which says he acted alone. This makes Source J seem as if it supports the fact that the Nazis were
the masterminds. L2 The rise of the Nazis and the transformation of the Nazi Party. Hitler then
preceded to uses this as evidence that the communists were plotting against his government. It shows
that the propaganda could be used to have the communists party enabled in Germany again after it
was banned in March 1933. However, I think that it was not the most important of all the above
factors in gaining control. As a result, it created a warning to the citizens to watch out for the
communists. If Hitler managed to get rid of the communist party, which he did later on, then he’d
have more votes in the Reichstag and he is one step closer towards the fuhrer title. This could be
another propaganda made by the communists to make people think that Goering and other Nazis
planned the Fire. Actually, Hindenburg did not even want Hitler to be chancellor. The way in which
Hitler handled the crisis that the fire caused helped to secure the Nazi’s more votes for the March
Source E states the fact that Goering was the mastermind of the Reichstag Fire. Goebbels wanted
books about race, war and the Nazi movement. The Reichstag Fire On the 27th February 1933, the
Reichstag building was destroyed by a fire. The election results of November 1932 show that Hitler
has not managed to gain 50% of the Reichstag seats. Do sources E and G prove that Goering
(Source F) was telling lies. Also in the picture are bystanders, staring in awe at their government
building in smoke. How Did Hitler Establish A Dictatorship In Germany From. Hitler had the
support of the army, so they could keep control over the country; they also had the support of the
Bavarian sate government. Even though the information might be exaggerated, it is actually true.
Actually, Hindenburg did not even want Hitler to be chancellor. Goebbels, as head of propaganda,
had to ensure that Hitler won, as he would shoulder a lot of the blame if the Communists won the
elections. This gave Hitler a huge advantage over any other party and played a huge part in Germany
becoming a Nazi dictatorship. The Cold War caused some sources to turn inaccurate. He was found
half naked in a burning shirt running across the corridors of the building. Therefore, if only this
source was used, then everyone would have believed the communists started the fire. They realised
that it was there anti-Jewish message which had most appeal among the working classes and they
increased their anti-Jewish propaganda. Because the book shows that the communist is rising, it
backed up evidence for quote i. Please note that due to Bundle restrictions of 20 lessons, the free
resources (L1, L3, L6, L13, L25) need to be downloaded seperately. ?39.99 Bundle Germany 1890-
1945 Democracy and Dictatorship Bundle Part 2 This bundle is the second part in a series of lessons
I have created for AQA GCSE 9-1 Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship. However, the
Communists published this confession in 1934 after Ernst was killed in Night of the Long Knives, 30
June 1934. The Nazis would want him to admit the blame so that the party could ban the
communists. Propaganda was crucial to the Nazi’s attempts to gain complete control of Germany.
Hitler was a manipulative and clever man who covered up his actions carefully. But, if Diels tried to
be anti-Nazi, he would be mistrusted as well. To make matters worse the government actually raised
taxes to pay for looking after the increasing number of poor people; however they were not hit as
badly as their workers or farmers. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in
touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 22 April 2023 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share
through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Jess Weeks's Shop Not the right
resource. If they had planned the fire, they would have been ready to take appropriate action
afterwards, but here they weren’t, so suggests that statement i) is correct. Basically, Source H states
that the Nazi party had hoped to knock down the Communist party after the elections in order for
them to gain 50% of the Reichstag seats. For example, Source C was from a British magazine called
Punch. The fire was rumoured to have been started or encouraged by the fifth Roman Emperor, Nero,
who was in power at the time. There was the communist who Hitler viewed as enemies, there was
the social democrats that were supported by working class people who may not have liked Hitler’s
attacks on trade unions.
However, the Communists published this confession in 1934 after Ernst was killed in Night of the
Long Knives, 30 June 1934. One of the things that helped Nazis to control Germany was by radio,
they made radio’s affordable to everybody, so everyone was able to get access to one, but the only
stations they could listen to were German stations, which basically taught them what to do and say
and control them like robots. Therefore, the information is most likely propaganda and inaccurate.
