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Crafting a thesis statement on Hitler's rise to power can be an arduous task, requiring in-depth

research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of historical events. Delving into such a
complex and sensitive topic demands meticulous attention to detail and a comprehensive grasp of the
socio-political landscape of the time.

The process of developing a thesis statement involves identifying a specific angle or perspective on
Hitler's ascent to power, supported by evidence and scholarly sources. This entails sifting through
vast amounts of historical data, primary documents, and academic literature to construct a well-
supported argument that sheds light on the factors contributing to Hitler's rise and the implications

One of the challenges in crafting a thesis statement on this subject lies in navigating the multitude of
interpretations and historical narratives surrounding Hitler's rise to power. It requires the ability to
critically evaluate different perspectives, weigh conflicting evidence, and formulate an original thesis
that contributes meaningfully to the scholarly discourse.

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Economic crises were a cause of a lot of unemployment. Hitler felt he was “an agent of Providence,
a man of Destiny, whose vision of the future was infallible. ” He truly felt, without a doubt, that his
will, strategy, and vision was the. This meant that money became worthless for example one loaf of
bread could cost one hundred Marks. After The Wall Street Crash people were suffering the effects
of the depression and turned to extremist such as the Nazis or communists. Moderate party ideals
were failing for the nation and people begun to lose faith in Weimar. The economic disaster of 1923
is an eminent factor in addition to German society’s strong distrust and hatred of the Weimar
Republic, in remedy of Hitler’s rise to power. It is the place where I can turn to for support and
encouragement, and where I know I will always be welcomed with open arms. It is the place where I
feel most comfortable and at ease, and where I can truly be myself. In the peaceful years of the
1920s, the Weimar government seemed to be doing well and had many achievements, mainly due to
the work of the then Chancellor, Gustav Stresemann. Hitler’s abilities were a reason for Hitler to rise
to power. Hitler offered them both, and Nazi success in elections grew. Hindenburg passes the
budget through decree, and then he dissolves the Reichstag. He thought that the German soldiers
had been 'stabbed in the back' by the government which at the time was the socialists. At that time
there was a huge fear of Communism because everybody was worse off. If communism wasn’t so
feared the rich wouldn’t have supported Hitler and the Second World War may have been avoided.
However, the most important to his rise of power was the great depression because this motivated
many people and they would hear anyone especially Hitler so this gave him an edge and this made
people support Nazis and without it Hitler would be like all the other politicians fighting over who
should take care of Germany and would be remained as one of the leaders of a party among many
others.But he got all the support he needed. They were very proud of their nation and had very high
standards for themselves. He persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler (January 1933) as his
Chancellor, but as Vice-Chancellor he could not restrain him. This drove Germany into even bigger
economic crisis because their main industrial area was making no money yet they were still paying
the workers. In this persuasive and influential speech Hitler gained notoriety and the party also
gained some much needed publicity and support. Explain why Hitler was appointed Chancellor of
Germany in January 1933. For example Hitler Believed that the reperations made by the Treaty of
Versailles should be revenged and broken, this related to millions of Germans because the reperations
helped make an economic depression and so a party declaring revenge on the Treaty made Germans
want to vote for him. Even though the authoritiess of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were both
Fascist authoritiess, there were still some facets that were non rather the same in them. Many people
say that this is because when he was offered the role of vice chancellor he turned it down. All in all I
think all both long term and short term factors played a huge role in Hitler’s achievement of power
and he was a very strong leader. Learn the art of brilliant essay writing with help from our teachers.
But again he was forced to resign after only living out a very very short time as Chancellor. The
Weimar Government’s weakness led the public to believe that it was weak and incompetent, not
being able to govern the country properly. On 8th November Hitler broke into a meeting in a large
beer hall, held by three leaders of the Bavarian government. By 1933 however, Hitler was the
Chancellor of Germany. Undoubtedly, the present political conditions in Western Germany have
deterred historians there from a more thorough examination of this subject.
Although the post-war US economy seemed to be booming, it was on a narrow base and there were
fundamental flaws. Neither Hindenburg or Papen supported democracy and although they were
suspicious if Hitler they asked him to become Chancellor. Due to the Wall Street Crash, it was easier
to gain more support as most of the public were desperate due to the economic crisis they were
dealing in. Plus, the moderate parties were often fighting amongst themselves, and wouldn’t co-
operate, which allowed a way forward for the Nazis. Subject: History Age range: 11-14 Resource
type: Lesson (complete) Oscar101 5.00 2 reviews Last updated 10 January 2023 Share this Share
through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through
pinterest File previews pptx, 9.21 MB Ideal for KS3 or as a recap for KS4. Hitler also preached the
“Stab in the Back” theory which was very popular at the time and stated that the German Army did
not lose World War One but in was instead betrayed by the republicans who overthrew the monarchy.
The Germans greatly resented having the blame thrust upon them for a war that they felt they had
fought in self-defence and that they did not think that they had lost. This connects up to the
Enabling Act, it was an important piece of legislation which it made it possible for Hitler to move