Anyone who even whispered opposition to Hitler was arrested and tortured. The left-hand column
shows votes in millions and the right hand column shows the number of seats won by the party. Over
the next few slides you will see how he overcame each problem, and established complete political
control over Germany. 5. So, how did he become a dictator legally? 6. 7. 8. Consolidation of
Parliament: The Reichstag Fire 9. How Did Hitler Establish A Dictatorship In Germany From. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 3 December
2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through
facebook Share through pinterest Karlfenn23's Shop 3.64 11 reviews Not the right resource. To back
Source I up, Source J shows how badly destroyed the Reichstag building was. They come in PDF
and Powerpoint formats and can be amended and changed to suit. Diels also claimed that Lubbe had
confessed that he started smaller fires in Berlin. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure
quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this
resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Even if he did start the Reichstag
Fire, he would not reveal it to the judges unless he was tortured. In fact, Ernst might not even write
this source at all. This could be another propaganda made by the communists to make people think
that Goering and other Nazis planned the Fire. The resources all include suggested teaching
strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and come in PowerPoint format if there is a wish
to adapt and change. ?10.99 Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to
reflect your happiness. We can tell that he has gained more support through his election results. He
was also trying to cover up for he actually did. Source C shows that Hitler was thinking to become
dictator when the fire occurred. So therefore because in 1924 they were not gaining enough votes
they decided to reorganises the party. Clearly, Source I and J prove that the communist could not
have planned all of the fire by only using one man. We will need more evidence in order to determine
which is right. They planned to use Lubbe while the SA set the fire. BBC - GCSE Bitesize - How
Hitler consolidated power 1933-1934. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel
It's good to leave some feedback. Hitler also has a secret police who dealt with people who did not
conform to this new anti-communist viewpoint (the S.A). The secret police also meant that many
people would support Hitler for fear of beatings by the S.A, or for fear of their family. In the end,
Lubbe confessed that he set the fire but denied that he is part of the communist’s secret plan to
overthrow the Nazis. Includes resources for each lesson, exam questions, exemplar answers. Empty
reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel See more Report this resource to
let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Both sources show that the Nazis exploit the
The radical parties (Nazis and Communists) were getting the most votes after the many failures of
the Weimar government. They used technology to redouble their propaganda; Goebbels takes on
planes to fly Hitler all over Germany in order to speak to four or five massive rallies per day.
Obviously, there was not any image editing software back then, so the picture would not be false
information. A powerpoint and resource looking at the impact of the Reichstag Fire, and how it
helped Hitler to create his dictatorship. Another factor that would affect the two sources is because
it’s published in 1974. Other parties were very weak and they underestimated the Nazis. Please note
that due to Bundle restrictions of 20 lessons, the free resources (L1, L3, L6, L13, L25) need to be
downloaded seperately. ?39.99 Bundle Germany 1890-1945 Democracy and Dictatorship Bundle
Part 2 This bundle is the second part in a series of lessons I have created for AQA GCSE 9-1
Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship. Goering condemns these allegations as being
“ridiculous”; he says that General Halder’s suggestion- that he told a group of people at a dinner
party in 1943 he set fire to the Reichstag- is not true. However, it the message was not that frank as
Source I. The scroll in the hand of Hitler in source C says “Emergency Powers” suggesting the use
of the situation to Hitler’s benefit also. This also increased the public opinion that the communists
were violent extremists and that they were not to be trusted in power, which once again benefited
Hitler as it caused a major blow to his only potential opposition. Students work through activities,
such as sequencing and categorising the events before and after the fire, analysing evidence cards
and working through sources to draw their own conclusions before making a judgement. It was a
general strike that happened from the 5 th of January to January 20 th 1919. The military liked the
idea because Hitler said he would re-arm Germany and abolish the treaty of Versailles. If he was a
Communist, he would not have wanted to make it blatantly obvious. Therefore, he’d try to make
himself seem innocent but not too innocent. In source A8b Hitler was made chancellor because
people thought they could control him. Although, as I mentioned earlier, Source B could be
ambiguous and Source A contradicts itself so this cannot be entirely trusted. Source G may well be
telling the truth, and Goering may well have planned the fire, but let Ernst carry it out, but Source F
is bound to be biased, and Source G comes across to me as a clear lie, so neither can be called proof.
If he did, then the judges won’t believe him because they’ll know he must have altered the
information. The writer would have supported Hitler’s ideas and disliked the communists, so the
source has more than likely been written with a bias view. The Reichstag fire helped the Nazi's as the
following week it was the election and communist support decreased, meaning the nazis got over
50% of the votes which they wanted. Although, as I mentioned earlier, Source B could be
ambiguous and Source A contradicts itself so this cannot be entirely trusted. Moments after the Fire,
Lubbe was taken by the Gestapo for torturing. Although we could trust this source, Source J does
not give evidence whether the Nazis or the Communists planned the Fire. Source A12b tells us that
there were too many political parties fighting each other so again Hitler took advantage of the
situation as the Weimar governments were too weak and ineffective to pull Germany through the
depression. The election results of November 1932 show that Hitler has not managed to gain 50% of
the Reichstag seats. However over factories were important as well, such as the Nazis gained
economic success and reduced unemployment. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure
quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this
resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. It is suggesting the communists are to
blame and that it’s the beginning of a “nationalen Revolution”.
Both figures are dressed in Roman garments and a view of Rome burning is shown in the
background. Another point to remember is that this account was written after the Second World War,
at least 12 years after the Reichstag fire, so his memory of the event might have blurred a bit,
although he was the Head of Police and it is quite likely that he might have taken notes. If he did,
then the judges won’t believe him because they’ll know he must have altered the information. The
Nuremberg trials were held in the democratic part of Germany. It disapproved of some of the Nazi
leaders, also Hitler had used the SA to control the army, then he would have to go along with their
other demands, Hitler also didn’t agree with their anti-capitalist policies and working class aims.