from Chancellor to Dictator, This was a major change for Hitler and Germany. There were also two
flaws with the Weimar constitution. Therefore it is less important than other factors, such as The
Wall Street Crash. Hitler also wouldn’t of decided to reorganise his party, therefore he might of
carried acting in his violent manner, and lost a lot of his support throughout the years. If people were
waiting on Hitler’s word this showed that he was a very strong man at this time. Reviews Select
overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. He appointed Hitler just at
the point when his appeal was dropping as he had been overexposed and people were starting to see
through his policies. To gain Nazi support he lifted the ban on the Brownshirts, but Hitler remained
an opponent. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. Defining his plans for Germany in the next few years. People
voted for Hitler because they were afraid for themselves and their families. There are numerous links
between each of the factors and one cannot be singled out as the most important. They were a very
obedient nation and very focused. There were still some similar facets in both of them nevertheless,
such. In the end each factor has a relationship to the next and they interlink. They just wanted a new
government and leader who could help Germany from the great Depression. It is a place where I can
relax, recharge, and be surrounded by the people and things that I love. The effects of this economic
downturn were deplorable on Germany, in which this consequential event links to Hitler’s rise to
power when The Great Depression granted Nazis, the opportunity to gain support. By continuing
we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Although Hitler had noted correctly Germany’s
mood towards the current government he was not supported in his efforts as strongly as he thought
he would be. However, Hindenburg was desperate and they had some similarities, such as they were
both right-wing and hated Weimar and democracy. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with
our cookie policy. If Germany had not lost the war and have to pay the huge reparations bill the Wall
Street Crash wouldn’t have been as disastrous.
In fact it took Hitler just around 18 months, between February 1933 and August 1934, so, how was
Hitler able to achieve a dictatorship over Germany so quickly. This was great for Hitler because it
gave him a chance to show his leadership skills and he also revealed a strong belief of his which
happened to be a popular belief of the general public at the time. Hitler explained to the Bavarian
Prime minister that he was becoming the new leader of Germany and gave him a chance to become
part of his party. Nazi propaganda made Hitler as the only leader who could save Germany and said
he was destined to become national leader. The last section discusses the summary of the study and
the conclusions arrived at based on the findings discussed in the previous section. As Hitler did not
promises anything specific every class voted for him. In this Essay I am going to discuss the effects
that Hitler’s persecution on the Jews had on the Frank family in World War 2. Later that year Hitler
had joined and quickly rose to become leader of the party in 1921. Germany disagreed with the
treaty so much that Scheidemann that when the treaty was given to him, he resigned so that he did
not have to sign it. He always began his talks with a ten minute silence to show his authority. The
economic depression was the most important factor in Hitler's rise to p. It did away with
Parliamentary procedure and gave all, powers to the Chancellor. In the peaceful years of the 1920s,
the Weimar government seemed to be doing well and had many achievements, mainly due to the
work of the then Chancellor, Gustav Stresemann. How did Hitler rise to power (1933) and
consolidate his power (1934)? They enjoyed little success in elections and were viewed as little more
than thugs. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. This made him become a more powerful man this helped everything to go on the way. The
History poster is specifically designed to help students gain a greater understanding of History. With
this meant that Germans were more than willing to support Hitler’s want to rebuild the German army
and invade Eastern Europe. Therefore there is a direct link between Wall Street Crash and Fear of
Communism. Wu Zhao’s rise to ultimate power was not without struggle. Just talk to our smart
assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. For example if the reparations hadn’t had
happened The Wall Street Crash wouldn’t have been so disastrous. This resource hasn't been
reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can
review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. In 1930 the
Nazis had 196 seats in the Reichstag.Propaganda is one of the most important tools in anyone’s rise
to power but not the most important factor in Hitler’s rise to power. The Munich Putch was a Long
Term cause because it gave Hitler time to think about himself and his attitudes towards gaining
power over Germany. The treaty of Versailles happened because of the First World War allied forces
won and so set up the League Of Nations to keep the peace. It gave Hitler a great chance to achieve
emergency powers. British Appeasement WW II: Part 1 Hitler Aggression vs. To understand Hitler,
and effectively analysis his leadership style, we must first understand all of the complex facets of his
He gained a lot of support through people, mainly rich conservatives being afraid of communism.
These two paramilitary groups battle on the streets killing each other. Due to the war and the Treaty
of Versailles Germans at the time hated the Weimar Government. He has sized up the people with
incredible accuracy. It was among the first working attempts to form a liberal democracy, and
managed to function quite successfully. Germany liked what Hitler was saying because he offered
more jobs with fair wages, also he promised to bring an end the treaty of Versailles, which would
pull Germany out of depression. But he also developed a hate for the Jews during his time in prison
which led to the horror of the Holocaust. I believe that the long-term animosity and bitterness felt by
the German people was caused by the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. In 1923
Unemployment went up because of Hyperinflation. However if the Wall Street Crash did not
happened then the German democracy would have had a better chance of surviving.Hitler certainly
used the hatred of the treaty as a tool to gain power. Learn the art of brilliant essay writing with help
from our teachers. This connects up to the Enabling Act, it was an important piece of legislation
which it made it possible for Hitler to move from Chancellor to Dictator, This was a major change
for Hitler and Germany. It was passed in parliament by refusing to allow the communists into the
building. This. The allied side gained control of most of Germany’s factories, scaled. It was passed
after Hitler failed to gain a majority vote in the 1933 elections. I'm not convinced yet, but I'm
interested to see how I might be. There was also the new elections in March 1933, there was very
strong pressure put upon Hitler’s opponents forcing them to vote for the Nazi party. Stresemann
came to an agreement to borrow the reparation money from America under the Dawes Plan. This
was cemented by the treaty of Versailles, which sought to punish and put the blame upon Germany
for World War One. When Hitler was released he used his oratory skills to build votes. The Weimer
Government were busy trying to control hyperinflation and the economic crisis. After the failure of
Germany's offensive (1918) he advised the need to sue for peace. There are two types of persuasion
a person can use. Kaiser Wilhelm was cruel to people and enjoyed playing practical jokes. Includes:
Rise to Chancellor Political Scheming Rise to Dictator (Fuhrer) Tes paid licence How can I reuse
this. The economic depression was the most important factor in Hitler's rise to p. Hitler came to
power as the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, more commonly known as the
Nazi Party. The Nazi party insisted that the fire was down to the Communists and claimed it was the
beginning of the Communists coming to power. There are different degrees of importance but all
factors link. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?3.00 (no rating)
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updated 28 November 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
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He chose this year because it was the same year that the Ruhr was invaded by French and Belgium
troops. Assorted conflicting jobs were coincident with the eventuation of the Republic that, from the
beginning, its first government organic structure the socialist party (. It is a place where I can relax,
recharge, and be surrounded by the people and things that I love. The Dawes plan, which involved
America lending Germany the reparation money which would effectively end back in America due
to the debts they were owed by both France and Britain. He repeated his key ideas in so many
different ways that the vulnerable German’s actually mistook them for new and better ideas. This
happened because in 1922 Germany declared they were struggling to pay back the reparations and
were going to lower their repayments for three years. This was a disaster for the government because
they were forced to raise taxes and cut wages which obviously angered the German public. In 1932
the situation was so bad that Hindenburg dissolved the government and ran the country by himself.
Almost all assignments, no matter how complicated, can be reduced to a single question. There were
assorted factors that contributed to the failure of the Weimar Republic of Germany and the acclivity
of Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party into power on January 30, 1933. If Hitler didn’t
get jailed he may never of realised that to gain power over a country you need to gain power over its
people and its government. He signed the Locarno treaties, which said that Germany would not
attack Belgium or France and also they said they would settle any disputes with the east peacefully.
The combination of proportional representation and the hostile political spectrum meant that in the
November 1932 election, the Socialists could have prevented Hitler from coming to power by
forming a coalition with the Communists and therefore gaining a majority, but they were unable to
due to political differences. By 1933 however, Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany. Farmers who
live in debt had their debts cleared when they paid their earnings to the bank. However this would
not have been an issue if prosperity had continued as the rich wouldn’t have feared anything and not
have supported Hitler. The cost was a massive sum of ?6,600 million and in addition cost Germany
10% of its industry and 15% of its agricultural land, which made it very unlikely that Germany
would ever be able to afford this immense payment. He believed shot simple yet strong speeches
would win over a large majority of the population. To stop the communist being elected him Hitler
set fire to the Reichstag and blamed it on the communists. People became enticed by this especially
the working class, which made up most of the unemployment figures. Second, on the 29th of
October the Wall Street Crash began.The USA called in its loans from Germany, and the German
economy collapsed. Hitler’s theory on “Stab in the Back”, which rose out of the Treaty of Versailles,
was also responsible for this rise in votes for the Nazi Party. It is very hard to decide on the most
important factor in Hitler’s rise to power as Chancellor as the factors are deeply interlinked and
dependent on each other. All this made Adolf Hitler a very popular candidate for Government. This
shows the interconnectedness of factors because the massive decline of German wealth was caused
by the Wall Street Crash and Hitler played on the fears of this. A new rich class enjoyed a
flamboyant life-style, which too many people tried to copy by means of credit and stock-market
speculation, with an unsound banking system. The act was passed on March 23 rd 1933 due to Hitler
and the Nazi party wining two hundred and eighty eight seats (52% of the vote) in the March 1933
elections. A member of the Catholic Centre Party, he had little popular following, and his
appointment as Chancellor (1932) came as a surprise. Here is a table showing the percentage of the
population unemployed. He was recalled to active service at the outbreak of World War I and
crushed the Russians at Tannenberg in east Prussia (August 1914).

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