Another thing was the Rohm the SA leader was a potential rival to Hitler. The rise of the nazis Adolf
Hitler was a soldier who fought in the German army during World war 1. The unreliable ones make it
seem more likely that the Nazis planned the fire out. This means that historians could not fully trust
the source. Hitler increased his share of the vote and thereby gave his party more power in
parliament. 10. The March 1933 Reichstag elections Although the Nazis didn’t have a majority, the
Nationalist Party joined forces with them. It would also give Hitler a good excuse to arrest the
Communists, paving the way for a Nazi landslide in the upcoming elections. However, the sources
are inaccurate and other contradicting evidence make it hard to decide whether or not the Nazis
planned the fire. If he seemed too innocent, then the judges won’t believe him. So, Hitler managed
to convince the Reich president, Hindenburg, to approve the set of emergency powers, by claiming
that the communists were planning to start a revolution, and so it was best to put these powers in to
place now before it was too late. Obviously, there was not any image editing software back then, so
the picture would not be false information. Just by putting fire to the heavy curtains or furniture,
then a big fire would come out. USSR and the communist party was seen as the enemy in this war.
Under streseman's rule, he stopped the printing of paper money and abolished the mark, replacing it
with a new currency called the Rentermark. Hitler needed the SA to put his policies into action, the
SA had fought with Hitler in the 1923 Munich putsch and in later fights against the communists,
they also had helped him come to power, they were committed to the Nazi. Just by putting fire to the
heavy curtains or furniture, then a big fire would come out. If he seemed too innocent, then the
judges won’t believe him. After all, it was a crucial time for politics and led to a great turning point
for both the Communist and Nazi Parties. It really nails the idea of doubt about who really started
the fire. So in source C, Hitler is possibly being compared to an opportunist, like Nero and it is
suggested that Hitler take advantage of the Reichstag fire to achieve his ambition to be Dictator.
Also, it seems very useful to the Communists that Ernst has just died, and therefore would not be
able to argue with the Communists or say that this is a lie. The Nazis would want him to admit the
blame so that the party could ban the communists. Hindenburg didn’t advised Hitler to use the
situation to become dictator. If the fire had been planned by the Nazis, you would have presumed
that would have also planned out what to do after the fire too, unless the Nazis planned to make it
look like it was unexpected. The information given is most likely slightly altered. That was only the
beginning of one of his great ideas. The Nazi party became very popular because they promised to try
and save Germany, and their appeal to the nation improved with hyperinflation.
Even if he did start the Reichstag Fire, he would not reveal it to the judges unless he was tortured.
However over factories were important as well, such as the Nazis gained economic success and
reduced unemployment. In the years following 1929, two parties benefited the most; the Nazis and
the communists. But then, judging without looking at the provenance, the source supports the fact
that Nazis were the masterminds. The ShutzStaffel were a very loyal version of the SA. He said, “I
can only repeat that I set fire to the Reichstag all by my self.” This shows that Source B does support
some of the points made in Source A. The enabling act allowed Hitler to pass any law he wanted.
The Reichstag fire helped the Nazi's as the following week it was the election and communist support
decreased, meaning the nazis got over 50% of the votes which they wanted. The Nazis had the
support of the industrialists, which the Nazis gained financial backing from big business. Gcse
history coursework reichstag fire - writinggroups75 web fc2 com. The way in which Hitler handled
the fire gained him a large amount of popularity and a certain amount of authority. That was only the
beginning of one of his great ideas. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's
good to leave some feedback. To what extent is the account of the police chief in Source A supported
by. Anyone who even whispered opposition to Hitler was arrested and tortured. So on 2 august 1934,
weeks after the night of long knives, President Hindenburg died. The Nazi government claimed that
it was the communists first move in a conspiracy to unleash a revolution in Germany. Did this mean
that the Nazis now had complete power? 85 Others 73 The Centre Party 81 The Communist Party
120 Social Democrats 288 The Nazi Party Number of seats Party 11. As source A was written some
time after the trial the event was not fresh in the memory of the writer and some statements could be
less reliable, for example, the times when people arrived and the exact words said by Goering and
Hitler. As a result, it created a warning to the citizens to watch out for the communists. Nazis also
used propaganda which they used to say half-truths, using radio, newspapers and posters and so
forth. The USSR was beginning to expand to the west and east to spread their communist ideas
during 1930s. He had only 230 seats in the July 1932 elections and he had 288 seats in the 1933
elections. The SA had been known to set fire to election posters used by other parties, and so it is
possible they would have had the equipment, such as chemicals, to start the Fire. They were the
experienced military branch of the SS and were probably the best fighting force the world had ever
seen. But then Source F states that the origin of Source E, which was Franz Halder, was telling lies.
We can tell that he has gained more support through his election results. The Nazis had a chance to
blame the communists and play on the fears of a communist revolution. The writer of Source I would
not know whether or not Lubbe really know the Reichstag building. So therefore because in 1924
they were not gaining enough votes they decided to reorganises the party.

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